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运用三维海洋模型FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model),采用有限体积计算方法,引入了干、湿判断,建立了天海达工程附近海域的三维潮流和泥沙输移模型,预测分析了天海达工程建设后对附近海域水动力和地形冲淤的影响。结果表明工程建设后对其西侧潮流影响较大,东侧与南侧影响较小,且随着距离的增加,影响程度减小,在距离工程1200 m以外海域流速相对变化值大约在8%以内;工程建设前后,静风条件下,工程附近海域地形变化趋势基本一致,但由于岸线的改变,工程东西两侧500m范围内近岸海域淤积程度增大,淤积增大幅度范围为0.05~0.1 cm/a。  相似文献   
秦岭山区一次冷空气过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用较高分辨率的区域气候模式RegCM3,对1977年1月20-22日一次侵袭秦岭山区的冷空气活动过程进行数值模拟,分析秦岭山脉对冷空气的阻挡和屏障作用,并检验该模式在复杂地形条件下的模拟能力.结果表明:模式模拟的降温过程与实况比较一致,秦岭山脉对冷空气的阻挡和屏障作用可造成其南北两侧温差达4℃以上,并且滞留冷空气达12h以上.还分析了此次冷空气影响过程中的温度场和气压场的演变,结果发现:RegCM3区域气候模式能够比较真实地模拟复杂地形条件下温度场和气压场分布特征及其变化规律.  相似文献   
复杂构造应力扰动场与发震构造识别问题的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
马瑾  刘力强 《地震地质》1995,17(4):372-382
在地震短临阶段异常是由局部断层扩展或弱化引起。实验与数值模拟结果曾得到与之相伴的是平均应力扰动场的四象限分布和最大剪应力扰动场的八瓣式分布。为检验此结果的普适性作了进一步的研究。结果表明不论区域构造及其基本应力场如何复杂,这种四象限分布与八瓣式分布型式不变,这为最终判定失稳区提供了依据。与此同时,在复杂构造情况下这种应力扰动场的畸变也不容忽视  相似文献   
Using the model system MM5.V3 and multi-layer grid nesting technique, we have done a multi-scale numerical simulation over the area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province to analyze the temperature and wind field there and study its local circulations. The results show a coupling effect of Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC), Mountain Valley Breeze (MVB) and Sea Land Breeze (SLB) occurs in this area when the synoptic system is weak. The SLB can penetrate deep into the mainland for about 200 km when it is blooming. MVB can extend to south and cover almost the whole plain area in Beijing. Both MVB and SLB are diurnal periodical; meanwhile the phase of MVB drops behind that of SLB for about six hours. As a local circulation, the UHIC weakens the two circulations above, and it also has a diurnal period. As a result, the coupling effect of circulations reveals not only different features in spring-summer period and autumn-winter period in a year but also the difference between early morning to noonday and afternoon to night in a day. We noted the diffusion of contamination over the area around Beijing, and found the steady presence of a transport routine of contamination over North-China throughout the year caused by the Coupling Effect mentioned above. This find is important for studying the environment pollution in this area. Supported by Central Public Welfare Special Fund Program for the Institute and Higher Education (Grant No. IUMKY200701), Public Welfare Special Fund Program (Meteorology) of China Scientific and Technological Ministry (Grant Nos. CYHY20080620, CYHY200706004), Spread New Technology Program of China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. CMATG2007M15) and Urban Meteorology Scientific Research Fund Program of the Institute of Beijing Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration (Grant No. UMRF200702)  相似文献   
讨论了砂土旁压试验的反分析问题。建议利用旁压试验实测数据反演确定土体的初始状态而非材料参数,材料参数可以通过实验室常规试验确定。主要利用了新型的亚塑性本构模型参数不受土体状态影响的特点。主要内容包括:建立有限元数值模型,利用文献中的试验数据确定了特定砂土的材料参数;通过模拟砂土的实验室旁压试验,验证了数值模型;通过改变土体初始应力状态和相对密实度进行数值计算,并利用数值计算成果,建立了可适用于砂土初始状态反演分析的实测旁压荷载和土体中应力与相对密度的数学关系。  相似文献   
星载合成孔径雷达海浪图像谱仿真研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用Hasselm ann 的完全非线性积分方法对文氏海浪谱的星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像谱进行了仿真研究。结果表明: (1) 在星载SAR海浪成像过程中, 速度聚束调制远比水动力调制、倾斜调制和距离向聚束调制重要;(2) 图像谱有180°的方向模糊和方位向的高波数截断,距离向传播海浪的图像谱存在双峰现象; (3) 不同极化方式和雷达视向的选取对图像谱无明显影响, 因而对于海浪的星载SAR遥感而言, 可以采用单一极化和单一视向。对于不同成长状态的风浪而言, 以上结果保持不变。  相似文献   
We implement an independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm to separate signals of different origin in sky maps at several frequencies. Owing to its self-organizing capability, it works without prior assumptions on either the frequency dependence or the angular power spectrum of the various signals; rather, it learns directly from the input data how to identify the statistically independent components, on the assumption that all but, at most, one of the components have non-Gaussian distributions.
We have applied the ICA algorithm to simulated patches of the sky at the four frequencies (30, 44, 70 and 100 GHz) used by the Low Frequency Instrument of the European Space Agency's Planck satellite. Simulations include the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the synchrotron and thermal dust emissions, and extragalactic radio sources. The effects of the angular response functions of the detectors and of instrumental noise have been ignored in this first exploratory study. The ICA algorithm reconstructs the spatial distribution of each component with rms errors of about 1 per cent for the CMB, and 10 per cent for the much weaker Galactic components. Radio sources are almost completely recovered down to a flux limit corresponding to ≃0.7 σ CMB, where σ CMB is the rms level of the CMB fluctuations. The signal recovered has equal quality on all scales larger than the pixel size. In addition, we show that for the strongest components (CMB and radio sources) the frequency scaling is recovered with per cent precision. Thus, algorithms of the type presented here appear to be very promising tools for component separation. On the other hand, we have been dealing here with a highly idealized situation. Work to include instrumental noise, the effect of different resolving powers at different frequencies and a more complete and realistic characterization of astrophysical foregrounds is in progress.  相似文献   
Computer modeling and simulation of coalbed methane resources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coal seam gas reservoirs are complex both geologically and in the mechanism of gas production. Understanding these naturally fractured reservoirs for two-phase (gas–water) flow conditions is often limited by a lack of data. This paper illustrates that reservoir simulation is a powerful tool which can be used to determine key data requirements, and how variability in reservoir properties and operating practices affect performance at the field level. The paper presents examples of how reservoir simulation can be used to assess the efficiency of well completions (fracturing or cavitation), identify candidate wells for remedial treatment, examine methane drainage in advance of mining, and assess the impact of errors in measured data on long-term gas production forecasts.  相似文献   
本文用一个工程实例说明正确运用数值模拟,可代替现行水文地质勘探阶段的开采性抽水试验,从而可节省资金和缩短勘探及建设工期。文中强调。务使所用数学模型尽可能地逼近和反映水源地所在水文地质单元的原型。否则,模型易失真,必导致资源评价的失败。  相似文献   
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