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佛山市龙卷风活动的特征及环流背景分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP再分析资料,分析了多年来佛山龙卷风的活动特点及其产生的环流背景和环境条件。结果表明:佛山龙卷风集中出现在4—8月;发生时间主要集中在08:00—14:00;发生地域以南海区最多,其次是三水区;16次龙卷风过程可归纳为4种诱生形势:台风外围型、锋面暖区型、地面辐合线型和热带扰动型。分析还发现:佛山龙卷风发生于偏南暖湿气流中,中低层通常有西南或偏南急流叠加配置,并存在强的垂直风切变和中干冷、下暖湿的强不稳定层结及较低的抬升凝结高度。另外,佛山龙卷风的发生还与地形因素关系密切。  相似文献   
Hadley环流与北太平洋涛动的显著关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,分析了冬季(11~4月)Hadley环流与北太平洋涛动(NPO)的变化特征以及它们之间的关系.本文选取0°~30°N区域里最大质量流函数来描述北半球Hadley环流强度随时间的演变,利用(20°N, 180°~160°W) 和 (60°N, 180°~160°W) 区域平均的标准化海平面气压差代表NPO强度.结果表明,冬季北半球Hadley环流与NPO的变化形势非常一致,两者都具有显著的年际和年代际变化(70年代前处于负位相,80年代之后处于正位相),同时还呈现出明显的增强趋势.Hadley环流变化与NPO异常的关系非常密切,在年际和年代际时间尺度上都具有显著的正相关.这种强相关性在大气环流场上可以得到很好的印证.研究还揭示,太平洋地区10°~30°N下沉支和40°~60°N上升支的异常运动可能是这种关系存在的主要内在原因.  相似文献   
使用中国气象局热带气旋资料中心的热带气旋最佳路径数据集和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料提供的月平均数据,对北上影响山东的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)及其造成的极端降水进行统计分析,并揭示了有利于 TC北移影响山东的大气环流特征。结果表明:影响山东的 TC主要出现 于 6—9 月,其中盛夏时节(7、8 月)TC对山东影响最大;TC影响山东时,强度主要为台风及以下等 级,或已发生变性;TC会引发山东极端降水事件,TC极端降水多出现在夏秋季(7—9 月),其中8月的占比最大,9月次之,TC降水在极端降水事件中的占比约为 10%,但年际变化大,有些年份占比达60%以上,特别是1990 年以来 TC对极端降水的贡献显著增强;影响山东的 TC主要生成于西 北太平洋,多为转向型路径;当500 hPa位势高度异常场呈太平洋一日本遥相关型的正位相时,TC更易北上影响山东,此时西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏北,其外围气流会引导TC北上转向,对华东地区造成影响;850 hPa上,南海至西北太平洋存在异常气旋式环流,对流活跃,夏季风环流和季风槽加强,有利于TC的生成和发展,同时,华东、华南上空有异常上升运动,涡度增大,垂直风切变减小,水汽充沛,TC登陆后强度能得到较好的维持。  相似文献   
气举反循环工艺具有钻进效率高、携带岩屑能力强、防漏效果好以及钻头寿命长等优点,同时还可以提高流体矿产的产能。但是一般认为气举反循环钻进抽吸作用会产生负压,不利于井壁稳定,不宜在松散地层应用。本文通过计算气举反循环钻进环空水力参数,并从环空压力以及冲洗液流态、流速等方面探讨研究气举反循环钻进中井壁稳定及其适用性,指出通过选取合适的钻具组合以及调节冲洗液性能,可使气举反循环工艺对不同地层的适应性更广。  相似文献   
In the first half of winter 2020/21,China has experienced an extremely cold period across both northern and southern regions,with record-breaking low temperatures set in many stations of China.Meanwhile,a moderate La Ni?a event which exceeded both oceanic and atmospheric thresholds began in August 2020 and in a few months developed into its mature phase,just prior to the 2020/21 winter.In this report,the mid?high-latitude large-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere,which were forced by the negative phase of Arctic Oscillation,a strengthened Siberian High,an intensified Ural High and a deepened East Asian Trough,are considered to be the direct reason for the frequent cold surges in winter 2020/21.At the same time,the synergistic effect of the warm Arctic and the cold tropical Pacific(La Ni?a)provided an indispensable background,at a hemispheric scale,to intensify the atmospheric circulation anomalies in middle-to-high latitudes.In the end,a most recent La Ni?a prediction is provided and the on-coming evolution of climate is discussed for the remaining part of the 2020/21 winter for the purpose of future decision-making and early warning.  相似文献   
2002/2003年与2003/2004年冬季爆发性增温期间的动力特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ECMWF提供的60层气象场资料诊断分析了2002/2003和2003/2004年两个冬季的爆发性增温(stratospheric sudden warming,SSW)过程,比较了两次SSW期间高纬温度和纬向风的差异,计算了SSW期间的EP通量和剩余环流.结果表明:2003/2004年增温持续时间长、强度大,而2002/2003年则发生了波动;增温都是从平流层上层开始向下传播,但是2003/2004年高层极涡崩溃后迅速恢复,低层极涡恢复得慢,2002/2003年极涡在高层和低层都是缓慢恢复;SSW期间行星渡活动较多,2003/2004年极地EP通量的辐合引起东风长时间持续从而阻止了行星渡再次上传,而2002/2003年行星波则发生多次上传;2002/2003年SSW发生时高纬地区为下沉气流,没有形成环流圈,增温后形成逆时针的环流圈比2003/2004年偏低.  相似文献   
Sensitivity of a global ocean model to increased run-off from Greenland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the reaction of a global ocean–sea ice model to an increase of fresh water input into the northern North Atlantic under different surface boundary conditions, ranging from simple restoring of surface salinity to the use of an energy balance model (EBM) for the atmosphere. The anomalous fresh water flux is distributed around Greenland, reflecting increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet and increasing fresh water export from the Arctic Ocean. Depending on the type of surface boundary condition, the large circulation reacts with a slow-down of overturning and gyre circulations. Restoring of the total or mean surface salinity prevents a large scale redistribution of the salinity field that is apparent under mixed boundary conditions and with the EBM. The control run under mixed boundary conditions exhibits large and unrealistic oscillations of the meridional overturning. Although the reaction to the fresh water flux anomaly is similar to the response with the EBM, mixed boundary conditions must thus be considered unreliable. With the EBM, the waters in the deep western boundary current initially become saltier and a new fresh water mass forms in the north-eastern North Atlantic in response to the fresh water flux anomaly around Greenland. After an accumulation period of several decades duration, this new North East Atlantic Intermediate Water spreads towards the western boundary and opens a new southward pathway at intermediate depths along the western boundary for the fresh waters of high northern latitudes.  相似文献   
李宇  陈润珍  蔡敏  孔宁谦 《海洋预报》2006,23(Z1):104-109
本文对1960~2002年进入广西影响区的热带气旋进行统计分析,发现平均每年有4.3个热带气旋进入广西影响区,强度突然加强的平均每年有0.3个,发生在6~10月,其区域分布主要集中在海南岛东北部近海至粤西近海区域和北部湾海域。利用《台风年鉴》和《历史天气图》以及欧洲中心NCEP再分析资料,对这类热带气旋进行环流特征诊断分析,得出了一些结论,有助于更好地做出这类热带气旋的风力和降水预报。  相似文献   
In this paper, infragravity (IG) waves, forced by normally and obliquely incident wave groups, are studied using the quasi-3D (Q3D) nearshore circulation model SHORECIRC [Van Dongeren, A.R., I.A. Svendsen, 1997b. Quasi 3-D modeling of nearshore hydrodynamics. Research report CACR-97-04. Center for Applied Coastal Research, University of Delaware, Newark, 243 pp.], which includes the Q3D effects. The governing equations that form the basis of the model, as well as the numerical model and the boundary conditions, are described. The model is applied to the case of leaky IG waves. It is shown that the Q3D terms have a significant effect on the cross-shore variation of the surface elevation envelope, especially around the breakpoint and in the inner surf zone. The effect of wave groupiness on the temporal and spatial variation of all Q3D terms is shown after which their contribution to the momentum equations is analyzed. This reveals that only those Q3D coefficients, which appear in combination with the largest horizontal velocity shears make a significant contribution to the momentum equations. As a result of the calculation of the Q3D coefficients, the IG wave velocity profiles can be determined. This shows that in the surf zone, the velocity profiles exhibit a large curvature and time variation in the cross-shore direction, and a small — but essential — depth variation in the longshore direction.  相似文献   
利用1985~2008年OAflux3、NCEP\NCAR再分析资料与中国大陆东部108个站点的降水资料,应用回归和合成方法,分析了中国东部夏季降水的年际变化与同期东海及邻近海域潜热通量变异的关系。结果表明:东海及邻近海域(以下称东海)夏季潜热通量年际变化显著的区域位于东海区域,为与同期中国东部降水密切相关的关键区域。当东海的潜热通量偏高(低)时,中国东部长江以南地区上空盛行偏东北(西南)风异常,这将不(有)利于水汽由南向北的输送,从而可能使到达长江中下游流域及以北地区的水汽偏少(多);并且,长江中、下游流域为下沉(上升)气流和低层水汽辐散(辐合)正异常,对应降水偏少(偏多);华南地区为上升(下沉)气流和低层水汽辐合(辐散)正异常,对应降水偏多(偏少)。分析结果还表明,东海的潜热通量可通过影响东亚大气环流而成为引起中国东部夏季汛期降水年际异常的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
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