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一种干旱指数计算方法的研究和应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Mass and energy fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation are driven by meteorological variables, and controlled by plant water status, which may change more markedly diurnally than soil water. We tested the hypothesis that integration of dynamic changes in leaf water potential may improve the simulation of CO2 and water fluxes over a wheat canopy. Simulation of leaf water potential was integrated into a comprehensive model (the ChinaAgrosys) of heat, water and CO2 fluxes and crop growth. Photosynthesis from individual leaves was integrated to the canopy by taking into consideration the attenuation of radiation when penetrating the canopy. Transpiration was calculated with the Shuttleworth-Wallace model in which canopy resistance was taken as a link between energy balance and physiological regulation. A revised version of the Ball-Woodrow-Berry stomatal model was applied to produce a new canopy resistance model, which was validated against measured CO2 and water vapour fluxes over winter wheat fields in Yucheng (36°57′ N, 116°36′ E, 28 m above sea level) in the North China Plain during 1997, 2001 and 2004. Leaf water potential played an important role in causing stomatal conductance to fall at midday, which caused diurnal changes in photosynthesis and transpiration. Changes in soil water potential were less important. Inclusion of the dynamics of leaf water potential can improve the precision of the simulation of CO2 and water vapour fluxes, especially in the afternoon under water stress conditions.  相似文献   
为解决海洋中大量观测数据只含有温度剖面而缺乏盐度观测的问题, 基于历史观测的温盐剖面资料, 考虑到盐度卫星数据的发展, 采用回归分析方法, 在孟加拉湾建立了盐度与温度、经纬度、表层盐度的关系, 并对不同反演方法的反演结果进行检验评估。结果发现, 在不引入海表盐度(sea surface salinity, SSS)时, 最佳反演模型是温度、温度的二次项与经纬度确定的回归模型, 而SSS的引入则可以进一步优化反演结果。将反演结果与观测结果进行对比, 显示用反演的盐度剖面计算的比容海面高度误差超过2cm, 而引入SSS后的误差低于1.5cm。SSS的引入能够较为真实地反映海洋盐度场的垂直结构和内部变化特征, 既能够捕捉到对上混合层有重要影响的SSS信号, 又能够反映盐度在跃层上的季节内变化以及盐度障碍层的季节变化。水团分析显示, 与气候态相比, 盐度反演结果可以更好地表征海洋上层水团的变化特征。  相似文献   
基于RS和USLE的红壤丘陵区小流域水土流失量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用野外调查采样、室内分析测定、遥感(RS)技术、数学模型等研究方法,以湖南省资兴市东江水库上游光河桥小流域为例,计算出了美国通用土壤流失方程(USLE)中各单项因子值,对该流域水土流失量进行了估算.结果表明:该流域的土壤可蚀性因子(K值)介于0.14~0.42 t·hm2.h.hm-2.MJ-1.mm-1之间,平均为0.27 t·hm2.h.hm-2.MJ-1,mm-1,属于中等可侵蚀性土壤;土壤侵蚀模数在0 ~3 817 t·hm-2·a-1之间,平均侵蚀模数为78 t.hm-2.a-1,处于强度侵蚀等级,流域的土壤侵蚀量达到292 266 t·a-1.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖水龄季节性变化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于环境水动力学模型EFDC源程序,建立了染色剂模型和水龄模型,在将模型与航测水文数据验证吻合的基础上,分别计算了鄱阳湖自然条件下春、夏、秋、冬季的水龄和倒灌前后鄱阳湖染色剂和水龄分布的变化,以及五河水系各分支河流水龄.分季节的水龄计算表明鄱阳湖水体交换受季节性来水影响明显.夏、秋季的水龄相对较小,在多数年份又受到长江水倒灌的影响导致水龄有所增大;冬、春季水龄较大,亦无长江水倒灌现象,相较于夏、秋季,水域面积明显减少.分支流的水龄计算表明,西南湖区的水体交换主要受到赣江的影响,西北湖区水体交换主要受到修水和赣江的影响,南部湖区主要受到抚河与信江的影响,东部湖区主要受到饶河的影响,湖心区和入江水道则受到五河水系的综合影响.同时水龄的研究表明拟建的鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程"调枯不调洪"的原则是合理的,为鄱阳湖水利枢纽工程论证提供了重要的参考依据.  相似文献   
武汉东湖不同营养型子湖的水生生物与水域功能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于1991-1993年研究了武汉东湖4个营养型不同的子湖中水生生物与水域功能,表明各子湖之间各类水生生物的生态特征存在明显差异,茶港湾的HBC和FC的数量,藻类的细胞密度和初级生产量,浮游动物和底栖动物的个体密度等均居4个子湖之首,其水质已达到了超富营养水平,将该湖区的作为污水天然净化区进行管理,可望对东湖的主体湖区起到缓冲和保护作用,郭郑湖的水质状况仅次于茶港湾湖区,处于富营养阶段,该湖区多项生  相似文献   
鄱阳湖流域径流模型   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
流域径流是鄱阳湖主要来水,建立鄱阳湖流域径流模型对揭示湖泊水量平衡及其受流域自然和人类活动的影响具有重要意义.针对鄱阳湖-流域系统的特点:流域面积大(16.22×104km2)、多条入湖河流、湖滨区坡面入湖径流等,研究了相应的模拟方法,建立了考虑流域土壤属性和土地利用空间变化的鄱阳湖流域分布式径流模型.采用6个水文站1991-2001年的实测河道径流对模型进行了率定和验证.结果显示,模型整体模拟精度较高.其中,赣江、信江和饶河均取得了较好的模拟结果,月效率系数为0.82-0.95;抚河和修水模拟精度略低,为0.65-0.78.模型揭示了研究时段内年平均入湖径流总量为1623×108m3,其中,赣江最多,占47%,其次为信江和抚河,分别占13%和12%,湖滨区坡面入湖径流约占4%,其余24%来自饶河、修水以及其它入湖支流.模型将用于评估流域下垫面或气候变化引起的入湖水量变化,为湖泊水量平衡计算提供依据.  相似文献   
The homologous series of terpenoid sulfides previously reported to be present in Athabasca bitumen have been detected in a variety of petroleums from the Western Hemisphere. All 22 samples examined, ranging in age from Devonoan to Cretaceous, contained the terpenoid sulfides. A method is described for the isolation of sulfides from petroleums based on the selective oxidation of sulfides to more polar sulfoxides which are easily removed from the mixture and their subsequent reduction to sulfides. The sulfide content in the petroleum maltenes examined ranged from 0.3 to 16.1% w/w. In addition to the bicyclic and tetracyclic terpenoid sulfides a new series of tricyclic terpenoid sulfides has been identified, and the details of the isoprenoid side chain have been elucidated for all three homologous series. The distributions by carbon number of the bicyclic and tetracyclic homologous series of terpenoid sulfides show pronounced variations which are attributed to thermal maturity and degree of water washing of the petroleum, thus the ability to identify terpenoid sulfides should provide a useful tool for oil-oil and oil-source rock correlation studies. The bicyclic and tricyclic terpenoid sulfides have the same carbon framework as the carotenoids which suggest that these sulfides were accessory pigments in photosynthesis.  相似文献   
加标回收在水质分析中的应用及回收率计算方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了水质分析中加标回收分析的方法步骤、条件控制及计算方法。当加标体积影响试样在加标水样中的浓度时,直接使用回收率理论计算公式的计算值,均较其真实的回收率偏低,且其偏低值随加标体积的增加而增大。根据加标回收分析的定义,分别以加标前后被测组分质量浓度(mg/L)的变化或含量(μg)的变化为依据,导出两个计算加标回收率的实用公式。采用该公式,加标体积可以不受严格控制,其计算结果与真实的回收率一致,适用于日常水质分析工作。  相似文献   
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