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During the period August 1985 to May 1986, phytoplankton in the southern Taiwan Strait was collected and studied for distributional variability in relation to hydrography. The results indicated that maximum standing crops of phytoplankton occurred in October and May due to the outgrowth of certain species of diatoms and blue-green algae. The majority of phytoplankton appeared in the water in the top 25 m and occurred in distinct clusters under the influence of water movement. Multivariate analysis indicated that hydrographic parameters, which accounted for the variability of phytoplankton distribution, varied seasonally. Vertical, spatial and temporal variabilities were also apparent. The close relationship between hydrography and algal distribution justifies the use of variations in the phytoplankton population as a useful tracer of water movement.  相似文献   
本研究利用吸收光谱和荧光激发-发射矩阵光谱-平行因子分析(EEMs-PARAFAC),研究了养马岛附近海域海水中有色溶解有机质(CDOM)的浓度、组成、来源和生物可利用性,并估算了浮游植物生长繁殖对CDOM及具有生物可利用性CDOM的贡献。结果表明,表、底层海水中CDOM浓度(以吸收系数a350计)平均值分别为1.62±0.42 m-1和1.30±0.47 m-1,光谱斜率(S275-295)平均值分别为0.022±0.003 nm-1和0.023±0.003 nm-1。利用PARAFAC模型识别出4种荧光组分,分别为陆源类腐殖酸C1、类色氨酸C2、类酪氨酸C3和微生物源类腐殖酸C4。荧光指数(FIX)、腐殖化指数(HIX)和生物指数(BIX)显示,CDOM受陆源输入和海洋自生源的综合影响。降解实验结果显示,表、底层海水中生物可利用性CDOM百分比(%△a350)平均值分别为(23.36%±17.94%)和(8.93%±20.30%)。C1、C2和C4组分的荧光强度在培养之后降低,而C3组分的荧光强度上升。各荧光组分生物可利用性依次递减的顺序为:%△C1(23.75%±8.96%)>%△C4(20.83%±11.71%)>%△C2(11.67%±38.87%)>%△C3(-29.61%±39.90%),显示培养之后CDOM的平均分子量和腐殖化程度降低。表层海水中a350、%△a350与Chl a之间存在显著线性相关关系,据此可以估算出浮游植物生长繁殖对CDOM的贡献为36.9%,对具有生物可利用性CDOM的贡献为85.0%。  相似文献   
The study provides one of the first lines of evidence showing linkages between Antarctic phytoplankton abundance and composition in response to ENSO, based on historical reconstruction of sediment biomarkers. In addition to sediment biomarkers, field measured and remote sensing data of phytoplankton abundance were also recorded from Prydz Bay, Eastern Antarctica. Com-munity structure of field measured phytoplankton showed significant El Ni?o/La Ni?a-related succession during 1990 to 2002. In general, the number of algae species decreased during El Ni?o and La Ni?a years compared to normal years. Austral summer monthly variation of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), and sea surface temperature (SST) indicated that ENSO impacted the timing of phytoplankton blooms during 2007 to 2011. Phytoplankton blooms (indicated by Chl-a and POC) preceded the increases in SST during El Ni?o years, and lagged behind the SST increases during La Ni?a years. Stratigraphic record of marine sedimentary lipid (brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenones) biomarkers inferred that the proportions of different algae (diatoms, dinoflagellates and haptophytes) changed significantly between El Ni?o and La Ni?a events. The relative proportion of diatoms increased, with that of dinoflagellates being decreased during El Ni?o years, while it was reversed during La Ni?a years.  相似文献   
Primary production in the Bering and Chukchi Seas is strongly influenced by the annual cycle of sea ice. Here pelagic and sea ice algal ecosystems coexist and interact with each other. Ecosystem modeling of sea ice associated phytoplankton blooms has been understudied compared to open water ecosystem model applications. This study introduces a general coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model with equations and parameters for 1-D and 3-D applications that is based on 1-D coupled ice-ocean ecosystem model development in the landfast ice in the Chukchi Sea and marginal ice zone of Bering Sea. The biological model includes both pelagic and sea ice algal habitats with 10 compartments: three phytoplankton (pelagic diatom, flagellates and ice algae: D, F, and Ai) , three zooplankton (copepods, large zooplankton, and microzooplankton : ZS, ZL, ZP) , three nutrients ( nitrate + nitrite, ammonium, silicon : NO3 , NH4, Si) and detritus (Det). The coupling of the biological models with physical ocean models is straightforward with just the addition of the advection and diffusion terms to the ecosystem model. The coupling with a multi-category sea ice model requires the same calculation of the sea ice ecosystem model in each ice thickness category and the redistribution between categories caused by both dynamic and thermodynamic forcing as in the physical model. Phytoplankton and ice algal self-shading effect is the sole feedback from the ecosystem model to the physical model.  相似文献   
全球变暖对淡水湖泊浮游植物影响研究进展   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
全球变暖对湖泊生态系统的影响已经成为近年来湖沼学领域的研究热点.本文首先列举了目前研究全球变暖对淡水湖泊浮游植物影响的常用方法:监测数据分析、时空转换、遥感信息提取、控制实验、模型预测和古湖沼学技术等.研究结果表明气候变暖导致的气温升高、湖泊热力分层提前破坏以及无冰期提前等因素可导致春季物候提前;在全球变暖大背景下浮游植物群落结构正朝着蓝藻占优的方向发展,但是不同地区以及不同物种对全球变暖的响应不一致.在营养盐充足的湖泊中,由于全球变暖延长了浮游植物生长季节等,从而能提高浮游植物初级生产力;但在贫营养湖泊中,浮游植物初级生产力与变暖趋势甚至可能呈负相关.由于生态系统往往是多因子的共同作用,这也使得全球变暖对浮游植物群落的影响效应复杂化,区分各因子的净影响份额是目前研究的一个难点;全球变暖引起的风场改变会促进浅水湖泊中营养盐从底泥的释放,同时也会增加水体中悬浮物的浓度而影响水下光场,因此开展气候变化对再悬浮及浮游植物群落结构的影响可能是将来研究的一个切入点.  相似文献   
在珠江口、广东沿岸及南海北部三个航次生物-光学数据的基础上,研究了色素打包效应和色素成分的变化对浮游植物吸收系数的影响,结果表明,两种因素对吸收系数都有较大的贡献,但在不同的水体它们的影响程度各有不同.对网采浮游植物含量较高的珠江口和广东沿岸的水体而言,色素打包效应较强,对675 nm处比吸收系数的贡献平均分别为40%和20%;对微型浮游植物占主导地位的南海北部航次的水体,打包效应较弱,对675 nm处比吸收系数的影响平均仅为6%.采用多元线性回归的方法对吸收光谱进行分析,发现除叶绿素a之外的辅助色素对吸收系数的贡献主要表现在蓝绿光波段,三个航次440 nm波长处对总吸收的贡献平均分别为44%,43%和53%,其中对珠江口和广东沿岸航次的水体主要是光合类胡萝卜素的吸收贡献,而对南海北部航次的水体除了光合类胡萝卜素以外还要受到光保护类胡萝卜素的影响.由于河口、近岸和外海水体藻类粒级结构和辅助色素成分对浮游植物吸收系数的贡献有明显的差异,在南海北部水体建立比较精确的生物光学模型时,需考虑藻类粒级结构及色素成分对浮游植物吸收系数的影响.  相似文献   
We conducted ship-board incubation experiments to investigate changes in nutrient uptake of phytoplankton under different phosphate concentrations and irradiances in the Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent waters in China. Under 100% natural irradiance the uptake rates of phosphate, silicate, and nitrate were accelerated at high phosphate levels (1.84 μM), while under low irradiance (about 50% natural irradiance) their uptake rates were restrained at the high but stimulated greatly at the intermediate phosphate concentrations (1.26 μM), as the growth of phytoplankton, changes in nitrite and ammonium uptake didn't follow an obvious pattern. Our results also showed that there were linear relationships between nitrate, silicate and phosphate uptake at different phosphate concentrations under low and high irradiances, and the growth period of phytoplankton was prolonged both at the high phosphate concentrations under high irradiance and at the intermediate concentrations under low irradiance, suggesting that the limitation of phytoplankton growth mainly reflected changes in its growth period, and because no such environment (low irradiance and low phosphate concentrations) actually existed in a high turbidity zone, phytoplankton blooms hardly occurred there. In the absence of irradiance, denitrification occurred readily and phytoplankton was kept decreasing, which resulted in phosphate regeneration.  相似文献   
The consequences of two upwelling events in mid- (MW) and late (LW) winter on biogeochemical and phytoplankton patterns were studied in the Pontevedra Ria and compared with the patterns measured under typical winter conditions and under a summer upwelling event. Thermohaline patterns measured during the mid-winter upwelling event (MW-up) revealed the intrusion of saltier seawater (35.9) into the ria associated with the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC). During the late-winter upwelling event (LW-up), the seawater which had welled up into the ria showed characteristics of the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water mass (ENACW). In both cases the measured water residence time (4 days during MW-up and 10 days during LW-up) was related to both meteorological and fluvial forcing. This residence time contrasts with that of summer upwelling (7 days) and with that estimated under unfavorable upwelling atmospheric conditions (2–4 weeks). During MW-up, the ria became poor in nutrients due to continental freshwater dilution, associated with the shorter residence time of the water, and the intrusion of IPC, which is a water body poor in nutrient salts: 2.9 μM of nitrate, 0.1 μM of phosphate and 1.5 μM of silicate. During this event, the ria exported 3.4 molDIN s−1, compared with 6.9 molDIN s−1 in non-upwelling conditions. Phytoplankton showed a uniform distribution throughout the ria, as during unfavorable upwelling conditions, and was characterized by the dominance of diatoms, mainly Nitzschia longissima and Skeletonema costatum. During LW-up, a nutrient depletion in the photic layer also occurred, but as a result of a phytoplankton spring bloom developing at this time. The ria was a nutrient trap where 4.1 molDIN s−1 were processed by photosynthesis. This budget is three times higher than the one under non-upwelling conditions. In contrast with the MW-up, which had no effect on primary production, during LW-up the ria became more productive, although not as productive as during a summer upwelling event (9.9 molDIN s−1). The taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton community did not change noticeably during LW-up and the summer upwelling, with the same species present and changing only in relative proportions. Diatoms were always the dominant microphytoplankton community, with Pseudonitzschia pungens, Thalassionema nitzschioides and several species of Chaetoceros as characteristic taxons.  相似文献   
Distributions of dissolved nutrients and Chl. a were investigated in the Sangga Besar River Estuary in the well-managed Matang Mangrove Forest in West Malaysia. In the estuary, spring tide concentrations of ammonium, silicate and phosphate were higher than those in the neap tide, which suggests that these nutrients are flushed from the mangrove area by the inundation and tidal mixing of the spring tide. Ammonium comprised over 50% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the spring tide, while nitrite tended to dominate in the neap tide, indicating the predominance of nitrification inside the estuary in neap tides. Nutrient concentrations in the creek water were higher than those of estuarine water, indicating the nutrient outwelling from the mangrove swamp and ammonium regeneration from mangrove litter in the creek sediments. The maximum concentration of Chl. a in spring tides reached 80 g/l while it was below 20 g/l in the neap tides. These variations in the phytoplankton biomass and nutrients probably reflect the greater nutrient availability in the spring tide due to outwelling from the mangrove swamp and creek.  相似文献   
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