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Individual bacterial cells occur in many samples that were collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania and during the Lagrangian “B” experiment of the Aerosol Characterization Experiment 1 (ACE-1) campaign that was conducted above the Southern Ocean. They are present in samples from altitudes as high as 5.4 km. Morphologically, almost all bacteria are rod-shaped, about 1 μm long or smaller, have one polar flagellum, and contain inclusions that are rich in P and K. Their morphological features suggest that these bacteria are motile, marine species. It seems likely that the cells became airborne by the same bubble-bursting mechanism that ejects sea-salt aerosol particles into the atmosphere; however, the bacteria and sea-salt particles are typically not aggregated with one another. The estimated number ratio of bacteria and the dominant aerosol species, sea salt, varies in the samples and averages about 1%. The aerosol bacteria seem to represent an important atmospheric reservoir of P and organic compounds; on the other hand, since they are externally mixed with sea salt, they are unlikely to be effective as cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   
应用PCR-DGGE技术研究了连续2年氮素、水分添加处理对贝加尔针茅草原土壤氨氧化细菌(AOB)16S r RNA基因和古菌(AOA)amo A基因遗传多样性的影响。结果表明,土壤硝化势在水分添加低氮(N30)和非水分添加高氮(N300)处理下较对照显著升高(P0.05),在水分添加高氮(N200、N300)处理下较对照急剧下降(P0.05)。不同处理下氨氧化细菌的群落结构变化较氨氧化古菌敏感,氮素添加显著改变了氨氧化微生物的群落结构,在高氮素处理下,氨氧化细菌的多样性指数有下降的趋势,而古菌的多样性则有升高的趋势,表明氨氧化古菌在高氮素下生长比较活跃。发育树分析的结果表明,非水分添加处理下,氨氧化细菌的群落由亚硝化螺菌属的Cluster 1、Cluster 3和Cluster 4组成,水分添加处理下由亚硝化螺菌属Cluster 3、Cluster 4和亚硝化单胞菌属的Cluster 6组成,而氨氧化古菌群落在水分添加处理下主要由泉古菌门的Cluster 1、Cluster 2和water lineage组成,在非水分添加处理下主要由泉古菌门的Cluster 1、Cluster 2和Cluster 5组成,两种水分输入机制下,氨氧化微生物群落的不同组成说明,水分在调节氨氧化微生物群落结构方面有重要作用。此外,氨氧化细菌群落多样性与全氮,NH4+和NO3-的含量呈显著负相关,而古菌群落与其呈显著正相关,说明氨氧化细菌与古菌对氮素和水分添加有不同的且互补的反应机制。  相似文献   
In a simulated spill in a salt marsh, linseed oil penetrated rapidly into the sediments at a rate of 10(-7) cm2 s(-1). The oil concentration remained unchanged for the first month after the spill, but 60% of the oil disappeared from the top 30 cm after a further month. The oil adsorbed to and accumulated in the muddy sediments (top 15 cm) leading to decreased sediment permeability, pH, Eh, abundance of plant roots and infauna and to the establishment of anoxic conditions. These changes accompanied transformations in the original fatty acid composition of the linseed oil, mainly associated with a decrease in 18 : 3omega3, an increase in the other fatty acids and the presence of 'new' fatty acids. A rapid increase in the abundance of heterotrophic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and aerobic oil degrading bacteria, suggested that these micro-organisms degraded the oil. The role of the bacteria in oil degradation was confirmed in laboratory experiments where the fatty acids composition of the linseed oil underwent identical transformations to those obtained in the field. The degradation of linseed oil appears to be a sequential process initiated by aerobic and/or anaerobic bacteria and continued by sulphate reducing bacteria, which were unable to degrade the raw oil.  相似文献   
Mercury and lead tolerance in hypersaline sulfate-reducing bacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) HSR1, HSR4, and HSR14 isolated from the salt pans of Goa grew best at 90-100/1000 salinity on substrates like formate, acetate, lactate, butyrate, ethanol and benzoate. They were gram negative, non-sporulating, non-motile rods lacking in desulfoviridin and cytochromes. Examination of these isolates for heavy metal tolerance and response studies in terms of growth and sulfate-reducing activity (SRA) were carried out using HgCl2 and Pb(NO3)2 at final concentration of 50, 100, and 200 and 100, 200 and 500 microg ml(-1) respectively. With Hg, HSR1 showed approximately 80% of the control's growth at 100 and 200 microg ml(-1) but SRA reached only 60% of the control values at the end of 14 days. HSR14 could reach >100% of the control's growth at 200 microg ml(-1) but the SRA reached only up to 60% of the control without metal at 100 microg ml(-1). Though the concentration of Pb was double that of Hg, HSR4 could grow and respire better than the control, the growth being stimulated by 160% and respiration by 170% in the presence of 500 microg ml(-1) of Pb(NO3)2. It is probable that some hypersaline SRB are more tolerant to heavy metals than the mesohaline counterparts and could be more effectively used for precipitating these metals in bioremediatory measures. Further examination of their responses to varied concentration of metals under different salinities would indicate their range of applicability.  相似文献   
Suspended particulate matter was collected, from the water layer at 10 cm above the sediments, over a period of 13 months in the Golfo Marconi (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean). Measurements of seston concentration as well as the elemental (particulate organic carbon and nitrogen; POC and PON, respectively) and biochemical composition (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, DNA) of particulate organic matter were carried out to assess quality and quantity of food potentially available to benthic suspension-feeders. Particulate organic matter showed wide qualitative and quantitative variations during the sampling year. Seston concentrations and POC did not reflect the quantity and quality of the food available to benthic suspension-feeders. The biopolymeric fraction of particulate matter (C-BPF, i.e. the sum of lipid, protein and carbohydrate carbon) was mostly composed of phytoplankton (which accounted for about 60% of C-BPF). The ratio of C-BPF to POC was utilized as a measure of the fraction which had the potential to be more readily available to consumers. Suspended organic matter showed higher values of the C-BPF:POC ratio during spring, and lower values in summer and autumn–winter. Quantitative estimates of the energy content of the suspended particulate matter were obtained from its biochemical composition. Bacterial dynamics were significantly related to changes in phytoplankton biomass. Bacteria accounted for a significant fraction of the biopolymeric carbon pool (annual average about 15%) and of the total particulate DNA (21·5%), thus enhancing the nutritional value of the particulate organic matter. The results achieved in this study indicate that the biochemical composition of the particulate matter provides additional information on the origin, quality and characteristics of the seston more readily available to benthic suspension-feeders.  相似文献   
There is a well-defined succession of micro-organisms which colonize powdered leaf debris from Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus, and aged natural detrital material when these were incubated in estuarine water at temperatures near to those recorded in the habitat at the time of collection. The natural assemblage of free-living bacteria in estuarine water rapidly enters logarithmic growth, subsequently declining with the increase in numbers of bactivorous microflagellates. These are then replaced by a mixed population of ciliates, choanoflagellates, amoeboid forms and attached bacteria which form part of a complex microbial community associated with particulate debris. The rate of increase of bacterial cells (μ), in both spring and summer experiments ranged from 0·010–0·108 h?1 whilst estimates of bacterial carbon production ranged from 1·5 to 10·1 μg C 1?1 h?1, values which conform well with estimates obtained from natural assemblages of marine bacteria in coastal and estuarine waters elsewhere. Although both the ease of degradation of the detrital substrate and incubation temperature are of importance, enrichment of both powdered Spartina leaf debris and aged natural detritus with inorganic nutrients evidently enhances bacterial production under experimental conditions. In addition, the amount of carbon utilized to sustain bacterial carbon production shows a significant reduction following enrichment with NH4, NO3 or combinations of NO3 + PO4. The bacterial carbon conversion efficiency (μg C incorporated into bacterial production per μg C consumed) × 100, based on powdered Spartina leaves, and aged natural detritus, is thus increased from 9–14%, to as much as 38% in nutrient enriched media. Since NH4, NO3 and PO4 values are generally low in the water column, it seems likely that bacteria achieve a carbon conversion of only 9–14% on natural suspended detrital material, with the possibility of an enhanced conversion of up to 38% occurring at the sediment-water interface where ammonia regeration occurs. This suggests that suspended bacteria which characterize estuarine waters of salt marsh areas may be responsible for the oxidation of 86–91% of the carbon which enters water column microheterotroph food chains, and are probably implicated in the large CO2 fluxes recently recorded from coastal wetland habitats.  相似文献   
Bacterial communities of different respiratory types were isolated from a marine sediment in a multiple chemostat system in an attempt to obtain bacterial cultures representative of the sediment. The fatty acid distribution of a mixed culture of sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from this system showed a good correlation with the lipid distribution of the zone of maximum sulphate-reduction activity within the sediment. Both distributions had significant concentrations of C14 : 0, iso and anteiso C15 : 0, C16 : 0, C16 : 1ω7 and C18 : 1ω7. This was in contrast to the lipid profile of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans obtained by batch enrichment, which was dominated by iso C17 : 1ω7 fatty acids and correlated poorly with the sediment. The bacterial community cultured from the sediment was further differentiated according to respiratory types (aerobic, facultative aerobic and facultative anaerobic) by growth in a chemostat under defined conditions. The fatty acid distributions of these communities were sufficiently different to enable the various respiratory types to be recognized by their particular fatty acid composition. Cyclopropyl fatty acids (?17 and ?19) were present in significant levels only in the aerobic bacteria, while the facultative aerobes had significantly higher C18 : 1ω7 than the other cultures and the facultative anaerobic community was the only culture to have significant amounts of C12 : 0. The fatty acid distribution of Loch Eil sediment over the range C12-19 seemed to be predominantly of bacterial origin and were relatively abundant to a depth of 6 cm. The concentration of cyclopropyl fatty acids was highest in the oxidized surface sediments and decreased with depth as anaerobic conditions began to dominate, indicating that these fatty acids may only be indicative of aerobic sedimentary bacteria. In contrast to the fatty acids characteristic of bacteria, those fatty acids in the range C20-30 attributed to a terrestrial input were found in relatively constant concentrations over the whole 0–12 cm depth profile.  相似文献   
Extracellular release by phytoplankton of small and large metabolites (molecular weight 〈and〉 500 d) is determined kinetically in various marine ecosystems including the eutrophic Scheldt estuary, the Belgian coastal zone and the oligotrophic English Channel. Kinetic curves show that while small metabolites are immediately released in the external medium, a lag phase is always observed in the release of large metabolites. Results indicate that 9–48% of the total excreted amount ends up in the small metabolites pool with no dependence on light intensity or nutritive conditions. Relative rates of heterotrophic uptake of the phytoplankton extracellular metabolites are calculated from the time dependent distribution of 14C labelled extracellular products. The data indicate that small molecules with high turnover rates (up to 25% h?1) may occasionally be excreted by phytoplankton cells. The turnover time of high molecular weight excreted compounds is much longer. A correlation is found between the rate of production of these large extracellular metabolites and the exoenzymatic activity of the bacterial populations.  相似文献   
A lot of fossil bacteria and algae, which were re-placed by uraninite ( pitchblende), were first found inthe ores when the authors studied the sandstone-hostedinterlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposits innorthwest China[1,2]. It is known that a powerful radia-tion from the uranium ores is harmful and, evendeadly to any life, including microorganism. Whatmechanism does this inconceivable fact result from?Up to the present time in China, there has been no ex-perimental investigation on red…  相似文献   
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