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Seismic moment distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据十余年来参加中国岩石圈三维结构研究和国际合作编图资料,将深部地质结构与浅层地质、成矿特征进行统一的综合分析研究,对中国东部及邻近海域地质构造取得一些新认识,提出一些新观点:(1)在中国大陆及邻近海域400 km深度内,划分出5层地质结构,其中第3、4层之间的变化制约了浅层地质与成矿作用;(2)中国大陆及海区受周边动力挤压,其中西部挤压力大于东部,导致西部软流圈物质经4条路径向东流动,使东部汇聚巨大巨厚的软流圈,形成独特的软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力主体动力区,构成了亚洲大陆第4个主体动力区;(3)太平洋板块俯冲力制约了北纬42°40'以北的完达山及俄罗斯远东地区,菲律宾海板块俯冲力制约了台湾和中国东南沿海地区,二者的动力之和构成了阻挡软流圈物质向东部洋区流动的"远程力效应";(4)软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力作用的主体动力区打造了中国东部及海区7项地质、地貌特征和三大类矿产资源效应。其中岩浆活动与化石燃料矿产(石油、天然气、煤)之间不是"水火不相容",而是岩浆活动为提升油-气成熟度和煤化作用及变质作用提供了重要的温度条件;(5)软流圈巨量热能(力)-动力作用打造了中国东部及海区一些独有的地质作用:①形成了新生代南海小洋盆,并向巴拉望岛俯冲。②产生了新生代陆缘裂谷带,形成了琼州海峡、台湾海峡,并向台湾岛轻度俯冲。③大面积的巨厚软流圈是一座"巨型岩浆山",成为东部及海区"地幔柱"的统一"根基"。地幔柱实际上是巨大"岩浆山"中的"岩浆山峰",今后会发现更多"地幔柱"(即"岩浆山峰")。④中国东部地震除吉林省珲春地区的深源地震(540 km)外,朝鲜半岛及其以西的中国东部和海区均为浅源与中深源地震(震源深度小于100 km),其主体动力都来自本区巨量热能(力)-动力源,太平洋板块-菲律宾海板块的联合俯冲力只起了"远程力效应"的深部侧向挤压辅助作用。⑤巨量热能(力)-动力作用形成了一系列盆-山耦合带,组成了中国东部及海区中-新生代"盆-山耦合群","盆"里有油气资源,"山"里有内生矿产。  相似文献   
苏北盘石山、练山地幔捕虏体的PGE地球化学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过锍镍火试金预富集法,分析了位于郯庐断裂带东侧的盘石山、练山地幔橄榄岩包体中铂族元素(PGE)和Au含量.不同于部分熔融残留成因地幔橄榄岩中通常所观察到的负斜率型或平坦型的分布模式,这两地的地幔橄榄岩以Pt、Pd、Ru相对富集,Ir、Rh相对亏损的"燕子型"分布模式为特征.Pt、Pd等不相容元素富集说明上地幔除经历过早期的部分熔融外,还经历了后期富Pt、Pd的高熔/岩比的熔(流)体的层析分离交代作用影响.盘石山地幔橄榄岩的PGE总量比练山高,Os的含量也比原始地幔值高;而练山地幔橄榄岩的Os含量比原始地幔值低,说明交代作用带走了练山地幔橄榄岩中的Os,却没有很大改变盘石山地幔橄榄岩中的Os含量,这可能与交代熔(流)体含硫量饱和程度有关.Rh的负异常可能与部分熔融过程中熔体较低的fo2有关.  相似文献   
辽河曙光油田蒸气吞吐开采过程中水岩作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稠油蒸气吞吐开采过程中,注入储层的高温水蒸气与储层岩石发生了强烈的水岩作用,使注入水的化学成分产生了显著的变化,根据这种变化,结合水岩作用室内模拟实验的研究成果,在确定水岩作用方式的基础上,使用元素质量守衡计算方法对辽河曙光油田的水岩作用量进行了计算,结果表明,注入水在储层运动过程中,溶解了大量的石英和高岭石,同时沉淀出大量的钠蒙脱石,该结果很好地吻合了室内实验成果。  相似文献   
用神舟三号中分辨率成像光谱仪数据反演大气水汽   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年3月中国神舟三号飞船发射成功,所携带的中分辨率成像光谱仪获取了一批940nm波段的遥感数据。本文用其中的部分资料做了反演水汽的试验,给出一些结果和分析。  相似文献   
In the southeastern Holstein region, located to the east of the metropolitan zone of Hamburg, northern Germany, a groundwater investigation program was conducted from 1984 to 2000 by the State Agency for Nature and Environment (Landesamt für Natur und Umwelt, LANU) of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, with the aim of providing long-term, ecologically acceptable groundwater management plans for the region. The focal point of the investigation comprised the determination of groundwater recharge rates. The investigation method was based on the transfer of available lysimeter results from other regions to comparable regions within the area studied. With the help of lysimeter equations, potential amounts of percolation water were calculated. The groundwater recharge rate was then determined after subtraction of the surface runoff which was calculated for the entire area. All computations were performed with a spreadsheet program. Groundwater recharge rates were calculated for two areas. One consisted of roughly determining groundwater recharge rates for the total region (1,392 km2) of southeastern Holstein. The overall goal of these investigations was to identify potential areas of water exploitation. Areas in which groundwater recharge rates are high and groundwater outflow is low are particularly suited to water exploitation, since inflow rates into deeper aquifers are high. These areas are located on the flanks of the Elbe and Stecknitz River valleys. Subsurface groundwater runoff to these lowlands would be reduced through groundwater withdrawal. However, the resulting decline in shallow groundwater tables would be so small that it would have no detrimental ecological effects. Groundwater recharge rates were also calculated for a 110-km2 area in the outskirts of Hamburg (Grosshansdorf model area) which is intensively developed for water supply. These investigations showed that the amount of groundwater recharge is already being withdrawn to a large extent. Approximately 65% of the recharge rate is currently withdrawn by the waterworks in this area, thus making further increases in exploitation rates unjustifiable from an ecological point of view. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
祁连山南麓退耕地主要植物群落植冠层的截留性能   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
退耕地人工群落植冠层的截留能力,是群落生态效益的重要组成部分,这一研究不仅可以掌握退耕还林还草工程作用的机理,还可以更好地指导工程实践,促进工程建设步伐。通过“简易吸水法”,可以快速掌握退耕地植冠层的最大截留潜力。青海省大通县退耕较早、平均年龄约10a以上的青海云杉、华北落叶松等几种人工群落,它们的林冠截留量较高,平均达1.93mm,为当地3种截留量最高、林龄50a之上天然群落的61%。青海云杉、华北落叶松、白桦、青杨、中国沙棘等退耕地人工群落的截留量,基本上显示出与林龄之间呈线性或Cubic、Quadratic正相关关系。在植物群落分层截留、消化吸收降雨的这一空间垂直序列中,植冠层截留量虽然较低,平均仅1.29mm(0.25~2.38mm),但植冠层的主要作用还在于减轻、缓冲雨水直接打击地面,改变降水的侵蚀性危害,而这些作用要远远高于截留量自身的区区数量。  相似文献   
崔建垣  张铜会 《中国沙漠》1999,19(Z1):96-98
在内蒙古奈曼旗对沙地春小麦进行了氮肥施量试验。结果表明,不同施氮量(尿素15.0~51.5g·m-2)对沙地春小麦穗粒数、千粒重、有效小穗数及其百分率、籽粒产量、生物产量的影响具有显著差异,但对成穗数、株高的影响差异不明显。产量水平以施氮量为37.5g·m-2时最高。  相似文献   
彭仕奇 《探矿工程》2011,38(11):54-58
在苏通大桥松散软弱的地层条件,实施超长(〉100 m)、超大(2.5 m)摩擦桩桩底后压浆工程,在我国是首次运用。结合工程实践,就压浆工程的设计、施工的技术要点进行全面介绍。通过对钻孔取样分析,指出浆液初凝时间地表实验与地下实际存在较大差异;通过施工体验,结合取样显示的浆液扩散渗透状况,提出可渗透地层以注浆量为控制参数,压力不列为控制参数的思路。  相似文献   
The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea. Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history. Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes. Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution. Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene. The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene, early Oligocene, and the Late Miocene, possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event, Nanhai Event, and Dongsha Event, respectively. The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455–712 m, with an erosion rate of 0.08–0.12 mm/a. The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one, with an erosion amount of about 747–814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13–0.21 mm/a. The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m, which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity.  相似文献   
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