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In this paper, a numerical model for sedimentation in Fenhe Reservoir and the adjoining reaches has been presented on the basis of the theory of non-equilibrium sediment transport. The model is calibrated by using a part of the sediment data collected for Fenhe Reservoir and checked by simulating the remaining data. Moreover, the method of optimization in nonlinear programming has been applied to determine the basic parameters of the model applying a concept of fuzzy mathematics to formulate the objective functions. The computed amounts of reservoir deposition and channel deformation arc found to be substantially in agreement with the values observed.  相似文献   
Based on the dynamic framework of WRF and Morrison 2-moment explicit cloud scheme, a salt-seeding scheme was developed and used to simulate the dissipation of a warm fog event during 6–7 November 2009 in the Beijing and Tianjin area. The seeding effect and its physical mechanism were studied. The results indicate that when seeding fog with salt particles sized 80 μm and at a quantity of 6 gm~(-2) at the fog top, the seeding effect near the ground surface layer is negative in the beginning period, and then a positive seeding effect begins to appear at 18 min, with the best effect appearing at 21 min after seeding operation. The positive effect can last about 35 min. The microphysical mechanism of the warm fog dissipation is because of the evaporation due to the water vapor condensation on the salt particles and coalescence with salt particles.The process of fog water coalescence with salt particles contributed mostly to this warm fog dissipation. Furthermore, two series of sensitivity experiments were performed to study the seeding effect under different seeding amounts and salt particles sizes. The results show that seeding fog with salt particles sized of 80 μm can have the best seeding effect, and the seeding effect is negative when the salt particle size is less than 10 μm. For salt particles sized 80 μm, the best seeding effect, with corresponding visibility of 380 m, can be achieved when the seeding amount is 30 g m~(-2).  相似文献   
Sediment supply (Qs) is often overlooked in modelling studies of landscape evolution, despite sediment playing a key role in the physical processes that drive erosion and sedimentation in river channels. Here, we show the direct impact of the supply of coarse-grained, hard sediment on the geometry of bedrock channels from the Rangitikei River, New Zealand. Channels receiving a coarse bedload sediment supply are systematically (up to an order of magnitude) wider than channels with no bedload sediment input for a given discharge. We also present physical model experiments of a bedrock river channel with a fixed water discharge (1.5 l min−1) under different Qs (between 0 and 20 g l−1) that allow the quantification of the role of sediment in setting the width and slope of channels and the distribution of shear stress within channels. The addition of bedload sediment increases the width, slope and width-to-depth ratio of the channels, and increasing sediment loads promote emerging complexity in channel morphology and shear stress distributions. Channels with low Qs are characterized by simple in-channel morphologies with a uniform distribution of shear stress within the channel while channels with high Qs are characterized by dynamic channels with multiple active threads and a non-uniform distribution of shear stress. We compare bedrock channel geometries from the Rangitikei and the experiments to alluvial channels and demonstrate that the behaviour is similar, with a transition from single-thread and uniform channels to multiple threads occurring when bedload sediment is present. In the experimental bedrock channels, this threshold Qs is when the input sediment supply exceeds the transport capacity of the channel. Caution is required when using the channel geometry to reconstruct past environmental conditions or to invert for tectonic uplift rates, because multiple configurations of channel geometry can exist for a given discharge, solely due to input Qs. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
复杂二维/三维大地电磁的有限单元法正演模拟策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂二维和三维大地电磁模型的正演数值模拟具有一定的挑战性。对于复杂的二维和三维大地电磁正演问题,我们采用有限单元法进行求解。有限单元法最后形成一个线性方程组,系数矩阵是大型稀疏的带状对称复系数矩阵,并且其条件数远大于1,为严重病态矩阵,求解其对应方程组会遇到很多困难。不完全LU分解处理的Bi-CGSTAB迭代方法可用于该线性方程组的求解,并且具有速度快、精度高和稳定性好等优点;为了模拟无穷远边界及满足计算机的内存需求,在保证计算精度的情况下设计了非均匀网格剖分;在程序编制中,只存储有限元系数矩阵的非零元素,大大减少了正演计算的时间。通过对二维和三维模型电磁响应的计算,验证了算法的正确性。  相似文献   
A systematic analysis shows how results from the finite difference code SEAWAT are sensitive to choice of grid dimension, time step, and numerical scheme for unstable flow problems. Guidelines to assist in selecting appropriate combinations of these factors are suggested. While the SEAWAT code has been tested for a wide range of problems, the sensitivity of results to spatial and temporal discretization levels and numerical schemes has not been studied in detail for unstable flow problems. Here, the Elder-Voss-Souza benchmark problem has been used to systematically explore the sensitivity of SEAWAT output to spatio-temporal resolution and numerical solver choice. A grid size of 0.38 and 0.60% of the total domain length and depth respectively is found to be fine enough to deliver results with acceptable accuracy for most of the numerical schemes when Courant number (Cr) is 0.1. All numerical solvers produced similar results for extremely fine meshes; however, some schemes converged faster than others. For instance, the 3rd-order total variation-diminishing method (TVD3) scheme converged at a much coarser mesh than the standard finite difference methods (SFDM) upstream weighting (UW) scheme. The sensitivity of the results to Cr number depends on the numerical scheme as expected.  相似文献   
水网区区域水位模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水网区在宏观尺度上可被视为一种连续介质,可用水在多孔介质中的运动来比拟水网中水的运动.在这种概化条件下,推求出水网区水体运动的表述方法.利用这一方法建立的太湖水网区区域水位模型,与实际情况相比,获得了较好的效果.  相似文献   
通过对瓦克环流、哈德莱环流、副热带高压、台风等的分析 ,结合广西降水和气温异常状况 ,认为厄尔尼诺现象发生时 ,赤道东太平洋海温异常升高 ,使瓦克环流和哈得莱环流发生变化 ,引起副热带高压增强 ,台风生成数减少 ,从而产生广西前汛期偏涝 ,后汛期偏旱 ,全年气温偏暖的结果  相似文献   
砂岩侵入体系是一种普遍的地质现象,近些年来越来越受到地学界的重视,但对其形成机理探讨较少。作者及研究团队通过设计一套室内模拟实验装置,来简化模拟3层地层结构中砂岩侵入体系的形成和演化过程。在之前模拟实验(实验变量为顶层沉积物的厚度、进水管的结构)结果的基础上,进一步考察了地形坡度对实验结果的影响,并对砂岩侵入体系的形成机理进行了分析。实验过程中,共观察到7种不同形态不同样式的管道,并对实验过程中压力变化进行了测试。对实验结果分析认为:盖层厚度越大,压力下降的速度越慢,越不利于压力的释放;随着实验的继续进行,砂岩侵入体最终会转化为砂岩喷出体并喷出地表;不稳定的地形有利于触发疏松沉积物发生变形。实验表明,超压是砂岩侵入体发生的最重要条件之一, 沉积盆地中的压实不均衡和生烃作用是可独立产生大规模超压的2种主要机制。  相似文献   
天津市深层基岩地下热水系统数值模拟中若干问题的处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津市基岩地下热水具有密度随温度变化显著、存在水岩之间热交换的特点, 采用适合于描述深层地下热水水流和热量运移的压力场和温度场控制方程, 通过对渗流场、边界条件的合理概化和对初始条件、热储层缺失区域及倾斜断层等的合理处理, 使所建立的三维数值模型变得更为有效和实用.   相似文献   
赵珍  陆露  吴珍汉 《地学前缘》2019,26(2):249-263
本文综合磷灰石裂变径迹年龄(113~43 Ma)、锆石裂变径迹年龄(169~103 Ma)、锆石U-Pb年龄(215~206 Ma)、黑云母K-Ar年龄(186~178 Ma),通过磷灰石热史模拟,TASC图谱分析和矿物封闭温度年龄等手段,获得了中央隆起晚三叠世至今较为完整的冷却抬升历史。中央隆起主要经历了早侏罗世、晚侏罗世-早白垩世、晚白垩世-中新世早期和中新世晚期至今四期冷却事件,与南北羌塘板块后碰撞伸展、拉萨羌塘板块碰撞、新特提斯洋板片俯冲、印度欧亚板块碰撞以及中新世南北向走滑伸展存在动力学联系,造成11.4 km、2.85 km、4.3~5 km和0.85 km的抬升量。中央隆起在侏罗纪相对两侧盆地抬升,随着两侧盆地经历了侏罗纪的沉积增厚,与两侧盆地高差减小,在早白垩世早期可能位于海平面附近,随后快速抬升至2~2.5 km,统一接受晚白垩世红层沉积,并经历长期持续的逆冲推覆构造活动,进一步抬升至5 km,随后受到中新世古大湖夷平和南北向伸展作用影响,中央隆起相对盆地发生差异抬升。  相似文献   
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