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From December 1997 to December 1998, benthic algal biomass and the input of allochthonous coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) were investigated in bi-weekly intervals at two sampling stations (shaded and sunny) of the Weidlingbach, a fourth order sandstone stream in the Wienerwald. A total of 41 benthic algal taxa was collected, belonging to the groups Cyanobacteria (4 taxa), Bacillariophyceae (33), Rhodophyta (1), Chrysophyceae (1) and Chlorophyta (2). At the shaded site, periphyton dry mass ranged from 13 g m−2 in April to 440 g m−2 in August (annual mean = 93 g m−2), at the sunny site from 3 g m−2 in May to 512 g m−2 in late fall (annual mean = 70 g m−2). Based on the algal carotenoid pattern, Bacillariophyceae were most abundant in fall and winter while Chlorophyceae dominated during summer. Mean annual standing stock of chlorophyll-a was 8.65 μg cm−2 at the shaded station and 7.53 μg cm−2 at the sunny site. Annual allochthonous CPOM input rates ranged from 382 to 665 g dry mass m−2 for aerial input and from 1006 to 1062 g DM m−1 of stream length for lateral input. Lateral input rates were influenced by the bank inclination; the temporal distribution of aerial input showed an autumnal maximum (61-65% of the total). Direct CPOM input was significantly highest (P<0.05) during the period of defoliation from October to November. In the course of this period, 61.1% (shaded) to 64.9% (sunny) of the annual CPOM dropped into the brook, yielding daily input rates of 6.6 to 4.0 g DM m−2. From December to September, daily direct input rates decreased to 0.84 g DM m−2 (shaded) and 0.44 g DM m−2 (sunny). At both sites, retention capacity was high; 70% of marked leaves released along transects were retained by coarse sediment particles within 40 m from the starting point. The annual mean of periphyton dry mass made up 52% of CPOM standing stock at the shaded site and 39% at the sunny site.  相似文献   
Flood effects on benthic algal communities grown upon three common substratum types were assessed in a gravel‐bed stream. Microform bed clusters (MBCs) and, to a lesser extent, boulders conferred resistance on their associated periphyton communities (i.e., reduced flood‐induced biomass loss; functioned as refugia) relative to cobble/gravel substrata. On all substrata, flooding significantly reduced the relative abundance of Diatoma hiemale, and increased the relative abundance of Gomphonema minutum f. syriacum and/or Ampithrix sp. Long‐term (>4 months) sampling indicated that MBCs generally supported more algal biomass than did boulders, which, in turn, supported greater biomass than cobbles/gravels. Manipulation of the abundance of refugial structures (e.g., MBCs) could possibly alter productivity of flood‐prone gravel‐bed streams. Stream periphyton biomass models may be improved by explicit consideration of the effects of refugial substrata. The interstitial spaces of MBCs may constitute a unique habitat, and deserve further study.  相似文献   
太湖椭圆萝卜螺的食物来源分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
椭圆萝卜螺(Radix swinhoei)是太湖常见螺类,能牧食附着生物与多种水生植物。对植食性螺类而言,食物的主要来源究竟是水生植物还是附着生物尚存在争议。以来自太湖的苦草、轮叶黑藻、附着生物及混合食物(苦草+轮叶黑藻+附着生物)作为椭圆萝卜螺的四组食物,通过两个月的室内养殖实验,根据椭圆萝卜螺的生长指标来分析其主要食物来源。结果表明:以苦草、轮叶黑藻为食物时,椭圆萝卜螺的成活率(成螺)、特定生长率(幼螺与成螺)均显著低于附着生物、混合食物,食物种类对幼螺成活率的影响则不显著。另外,食物种类对幼螺壳长的增长有显著影响,在牧食两种水生植物后,幼螺平均每天壳长增长在0.01-0.02mm之间,而牧食附着生物与混合食物后每天增长0.05mm以上。分析认为,椭圆萝卜螺尽管牧食水生植物,但附着生物仍是其主要的食物来源,并对其原因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
We carried out a benthic survey and two experiments in runs at eight sites down the Kakanui River (South Island, New Zealand) during summer low flows, to investigate the interaction between nutrients, periphyton, and macro‐grazers. Benthic periphytic biomass was generally low (< 20 mg m‐2 chlorophyll a) at most sites, but high densities of macro‐grazers (mainly snails) were observed at six of the eight sites. Chlorophyll a and cellular P concentrations were generally higher on artificial substrates in the first‐ to third‐order tributaries, compared with downstream. Macro‐grazer densities (mainly snails) were also highest in the second‐ and third‐order tributaries. Enrichment of patches with N and P did not translate into significant increases in chlorophyll a concentrations. Instead there was a general increase in macro‐grazers, and an increase in the relative abundance of Cocconeis placentula. In a second experiment, the chlorophyll a level was five‐fold higher on the substrates where macro‐grazers were excluded and there was no significant response of chlorophyll a to nutrient addition on these substrates. On the grazed substrates, densities of snails and caddis‐larvae were two‐fold higher with N+P enrichment. These experiments provided evidence for a tight coupling between first and second trophic levels, and strong grazer control of periphyton, in this river.  相似文献   
Detritivorous fish generally refers to fish that primarily ingest unidentified organic detritus. We analyzed stomach contents in combination with stable isotopes to trace and compare the food sources of the large-scale mullet Liza macrolepis and other detritivorous fish species in subtropical mangrove creeks and a tropical lagoon in Taiwan. The volume of organic detritus always contributed >50% of the stomach content of L. macrolepis in the two habitats. However, consumed items were distinct between the two habitats and corresponded to the types in which they reside. The consumed items in the lagoon were more diverse than those observed in the mangroves. In the mangroves, the diet composition of L. macrolepis was primarily determined by season, not by body size. In the lagoon, there were no clear seasonal or size-dependent grouping patterns for the diet composition. There were significant seasonal and spatial variations in δ13C and δ15N values of potential food sources and L. macrolepis. However, neither δ13C nor δ15N values of L. macrolepis were correlated with fish body size. Joint analyses of stomach contents and stable isotopes indicated that benthic microalgae on sediments were the most important assimilated food in both seasons for the dominant detritivorous fish in the mangroves, whereas a greater reliance on microalgal and macroalgal periphyton on oyster-culture pens was observed in the lagoon. Mangrove and marsh plants and phytoplankton, which are mostly locally produced within each habitat, were of minor importance in the assimilated food.  相似文献   
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