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新疆乌鲁木齐地区上石炭亚系祁家沟组地层出露较完整,沉积序列清晰,古生物化石丰富,但一直以来对祁家沟组的时代多有争论,且介形类研究薄弱。笔者在新疆乌鲁木齐地区祁家沟剖面上石炭亚系祁家沟组中鉴定出的介形类共计11属19种,并系统研究了这些介形类的组合面貌、地层分布,探讨了其古环境和古地理意义。结果表明: (1)根据介形类的组合面貌推断,祁家沟剖面祁家沟组的时代应为晚石炭亚纪莫斯科期—卡西莫夫期; (2)祁家沟组介形类生态类型属于古足目类和光滑速足目类的混合集群,符合构造活动区域的介形类OA1-OA3组合特征; (3)根据介形类的生态组合变化以及沉积学的证据,推断祁家沟剖面祁家沟组整体为滨、浅海沉积,存在海退序列; (4)祁家沟组介形类面貌与同时期的塔里木、准噶尔、中天山以及俄罗斯乌拉尔地区等产出的介形类最为相近,与北美、西欧和华北等板块的介形类也较为相似,表明晚石炭亚纪准噶尔、塔里木等块体聚集,并且距离劳俄大陆较近,所以其可与欧洲、北美板块的介形类进行属种交流。研究结果不仅进一步丰富了祁家沟组的化石材料,也对探索古亚洲洋演化特征和区域矿产开发具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
云南鹤庆盆地HQ孔沉积特征与古环境变迁   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文依据沉积物的颜色、粒度、层理、岩性组合等特征,并参照磁性地层、磁化率、碳酸盐含量、总有机碳及碳氮比值等环境指标,初步建立云南鹤庆盆地约600ka B P以来的古环境演化历史。研究表明,在大阶段上环境变化存在着两次明显的转型,这可能是与构造运动驱动有关。在剖面4.1m处,约14.2ka B P,湖盆被河流切开,导致环境指标突变。   相似文献   
北京西山下苇甸剖面寒武系徐庄组鲕粒研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对北京西山下苇甸剖面寒武系徐庄组鲕粒灰岩进行了观察和研究,在其中不仅发现了有核及无核同心-放射状鲕、单(或多)晶鲕、泥晶鲕和复合鲕,而且还发现了暗色颗粒包壳、凝聚颗粒和黄铁矿聚集体等特殊组构。暗色颗粒包壳的发现尚属首次,其可能是丝状蓝细菌菌体的残留物。凝聚颗粒由方解石或白云石构成,可能代表了微生物席内的含氧气泡。生物碎屑上的附着体可能是微生物群落的痕迹,在其内部发现有类似鲕粒的球状颗粒。复合鲕胶结松散,包壳不发育,表明其可能形成于相对稳定的水体环境。研究表明,徐庄组鲕粒可能形成于水动力条件相对较弱的浅海环境中,微生物在鲕粒的形成过程中发挥了较大的作用。  相似文献   
A continuous, shallow marine succession of the Um-Sohryngkew River section is distinct as it contains late Maastrichtian-early Danian planktonic foraminiferal zones and the K/Pg boundary, although K/Pg transition events remain inconclusive. Physils divide entire succession in to lower, middle and upper sub-divisions and represent anomalous values of redox-sensitive elements (δCe, La/Yb and Gd/Yb) in biozone CF3. Organic matter when analyzed show TOC and C spikes in biozone CF3. Illite thermometry also revealed sudden increase in the palaeo-temperature (>140 °C) for yellowish brown 1–2 mm thick organic rich clay layer in biozone CF3. Interestingly, conspicuous increase in the short chain n-alkanes and fatty acids is observed in the biozone CF3, although, long chain n-alkanes (C27–C33) derived from terrestrial plants show low abundance throughout the succession.High amount of combustion derived fluoranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo(a) anthracene PAH compounds found in the biozone CF3 are analogous to those reported from the K/T boundary sections of Stevns Klint, Gubbio, Woodside Creek and Arroyo el Mimbral. The pyrolitic signatures of these organic macro-molecules reflect global fire, caused distress to biota (during the deposition of biozone CF3 layer) which is coincidental with the well documented Ce anomaly layer, but, preceded by planktonic foraminiferal change in biozone P0 and PGE anomaly bearing layer in the biozone CF2. These organic macro-molecules reflect global fire, induced by the heat supplied by the late Cretaceous Abor and/or Deccan extrusions perhaps linked with the K/T transition events as later initiated prior to the K/Pg boundary, however, the main episode of Deccan volcanic activity occurred ∼300 ky earlier or at the K/Pg boundary itself. The deposition of 1–2 mm thick, yellowish brown, smooth (with conchoidal fracture) pyrite nodules and micro-spherules bearing organic rich clay layer marked with the decrease in the carbonate content (2.43%) that lies at the contact between the silty mudstone and grey calcareous shale located in the biozone CF3 of this succession coincides with the first appearance of Pseudoguembelina hariaensis representing age of 66.83–65.45 Ma is also related to the India’s collision with the Eurasia and Burma andextrusion of Abor volcanic.These events also endorse succeeding events such as anomalous concentration of platinum group of elements and concentration of spherules during biozone CF2, which are other end Cretaceous events before the advent of the K/Pg boundary.  相似文献   
东海盆地丽水凹陷古新统沉积岩的稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
采用等离子体质谱分析法测试了东海盆地丽水凹陷古新统砂泥岩样品的稀土元素含量,结果表明,稀土总量在82 2×10-6~182×10-6之间,平均为144×10-6;w(LREE)/w(HREE)比值在4 54~10 02之间,平均为8 67,相对富集LREE;Eu基本为负异常,δEu在0 59~1 03之间,平均为0 73;δCe在0 92~1 09之间,平均为0 98,Ce正常或具微弱的负异常;(w(La)/w(Yb))N在8 23~11 61之间,样品的分布曲线为轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损型。样品稀土元素的地球化学特征反映当时丽水凹陷为海陆交替的沉积环境,水介质环境为缺氧的还原条件,盆地类型应为稳定的克拉通盆地,物源区母岩主要为花岗岩。  相似文献   
在河北平原南部的曲周县四町乡河间洼地一深为250cm的探坑中,取得50~250cm深度范围的沉积物样品。对这些冲积物样品做了AMS14C测年、粒度分析、矿物磁性测量、碳酸盐中氧、碳稳定同位素分析、全有机碳和碳氮比值分析、孢粉分析。结果表明,全有机碳极低,孢粉甚少;矿物磁性参数和稳定同位素含量随粒度的变化与黄土高原的黄土-古土壤序列中的情形十分相似。由此推测这些变化在一定程度上反映了成土作用对冲积物的影响和气候状况的变化,并对这一地区的早、中全新世古环境划分为6个变化阶段:在约10210~10000aB.P.,气候温暖湿润;在10000~8500aB.P.,气候凉干;在8500~8000aB.P.,气候又转为温暖湿润;在8000~7200aB.P.,气候再趋凉干;在7200~约6500aB.P.,气候再度变为温暖湿润;在约6500aB.P.以后,气候渐趋凉干。  相似文献   
对大别山北麓0.78 Ma以来的黄土-古土壤样品的磁化率及Rb和Sr的地球化学特征研究表明,相对高的w(Rb)和w(Rb)/w(Sr)值及低w(Sr)值指示夏季风占优势的湿润时期,对应古土壤层;相对低的w(Rb)和w(Rb)/w(Sr)值及高w(Sr)值指示冬季风占优势的干旱期,磁化率相对较低,对应黄土层。剖面的w(Rb)/w(Sr)值自下至上降低反映大别山北麓地区的风化作用逐渐减弱,也揭示自0.78 Ma以来气候具有由湿向干的趋势;磁化率与w(Rb)/w(Sr)值的对比分析表明,它们的变化曲线存在显著不同,原因可能是由于磁化率在古土壤中的增强机制比较复杂所致,w(Rb)/w(Sr)值作为气候替代指标比磁化率更灵敏。与洛川剖面相比,大别山黄土-古土壤的w(Rb)较高而w(Sr)较低及Rb、Sr较强的分异能力特征反映了大别山气候整体较为温湿,沉积物遭受的风化程度更强。  相似文献   
McEachern's Deathtrap Cave (G—49/50) is located in the Lower Glenelg region of southeastern Australia and records a Late Pleistocene to Holocene sedimentary record that has been directly influenced by surface processes during its formation. The sedimentary sequence contained within the cave is divided into lower, middle and upper sequences consisting of eight facies. The lower sequence represents the earliest phase of sedimentation, and groundwater fluctuations during the Last Interglacial period resulted in its erosion and redistribution deeper into the cave system. A decrease in the magnitude and frequency of flood events in the cave during the formation of the middle sequence indicates increasingly drier surface conditions prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. The middle sequence has a minimum age of 9840 ± 290 a BP. Moving sand sheets during the Last Glacial blocked the entrance to the cave allowing flowstones to develop on the cave floor. The surface environment surrounding the cave was probably not as dry as contemporaneous inland sites because sedimentation continued to be dominated by flowing water during this period. Holocene sedimentation is represented by the upper sequence and reflects wetter cave conditions between 7680 ± 160 a BP and 5700 ± 110 a BP. A major phase of sediment accretion occurs after 5700 a BP and correlates to a phase of dune instability in the Lower Glenelg region. Flowing water remodelled the sediment cone sometime after 2240 ± 100 a BP, which represents a period of increased surface runoff, although it is not clear whether this is due to climatic or anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   
西准噶尔复理石相遗迹化石主要分布于上泥盆统-下石炭统塔尔巴哈台组以及石炭系的包古图组、太勒古拉组和哈拉阿拉特组中, 典型遗迹属包括Phycosiphon, Nereites, Megagrapton, Glockerichnus, Cochlichnus, Lophoctenium, Gordia, Chondrites, Zoophycos, Scolicia, Thalassinoides.这些遗迹化石构成具有典型深水Nereites遗迹相特征的Phycosiphon-Nereites遗迹化石组合和Megagrapton-Glockerichnus-Cochlichnus遗迹化石组合.包古图组和太勒古拉组属于海底扇中下扇扇缘-盆地平原环境; 哈拉阿拉特组和塔尔巴哈台组则属于海底扇中下扇扇叶环境.西准噶尔复理石相遗迹化石分布与鲍马序列的厚度密切相关, 在毫米-厘米级鲍马序列中, 遗迹化石属种单调且保存较差, 可见单一属的Phycosiphon或Nereites; 而在厘米-分米级鲍马序列中, 可见不同直径大小和形态上具有过渡的Phycosiphon和Nereites, 可能代表同种造迹生物不同个体发育阶段的生物遗迹.海底扇不同亚环境单个鲍马序列的厚度决定了底栖生物是否有足够的时间形成较为成熟的群落(包括一系列幼年和成年个体).   相似文献   
通过对浙江宁奉平原下王渡遗址剖面样品的孢粉以及地化元素分析,结合5个AMS14C年代数据及考古学文化分层,揭示了河姆渡晚期文化时期及良渚时期该遗址所在区域环境变化及人类活动响应。研究表明:该遗址区温暖湿润的气候条件为河姆渡先民的定居创造了条件,植被面貌以常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主。孢粉及地化元素等证据表明中全新世的海侵使得该遗址区发生了一次文化中断,海洋的影响从河姆渡文化第四期开始逐渐消退。从这一时期开始,草本植物花粉占比很大程度地超过乔灌木植物花粉,特别是粒径不小于37 μm禾本科花粉含量的增加,推测为栽培作物类型。花粉信号揭示了人类活动对自然环境的改造开始逐渐加强,在下王渡遗址区附近可能出现有一定规模的水稻种植区。  相似文献   
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