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Grain-displacing hydrate deposits exist at many marine sites, which constitute an important part of methane hydrate resources worldwide. Attributed to the difficulties in acquiring field data and synthesizing experimental samples, the formation and property characterization of grain-displacing hydrate remains less understood and characterized than the pore-filling hydrate in current literature. This study reviews the formation mechanisms of grain-displacing hydrate from the perspective of geolog...  相似文献   
The major elements, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of four basalt samples from central and western Pacific ferro- manganese crust provinces have been analyzed using chemical methods and ICP - MS, respectively. The results indicate that the samples have been extensively altered and that the contents of their major elements have changed significantly. However, the similarity of REE partition patterns and trace element contents of basalt samples to those of fresh oceanic island basalts (OIB) indicate that the basalt samples originated as OIB. Because of low-temperature alteration, the contents of A1203 , Fe203 , MnO, K20 and P205 increased, while MgO and FeO decreased. Active components, such as magnesium and iron, were leached from OIB resulting in the relative enrichment of SiO2. The leaching of active components can cause the relative enrichment of REE, while the precipitation of LREE-rich ferromanganese oxides in vesicles and fissures not only causes an increase of REE contents, but also induces "fractionation" of LREE and HREE. Based on the enrichment mechanism of REE contents, the theoretical quantities of precipitated ferromanganese oxides and the depleted quantities of active components are calculated : the depleted quantities of active components for the unit mass of fresh basalts vary in the range of 0.15 ~ 0. 657, and the precipitated quantities of ferromanganese oxides for the unit mass of fresh basahs vary in the range of 0. 006 ~ 0. 042. Of the major elements, the two most depleted are iron, and magnesium, with 18.28% ~ 70.95% of iron and 44.50% ~ 93.94% of magnesium in the fresh basalts was leached out. Theoretical calculation and geochemistry results both indicate that low-temperature alteration of basalts can supply abundant amount of metals to seawater, and may play an important role in ocean metal circulation.  相似文献   
中国科学院海洋研究所在开展西太平洋马里亚纳海山区多学科综合科学考察的过程中,利用"科学"轮船载的全水深多波束测深系统Seabeam3012对多个海山进行了地形测量工作。针对作业过程中遇到的恶劣海况导致采集数据质量差、多波束系统易检测错误海底信息、测线布设难度大等问题,提出了基于船体姿态对数据质量影响分析的多波束测线方向优化、基于地形变化并参考浅地层剖面资料的作业参数优化和基于实时采集情况的多波束采集测线布设优化等一系列措施,有效地提高了海山区多波束数据采集质量,并提高了作业效率。获得的高品质地形数据,为多学科协同研究奠定了基础,为ROV等设备的现场作业提供了安全保障。  相似文献   
布鲁斯台辉长岩位于中天山南缘缝合带中段古洛沟蛇绿岩以北30km,是该带上出露的为数不多的较大的基性侵入岩体。辉长岩主要由斜长石(35%~45%)、单斜辉石(20%~25%)和角闪石(30%~35%)组成,角闪石主要为交代辉石后的产物。岩石化学成分显示,辉长岩具有高Al2O3(15.43%~23.20%)和CaO(12.96%~14.48%),低碱K2O(0.13%~0.19%)、Na2O(1.47%~3.00%)、P2O5(0.03%~0.07%)和TiO2(0.34%~0.61%)的特征。辉长岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式与E-MORB相似,但ΣREE低(12.91×10-6~23.14×10-6),微量元素具有Ba、U、K、Sr等LILE富集和Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、Th等HFSE亏损的特点。锆石原位εHf(t)值为+9.7~+15.0。上述特征反映辉长岩形成的构造背景为活动大陆边缘,源区为受俯冲流体影响的亏损地幔橄榄岩,且在上升的过程中未遭受地壳的明显混染。La、Sm、Yb判别图解显示岩石可能是亏损的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩发生5%~10%的部分熔融的产物。锆石LA-ICP-MS测年表明,辉长岩形成年龄为316.8±2.1Ma(MSWD=3.4,n=36)。结合区域地质、年代学和地球化学的资料,我们提出至少在晚石炭世,南天山洋还存在洋内和洋陆俯冲事件,南天山洋闭合的时间可能在更晚的早二叠世,而不是志留纪或者早泥盆世。  相似文献   
根据主采煤层顶底板岩体岩性类型及结构面发育程度对其稳定性进行了评价:72煤层顶板以中等稳定一不稳定类型为主,82煤层顶板以中等稳定类型为主,10煤层顶板以中等稳定一稳定类型为主。在大量统计见煤点硬质岩百分含量(k值)的基础上,结合顶板岩石的单轴抗压强度,对各主采煤层顶底板工程地质类型进行了划分:72煤层以一、二类顶板为主,82、10煤层均以五类顶板为主。综合评价该矿工程地质条件为中等即Ⅲ类二型。根据研究成果,指出该矿在采掘过程中可能出现的工程地质问题,并依此提出了治理建议。  相似文献   
海水的氯同位素组成特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用基于Cs2 Cl+离子的正热电离质谱法测定了海水中的氯同位素组成。结果表明海水的3 7 Cl 3 5Cl值基本上是均一的 ,平均值为 0 .3190 93,变化范围为 0 .318782~ 0 .3192 2 1。相对于某一标准海水的表面海水的δ3 7Cl值与包括海水温度、盐度、经纬度在内的所有因素基本无关。但不同深度的海水的δ3 7Cl值随深度而降低 ;δ3 7Cl值也显然与大陆注入水和区域有关。  相似文献   
土动力学与岩土地震工程研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜修力  路德春 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):10-20
指出了土动力学与岩土地震工程领域课题的特点与研究方法,并从土的动力特性与本构理论、动荷载作用下饱和土的液化、岩土体的地震变形与稳定性分析、土与结构动力相互作用、数值分析方法、物理模型试验与技术6个方面评述了国内外研究进展与发展趋势,建议了应着重研究的学科前沿与关键科学问题,希望能对今后的科研工作有一定的启迪作用  相似文献   
This paper applies the narrow band Internet of things communication technology to develop a wireless network equipment and communication system, which can quickly set up a network with a radius of 100 km on water surface. A disposable micro buoy based on narrow-band Internet of things and Beidou positioning function is also developed and used to collect surface hydrodynamic data online. In addition, a web-based public service platform is designed for the analysis and visualization of the data collected by buoys. Combined with the satellite remote sensing data, the study carries a series of marine experiments and studies such as sediment deposition tracking and garbage floating tracking.  相似文献   
云南大理洱海周缘分布着厚层的早全新世软粘土, 大量原状样品的工程性质测试结果表明, 洱海东缘早全新世软粘土具有高含水量、孔隙比高、压缩性强、强度低、高塑性等工程特性, 其中表层软土超固结现象明显。通过对软土的物理力学指标统计分析表明, 洱海东缘软粘土的力学指标的变异系数较大, 而物理性质指标变异系数很小; 多个物理指标之间及物理指标与力学指标之间存在明显的相关性。对洱海东缘软粘土各类工程特性指标之间相互关系的认识, 不仅有助于揭示软粘土的工程性质及其形成机理, 而且可以指导软粘土工程问题处理措施的合理选择。   相似文献   
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