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亚洲季风区地面感热通量的区域变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1979-1995年(缺1986、1987、1993)NCEP/NCAR再分析资料中的逐旬感热通量资料,对亚洲季风区地面感热通量的空间结构及时间演变进行了旋转经验正交函数(REOF)分析。结果表明:印度半岛和中南半岛地区感势通量的变化与亚洲季风的爆发及演变有密切关系,是季风爆发的主要关键区。这两个地区的感热积累是东亚季风爆发的触发因素之一,尤其是印度半岛北部感热通量的突变对印度夏季风演变十分重要。印度半岛北部与青藏高原西部的热力差异在季风的爆发和维持中占有重要地位。而东北亚与西北太平洋的热力差异只对东亚夏季风的演变有影响,与冬季风则无直接关联。在东亚季风的爆发中居主导地位的还是印度半岛北部和青藏高原西北部的感热加热作用。  相似文献   
春夏季转换期东亚地表热通量对温度月际变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚素香  张耀存 《高原气象》2007,26(2):240-248
利用1948—2003年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了东亚地区春夏季节转换期间地面气温变化趋势以及地面热通量对温度季节变化的影响。结果表明,东亚地区4~7月地面气温月际变化存在明显的与纬度有关的南北向差异、与海陆分布有关的东西向差异以及大陆上中低纬地区以90°E为分界线的东西向差异,大陆上温度月际变化比海洋上显著。通过对月际变温指数的研究发现,中南半岛以及高原东侧在4~5月月际变温明显,印度半岛及高原西侧6~7月月际变温明显,表明月际最大变温有从90°E以东地区向90°E以西地区推进的过程。研究月际变温与地面热通量关系发现,高纬地区大陆上月际温度变化主要与太阳辐射以及潜热变化关系较大,而中低纬地区大陆上月际变温与感热、潜热以及辐射关系都比较密切,且90°E以东的中南半岛及邻近地区的4~5月的月际变温与地面热通量的相关关系最为显著,90°E以西的印度半岛及邻近地区6~7月的月际变温与热通量相关关系最为明显,此时青藏高原西侧辐射以及感热加热作用显著。对于热通量与地面月际变温显著相关区域的进一步分析表明,地面热通量对于温度场的直接影响主要表现在近地层,在高层,两者之间相关关系复杂。  相似文献   
In this study the results from a boundary layer experiment,conducted in autumn 1991 over a flat,build-up urbanarea in Southeast Sofia,together with some models for mixed layer growth rates are used to investigate the layered struc-ture of the vertical atmospheric stability distribution in the Sofia Valley.Lidar measurements of aerosol layer heightsand morning boundary layer development are combined with surface eddy correlation measurements of kinematic heatand moisture fluxes,profiles of temperature and humidity,wind speed and wind direction.A diagnostic method is pres-ented for determining vertical lapse rates using surface meteorological measurements and lidar returns observed duringthe transition from nighttime stable stratification to daytime convective boundary layer after the sunrise.  相似文献   
天津城市边界层湍流统计特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用2008年2月1~28日在天津气象塔上观测的超声风、温资料和常规风、温及湿梯度资料,计算了天津城市边界层无量纲湍流速度方差、湍流温度方差、感热通量、动量通量和湍流动能。结果表明,在不稳定层结条件下,40m高度上无量纲湍流速度方差和湍流温度方差遵循莫宁-奥布克霍夫相似理论,在220m高度上只有垂直方向上的湍流速度方差...  相似文献   
西北干旱区是欧亚大陆夏季感热输送的高值区,此区域感热输送对东亚季风气候系统的变异有重要影响。然而,再分析资料的感热通量在此区域存在很大的不确定性,影响该地区感热变化对东亚区域气候影响的认识。本文基于敦煌戈壁站2001~2014年夏季的观测数据,评估了NCEP/NCAR、NCEP/DOE、ERA-Interim和JRA-55这4套再分析产品的感热通量。敦煌戈壁站的感热通量是根据敦煌戈壁站常规观测数据和Y08方案计算得到,代表敦煌戈壁站的实际感热。结果显示,戈壁站夏季感热多年平均约为85.7 W m-2,但受局地降水的影响存在较大的波动;再分析资料的感热通量之间存在很大的不确定性,与观测相比,ERA-Interim的感热通量在大小和变化上好于其他再分析资料,在没有局地性降水的影响时比较接近观测。进一步分析了再分析感热与观测差异的原因。研究表明,再分析资料中的地表风速和地气温差与粗糙度设置和热力参数化方案相关联。各再分析资料均不同程度地低估了敦煌戈壁站的地气温差(观测值约6.5°C),这主要是由于再分析系统中对戈壁下垫面的粗糙度设置偏高以及热力参数化方案不太适用于戈壁下垫面造成的。相对而言,ERA-Interim的参数化方案在戈壁下垫面优于其他再分析产品的参数化方案,使得ERA-Interim的地气温差相对其他再分析资料更接近实际观测,感热通量较为合理。  相似文献   
一般认为相似路径台风的影响大致相似,但实际上相似路径台风的风雨分布尤其是暴雨分布往往有很大差异,因此,对相似路径热带气旋“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨成因的对比分析有助于加强台风暴雨发生机制的认识和预报。“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)逐日降水分布对比分析表明,两者登陆前降水分布类似,而登陆后降水分布差异比较大。利用NCEP/GFS 1 °×1 °分析资料对热带气旋登陆前后天气形势、水汽通量和水汽通量散度进行诊断分析,结果表明:“海棠”(0505)和“碧利斯”(0604)登陆前引起浙闽沿海地区大降水主要是热带气旋外围偏东气流和地形共同影响下形成。“海棠”登陆后,维持在浙江东部沿海东南风急流不断输送水汽到“海棠”倒槽内引起浙东南沿海强降水,深入内陆后,降水主要由“海棠”自身环流携带的水汽辐合引起的,降水比沿海地区明显减弱;而“碧利斯”登陆后,有明显的南海季风环流输送水汽并入热带气旋南侧环流,在其南侧形成偏南风急流,使南侧水汽输送得到明显加强,造成“碧利斯”南侧水汽通量辐合,北侧水汽通量辐散,南侧降水比北侧降水强很多;深入内陆后,“碧利斯”环流仍维持并引导北方槽后弱冷空气渗透到其西南侧,使南侧降水进一步增幅。本文还探讨了包括热带气旋外核在内区域平均垂直风切变和热带气旋强降水落区的关系,结果表明:“海棠”和“碧丽斯”大暴雨落区均对应于暴雨区区域平均垂直风切矢量左侧水汽通量散度负值区。“海棠”垂直风切变矢量平行于移动路径并指向移动路径后方是造成“海棠”强降水分布在其移动路径右侧的重要原因,“碧利斯”垂直风切变矢量平行于移动路径并指向移动路径前方是造成“碧利斯”强降水分布在其移动路径左侧的重要原因。因此,利用垂直风切结合水汽输送条件可以作热带气旋大暴雨落区预报可能是一种比较有效的方法。  相似文献   
Based on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS), the influence of biological activity on the seasonal variation of the air–sea CO2 flux is evaluated. The solution of a sensitivity experiment that excludes biological activity is compared with that of a reference experiment that includes the full processes. The comparison reveals that biological activity results in a much stronger seasonal variation of surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and, hence, the ratio of total alkalinity to DIC in the northern parts of the YECS. The increased ratio resulting from biological DIC consumption contributes to the undersaturated partial pressure of CO2 at the sea surface with respect to the atmosphere, causing the central Yellow Sea in summer and autumn to shift from being a CO2 source to a sink; this same shift also occurs over the Changjiang Bank in summer. In the southern YECS, the biological effect is relatively weak. The comparison further reveals that low water temperature, instead of biological activity, is the dominant factor causing the YECS to become a carbon sink in spring. The biological effect on the variation of DIC (both at the surface and in the water column) differs greatly among the three representative regions of the YECS because of differences in primary production and hydrodynamic conditions. Particle-tracking simulations quantify the regional difference in horizontal advection. In the northern region, weaker horizontal advection causes the longer residence time of low DIC water induced by biological consumption. Over the entire YECS, biological activity contributes to about one-third of the total annual absorption of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   
To investigate the values of 10-m drag coefficient (CD) in different coastal areas under the influence of tropical cyclones, the present study used the observational data from four towers in different coastal areas of the South China Sea (SCS) during six tropical cyclone (TC) passages, and employed the eddy covariance method and the flux profile method. The analysis of footprint showed that the fluxes at Zhizai Island (ZZI), Sanjiao Island (SJI) and Donghai Island (DHI) were influenced basically by the ocean, and the flux at Shangyang Town (SYT) was influenced mainly by the land. The results showed that the dependence relationships of CD on 10-m wind speed (U10) in four different coastal areas under the influence of TCs were different. CD at ZZI and SJI initially increased and then decreased as U10 increased, similar to the pattern over the ocean. CD at ZZI and SJI represented the values over shallow water with seawater depths of ~7 m and ~2 m, respectively. Moreover, the critical wind speed at which CD peaked gradually decreased as the seawater depth became shallower in the coastal areas. CD at DHI and SYT decreased monotonously as U10 increased, similar to the pattern over the land. CD at DHI represented the value over the transition zone from shallow water to coastal land, and CD at SYT represented the value over the coastal land. Meanwhile, the eddy covariance method and the flux profile method were compared at ZZI and SYT during TC passages. It was found that their CD values obtained by the two methods were close. Finally, the parameterizations of observed u* and CD as a function of U10 over four different coastal areas were given under the influence of high winds. These parameterizations of observed C may be used in high-resolution numerical models for landfalling TC forecast.  相似文献   
Determination of soil heat flux in a tibetan short-grass prairie   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Soil heat flux is examined using a new method considering soil thermal conduction and convection processes. Using this method, we determine that soil heat fluxes owing to soil thermal conduction and convection were significant for the Naqu site in the summer of 1998. Experimental analyses of the surface energy balance are given.  相似文献   
应用一个嵌套了海洋生物地球化学循环的太平洋环流碳循环模式,分析了1960~2000年太平洋不同海区海气碳通量随时间的变化。模拟结果显示,赤道太平洋为大气CO2的排放区,南、北太平洋(南、北纬15°至模式计算区域南、北边界)为吸收区。3个海区海气碳通量随时间均存在显著的波动,其中赤道太平洋海气碳通量年际波动最显著。3个海区海气碳通量年际波动对气候事件的响应并不一致,在El Niño年赤道太平洋冷舌的强度和总溶解无机碳(DIC)的浓度以及输出生产力均会受到上升流减弱的影响而降低,La Niña年这些海气碳通量控制要素的分布情况则正好相反,但在南北太平洋副热带以及高纬度海区,El Niño和La Niña对这些要素带来的影响却并不一定相反,对输出生产力的影响甚至是一致的。以海表温度(SST)为例考察海气碳通量与物理场之间的关系表明,在赤道太平洋上升流对DIC的影响是控制海气碳通量变化的主要因素,而在其他海区,尤其是副热带海区,由于垂直运动的年际变化较小,且生物生产力水平较低,SST的波动对海气碳通量年际变化的影响更加重要。  相似文献   
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