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CNS+GNSS+INS船载高精度实时定位定姿算法改进研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
天文导航(CNS)、卫星导航(GNSS)和惯性导航(INS) 3种系统组合可提供高精度的定位定姿结果。实际工程中因INS长时间误差累积,以及系统硬件传输存在不可忽略的时间延迟,导致INS提供给CNS的预报粗姿态误差较大,恶劣海况下难以保障快速搜星,造成天文导航可靠性下降、姿态测量精度较低的问题。为此,本文提出了一种CNS+GNSS+INS高精度信息融合实时定位定姿框架,引入了等角速度外推措施,有效地解决了惯导信息延迟问题。通过高精度转台模拟恶劣海况下载体大角速度摇摆,验证了本文提出的改进算法的有效性。试验结果表明,该算法架构简单,性能可靠,显著提高了恶劣环境下星敏感器的快速、准确搜星能力,保障了三组合姿态测量的精度和可用性。  相似文献   
谭文敏 《矿产与地质》2010,24(6):533-537
文章对湘南区带内各矿田找矿成果进行了归纳总结,并对其已有的多种地学成果信息进行了探索性研究,总结出了矿床地质特征、成矿系列类型、控矿因素及成矿模式,并大胆地进行了科学的预测定位,为湘南区带新一轮接替资源找矿提供新的认识和思路。  相似文献   
生态安全和环境保护是世界各国都非常关心的问题。地质钻探和石油天然气钻采工作中产生大量废弃物,直接影响生态安全和环境保护,给经济建设和人民生活带来很大的负面影响。俄罗斯钻探工作者对此进行了研究,取得了一定效果。他们主要采用综合处理方法和磁化处理方法。利用这2种方法,废弃物不仅可以再生,而且还可以二次使用,有一定的创新和实际意义,值得引起我们的重视,建议对此进行研究与讨论。  相似文献   
This article focuses on the science–policy interaction in international negotiations in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Convention for Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). It addresses the question how participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work between science and policy and how this enhances credibility, legitimacy and relevance with multiple audiences. For this purpose the article combines an analytical framework to approach effectiveness of scientific assessment in policy making, with the notion of boundary work and co-production of science and policy. The article argues that knowledge produced within the CLRTAP process and the institutional setting in which this knowledge production takes place cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore credibility, legitimacy and relevance are to a large extent determined by boundary work in an early stage of the process. At the same time boundary work has to take place continuously in order keep the assessment process credible, legitimate and relevant for new audiences. The application of a combined framework for analysing credibility, legitimacy and relevance and for analysing boundary work turns out to be helpful in describing in detail what happens in practice at the science–policy interface. In particular it helps to address the question of the way participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work, how this shapes design elements and how this enhances credibility legitimacy and relevance of an assessment.  相似文献   
本文通过对曲靖市711B数字化雷达冰雹云回波特征进行分析,总结2002年~2003年曲靖市防雹工作3年取得的经验,以期提高县级防雹指挥人员雷达回波分析能力和作业指挥能力,在防雹作业中科学的安排防雹炮弹的使用量。  相似文献   
华北地区水循环与水资源安全:问题与挑战   总被引:41,自引:6,他引:41  
夏军 《地理科学进展》2002,21(6):517-526
华北缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区与平原径流明显减少和过量开发水资源,造成了地下水漏斗加深、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响到华北地区水资源安全,已引起党和国家的高度重视。本文以海河流域为重点对象,通过国内外学科前沿进展综述,指出华北地区缺水及其导致的生态环境恶化问题背后的自然和人文因素作用与发展演化的背景,强调高强度人类活动作用下的水循环基础研究的重要性,提出华北地区水资源安全的水循环基础与应用问题研究的若干建议与思考。研究自然和人类活动双重作用下的华北地区水循环过程,水体运动与污染物质输移及其与生态环境演变耦合机制,阐明华北地区"河道断流,水体污染,湿地消失,地下水枯竭"的成因规律,特别是人类活动的驱动分量,提出生态环境修复的理论基础,不仅对变化环境下流域水环境演变的地学基础科学前沿研究有重大的学术价值,而且对中国可持续发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   
1998-2012年中国耕地复种指数时空差异及动因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从国家、区域和省级三个层面上分析了1998-2012年间中国耕地复种指数的变化趋势,并基于Theil指数探讨了中国耕地复种指数的时空差异,利用计量经济学模型从人文视角探讨了耕地复种指数变化的影响因素。结果表明:1在全国尺度上,中国耕地复种指数总体上呈逐年增长的趋势。2在区域尺度上,复种指数最高的为中部地区,最低的为东北地区;而复种指数增长最快的是东北地区,最慢的是中部地区,东部地区呈下降趋势。3中国31个省份复种指数各不相同,且差距大,复种指数增长最快的是新疆、宁夏和云南。4由Theil指数值的大小可知,中国耕地复种指数的差异呈缩小态势,其主要原因为四大区域间的差异。5人口非农化比重对耕地复种指数产生了显著负向作用,产业非农化比重、农业政策、人均经营耕地和农村家庭人均经营纯收入对耕地复种指数产生了显著正向作用。最后,本文认为转移农村剩余劳动力,提高农民的经营性收入水平,促进土地流转,形成土地规模化经营,以及进一步加大对欠发达地区及粮食主产区农业发展的惠农扶持力度,充分发挥国家惠农政策的诱致作用,有利于全面提高中国耕地复种水平。  相似文献   
汪攀峰  丁启朔 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1797-1802
使用非标准击实仪进行单层击样,获取非标准击实状态下单层击实样的密度与击实功及含水率之间的关系,并进一步以得到的击实样获得其抗剪强度。发现当击实功小到一定程度时,击实密度随含水率的增大而不断增大,两者近似线性变化,无峰值出现。密度峰值对应的含水率与抗剪强度峰值对应的含水率有一个差值,其值在3.4%~5.7%之间。内摩擦角随含水率增大而减小的规律仅适合于一定的击实功。内摩擦角在较小的击实功下有峰值出现,但随着击实功的增大,内摩擦角的变化呈线性而非曲线形式。另外,针对土工室内模型试验的重塑土样制备问题,结合试验数据,给出了试验最优制样参数,并初步提供了评价指标?。  相似文献   
介绍采用W inRoute F irewall软件实现市、县局用户共享上网的方法,使市县局用户既能共享网络资源,又能有效地保障网络安全。  相似文献   

The overarching goal of this study was to perform a comprehensive meta-analysis of irrigated agricultural Crop Water Productivity (CWP) of the world’s three leading crops: wheat, corn, and rice based on three decades of remote sensing and non-remote sensing-based studies. Overall, CWP data from 148 crop growing study sites (60 wheat, 43 corn, and 45 rice) spread across the world were gathered from published articles spanning 31 different countries. There was overwhelming evidence of a significant increase in CWP with an increase in latitude for predominately northern hemisphere datasets. For example, corn grown in latitude 40–50° had much higher mean CWP (2.45?kg/m³) compared to mean CWP of corn grown in other latitudes such as 30–40° (1.67?kg/m³) or 20–30° (0.94?kg/m³). The same trend existed for wheat and rice as well. For soils, none of the CWP values, for any of the three crops, were statistically different. However, mean CWP in higher latitudes for the same soil was significantly higher than the mean CWP for the same soil in lower latitudes. This applied for all three crops studied. For wheat, the global CWP categories were low (≤0.75?kg/m³), medium (>0.75 to <1.10?kg/m³), and high CWP (≥1.10?kg/m³). For corn the global CWP categories were low (≤1.25?kg/m³), medium (>1.25 to ≤1.75?kg/m³), and high (>1.75?kg/m³). For rice the global CWP categories were low (≤0.70?kg/m³), medium (>0.70 to ≤1.25?kg/m³), and high (>1.25?kg/m³). USA and China are the only two countries that have consistently high CWP for wheat, corn, and rice. Australia and India have medium CWP for wheat and rice. India’s corn, however, has low CWP. Egypt, Turkey, Netherlands, Mexico, and Israel have high CWP for wheat. Romania, Argentina, and Hungary have high CWP for corn, and Philippines has high CWP for rice. All other countries have either low or medium CWP for all three crops. Based on data in this study, the highest consumers of water for crop production also have the most potential for water savings. These countries are USA, India, and China for wheat; USA, China, and Brazil for corn; India, China, and Pakistan for rice. For example, even just a 10% increase in CWP of wheat grown in India can save 6974 billion liters of water. This is equivalent to creating 6974 lakes each of 100?m³ in volume that leads to many benefits such as acting as ‘water banks’ for lean season, recreation, and numerous ecological services. This study establishes the volume of water that can be saved for each crop in each country when there is an increase in CWP by 10%, 20%, and 30%.  相似文献   
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