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长江口及其邻近海域营养盐的分布特征和输送途径   总被引:44,自引:10,他引:44  
根据黄海、东海的最新现场调查资料,探讨了长江口及其邻近海域营养盐分布特征与输送途径.调查结果表明,在长江口以东及其东北部海域终年存在一个范围很大的营养盐高值区.分析表明,这些营养盐主要来自长江冲淡水的扩展及苏北沿岸流的输送.此外,还获得了1998年长江流域特大洪水期间,迄今被观测到的长江冲淡水中营养盐的最大扩展范围.  相似文献   
The discharge of nutrients is investigated in relation to their sources and effects in two case studies. The reduction of 47% in the phosphorus load from Denmark to marine areas between 1989 and 1993 has resulted in significantly lower phosphorus concentrations in most Danish coastal waters, and tendency to decrease can be seen in the Belt Sea and Kattegat as well. No general changes in nitrogen concentrations have been observed. This is due to the fact that more than 80% of the nitrogen load in Danish waters originate from diffuse agricultural sources.In the Pomeranian Bight strong nutrient gradients are generated by the mixing of Odra river water and coastal water. The spreading of the river plume could be exactly observed especially in winter, when biological activity is low. In general, different types of distribution, transport and modification patterns can be described.The annual input of nutrients from the catchment area to the Baltic Sea was estimated to be around 1000 kt N and 46 kt P. As a result, winter concentrations of phosphate and nitrate are characterized by positive overall trends in the surface layer in all subregions of the Baltic Proper for the period 1969 to 1993. These trends stem mainly from the strong increase in the 1970ies and early 1980ies. Thereafter, the concentrations of both nutrients fluctuate strongly around a high level. The drastic decrease in fertilizer consumption since the late 1980ies mainly caused by the great economic changes in the countries of the former East Bloc is not yet significantly reflected in decreasing winter concentrations, but first signs already have been found in the decrease in averaged phosphate concentrations in winter, especially in the Arkona and Bornholm Seas.  相似文献   
INrnODUCTIONTheaqUacultareindustryofChinaedsfirstintheworld-Fertilizationinfreshwatershasalonghistory,andiseffectivelyaPpliedforfishcultUre.Scholarsfromvchouscotm-trieshaveheenstudytngfertiliZationtheory,tecboqUeandaqUactiltUreecologyinfertilizedPOnds-SPecialattentionisgiventothetwncyandaPPlicationlevelwhenmantireisused,andtothekindandN:PraioOfchethecalfertilizersused(Boyd,l99o;li,I993;MoriartyandPullin,l987).Thedrpthecchacteristicsofphosphorus,andtheroleofureaappliedintoPOndswere…  相似文献   
Lake Ototoa is a warm monomictic lake at 36° 31’ S, 174° 14'E. During a year's study (March 1969‐March 1970), the lake became thermally stratified in November, the metalimnion being between depths of 12 m and 16 m. Surface temperatures ranged between 10.2°c (in August) and 25.2°c (in late January), and bottom temperatures between 9.7°c and 17.5°c. The annual heat budget was calculated to be 642 354 KJ.m‐2 (15 500 cal.cm‐2) and the work of the wind in distributing the heat income 1.730 KJ.m‐2 (1766 g.cm.cm‐2). Secchi disc transparencies ranged between 5 m and 9.2 m (mean 7.07 m) and were greatest in the summer. Light transmission per metre was also high, ranging between 61% and 87%. Surface waters were normally supersaturated with oxygen, but during summer stratification oxygen concentrations in the bottom waters dropped to a minimum of 2.3 mg.litre‐2 and a positive heterograde distribution of oxygen with depth was found. The oxygen deficit was 0.015 mg.cm‐2.day‐1 and showed the lake to be oligotrophic. Mean surface pH was 7.82, and the ionic composition of the waters was similar to that of other small New Zealand and Australian lakes located near the sea. Compared with other New Zealand lakes PO4‐P concentrations (range 1.00–10.20 μg.litre‐1) were low and NO3—N concentrations (range 0.12–0.60 mg.litre‐1) high.  相似文献   
根据1995年的调查资料,概述了廉州湾沿岸海域营养盐的分布特征及与水化因子之间的关系。以化学耗氧量(COD)、无机磷(P)、无机氮(N)为评价指标,分析评价了该湾的富营养化程度,指出该湾赤潮形成的主要因素是陆源营养物质的排人,通过N/P值,表明了N是该湾初级生产力的主要限制因子。  相似文献   
以我国南方丘陵区红壤小流域为研究对象,对不同土地利用方式坡面下的4个水塘底泥中养分含量作了分层比较研究(0-5 cm,5-10 cm,10-15 cm,15-20 cm,20-25 cm,25-30 cm).结果表明:4个水塘底泥养分含量差异明显,在0-15 cm泥层有机碳、全氮、速效氮和全磷含量以邻近村庄的水塘(简称C塘)底泥最高,其次为板栗园坡下的水塘(简称B塘),水稻田坡面下水塘(简称S塘)和花生地坡面下水塘(简称H塘)最低;在15-30 cm泥层,有机碳和速效氮含量以B塘最高,而全氮和全磷含量则以C塘最高;有效磷含量除C塘0-15 cm底泥外,其余均为痕量.表明土地利用方式对其坡面下水塘底泥养分含量影响明显.各水塘底泥养分随泥层加深均呈递减趋势,其中全氮和速效氮减幅以C塘最大,分别为36.0%和38.7%,有机碳和全磷减幅则以B塘最大,为29.4%和31.9%;各塘底泥养分含量的最大降幅主要在浅层底泥,水塘养分积累加速表明近年来农村面源污染加剧.传统农业耕作方式的改变是农村水体底泥养分含量增加的主要原因之一.  相似文献   
大气中微量元素的沉降对海洋生态系统的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大气中的微量元素通过大气的干、湿沉降过程最终进入海洋,对海洋生态系统产生重要的影响。重金属对生物具有毒性,对生物的生长起抑制作用,而由降水事件带入的营养元素使海洋初级生产力的短期内迅速增加。本文根据近年来国内外对大气中微量元素的研究成果,介绍了气溶胶中营养盐和重金属的浓度、来源及其时空变化,较为系统地评述了营养盐和重金属的输入对海洋环境、海洋生态系统的影响,并探讨了今后该领域的研究重点。  相似文献   
The relationship between the macrophyte vegetation and the nutrient concentration of the water and the sediment of a stream was studied. The small stream is fed by calcareous groundwater. The alteration in the macrophyte vegetation of the stream Rotbach from oligotrophic community towards more eutrophic species is associated with an increasing concentration of nutrients in the sediment. Particularly the concentration of SRP-P in the interstitial water changes significantly.

In terms of the macrophyte vegetation the stream can be divided into 4 floristic zones, A-D. The zones are labelled in a sequence according to their sediment's nutrient content. The chemical analyses of the water and the sediment show the highest concentrations in zone D. It is characterized by the presence of Zannichellia palustris. The zones A-C have almost the same very low nutrient concentration in the water but show a different content of nutrients in the sediment, particularly of the SRP-P in the interstitial water. Zone A which is dominated by Chara hispida shows the lowest SRP-P in the interstitial water. Within zone B which is characterized by Mentha aquatica and Nasturtium officinale and even more in zone C where Chara hispida is less abundant and Elodea canadensis occurs, the SRP-P content is elevated.

The nutrient concentration in the sediment is clearly associated with changes in the macrophyte vegetation of the stream Rotbach.  相似文献   

灌水量对土壤水肥分布与春小麦水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
通过对春小麦不同灌水量土壤剖面水分和可溶性养分分布、农田实际蒸散量、作物水分利用效率及生物指标等的测定与计算,对沙坡头层次性土壤种植春小麦最适宜灌水量进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在春小麦拔节期及扬花期,以500 m3·hm-2、750 m3·hm-2及1 000 m3·hm-2水量灌溉,土壤剖面30~100 cm深度土壤含水量随灌水量的增加而明显增加。(2)拔节期3个灌溉水平土壤剖面可溶性养分含量分布的峰值均出现在 0~20 cm土层,但其浓度的下移随灌水量的增加而降低;扬花期土壤剖面可溶性养分含量的峰值随灌水量的增加而下移。在灌水量为500 m3·hm-2时可溶性养分浓度最高。(3)作物耗水量和农田实际蒸散量均随灌水量的增加而增加,春小麦的水分利用效率则随灌水量的增加而降低,与灌水量为500 m3·hm-2相比,灌水量为750 m3·hm-2及1 000 m3·hm-2时籽粒水分利用率分别降低83.33%和147.50%。可见,在该土壤上种植春小麦的最适宜灌水量为500 m3·hm-2,灌水量可保持在土壤田间持水量40%左右。  相似文献   
青岛鳌山湾海区营养结构分析与营养状况评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2004年6月中旬在鳌山湾海区所取得的底层海水营养盐资料,分析了青岛鳌山湾海区营养盐的平面分布特征;运用绝对限制法则和相对限制法则确定了鳌山湾海区的营养盐限制因子;采用营养状态综合指数法和分类分级富营养化评价模式对鳌山湾海域的营养状况进行了评价。结果表明:鳌山湾营养盐限制因子为磷(P),该海区由缺氮转变为缺磷,营养盐结构发生了根本性变化,且该海域无富营养化现象,水质较好。  相似文献   
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