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欧亚大陆湖泊记录和两万年来大气环流变化   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
于革  王苏民 《第四纪研究》1998,18(4):360-367
159个湖泊地质记录提供了欧亚大陆两万年来大气环流变化信息。盛冰期北欧低湖面而地中海地区高湖面,反映冰流反气旋控制和西风带南迁。随着晚冰期冰流高压减弱、西风带回迁,南欧为低湖面而北欧低湖面范围减小。全新世早中期北欧阻塞高压发展,干燥炎热;南欧地区性季风环流加强,气旋雨增加。中国青藏高原至东西伯利亚高湖面,反映东亚季风扩张、季风雨以及高原对流雨增加。晚更新世以来湖泊所反映的西风带和季风环流变化,揭示了辐射异常和北半球冰流消长的动力控制。  相似文献   
MD06-3050岩芯位于西菲律宾海吕宋岛以东本哈姆高原,利用钙质超微化石下透光带种属Florisphaera profunda占总颗石的相对丰度,恢复了中更新世以来该海区的上层水体结构演化特征。结果显示,西菲律宾海区自1040ka以来,温跃层/营养跃层经历了由浅—深—浅—深的长周期变动,可能是由于全球碳库的长周期变化对气候系统的大规模调整所致; 同时温跃层/营养跃层也具有明显的冰期-间冰期旋回性特征。温跃层变动的另一个重要特征是在中布容事件前后呈现出相反的冰期-间冰期变化趋势,认为可能是由东亚冬、夏季风强度变化引起。  相似文献   
A 4.96-m-long sediment core from the Hanon paleo-maar in Jeju Island, Korea was studied to investigate the paleoclimatic change and East Asian monsoon variations during the latest Pleistocene to early Holocene (23,000-9000 cal yr BP). High-resolution TOC content, magnetic susceptibility, and major element composition data indicate that Jeju Island experienced the coldest climate around 18,000 cal yr BP, which corresponds to the last glacial maximum (LGM). Further, these multi-proxy data show an abrupt shift in climatic regime from cold and arid to warm and humid conditions at around 14,000 cal yr BP, which represents the commencement of the last major deglaciation. After the last major deglaciation, the TOC content decreased from 13,300 to 12,000 cal yr BP and from 11,500 to 9800 cal yr BP, thereby reflecting the weakening of the summer monsoon. The LGM in Jeju Island occurred later in comparison with the Chinese Loess Plateau. Such a disparity in climatic change events between central China and Jeju Island appears to be caused by the asynchrony between the coldest temperature event and the minimum precipitation event in central China and by the buffering effect of the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
华南前汛期开始和结束日期的划分   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用48年(1957~2004年)中国站点逐日降水资料和同期NCEP/ NCAR逐日再分析资料,研究了华南前汛期的开始和结束时间的划分问题.首先,选择了研究华南前汛期问题的区域和代表站点,然后对降水量、水汽(可降水量,水汽通量,水汽通量散度)、垂直速度和假相当位温等物理量的演变特征进行分析,发现:前汛期起、止前后上述要素均有阶段性的突变.其中4月第1候(19候)是华南前汛期的开始,可降水量、水汽通量和假相当位温等增加显著,对流开始活跃,水汽通量散度也由辐散变为辐合,降水量明显增加.但4月份总体雨量不强,主要为锋面降水.5月份随夏季风爆发,水汽继续增加,对流活跃,进入季风降水阶段;夏季风降水盛期时段主要集中在6月份.6月第4候(34候)前汛期结束,各降水指标骤减.然后根据降水和环流指标,提出了华南前汛期开始和结束日期的划分标准,定义了逐年的开始和结束日期.最后对华南前汛期开始期之前、之后以及结束期之前、之后的大气环流背景做了对比分析.指出,前汛期开始前,环流形势有利于华南地区增暖增湿;开始期以后则有利于冷空气南下,造成连续降水,使华南进入前汛期.而前汛期的结束,则是由于东亚大气环流的季节调整,尤其是西太平洋副热带高压的第一次北跳所造成的.  相似文献   
With the analysis of the sources and formation mechanism of the clay minerals in the sediment core from the Dalianhai lake in the Gonghe Basin,northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau,clay mineral composition proxies,grain-size and carbonate contents have been employed for high-resolution study in order to reconstruct East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) over the northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau during the lastdeglacial.The study also extended to establish a relationship between vegetation cover changes and erosion during the last 14.5 ka with pollen record and clay mineral proxies.Smectite/kaolinite and smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios allow us to assess hydrolysis conditions in lowlands and/or physical erosion process in highlands of the Gonghe Basin.Before 12.9 Cal ka BP,both mineralogical ratios show low values indicative of strong physical erosion in the basin with a dominant cold and dry phase.After 12.9 Cal ka BP,an increase in both mineralogical ratios indicates enhanced chemical weathering in the basin associated with a warm and humid climate.The beginning of Holocene is characterized by high smectite/(illite+chlorite) and smectite/kaolinite ratios that is synchronous as with deposition of many peat laminae,implying the best warm and humid conditions specifically between 8.0 to 5.5 Cal ka BP.The time interval after 5.0 Cai ka BP is characterized by a return to high physical erosion and low chemical weathering with dry climate conditions in the basin.Comparing variations of clay mineral assemblages with previous pollen results,we observe a rapid response in terms of chemical weathering and physical erosion intensity to a modification of the vegetation cover in the basin.  相似文献   
 利用NCAR的新一代GCM CAM3.0模式耦合一个气溶胶同化系统,研究了中国区域黑碳气溶胶的直接气候效应。结果显示,中国区域黑碳气溶胶引起全球平均辐射强迫为0.13 W/m2,导致除了青藏高原和广西以外的中国大部分地区降温,其中东北、四川和内蒙古中北部降温最显著。由此造成海陆温差缩小,气压差降低,从而总体上使东亚夏季风减弱。但与硫酸盐气溶胶的影响相比,黑碳气溶胶使季风减弱的程度较小,长江中下游地区的降水有所增加。黑碳气溶胶加强了中国东南部地区的对流活动,这与硫酸盐气溶胶的作用相反。同时,探讨了中国区域硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合直接气候效应。结果表明,硫酸盐和黑碳气溶胶的综合作用与仅有硫酸盐气溶胶的情形十分相似,降水变化的区域也和硫酸盐的保持一致。  相似文献   
为了热烈庆祝中国科学院大气物理研究所成立80周年(1928~2008年),作者谨就五年来中国科学院大气物理研究所的科学家们完成的关于我国气候变异和气候预测方面的研究工作若干新成果作一些非常概要性的介绍,个中也包含一点所外科学家的工作。不周和不当之处只有请读者海涵和批评指正了。本文介绍的主要进展有三个方面:关于我国气候年际变异的研究、ENSO预测研究和数值气候预测研究。  相似文献   
Based on the daily reanalysis data of NCEP / NCAR and by using the method of phase space reconstruction, the point conditional probability density of the subtropical high ridge index are determined and then used, together with their power spectra, to seek the correlation between them and individual monsoon-affecting factors and their power spectra. Through diagnosis, six indexes are discovered that have the most important effects on the subtropical high index. The results of the diagnosis indicate that the technique can identify the factors which are dynamically correlated. It can offer the basis in determining and choosing dynamic conceptual factors.  相似文献   
Impacts of Coastal SST Variability on the East Asian Summer Monsoon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The impacts of the seasonal and interannual SST variability in the East Asia coastal regions (EACRSST) on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) have been examined using a regional climate model (PδRCM9) in this paper. The simulation results show that the correlation between the EACRSST and the EASM is strengthened after the mid-1970s and also the variability of the EACRSST forcing becomes much more important to the EASM interannual variability after the mid-1970s. The impacts of the EACRSST on the summer precipitation over each sub-region in the EASM region become weak gradually from south to north, and the temporal evolution features of the summer precipitation differences over North and Northeast China agree well with those of the index of EASM (IEASM) differences.
The mechanism analyses show that different EACRSST forcings result in the differences of sensible and latent heat flux exchanges at the air-sea interface, which alter the heating rate of the atmosphere. The heating rate differences induce low level air temperature differences over East Asia, resulting in the differences of the land-sea thermal contrast (LSTC) which lead to 850 hPa geopotential height changes. When the 850 hPa geopotential height increases over the East Asian continent and decreases over the coast of East China and the adjacent oceans during the weakening period of weakens consequently. On the contrary, the EASM enhances during the strengthening period of the LSTC.  相似文献   
In this paper,we use a two-dimensional primary equation model which contains (1) heating ofradiation,(2) heating of condensation,and (3) transfers of sensible and latent heat between air andthe underlying surface.To investigate the causes for the formation of the eastern North Pacific sum-mer monsoon,the data at 110°W are obtained and winds at underlying surface and at 200 hPa aremodified under the conditions (1) removing topography and (2) changing meridional sea surface tem-perature (SST) gradient.In the numerical modification,we find that by removing the topography,the center's location ofthe eastern North Pacific summer monsoon does not change,but the intensity of the summer monsoonis weakened.Also the onset of the summer monsoon is delayed to the end of May.The tropical east-erly jet is weakened obviously,even changes to westerly wind.On the other hand,we find that theSST gradient along 110°W influences the eastern North Pacific summer monsoon distinctly.If theSST gradient is decreased,the center of the southwest wind near 12°N does not exist any more.theintensity of the whole summer monsoon becomes very weak and the circulation pattern of the summermonsoon also changes a lot.Finally,we indicate that both topography and meridional SST gradient play important roles inthe occurrence of the eastern North Pacific summer monsoon.The meridional SST gradient is themost important factor that triggers the summer monsoon and the topography along 110°W influencesthe intensity and the onset time of the summer monsoon there mostly.  相似文献   
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