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One branch of structural health monitoring (SHM) utilizes dynamic response measurements to assess the structural integrity of civil infrastructures. In particular,modal frequency is a widely adopted indicator for structural damage since its square is proportional to structural stiffness. However,it has been demonstrated in various SHM projects that this indicator is substantially affected by fluctuating environmental conditions. In order to provide reliable and consistent information on the health status of the monitored structures,it is necessary to develop a method to filter this interference. This study attempts to model and quantify the environmental influence on the modal frequencies of reinforced concrete buildings. Daily structural response measurements of a twenty-two story reinforced concrete building were collected and analyzed over a one-year period. The Bayesian spectral density approach was utilized to identify the modal frequencies of this building and it was clearly seen that the temperature and humidity fluctuation induced notable variations. A mathematical model was developed to quantify the environmental effects and model complexity was taken into consideration. Based on a Timoshenko beam model,the full model class was constructed and other reduced-order model class candidates were obtained. Then,the Bayesian modal class selection approach was employed to select the one with the most suitable complexity. The proposed model successfully characterizes the environmental influence on the modal frequencies. Furthermore,the estimated uncertainty of the model parameters allows for assessment of the reliability of the prediction. This study not only improves the understanding about the monitored structure,but also establishes a systematic approach for reliable health assessment of reinforced concrete buildings.  相似文献   
锚索格构梁在岩质滑坡治理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过某市友谊大道滑坡工程实例,介绍锚索格构梁在岩质滑坡治理中的设计、施工方法及效果。  相似文献   
给出了单波束测深的原理,分析了单波束观测数据预处理模型,提出了采用单波束测深成果检核机载激光数据质量的技术方法,并以我国自行研制的机载激光测深系统为例,给出了该系统在某海区试验数据的外部检核结果.针对两种测深手段之间明显存在系统性偏差的问题,提出了以单波束测深成果为控制,对机载激光测深数据系统偏差进行校正和补偿的处理方...  相似文献   
动荷载作用下欧拉梁动响应的计算是一个初边值问题,通常很难得到解析解,传统数值方法一般是把空间和时间分别离散进行求解,计算相对复杂,效率也不高.针对分布动荷载作用下欧拉梁的振动偏微分方程,采用传统微分求积法,在空间和时间上同时进行离散;对于所有非0阶的初/边值条件,采用嵌入法在权系数计算中予以考虑.算例的数值结果与精确解的对比证明采用传统微分求积法处理此问题是可行的,而且是高效的.对于实际工程中的其他类似问题,该方法同样适用.  相似文献   
王英  尹铸华  赵人达 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):122-126
根据等效刚度原理定义损伤程度,对损伤采用损伤位置、损伤程度和损伤长度三个参数来描述,从材料力学平面弯曲理论出发,运用小变形的平面弯曲挠曲线近似微分方程,并引入损伤程度的定义,推导出恒载作用下两端固定损伤梁弯矩方程的隐含表达式。对恒载作用下两端固定损伤梁进行了各种损伤情况下弯矩重分布的对比分析,总结出了其弯矩重分布规律。本研究的目的是期望为桥梁的健康检测、损伤识别理论研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
This work accounts for an investigation about the diurnal variation of total spectral transmittance of solar irradiance under dominant wind conditions as case studies. Such a work is carried out in Athens for the first time. The spectral transmittance values estimated were derived using ground-based spectral measurements of beam irradiance in the range 310–575 nm (UV and VIS). The data were recorded by a system consisting of an automatic solar tracker and a spectrometer. All data were recorded under clear-sky conditions in the city center of Athens and the spectral total atmospheric transmittance was estimated towards zenith to avoid optical mass effects. The comparison reveals that the total atmospheric transmittance is higher under the influence of strong Etesian compared to sea-breeze conditions. The influence of low-pressure systems also plays a depollution role in the basin. Various features of diurnal variation are discussed with respect to emission sources, topographic peculiarities and wind pattern.  相似文献   
颅颌面外科与三维重建技术   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
目的 探讨电子束CT三维重建技术在颅颌面外科的适应症和应用价值。方法 采用美国Imatron公司的电子束CT(electron beam CT,以下简称EBCT)C-150,对76例严重颅颌面病人实行薄层CT容积扫描。将所获CT 象经数字接口传至加拿大ISG公司生产的Allegro工作站进行三维重建。结果 EBCT成像技术能立体的、详尽和精确的显示机体组织三维解剖结构极其相互关系。其再现畸形或病体  相似文献   
弧形间隔排桩-桩顶拱梁空间抗滑结构理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志伟  邓荣贵 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3403-3409
为充分利用地形、地质结构和混凝土的材料特性,优化直线排桩的不利受力状态和提高其整体稳定性,提出了弧形间隔排桩-桩顶拱梁新型空间抗滑结构,即根据滑坡地形及地质条件弧形布设抗滑桩,桩顶设置连系梁,连系梁两端设置抗力桩,形成空间结构以抵抗滑坡推力。以抗滑桩与连系梁之间的作用力为冗力,分别建立了连系梁和抗滑桩的计算模型,并对连系梁的内力和抗滑桩的位移进行了理论分析,根据连系梁与抗滑桩连接处的位移协调条件,建立了力法典型方程求解冗力。最终得出了连系梁的弯矩、剪力和轴力以及抗滑桩的位移、内力理论计算公式。通过算例分析并与悬臂桩及直线排桩-桩顶连系梁抗滑结构比较,结果表明:空间抗滑结构中弧形连系梁的内力分布更加合理,弧形连系梁对抗滑桩的位移约束效果明显。  相似文献   
张爱军  莫海鸿  向玮 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2719-2723
在开挖、降雨或地震等外部因素作用下,边坡土体很容易进入局部或瞬态大变形乃至失稳滑动,使抗滑桩产生附加位移及弯矩。基于两阶段分析方法,采用Winkler模型模拟抗滑单桩与土之间的相互作用,建立单桩水平位移控制方程组,根据内力与位移的连续条件得到考虑不同土体侧移模式下求解桩身响应的矩阵解析表达式,并采用现场监测数据及Poulos弹性理论进行验证,证明该方法是合理可行的,并通过参数分析土体侧移对抗滑桩水平承载性状的影响程度。分析结果表明,土体侧移模式包括最大侧移值、分布形状及重心、侧移势等,对抗滑桩的挠度和弯矩均有显著影响,在工程设计中应予以充分重视。  相似文献   
GNSS船姿测量以其观测误差不随时间累积的特点得到了广泛研究和应用,本文基于三天线GNSS船姿测量方式,构建了波束脚印误差与姿态误差间的关系模型,设计仿真实验分析了基线长度对姿态误差的影响,以及不同水深环境下姿态误差与GNSS定位误差的关系。为突破传统RTK在测量距离上的限制,本文采用PPP、PPK、MBD (动态参考站差分)三种方法进行GNSS船姿计算,并通过海上实验与高精度惯性导航系统进行对比分析,结果表明使用MBD测姿结果要优于PPK和PPP模式,得到的航偏角、横摇角、纵摇角标准差均在0.1°左右,可满足通常情况下多波束测深对姿态精度的要求。  相似文献   
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