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《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,80(1-2):254-260
Critical habitats of at-risk populations of northeast Pacific “resident” killer whales can be heavily trafficked by large ships, with transits occurring on average once every hour in busy shipping lanes. We modeled behavioral responses of killer whales to ship transits during 35 “natural experiments” as a dose–response function of estimated received noise levels in both broadband and audiogram-weighted terms. Interpreting effects is contingent on a subjective and seemingly arbitrary decision about severity threshold indicating a response. Subtle responses were observed around broadband received levels of 130 dB re 1 μPa (rms); more severe responses are hypothesized to occur at received levels beyond 150 dB re 1 μPa, where our study lacked data. Avoidance responses are expected to carry minor energetic costs in terms of increased energy expenditure, but future research must assess the potential for reduced prey acquisition, and potential population consequences, under these noise levels.  相似文献   
Stream mesoscale habitats have systematic topographic relationships to hyporheic flow patterns, which may create predictable temperature variation between mesoscale habitat types. We investigated whether systematic differences in temperature metrics occurred between mesoscale habitats within reaches of small streams tributary to the upper Little Tennessee River, southern Appalachians. Surface water temperature was recorded over three or four mid‐summer days in four mesoscale habitat types: riffle, main riffle, pool and alcove in 44 stream segments (sites). Temperature metrics were calculated for each mesoscale habitat relative to the mean value of the metric over the stream: Δ maximum temperature, Δ average maximum temperature and Δ maximum daily variation and also for each site: standard deviation of the maximum temperature and average diurnal variation (ADV). Sites were categorized as fully or partially forested. Pool tailouts had statistically significantly lower Δ maximum temperature and Δ average maximum temperature than riffle tailouts in partially forested sites, although differences were small. This was the opposite of what was expected in the presence of hyporheic exchange, indicating hyporheic exchange is not a dominant driver of mesoscale habitat temperatures at these sites. Temperature differences between mesoscale habitat units were small and unlikely to have ecological significance. We also evaluated relationships between stream temperature and riparian condition, watershed % impervious surfaces, watershed % non‐forested and elevation. ADV and standard deviation of the maximum temperature were significantly higher in partially forested sites, indicating that partially forested sites have greater temperature ranges and spatial variation of maximum temperatures. ADV decreased with elevation and increased with % impervious surfaces. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Quantifying geomorphic conditions that impact riverine ecosystems is critical in river management due to degraded riverine habitat, changing flow and thermal conditions, and increasing anthropogenic pressure. Geomorphic complexity at different scales directly impacts habitat heterogeneity and affects aquatic biodiversity resilience. Here we showed that the combination of continuous spatial survey at high resolution, topobathymetric light detection and ranging (LiDAR), and continuous wavelet analysis can help identify and characterize that complexity. We used a continuous wavelet analysis on 1-m resolution topobathymetry in three rivers in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho (USA), to identify different scales of topographic variability and the potential effects of this variability on salmonid redd site selection. On each river, wavelet scales characterized the topographic variability by portraying repeating patterns in the longitudinal profile. We found three major representative spatial wavelet scales of topographic variability in each river: a small wavelet scale associated with local morphology such as pools and riffles, a mid-wavelet scale that identified larger channel unit features, and a large wavelet scale related to valley-scale controls. The small wavelet scale was used to identify pools and riffles along the entire lengths of each river as well as areas with differing riffle-pool development. Areas along the rivers with high local topographic variability (high wavelet power) at all wavelet scales contained the largest features (i.e., deepest or longest pools) in the systems. By comparing the wavelet power for each wavelet scale to Chinook salmon redd locations, we found that higher small-scale wavelet power, which is related to pool-riffle topography, is important for redd site selection. The continuous wavelet methodology objectively identified scales of topographic variability present in these rivers, performed efficient channel-unit identification, and provided geomorphic assessment without laborious field surveys.  相似文献   
Large wood (LW) is an ecosystem engineer and keystone structure in river ecosystems, influencing a range of hydromorphological and ecological processes and contributing to habitat heterogeneity and ecosystem condition. LW is increasingly being used in catchment restoration, but restored LW jams have been observed to differ in physical structure to naturally occurring jams, with potential implications for restoration outcomes. This article examines the structural complexity and ecosystem engineering effects of LW jams at four sites with varying management intensity incorporating natural and restored wood. Our results reveal: (i) structural complexity and volume of jams was highest in the site with natural jams and low intensity riparian management, and lowest in the suburban site with simple restored jams; and (ii) that structural complexity influences the ecosystem engineering role of LW, with more complex jams generating the greatest effects on flow hydraulics (flow concentration, into bed flows) and sediment characteristics (D50, organic content, fine sediment retention) and the simplest flow deflector-style restored jams having the least pronounced effects. We present a conceptual model describing a continuum of increasing jam structural complexity and associated hydromorphological effects that can be used as a basis for positioning and evaluating other sites along the management intensity spectrum to help inform restoration design and best practice.  相似文献   
The water level of marsh wetlands is a dominant force controlling the wetland ecosystem function, especially for aquatic habitat. For different species, water level requirements vary in time and space, and therefore ensuring suitable water levels in different periods is crucial for the maintenance of biodiversity in marsh wetlands. Based on hydrodynamic modelling and habitat suitability assessment, we determined suitable dynamic water levels considering aquatic habitat service at different periods in marsh wetlands. The two-dimensional hydrodynamic model was used to simulate the temporal and spatial variation of water level. The habitat suitability for target species at various water levels was evaluated to obtain the fitting curves between Weighted Usable Area (WUA) and water levels. And then suitable water levels throughout the year were proposed according to the fitting curves. Using the Zhalong Wetland (located in northeastern China) as a case study, we confirmed that the proposed MIKE 21 model can successfully be used to simulate the water level process in the wetland. Suitable water levels were identified as being from 143.9–144.2 m for April to May, 144.1–144.3 m for June to September, and 144.3–144.4 m for October to November (before the freezing season). Furthermore, proposed water diversion schemes have been identified which can effectively sustain the proposed dynamic water levels. This study is expected to provide appropriate guidance for the determination of environmental flows and water management strategies in marsh wetlands.  相似文献   
杨志  唐会元  龚云  朱迪  赵娜 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):753-762
鱼类作为河流生物的重要组成部分,其在干支流之间的迁徙或移动不仅是常见的,而且通常与鱼类的繁殖活动相联系.金沙江下游支流作为金沙江下游河流网络的重要组成部分,分布有较为丰富的集合生境以及较高的鱼类物种多样性.研究鱼类在金沙江下游干支流的产卵迁徙对支流鱼类群聚结构变动的影响以及支流生境维持对区域鱼类种群维系的意义,对金沙江下游干支流鱼类的保护具有重要的意义.本文拟选择黑水河下游江段作为典型研究区域,通过2014年在该区域的逐月渔获物调查,采用聚类分析、基于距离的线性模型以及基于距离的冗余分析等多种多元分析方法,确定黑水河下游群聚结构的逐月变动是否严重依赖于鱼类在干支流之间的产卵迁徙以及黑水河下游自然生境的维持对区域鱼类种群的维系是否具有重要的意义.结果表明:黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构在金沙江雨季和旱季显著分离的同时,表征这种分离的8种指示种的性成熟个体丰度也在雨季和旱季间发生不同程度的变动.7种指示种鱼类性成熟个体丰度的变动能够解释黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构变动77.20%的变异,其中齐口裂腹鱼、大鳞副泥鳅和犁头鳅性成熟个体丰度的变动是影响黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构变动的3个最显著的因素,7种指示种鱼类在干支流的产卵迁徙对黑水河下游鱼类群聚结构的变动造成了明显的影响.研究表明:在金沙江干支流严重水电开发背景下,维持黑水河现有的自然生境面积对区域鱼类种群的维持具有重要意义.为实行上述目标,建议在白鹤滩水电站蓄水运行后,拆除黑水河的部分小型水坝,并采取其他河流再自然化措施以维持黑水河现有的自然生境面积.  相似文献   
Riparian vegetation is an important determinant of the physical, chemical, and biological condition of streams, and odonates are useful indicators of riparian condition. To identify environmental factors that structure Odonata assemblages in tropical forest streams, we collected adult odonate specimens and habitat data from 50 stream sites located in the Brazilian municipality of Paragominas (Pará state). We collected 1769 specimens representing 11 families, 41 genera, and 97 species. Of these species, 56 were Zygoptera, and 41 were Anisoptera. Improved environmental condition was reflected in increased Zygoptera species richness and reduced Anisoptera species richness. Channel shading was strongly and positively related to Zygoptera richness, and negatively to Anisoptera richness. Zygoptera species richness, but not Anisoptera species richness, was related positively to bank angle, quantity of wood in the stream bed, electrical conductivity, and decreased water temperature. Altered riparian vegetation structure was the principal determinant of odonate assemblage structure. Our results indicate that maintaining intact riparian vegetation is fundamental for conserving or re-establishing aquatic odonate assemblage structure.  相似文献   
青海湖独特的地理位置使得其不仅对环湖周边区域气候起着天然调节器的作用,而且还拥有丰富的湖岸线资源,准确、及时地掌握青海湖岸线动态变化对保护沿湖生态环境有重要意义.因此本文基于1973-2018年Landsat MSS/TM/OLI遥感影像和1961-2017年实测水位资料,对青海湖岸线动态变化及对鸟类栖息地的影响进行研究,同时结合面积、水位及气象数据讨论了影响岸线变化的主要因素.研究表明:1)近45年来青海湖岸线发生变化最大的区域是东岸的沙岛,西岸的鸟岛、铁布卡湾及北岸沙柳河入口区域.尤其自2004年以来,鸟岛地区岸线后退距离最大(5.52 km),鸟类栖息地扩张约97.94 km2,为鸟类提供了较好的栖息环境.(2)1973-2018年青海湖岸线长度以0.88 km/a的速率逐渐延长.1997年之前岸线长度呈较为平稳的上升趋势,1997-2004年呈波动下降趋势,2004年之后呈剧烈波动增加趋势,岸线曲折性也表现出相同的变化趋势.(3)总体上岸线长度和曲折性受水位和面积的影响并不显著,但在不同的水位情况下,二者对青海湖动态变化做出不同的响应.尤其当水位小于3193.3 m或面积小于4249.3 km2时,岸线曲折性会随着水位和面积变化呈现相同的变化趋势,而水位高于3193.3 m时,岸线曲折性一直在增加,且水位上升速率越大则曲折性年际变化越大.(4)1973-2004年间青海湖水位下降和土地沙漠化是造成湖岸线变化的直接成因,人类活动及草场退化加速了湖泊岸线的变迁.2004年之后,随着青海湖水位回升与面积扩张,岸线逐渐后退,尤其在2017-2018年岸线后退距离最大.  相似文献   
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