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谷德振先生开创的岩体工程地质力学是我国工程地质代表性科学理论之一,岩体结构力学效应是它的核心内容。本文简要概括了谷德振岩体工程地质力学的基本思想,介绍了近20多年来统计岩体力学对岩体工程地质力学理论的发展,包括岩体结构参数模型、应力-应变模型、强度与破坏概率模型、岩体水力学模型,讨论了岩体结构对岩体变形、破坏与水力学性质的各类力学效应与定量控制规律,并探讨了充分调动边坡岩体自稳潜力的主动加固理念、固脚和护腰的加固模式与锚固设计方法。本文认为,谷德振岩体工程地质力学深刻把握了岩体工程行为的基本控制因素和作用规律,具有强大的生命力,推进岩体工程地质力学的定量理论研究是后来者的历史任务。  相似文献   
This paper provides a comparative analysis of two separate national surveys of the uptake and use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) by Health Authorities (HAs) in England and Wales. The surveys were undertaken at two different time points (1991 and 2001), and the intervening period has been characterized by major (and continuing) health sector restructuring. The substantial number of HA mergers between 1991 and 2001 provide a methodological challenge in attempting to make comparisons. A pragmatic approach is adopted and the presentation of results has to be restricted solely to English and Welsh HA data. Our findings show that there has been a considerable increase in the use of GIS since the early 1990s, and there is some evidence of more sophisticated uses for a wider range of policy-related and application tasks. However, we conclude that there is still considerable scope for the wider uptake and use of GIS within the NHS. In addition, our findings provide a baseline with which to monitor the impacts of future organizational restructuring on the uses of GIS within the NHS. We suggest that this is important given the replacement of 95 English HAs with 28 new Strategic HAs (StHAs) from April 2002, and the repercussions of the anticipated shift in GIS responsibility to Primary Care Trusts.  相似文献   
本文着重论述了碎裂蚀变花岗岩型铀矿的赋矿岩石特征:即岩石原始铀含量高;岩石碎裂强度大;岩石蚀变强烈;岩石组分简单,有利于铀的浸出(有害元素含量低)。这些特征可以作为识别与寻找该类型铀矿床的岩石学依据。  相似文献   
碱尘暴期间松嫩平原西部碱尘气溶胶的主要元素质量浓度排序为Na、Al、Fe、Ca、Mg、K、Ti、Ba、Zn,与当地盐碱化土壤的元素组成吻合,而与沙尘、城市气溶胶的元素组成有差别。风力对碱尘气溶胶元素组成有明显的影响,当风速在8.0~17.1 m/s时,元素组成的质量浓度排序为Na、Ca、Al、Fe、Mg、K、Ba、Ti、Zn。Na元素质量浓度的激增是碱尘暴元素组分的一大特征,明显富集元素为Na和B;相对于当地背景大气气溶胶的富集情况,Zn、Cu、Ba、B的富集因子值在碱尘暴期间明显降低;在各种天气情况下,B、Cu均具有较高的富集因子。碱尘中Ti元素的富集因子值均小于1,而Ca、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Sr、V的富集因子值为1~4。两个采样点的Ca、Na、Al、Fe、Mg、Ti、Zn的富集因子近似,表明该区碱尘的主要元素具有特定的一致性;而B、Ba、Cu、V的富集因子相差较大,可以作为区分不同碱尘源的标志性元素。  相似文献   
本文首先列举了近几年发生的几起典型的境外组织、机构和人员对我国进行的非法测绘案件,分析了空间数据的重要性以及公众对空间数据安全的认识误区,提出了制定我国空间数据安全政策的建议。  相似文献   
朱宝宏 《云南地质》2006,25(1):76-79
地下水的浮力对结构设计和施工有不容忽视的影响。结构抗浮验算与地下水的性状、水压力和浮力、地下水位变化及意外补水有关。提出设计水位计算浮力的概念,以及抗浮设计的方案及措施。  相似文献   
A gradient-dependent viscoplastic constitutive model for water saturated clay is proposed to describe the strain localization phenomena and pattern formation during deformation. Second- and fourth-order gradients of volumetric viscoplastic strain are introduced into the constitutive equations to account for the non-local effects due to the motion of microstructures. A linear perturbation analysis is applied to this model. The instability of the government equations (i.e. the constitutive equations and the equations of motion for the clay skeleton and pore water) is discussed for both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional situations. In addition, issues concerned with the formulation of boundary value problems by finite element analysis in relation to the formulation and the boundary conditions are presented. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Synchronizing seismic networks with ambient noise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The technique of retrieving Green's functions by pairwise correlation of a random wavefield is used to estimate the stability of the timing system of a seismic network. The method is demonstrated with data from a network consisting of stations with four independent clocks and GPS-receivers. For a two years period, daily measurements of the timing error of each of the four systems are obtained. These measurements can be used to correct the timing of the data in periods without GPS reception. The accuracy of this method can exceed the precision of the internal station clocks already after a single day of uncorrected drift.  相似文献   
We present our UBVRI photometry and spectroscopy of AS 338 performed in 1999–2000. Another eclipse of the hot component in this symbiotic binary system, the deepest one ever observed, occurred in September 1999. The U brightness declined by ~2m, the Hβflux decreased by a factor of ~2.3, and the [O III]γ5007 flux did not change. The hot component is eclipsed at orbital phases ?≈0.045–0.057. The U-B color index begins to appreciably fluctuate during an eclipse of the hot component and its circumstellar envelope. About 100 days after a strong outburst of 1995, the mean UBV brightness of AS 338 declined linearly in the ensuing five years at the same rate in all bands (ΔUt≈10?3 mag/day). The brightness of the outer, uneclipsed parts of the circumstellar envelope also decreased, which is attributable to a reduction in the luminosity of the hot component against the rise in its temperature. The appearance of He II lines has not yet been recorded, though the optical brightness of AS 338 has already dropped by ~2m after the outburst.  相似文献   
The MS 6.9 Menyuan earthquake in Qinghai Province, west China is the largest earthquake by far in 2022. The earthquake occurs in a tectonically active region, with a background b-value of 0.87 within 100 ?km of the epicenter that we derived from the unified catalog produced by China Earthquake Networks Center since late 2008. Field surveys have revealed surface ruptures extending 22 ?km along strike, with a maximum ground displacement of 2.1 ?m. We construct a finite fault model with constraints from InSAR observations, which showed multiple fault segments during the Menyuan earthquake. The major slip asperity is confined within 10 ?km at depth, with the maximum slip of 3.5 ?m. Near real-time back-projection results of coseismic radiation indicate a northwest propagating rupture that lasted for ~10 ?s. Intensity estimates from the back-projection results show up to a Mercalli scale of IX near the ruptured area, consistent with instrumental measurements and the observations from the field surveys. Aftershock locations (up to January 21, 2022) exhibit two segments, extending to ~20 ?km in depth. The largest one reaches MS 5.3, locating near the eastern end of the aftershock zone. Although the location and the approximate magnitude of the mainshock had been indicated by previous studies based on paleoearthquake records and seismic gap, as well as estimated stressing rate on faults, significant surface-breaching rupture leads to severe damage of the high-speed railway system, which poses a challenge in accurately assessing earthquake hazards and risks, and thus demands further investigations of the rupture behaviors for crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   
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