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海洋真菌LD8岩藻多糖酶的固态发酵条件研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对海洋真菌LD8岩藻多糖酶的固态发酵条件进行了研究,主要内容包括氮源、诱导物、起始pH、人工海水盐浓度及温度等。固态发酵最佳培养基组成:麸皮7.5g,葡萄糖0.1g,海带粉0.5g,NaNO3为0.04g;最佳培养条件为培养温度28℃,起始pH6.0。在28℃培养48h,酶活力可达13.6IU/g干培养基,比活力为0.93IU/mg蛋白质。另外对岩藻多糖酶酶学性质进行了研究。  相似文献   
Tsunami, the natural disaster, which occurred on December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean, caused severe damage to mankind in the coastal areas. Total loss of life and economic loss because of this disaster have been estimated by various agencies but its effect on microbial density has not been probed. With our previous results on microbial populations in four locations of the Chennai coast of the Bay of Bengal, India in the pre‐tsunami period, the change in microbial populations was studied after the tsunami at regular intervals in the same locations. Coastal sediment and seawater samples were collected from four different locations after 5–10 h and thereafter at intervals of every 7 days up to 28 days post‐tsunami. Bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were isolated from the marine samples by serial dilution on respective media. Before the tsunami, the bacterial population was higher in seawater samples than the sediments, whereas fungi and actinomycetes were recorded only in the sediments. The microbial population remarkably increased 5–10 h post‐tsunami in all the marine samples irrespective of the location. However, it slowly declined in the subsequent days and became similar to that of the population recorded before the tsunami. The population of gram‐positive bacteria increased whereas the gram‐negative bacterial population decreased after the tsunami. Further, populations of pathogenic bacteria such as coliform and vibrios did not increase after the tsunami. It has been observed that the increase in populations of bacteria and actinomycetes even after 28 days of tsunami may be due to the introduction of foreign microorganisms that developed the ability to survive in the extreme environment by exhibiting special characteristics such as pigmentation and production of exopolysaccharides.  相似文献   
海洋真菌多样性的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海洋微生物作为海洋生物的一个组成,有其独特的特性,耐盐性不能作为区分海洋型与陆生型微生物的标志。本文对海洋真菌的的界定、数量、附着基质、生态类型以及其产生的生物活性物质做了概述。  相似文献   
由渤海海泥中分离得到 30 0株菌株 ,从中筛选获得海洋生境芽孢杆菌B 9987菌株 ,其胞外物质经乙醚萃取、硅胶G薄层层析、官能团显色反应及紫外扫描 ,测其组分 ;以不同浓度B 9987菌株的抑菌液测定对植物病原真菌的抑制效果。结果表明 ,B 9987菌株的胞外抑菌物质可能是酚类化合物 ;该物质对植物病原真菌茄交镰孢菌、大丽轮枝菌、黄枝孢菌、立枯丝核菌的抑制作用 ,主要是造成真菌孢子或菌丝末端膨大成球状 ,继而胞壁崩解 ,原生质外泄。对尖刀镰孢菌和莴苣霜霉菌的抑制作用 ,则表现为孢子萌发率降低和菌丝长度明显变短。该抑菌物质可望开发为农用抗生素  相似文献   
四川省内菌物学工作者1970年代末开始对大型食用蕈菌进行研究,有文献资料记载是1983年。20年来, 既有引种、野生菌人工驯化栽培、高产栽培技术,又有病虫害防治的研究,还有应用原生质体融合技术选育新品种工作。其间选育出食用菌新品种12个,获得成果13项,其中获奖成果7项,最高奖项是国家技术发明二等奖。建议今后应加大野生食用菌资源合理开发利用和保护力度,加强新品种和新技术研究,加强精深加工产品开发,研究适宜四川产业化发展经营新模式等。  相似文献   
The authors investigated aquatic fungi growing on the carapaces of 29 species of dead crustaceans (13 species of Copepoda, 13 species of Cladocera and 3 species of Ostracoda) in the water from six limnological and trophical different water bodies (two springs, one river, one lake and two ponds). All of these waterbodies are strongly loaded. 146 species of aquatic fungi were found on the carapaces: 40 Chytridiomycetes, 1 Hyphochytriomycete and 105 Oomycetes. The most common fungus species were Karlingia chitinophila, Myzocytium microsporum, Myzocytium zoophthorum, Pythium acanthicum, Pythium butleri and Pythium myriotylum. Most zoosporic fungus species were observed on the specimens of Daphnia pulex (50 fungus species), Daphnia magna (48) and Cyclocypris laevis (44), fewest on Cyclops fuscus and Cyclops vicinus (each 10).The most fungi were growing in the water from River Supraśl (86), the fewest in the water from Pond Fosa (53). Cluster analysis of the investigated parameters carried out in water bodies during the experiment on zoosporic fungus species has revealed that in the water from springs and Pond Fosa the number of fungus species is closely associated with the concentration of sulphates, in water from River Supraśl and Lake Komosa with calcium and in the water from Pond Dojlidy with chlorides. Out of these 146 species, 21 are known as parasites or necrotrophs of fish. Some dead specimens of crustacean species are a new substrate for some fungus species.  相似文献   
Population density and species diversity of microfungal communities were investigated in the rhizosphere soil of the halophytic plant Zygophyllum qatarense inhabiting saline and nonsaline habitats of the arid desert environment of Bahrain. Unlike the nonsaline habitat which is situated in the physiographic zone of multiple escarpment and backslopes, the saline site is located in the coastal lowlands and is featured by high chloride content, electrical conductivity, total soluble salts and low organic matter. Soils of both habitats are sandy, slightly alkaline, poor in nutrient sources, low in water-holding capacity and mainly dominated by a salt-tolerant flora. Quantification of data for the recovery of fungi were based on colony identification and counts by a series of ten-fold dilutions plate method, using various natural, synthetic and selective media. A total of 2780 isolates, fluctuating between 25 and 1109 per sample, were recovered during the present study among all habitats, seasons and plant sizes. Grouping of these isolates has resulted in a maximum of 28 fungal taxa varied between 5 and 15 species, of which 24 were hyphomycetes, 3 ascomycetes and one was an unknown species. All the recorded species in this study, excluding the genus Fusarium, are newly reported from the arid terrestrial habitats of Bahrain. Of the encountered fungi,Cladosporium sphaerospermum was the most dominant and frequent genus, among all plant sizes, followed by Penicillium citrinam and Aspergillus fumigatus, a finding with consistent documented data from similar arid Sahara ecosystems. Examination of data, supported by analysis of relative density values, percentage recovery rates, polar ordination and diversity indices revealed that the nonsaline habitat during the dry period yielded the highest isolate frequency, species abundance, and diversity when compared with the saline habitat. Moreover, a progressive increase in colony occurrence and species diversity was equivalently associated with increment in plant size in the nonsaline habitat. Apparently, the vast majority (moderate to low occurrence class) of the reported species are rhizosphere indigenous saprophytic cellulose-decomposers, whilst the sparse taxa (high occurrence class), e.g. C. sphaerospermum, are regarded as thermo-osmotolerant. Comparison of species richness among samples suggests that small plants inhabiting nonsaline habitats during the wet and dry season were richest in species composition. It is proposed that inter- and intra-specific variation in fungal community between the above habitats reflect not only the influence of plant age and season but also extends to critical multi-soil edaphic and biotic factors involving essentially soil moisture, salinity and root growth dynamic and exudates.  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠南缘苔藓结皮中可培养真菌的多样性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了解古尔班通古特沙漠南缘苔藓结皮中可培养真菌的多样性,运用稀释平板法和基于ITS-rDNA基因序列的系统发育分析,将得到的基因序列与NCBI数据库GenBank中的序列进行相似性比较并构建系统发育树。结果显示,从古尔班通古特沙漠南缘苔藓结皮中共分离得到24株菌落形态各异的真菌,分属于11属21种,绝大多数属于子囊菌亚门和半知菌亚门。其中,青霉属(Penicillium)和链格孢属(Alternaria)为优势菌群,茎点霉属(Phoma)、曲霉菌属(Aspergillus)、镰刀孢菌属(Fusarium)为常见属;有些种类的真菌具有耐热及特殊产酶活性。  相似文献   
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