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Macrofauna, nutrient fluxes, porewater chemistry and sediment characteristics were measured at six intertidal mudflat sites in the Humber Estuary, U.K., during the different seasons. Nereis diversicolor , Macoma balthica and Corophium volutator were found to be the dominant macrofauna. Salinity was the baseline control on macrofauna distribution but this was overprinted by periodic impoverishment due to sediment mobilization. High resolution gel probe porewater samplers provided direct evidence for the impact of burrows on porewater chemistry. The macrofauna modified nutrient fluxes during periods of mud flat stability. Nereis caused a decrease in silicate and phosphate effluxes but enhanced ammonia release and nitrate uptake. Macoma enhanced ammonia and nitrite release. The impact of Corophium was not possible to discern. The Humber is a large, highly dynamic macrotidal estuary in which sediment resuspension has a large impact on porewater profiles, nutrient fluxes and macrofaunal communities. Simple patterns and inter-relationships which are seen in small sheltered estuaries are not observed in the Humber.  相似文献   
Beavers, primarily through the building of dams, can deliver significant geomorphic modifications and result in changes to nutrient and sediment fluxes. Research is required to understand the implications and possible benefits of widespread beaver reintroduction across Europe. This study surveyed sediment depth, extent and carbon/nitrogen content in a sequence of beaver pond and dam structures in South West England, where a pair of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) were introduced to a controlled 1.8 ha site in 2011. Results showed that the 13 beaver ponds subsequently created hold a total of 101.53 ± 16.24 t of sediment, equating to a normalised average of 71.40 ± 39.65 kg m2. The ponds also hold 15.90 ± 2.50 t of carbon and 0.91 ± 0.15 t of nitrogen within the accumulated pond sediment. The size of beaver pond appeared to be the main control over sediment storage, with larger ponds holding a greater mass of sediment per unit area. Furthermore, position within the site appeared to play a role with the upper‐middle ponds, nearest to the intensively‐farmed headwaters of the catchment, holding a greater amount of sediment. Carbon and nitrogen concentrations in ponds showed no clear trends, but were significantly higher than in stream bed sediment upstream of the site. We estimate that >70% of sediment in the ponds is sourced from the intensively managed grassland catchment upstream, with the remainder from in situ redistribution by beaver activity. While further research is required into the long‐term storage and nutrient cycling within beaver ponds, results indicate that beaver ponds may help to mitigate the negative off‐site impacts of accelerated soil erosion and diffuse pollution from agriculturally dominated landscapes such as the intensively managed grassland in this study. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Nutrient loadings in many river catchments continue to increase due to rapid expansion of agriculture, urban and industrial development, and population growth. Nutrient enrichment of water bodies has intensified eutrophication which degrades water quality and ecosystem health. In this study, we carried out a trend analysis of total phosphorus and total nitrogen loads in the South Saskatchewan River (SSR) catchment using a novel approach to analyse nutrient time series. Seasonal analysis of trends at each of the water quality stations was performed to determine the relationships between annual flow regimes and nutrient loads in the catchment, in particular, the influence of the high spring runoff on nutrient export. Decadal analysis was also performed to determine the long-term relationships of nutrients with anthropogenic changes in the catchment. Although it was found that seasonal and historical variability of nutrient load trends is mainly determined by streamflow regime changes, there is evidence that increases in nitrogen concentration can also be attributed to anthropogenic changes.  相似文献   
淮南采煤塌陷湖泊浮游植物优势种的营养动力学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在淮南潘谢矿区选取3个营养盐结构差异较大的塌陷湖泊,于2014—2015年4个季度分别对浮游植物群落结构组成进行调查,选取3个湖泊中的优势种(属)具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata)、链形小环藻(Cyclotella catenata)和伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)作为研究对象,设置不同的氮(N)、磷(P)浓度梯度进行营养动力学培养实验,并结合Monod方程,获得3个藻种在不同营养盐限制下的营养动力学参数.N限制下具尾蓝隐藻、小环藻和伪鱼腥藻的最大生长速率(μmax)和半饱和常数(Ks)分别为:0.66 d~(-1)、1.66 mg/L;0.37 d~(-1)、1.06 mg/L;0.71 d~(-1)、2.26 mg/L;P限制下它们的μmax和Ks则分别为:0.51 d~(-1)、0.023 mg/L;0.31 d~(-1)、0.035 mg/L;0.90 d~(-1)、0.015 mg/L.综上所述,在N充足时,伪鱼腥藻能够在竞争中形成优势,同时在P限制情况下易成为优势种,从营养动力学的角度揭示了其在塌陷湖泊中占据优势的营养盐动力学机制.研究结果可以为沉陷区水域开发利用和营养盐管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
One of the key concerns in estuarine and coastal environments is eutrophication, which is known to be closely connected to nutrient enrichment. To control and improve surface water quality, nutrient criteria are recommended in order to provide reference conditions for the environment. However, the current datasets of nutrient criteria in China are either designed for surface water or sea water, and as such these are not suitable for assessing estuarine water quality, especially given the unique ecosystem and dynamic properties of estuaries. To address this issue in current estuarine water management, nutrient criteria have been developed for a local estuary in the southeast of China. Segmentation of the Jiulong River Estuary, China was firstly analysed through field investigations carried out during 2013–2014, which resulted in the delineation of three segments characterized by their distinct properties in relation to salinity, hydrology, ecosystems, etc. Historical records from 1997 to 2014 were then analysed using statistical modelling to develop candidate nutrient criteria for the estuary.This stage of the analysis was undertaken in combination with the study of nutrient status records from the 1980s,which were used to establish a baseline reference condition. The recommended criteria values of dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) in Segments Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ of the Jiulong River Estuary are 64, 21 and 14 μmol/L,respectively, and the corresponding values for soluble reactive phosphorus(SRP) are 0.89, 0.76 and 0.89 μmol/L,respectively. It should be emphasised that these values are site-dependent, and that different results may be achieved at other locations depending on the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of an estuary, or even a single site within a catchment. It is hoped that by demonstrating a possible methodological approach and methods of nutrient criteria derivation in the Jiulong River Estuary, the current study will offer researchers some fundamental basis from which to begin to develop more complete nutrient criteria indices for the study of nutrient conditions in other estuaries throughout China.  相似文献   
营养限制对三种浮游动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nutrient imbalance—a mismatch in nutrient ratios between the available food supply and the demands of consumers—has the potential to be transported up food chains,exposing zooplankton to nutrient limitations.In this study,the response of Calanus sinicus(copepod),Moina mongolica(cladocera),and Brachionus plicatilis(rotifer) to nutrient-limited(no-limited,P-limited,and N-limited) food were evaluated from the perspective of growth,reproduction,and stoichiometric homoeostasis.The results indicated that the growth of three species was suppressed under nutrient-limited(especially P-limited) conditions.However,the effect of nutrient limitations on their reproduction was species-specific.For C.sinicus,the dietary UFA(unsaturated fatty acid) as a major phospholipid component affected their egg production and total FA supporting energy promoted the hatchability of eggs.Furthermore,excess carbon in the diet promoted egg production but reduced hatching success.For M.mongolica,nutritional(P and UFA) and energy(total FA) support affected their fecundity.B.plicatilis fecundity exhibited the same pattern of growth(no-limitedN-limitedP-limited).In terms of stoichiometric homeostasis,B.plicatilis' s elemental compositions were less likely to be affected by nutrient limitations than M.mongolica.We suggest that the effects of nutrient imbalances could potentially become an evolutionary force affecting ecosystem structure and stability in eutrophic waters.  相似文献   
Based on the recent research results on dry and wet deposition of nutrient elements and sulphate,we estimate the atmospheric flux of nutrient elements and sulphate to the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in each season.The results suggest that the concentrations of nutrient elements and sulphate in aerosol and precipitation show an apparent seasonal cycle with the maximum values in winter and the minimum values in summer.Depositions of nitrate and sulphate are dominated by wet deposition,while the deposition for phosphate is mainly dry deposition.Moreover,compared with the riverine inputs,the atmospheric deposition may be the main source of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   
以海链藻(Thalassiosira pseudonana)为研究对象,分别考察了以硝酸盐、铵盐和尿素为氮源的氮同位素分馏作用。在建立相应理论模型基础上,分别计算出各个实验体系的ε值。结果表明,在藻类生长初期,δ^15N均较低,其δ^15N的积累主要发生在指数增长期,在稳定期达到最高,与氮源的初始δ^15N相同;不同氮源的氮同位素分馏作用也不相同,其中以铵盐最强,硝酸盐次之,尿素最弱。考虑到实际情况下氮化合物并非单一存在,作者还进一步考察了上述3种氮源混合后对其同位素分馏作用的影响,发现混合氮源体系的表观ε值介于单一氮源时的最大与最小ε值之间,该结果较好地解释了Montoya等(1991)在Chesapeak湾的现场实验结果。  相似文献   
春、秋季东、黄海营养盐的分布变化特征及营养结构   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
利用2000年10~11月和2001年3~4月的调查资料,分析讨论了春、秋季东、黄海营养盐的分布变化特征及营养结构状况。结果表明:该海域表层营养盐高值主要出现在长江冲淡水影响区和江浙近海海域,低值出现于东海陆架区和黄海西北部,黄海中部水域春、秋季因温跃层强弱不同表层营养盐含量差别较大。东、黄海海域春、秋季表层水N/P、Si/N和Si/P值(除秋季黄海北部局部水域N/P值小于10外)均远高于Redfield比值。春季东海海域N/P、Si/N和Si/P值明显高于黄海海域,并高于秋季;秋季黄海海域N/P、Si/N和Si/P值要高于东海海域,变化也大于春季。在强温跃层存在期间和浮游生物旺发季节,表层水域N/P、Si/N和Si/P值原本高的区域往往进一步升高,而温跃层较弱或浮游植物生长繁殖能力较弱的季节,表层水域N/P、Si/N和Si/P值将略有降低。东、黄海水域浮游植物光合作用受N限制的可能性极小,绝大部分水域主要是受P限制,Si的含量普遍较高,它不可能成为限制因子。长江冲淡水区和江浙近海海域过量的N及高N/P值特性且持续升高的趋势可能是近20年来这一地区富营养化程度加剧、赤潮频发的主要原因。  相似文献   
根据1990年7月辽宁省海岛调查资料,本文讨论了北黄海大鹿岛海水营养盐(PO4-P,SiO3-Si,NO3-N,NH4-N,NO2-N)分布特征,并对海域环境质量作了初步评价。  相似文献   
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