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- By applying the theory of structural reliability, reliability analyses for the stability of a breast wall on the top of a sloping breakwater are carried out. Based on the analyses, the method for determining partial action / load factors and partial resistance factors of breast walls is expounded, and the design expressions with partial factors are given. The values of partial action / load factors and partial resistance factors are recommended preliminarily according to the computation for breast walls with typical cross-sections.  相似文献   
We investigated canopy transpiration and canopy conductance of peach trees under three irrigation patterns: fixed 1/2 partial root zone drip irrigation (FPRDI), alternate 1/2 partial root zone drip irrigation (APRDI) and full root zone drip irrigation (FDI). Canopy transpiration was measured using heat pulse sensors, and canopy conductance was calculated using the Jarvis model and the inversion of the Penman–Monteith equation. Results showed that the transpiration rate and canopy conductance in FPRDI and APRDI were smaller than those in FDI. More significantly, the total irrigation amount was greatly reduced, by 34·7% and 39·6%, respectively for APRDI and FPRDI in the PRDI (partial root zone drip irrigation) treatment period. The daily transpiration was linearly related to the reference evapotranspiration in the three treatments, but daily transpiration of FDI is more than that of APRDI and FPRDI under the same evaporation demand, suggesting a restriction of transpiration water loss in the APRDI and FPRDI trees. FDI needed a higher soil water content to carry the same amount of transpiration as the APRDI and FPRDI trees, suggesting the hydraulic conductance of roots of APRDI and FPRDI trees was enhanced, and the roots had a greater water uptake than in FDI when the average soil water content in the root zone was the same. By a comparison between the transpiration rates predicted by the Penman–Monteith equation and the measured canopy transpiration rates for 60 days during the experimental period, an excellent correlation along the 1:1 line was found for all the treatments (R2 > 0·80), proving the reliability of the methodology. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Ugo Moisello 《水文研究》2007,21(10):1265-1279
The use of partial probability weighted moments (PPWM) for estimating hydrological extremes is compared to that of probability weighted moments (PWM). Firstly, estimates from at‐site data are considered. Two Monte Carlo analyses, conducted using continuous and empirical parent distributions (of peak discharge and daily rainfall annual maxima) and applying four different distributions (Gumbel, Fréchet, GEV and generalized Pareto), show that the estimates obtained from PPWMs are better than those obtained from PWMs if the parent distribution is unknown, as happens in practice. Secondly, the use of partial L‐moments (obtained from PPWMs) as diagnostic tools is considered. The theoretical partial L‐diagrams are compared with the experimental data. Five different distributions (exponential, Pareto, Gumbel, GEV and generalized Pareto) and 297 samples of peak discharge annual maxima are considered. Finally, the use of PPWMs with regional data is investigated. Three different kinds of regional analyses are considered. The first kind is the regression of quantile estimates on basin area. The study is conducted applying the GEV distribution to peak discharge annual maxima. The regressions obtained with PPWMs are slightly better than those obtained with PWMs. The second kind of regional analysis is the parametric one, of which four different models are considered. The congruence between local and regional estimates is examined, using peak discharge annual maxima. The congruence degree is sometimes higher for PPWMs, sometimes for PWMs. The third kind of regional analysis uses the index flood method. The study, conducted applying the GEV distribution to synthetic data from a lognormal joint distribution, shows that better estimates are obtained sometimes from PPWMs, sometimes from PWMs. All the results seem to indicate that using PPWMs can constitute a valid tool, provided that the influence of ouliers, of course higher with censored samples, is kept under control. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
下地壳部分熔融的产物:燕山早期广东腊圃花岗岩成因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
出露于广东省从化市南的腊圃角闪黑云二长花岗岩占地面积约500km2,由钙质角闪石(0.5%),黑云母(11%~13%),斜长石(An35~41,29%~31%),隐纹长石(24%~31%)和石英(36%~37%)组成,含富Ca,Ti副矿物褐帘石和榍石等。根据颗粒锆石U-Pb定年,其定位时间为163±2Ma(中侏罗世)。化学成分上为弱过铝质(平均A/NKC=1.043),富K2O(平均4.72%),属高钾钙碱性系列。稀土总量较高,ΣREE=(180~460)×10-6,轻稀土明显富集,重稀土明显亏损,具有大的(La/Yb)N值(平均19),说明熔融作用是在下地壳深度进行(p>108Pa),石榴子石是主要的残留相矿物。多种源岩示踪方法指出,形成腊圃岩体岩浆的源岩是变硬砂岩或变角闪岩(包括变火成岩)。模拟计算显示,下地壳深度的该类源岩55%部分熔融形成的熔体,与腊圃花岗岩岩浆有极为相似的地球化学性质。Sr,Nd同位素成分测定表明,岩石具有较高的ISr值(0.7124~0.7155)和较低的εNd(t)值(-11.18~-11.54),模拟计算显示,这显然是一种下地壳部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
三维地电断面激发极化法有限元数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用有限单元法求解三维地电断面激发极化法正演模拟算法.首先给出了三维构造中点源电场异常电位的边值问题与变分问题, 简化无穷远边界上的边界条件以提高计算速度及计算精度.以此为基础计算视电阻率对模型电阻率的偏导数矩阵, 并进行三维地电断面激发极化法正演模拟, 与等效电阻率法相比节约了计算时间.对几例较典型的地电模型进行计算, 结果表明本方法是正确可行的.   相似文献   
分析了1961—2010年黄河源的水文气象要素的演变过程。由于丰水期(7月、 8月、 9月)降水减少而温度升高, 导致黄河源年径流及降水总体上呈非显著减少趋势, 且1990年代以来9月份秋季洪峰消失。以30年为一个时间窗口, 使用偏相关方法, 分别计算了黄河源丰水期的降水、 径流与WCI(西风指数)、 ENSO(厄尔尼诺-南方涛动)和IOD(印度洋偶极子)的偏相关关系并排除了ENSO、 IOD与WCI之间的共同作用, 发现WCI对黄河源丰水期径流影响要高于ENSO与IOD, WCI的增强可能是黄河源8月降水减少及9月洪峰消减的主要因素。  相似文献   
瞬变电磁2.5维反演中灵敏度矩阵计算方法(Ⅰ)   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
一种具体的反演方法要分三个重要的组成部分:1)反演算法;2)正演模拟;3)灵敏度矩阵计算.本文给出了快速计算瞬变电磁2.5维反演问题中灵敏度的简单推导.只需求解两个基本相同的边值问题(原始场和辅助场),然后通过在所针对的模型单元上,对上述两场的相应场量点乘,再进行面积积分,就可得到观测量对模型电导率参数的偏导数.模型上的计算结果和计算精度的分析将在本文的续篇(Ⅱ)中介绍。  相似文献   
黄河三角洲典型区域地下水动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地下水作为三角洲地区水循环的重要环节,对整合土地利用和水资源管理以及河口湿地自然保护区的存在 与发展具有重要作用。采用surfer 软件绘制的地下水埋深等值线图显示地下水埋深的分布规律为沿黄河河道附近 地下水埋深较深, 滨海以及河间洼地为地下水浅埋区。在SPSS11.5 统计分析软件的帮助下, 采用偏相关分析( Partial 过程) 方法从地下水埋深多年和年内变化两个方面研究黄河三角洲典型地块地下水埋深和降水量、黄河径流量 之间的相关关系。研究结果表明, 黄河三角洲地区地下水动态变化受多个驱动因子的控制, 在不同时间段和不同的 地理位置影响程度不同, 且多年地下水埋深的序列规律性较差, 地下水埋深多年动态和年内动态变化复杂且均不 受径流量和降水量影响。东营市引黄灌溉、引黄蓄水( 城市生活与工业用水等) 、大型引排水利工程的兴建等可能是 导致地下水位持续上升的主要原因, 为今后地下水资源管理和三角洲湿地资源的保护提供依据。  相似文献   
康志强  何师意 《中国岩溶》2011,30(4):456-460
为了弄清楚表层岩溶系统碳汇机理,有必要对该系统中气、液和固三相不平衡体系中碳的迁移途径进行研究。2010年,在板寨地下河流域布置了8个碳稳定同位素分析测试点。通过碳稳定同位素示踪剂及空气CO2分压对比,发现森林区岩溶水和自由大气中大部分碳是来自土壤空气。在表层岩溶系统碳汇过程中整个碳迁移路径可分为4个环节,依次为(1)植被光合作用吸收空气CO2;(2)土壤根系的呼吸作用及腐殖质分解向土壤释放CO2;(3)地下水循环岩溶作用将气态CO2转换成液态HCO3-离子;(4)地下水中的碳随水流向河流及海洋。在整个碳汇过程中,森林和土壤起到了“加压泵”的作用,大大提高了大气CO2向土壤空气CO2转换过程中的CO2分压,从而显著地提高了岩溶的作用速率。   相似文献   
华南前汛期降水预测模型及其预测试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将中国华南区域分为东、西2个区,对每个区(8个站)的前汛期(4—6月)平均降水量作自然正交展开(EOF),选取各区累积方差贡献超过75%的前4个主分量作为预报分量。再利用偏最小二乘回归方法结合均生函数方法,提出一种同时考虑预报量自身显著变化周期和前期物理量因子对预报量未来变化影响的预报模型,分别建立东、西区前汛期平均降水量的偏最小二乘回归预报方程。试验结果表明,新的预报模型的预报效果比单纯采用前期物理量因子的逐步回归模型更好,并且其预报能力的提高具有合理的分析依据。   相似文献   
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