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油气运移,尤其油气的二次运移是石油地质学研究的重要内容,同时也是一个薄弱环节。20世纪90年代以来,油气二次运移研究所取得的主要进展是:①对油气二次运移机理的认识有了很大提高;②油气二次运聚模拟实验设计更加科学,实验结果更为可信;③油气二次运聚数值模拟水平有了长足进步。深入的综合研究和油气运移聚集的三维可视化模拟是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
Methane(CH4 ) emissions from paddy rice fields substantially contribute to the dramatic increase of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.Due to great concern about climate change,it is necessary to predict the effects of the dramatic increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO2 ) on CH4 emissions from paddy rice fields.CH4MOD 1.0 is the most widely validated model for simulating CH4 emissions from paddy rice fields exposed to ambient CO2(hereinafter referred to as aCO2 ).We upgraded the model to CH4MOD 2.0 b...  相似文献   
为深入了解岩溶地区不同水源转化机理,文章以Basic Hydrology System为平台设计了4组小尺度物理试验。分别对裸露型岩溶区裂隙管道地下径流衰减规律,覆盖型岩溶区土壤达西流、裂隙管道水流转化规律,地表径流、土壤达西流、裂隙管道地下径流三者在覆盖型岩溶区和不同覆盖厚度条件下的转化关系进行了物理模拟。通过试验数据并结合指数衰减方程,得到了裸露型岩溶区流量衰减系数与降雨强度的关系;覆盖型岩溶区以及不同覆盖厚度条件下PSSK(precipitation-surface water-soil water-karst water,降水-地表水-土壤水-岩溶水)转化规律。  相似文献   
用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
李建桥  邹猛  贾阳  陈斌  马文哲 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1557-1561
研究月面环境下的车辆地面力学,对保证月球探测车辆的正常工作具有重要意义,而用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤则影响其结果的准确度与可信度。用于月面车辆力学试验的模拟月壤,以月壤样本与JSC-1模拟月壤为参考标准,以吉林辉南县火山灰为主要原料、赤铁矿砂为辅料,通过调整试样的粒径分布与赤铁矿砂含量,使模拟月壤的比重、内摩擦角、凝聚力、承压特性、粒径分布、颗粒形态、矿物组成等参数接近JSC-1模拟月壤,并在月壤样本的参数变化范围之内,表明该模拟月壤可用于月面车辆力学试验研究。  相似文献   
应力场的观测是预报地震较直接的途径之一,本实验利用异孔深井抽水的加(减)载作应力观测的人工力源,在大量实测数据基础上进行力学分析,得出电感应力观测在满足规范要求时能测到地应力场的变化,但室内标定的应力灵敏度不等于实测灵敏度。用室内灵敏度计算应力值必有明显误差。本结果对电惑应力观测科学具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   
侵入型岩体三维可视化构模技术研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根据侵入型岩体的空间几何特征及地质数据的特点,采用断面构模技术实现侵入型岩体三维构模。利用多条轮廓线之间的三维表面重构方法,构建侵入型岩体的表面模型。在生成体数据时使用改进的MC法,提高了构模精度,将多条轮廓线之间的表面重构问题转化为体数据中的等值面构造问题。开发了一种三维可视化构模系统,并利用该系统所提供的构模技术,实现了灵宝金矿侵入型岩体三维模型的构建。  相似文献   
青藏高原递进式隆升的力学模式   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
根据青藏高原现代构造变形的GPS速度场、高原区喜马拉雅山等五大山脉之间的几何关系,及其在地貌构造上的褶皱结构特点、岩石圈的分层特征,提出在印度板块的推挤作用下,青藏高原具有递进式隆升特征的观点。在此基础上,建立了地壳层递进式弯曲隆升的力学模型,并利用FLAC有限差分法数值模拟软件,近似采用平面应变条件,模拟了在水平推力作用下,地壳层递进式挤压弯曲隆升的过程。根据所建立的力学模型和数值模拟结果认为,青藏高原隆升的主要动力源是印度板块北北东方向的推挤力,地壳层依照自南而北的次序逐步产生一系列弯曲隆起,从平面、剖面上均具有密切的时序因果关系;高原隆升与活动构造的发育、分布具有密切关系,断裂活动强度自南向北递进式扩展。  相似文献   
有效储层物性下限是进行储层有效厚度统计、储层划分和油藏储量估算的重要依据,研究区石炭系火成岩储层岩性较为复杂,岩石种类较多、组分差异性大并且空间分布及内中的多种属性有着极不匀称的变化,当前国内外学者利用物探资料来判断准西石炭系火成岩有效储层物性下限值的相关研究较少。采用分布函数曲线法和物性试油法分别研究并互相验证进而综合判定物性下限值,避免单一方法的随机性。在此基础上,求取研究区不同层段的物性下限值,建立有效储层物性下限值与储层埋藏深度的拟合方程。研究结果表明:研究区储层多为低孔、中低渗储层,中部区域孔渗相对较高,物性较好,向北部和南部物性逐渐变差;研究区石炭系1500~1900 m及1900~2300 m火成岩有效储层孔隙度下限分别为5.09%、4.93%,渗透率下限分别为0.252 mD、0.198 mD;研究区石炭系火成岩有效储层物性下限与储层埋藏深度呈负相关。   相似文献   
 The use of hydrothermal simulation models to improve the prediction of water inflows in underground works during drilling is tested in the Mont Blanc tunnel, French and Italian Alps. The negative thermal anomaly that was observed during the drilling of this tunnel in 1960 is reproduced by long-term, transient hydrothermal simulations. Sensitivity analysis shows the great inertia of thermal phenomena at the massif scale. At the time of tunnel drilling, the massif had not reached thermal equilibrium. Therefore, a set of simulation scenarios, beginning at the end of the last glacial period, was designed to explain the anomaly encountered in the tunnel in 1960. The continuous cooling of alpine massifs due to infiltration of waters from the surface has occurred for 12,000 years and is expected to continue for about 100,000 years. Comparisons of water-discharge rates simulated in the tunnel with those observed indicate that this hydrothermal method is a useful tool for predicting water inflows in underground works. Received, May 1998 · Revised, March 1999 · Accepted, April 1999  相似文献   
Thanks to its simple division into agricultural and forestry land use, the Corbeira catchment (Galicia, Spain) is used as a case study to build a predictive model using hydrogeochemical signatures. Stream data acquired under recessional flow conditions over a one year period were obtained from a sampling station near the downstream end of the catchment, and using principal component analysis, it is shown that some of the analytical parameters are covariant, and some are negatively correlated. These findings support inferences about the pathways of rainfall in the catchment. Specific signatures may be associated with the dominant hydrological source, either surface runoff or subsurface waters: additionally, the dominant land use in that part of the catchment, where the flow originated, can also be predicted. The dominant runoff shows a strong covariance between suspended solids (SS) and particulate phosphorus (PP), with a clear negative correlation with pH. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) data are associated with this covariant set when these compounds are available in the soils in question. Dissolved phosphorus, total organic nitrogen and dissolved nitrates are also associated with the same covariant set when the runoff flows through areas of extensive agricultural use. The SS ? PP covariance is less significant at lower flows. Typical base flow regimes show a significant covariance between salinity and pH, with a marked negative correlation with SS ? PP set, confirming the dominance of subsurface waters in the baseflow, as expected. Seasonally divergent DOC ? SS behaviour proves to be a useful tracer for rainfall regimes. The DOC trend shows a sinusoidal annual variation in amplitude, determined by the rainfall regime. As a result, flow from the catchment is dominated by surface water whenever there is synchronicity between the peaks of DOC and SS. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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