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土体抗剪强度参数取值的统计分析方法   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
讨论了残积土边坡强度参数的取值,对某残积土边坡的土工试验资料进行了统计,分析了c、φ参数在边坡不同部位的特点,通过对边坡稳定计算中多组参数的反分析,提出了符合边坡实际状态强度指标的取值方法。  相似文献   
水坝工程建设与生态保护的利弊关系分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
针对当前世界范围内对水坝政策的转变,提出了水坝工程建设与生态环境资源保护的利弊关系概念并建立了指标体系,通过进行利弊关系分析来论证水坝工程建设的可行性。文中以某水坝为例作了利弊关系分析,得出了弊大于利的结论。  相似文献   
海洋生态资源的定价理论探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以劳动价值论和效用价值论为基础,分析探讨海洋生态资源的价值理论,指出海洋生态资源的价值是由现实使用价值、选择价值和存在价值三部分构成;通过人类有目的的劳动把自然物变为经济物,从而形成系统的价值流;按照马克思的地租理论,海洋生态资源具有绝对地租和级差地租两种形式。  相似文献   
The distribution and intensity of tectonic fractures within geologic units are important to hydrocarbon exploration and development. Taken the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation interbedded sandstone-mudstone in the Ordos Basin as an example, this study used the finite element method (FEM) based on geomechanical models to study the development of tectonic fractures. The results show that the sandstones tend to generate tectonic fractures more easily than mudstones with the same layer thickness, and the highest degree of tectonic fractures will be developed when the sandstone-mudstone thickness ratio is about 5.0. A possible explanation is proposed for the tectonic fracture development based on two important factors of rock brittleness and mechanical layer thickness. Generally, larger rock brittleness and thinner layer thickness will generate more tectonic fractures. In interbedded sandstone-mudstone formations, the rock brittleness increases with the increasing mechanical layer thickness, hence, these two factors will achieve a balance for the development of tectonic fractures when the sandstone-mudstone thickness ratio reaches a specific value, and the development degree of tectonic fractures is the highest at this value.  相似文献   
通过对2006 - 2010年丽江市气象台站观测的冰雹观测记录、短时强降水及民政部门提供的冰雹灾情资料,并结合丽江CINRAD/CC雷达观测资料中的垂直液态含水量VIL进行统计分析.结果表明:当VIL在18 kg/m^2上下时预示着发生冰雹的可能性极大,如果后续VIL值有跃增性增长,并短时(1-5个体扫)达到30 kg/m^2以上,此时可以肯定将发生冰雹天;非汛期期间,VIL值远远小于汛期期间;短时强降水中,当VIL≧1 kg/m2持续维持4个体扫以上时,则有可能出现持续性降水或强降水,历史概括率为40/49=81.6%;当VIL≧5kg/m2时有可能出现短时性强降水,历史概括率为25/49=51.0%.但由于距离等的原因,出现强降水时VIL值仍可能为零,即VIL值对强降水没有明显指示作用的仍占了18% (5/18)的比例,因而是业务应用中值得关注的一个问题.  相似文献   
The pH is one of the major chemical parameters affecting the results of remediation programs carried out at abandoned mines and dumps and one of the major parameters controlling heavy metal mobilization and speciation. This study is concerned with testing the feasibility of estimating surface pH on the basis of airborne hyperspectral (HS) data (HyMap). The work was carried on the Sokolov lignite mine, as it represents a site with extreme material heterogeneity and high pH gradients. First, a geochemical conceptual model of the site was defined. Pyrite, jarosite or lignite were the diagnostic minerals of very low pH (<3.0), jarosite in association with goethite indicated increased pH (3.0–6.5) and goethite alone characterized nearly neutral or higher pH (>6.5). It was found that these minerals have absorption feature parameters which are common for both forms, individual minerals as well as parts of the mixtures, while the shift to longer wavelengths of the absorption maximum centered between 0.90 and 1.00 μm is the main parameter that allows differentiation among the ferric minerals. The multi range spectral feature fitting (MRSFF) technique was employed to map the defined end-members indicating certain pH ranges in the HS image datasets. This technique was found to be sensitive enough to assess differences in the desired spectral parameters (e.g., absorption shape, depth and indirectly maximum absorption wavelength position). Furthermore, the regression model using the fit images, the results of MRSFF, as inputs was constructed (R2 = 0.61, Rv2 = 0.76) to estimate the surface pH. This study represents one of the few approaches employing image spectroscopy for quantitative pH modeling in a mining environment and the achieved results demonstrate the potential application of hyperspectral remote sensing as an efficient method for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   
根据长白山无人区1∶10000像片控制测量实例,说明利用GPS测量速度快、点间无须通视、迁站方便、测量大地高相对精度较高的特点.采用GPS高程拟合方法,通过高程异常值求解像片控制点的正常高,解决了山区像片控制点的高程测量难题.  相似文献   
提出一种基于扫描磁偏角地磁图自动计算磁偏角的方法,把一维磁偏角数据扩展到二维数据,将有关图像校正的方法用在磁偏角的求取上,即在扫描磁偏角地磁图中以图上的地理坐标、扩展磁偏角等值线坐标以及扩展磁偏角等变线坐标所对应的像素坐标为媒介,通过非线性变换,最终建立起地理坐标、磁偏角等值线以及磁偏角等变线之间的相互对应关系,以解决...  相似文献   
拟建的某水利工程场地存在一规模较大的北北东向断裂,定名为F1断裂.通过对F1断裂的地质雷达探测、工程地质资料分析、地震地质调查、断裂断错和上覆第四纪地层年代测试等工作,鉴定了此断裂的活动性,评价了断裂对工程的影响,提出了工程选址和设计建议,为断裂活动性鉴定在工程选址和设计中的实际应用提供了一个范例.  相似文献   
场地类型对反应谱平台值的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文中在总结一些学者研究基础上,利用土层地震反应分析的一维等效线性化波动方法,以建筑抗震设计规范规定的反应谱为目标谱,合成不同加速度峰值和特征周期加速度时程曲线共28条,将其作为土层地震反应分析的输入地震动,选取和构造了四种场地类型的225个土层剖面,计算了不同土层剖面在不同地震动输入下的设计反应谱的平台值.基于统计分析...  相似文献   
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