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Using an idealized ocean general circulation model, we examine the effect of “mixing hotspots” (localized regions of intense diapycnal mixing) predicted based on internal wave-wave interaction theory (Hibiya et al., 2006) on the meridional overturning circulation of the Pacific Ocean. Although the assumed diapycnal diffusivity in the mixing hotspots is a little larger than the predicted value, the upwelling in the mixing hotspots is not sufficient to balance the deep-water production; out of 17 Sv of the downwelled water along the southern boundary, only 9.2 Sv is found to upwell in the mixing hotspots. The imbalance as much as 7.8 Sv is compensated by entrainment into the surface mixed layer in the vicinity of the downwelling region. As a result, the northward transport of the deep water crossing the equator is limited to 5.5 Sv, much less than estimated from previous current meter moorings and hydrographic surveys. One plausible explanation for this is that the magnitude of the meridional overturning circulation of the Pacific Ocean has been overestimated by these observations. We raise doubts about the validity of the previous ocean general circulation models where diapycnal diffusivity is assigned ad hoc to attain the current magnitude suggested from current meter moorings and hydrographic surveys.  相似文献   
Analysis of Argo float trajectories at 1 000 m and temperature at 950 m in the North Atlantic between November 2003 and January 2005 demonstrates the existence of two different circulation modes with fast transition between them. Each mode has a pair of cyclonic - anticyclonic gyres. The difference is the location of the cyclonic gyre. The cyclonic gyre stretches from southeast to northwest in the first mode and from the southwest to the northeast in the second mode. The observed modes strongly affect the heat and salt transport in the North Atlantic. In particular, the second mode slows down the westward transport of the warm and saline water from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
Wind impact on pollutant transport in a shallow estuary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A three-dimensional numerical model, EFDC ( environmental fluid dynamics code) is applied to the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) in eastern North Carolina of the United States to examine the wind impact on pollutant age distributions and residence time. A series of model experiments representing base case, remote-wind-induced water level set-up and local winds cases are conducted. Model results indicate that the pollutant mean age and the system residence time are functions of gravitational circulation in the PRE. The system responses to remote-wind-induced water level set-up are different in different portions of the PRE. Under such condition, dissolved substances in the upstream portion of the PRE have a younger age and shorter residence time (compared with the base case) , by contrast, they have a older age and longer residence time in the downstream portion of the PRE. Upriver and downriver local winds appear to have opposite impacts on pollutant age distributions. The substances are retained much longer within the PRE under upriver wind than those under downriver wind. The model results also suggest that across - river winds may lead to longer residence time through enhanced turbulence mixing, which slows down the gravitational circulation in the PRE.  相似文献   
海南岛莺歌海近岸的潮汐不对称与潮致余流研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
潮汐不对称与潮致余流在河口海岸区的物质输运中扮演着重要角色。已往的研究表明,在驻波占主导的河口海湾中,涨落潮的历时不对称与流速不对称有较为良好的对应关系。而潮致余流主要由地形与潮波的非线性作用所致。本研究以海南岛莺歌海附近为代表,结合实际观测与数值模型,研究复杂地形的开阔近岸区的潮汐不对称与潮致余流。结果表明,在莺歌海近岸区,涨落潮历时不对称皆表现为涨潮历时短于落潮历时,而流速不对称则出现复杂的空间变化。对流速不对称的机制分解表明,研究区的流速不对称主要由K1、O1与M2的相互作用,以及潮余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所控制。其中前者产生涨潮流速大于落潮流速的涨潮优势,而后者则与余流的方向相对应,出现多个涨潮优势与落潮优势的区域。总体而言,研究区的流速不对称由余流与各潮汐分潮的相互作用所决定。这表明,采用涨落潮历时的不对称来确定潮汐不对称的方法在开阔近海区可能并不适用。对潮致余流的研究表明,研究区的欧拉余流远大于斯托克斯余流。欧拉余流表现为多个顺时针与逆时针的涡流。涡流分布与地形具有较好的对应关系,潮流沙脊区多发育顺时针涡流,而深槽区则以发育逆时针涡流为主。摩擦力在涡流的发育中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
2012年洪季对珠江黄茅海河口湾侧向动力结构与泥沙输移过程进行了系统观测,采用动量平衡和泥沙通量机制分解等方法,分析了河口流、温盐和泥沙侧向分布特征以及泥沙输移过程,探讨了侧向动量平衡与泥沙输移机制。洪季黄茅海河口存在明显的侧向流,西滩和北槽均形成表层向东、底层向西的两层侧向流,拦门沙滩顶呈现表、底层向西、中层向东的三层侧向流,而拦门沙前缘侧向流整体向西。河口湾纵向净泥沙通量表现为北槽向海、西滩向陆,拦门沙滩顶及其前缘均向海;侧向净泥沙通量表现为滩顶及其前缘均向西,西滩向东、北槽向西。这种侧向泥沙辐聚过程是高浓度悬沙聚集于滩槽界面的重要原因,向陆净通量是西滩回淤的重要原因。滩槽间侧向余环流动量平衡主要是侧向斜压梯度力、科氏力和侧向平流作用。欧拉平流输运在侧向泥沙输运中起主要作用,潮泵效应也起重要作用。  相似文献   
A soil circulation occurs in the south of Cheju Island in the spring. Nutrients and its influence on chlorophyll a(Chl a) around the circulations were studied from April 9 to May 6, 2007. Spring bloom with elevated concentrations of Chl a was observed during the investigation. High concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and silicate at 0.6, 12, and 8 mmol/m3, respectively, were detected. A low water temperature prevented the growth of phytoplankton. Chl a concentrations in the study area might be strongly associated with the high silicate concentration.  相似文献   
利用NCEP全球数据同化系统(GDAS)1°×1°分析资料,对0917号台风"芭玛"折向东南向移动原因进行了分析。结果表明,中高纬度环流调整是"芭玛"折向东南向移动的根本原因;0918号台风"茉莉"通过改变外围环境场的强度、形状对"芭玛"台风产生间接影响,而两台风之间逆时针互旋以及台风"茉莉"外围强大的环流对台风"芭玛"的直接作用是台风"芭玛"折向东南向移动的关键。对台风"芭玛"经纬向UV最大风速变化诊断分析表明,"芭玛"经纬向UV最大风速中心的转移对"芭玛"折向东南向移动有重要影响,经纬向UV最大风速差的变化对"芭玛"转向具有预示作用,经纬向最大风速差的合成风方向与台风中心未来移动方向有一定的关系。  相似文献   
本文基于常用的统计方法,通过与WOA09观测的海洋溶解氧浓度数据进行比较,定量地评估了9个CMIP5地球系统模式在历史排放试验中海洋溶解氧气候态特征的模拟能力。在海表,由于地球系统模式均能很好地模拟海表温度(SST),模式模拟的海表溶解氧浓度分布与观测一致,模拟结果无论是全球平均浓度偏差还是均方根误差均接近0,空间相关系数与标准偏差接近1。在海洋中层以及深层这些重要水团所在的区域,各模式的模拟能力则差异较大,尤其在溶解氧低值区(OMZs)所在的500m到1000m,各模式均出现全球平均偏差、均方根误差的极大值以及空间相关系数的极小值。在海洋内部,模式偏差的原因比较复杂。经向翻转环流和颗粒有机碳通量均对模式的偏差有贡献。分析结果表明物理场偏差对溶解氧偏差的贡献较大。一些重要水团,比如北大西洋深水,南极底层水以及北太平洋中层水在极大程度上影响了溶解氧在这些海区的分布。需要指出的是,虽然在海洋内部各模式模拟的溶解氧浓度偏差较大,但是多模式平均结果却能表现出与观测较好的一致性。  相似文献   
利用Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model(FVCOM)三维模式以及National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)Climate Forecast System提供的北部湾的冬季风场,建立了北部湾冬季的风生环流模型。模拟得到北部湾冬季表中底层的风生环流结构。结果表明:整体上看,环流从琼州海峡流入北部湾,沿越南沿岸向南流动。从分层结构上看,冬季表层北部湾中部位置被1个大范围逆时针环流控制,南部湾口附近也存在1个不闭合的逆时针环流;而中层和底层的环流在琼州海峡西北和西南侧各形成1个小的逆时针环流,同时北部湾北部中间位置呈现1个顺时针环流。琼州海峡、广西及越南沿岸环流流速较大,有利于污染物的输移扩散,而北部湾北部中间位置,莺歌咀附近出现闭合环流且海南岛西南岸流速较小,不利于污染物的输移扩散,对冬季北部湾的海洋环境会产生不利影响。  相似文献   
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