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采用2000年8月在美国加州棉花地两个高度上应用超声三分量仪、快速响应温度和湿度仪进行的EBEX-2000 (International Energy Balance Experiment, 2000, 简称EBEX-2000) 风速三分量、温度和湿度湍流实验观测数据, 计算分析了在不同稳定度下的湍流能量和热量耗散率和湍流结构参数特征.并与Kansas和长白山原始森林湍流实验得到的结果进行了比较, 得到了一些湍流特征量在不同下垫面情况下的一些有意义的特征.  相似文献   
河道非平稳流的内摩阻损失   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
胡荣轩 《水文》1998,(4):6-12
洪水波在运动中不变形,则没有内摩阻损失,即所谓运动波。波体在传统途中变形,则有加速项或惯性力,内摩阻力等于惯性力。动量没有内摩阻损失,能量有内耗,故在非平稳流情况下,动量方程要比能量方程多一项惯性波。  相似文献   
Recently, effective atmospheric-angular-momentum (AAM) functions as calculated from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (formerly National Meteorological Center, NMC) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Reanalyses have become available for the years 1958 to 1998. Concerning the wind terms, the top level in the atmosphere used here is 10 hPa. Compared with earlier NMC model versions, which incorporate wind fields up to 100 hPa since 1976 and up to 50 hPa since 1981, the reanalyses have produced improved data series over a longer period than before. The axial AAM component χ3 is associated with changes in length of day (LOD). Motivated by better quality and continuity of the series AAM (NCEP) Reanalysis, the problem of the seasonal imbalances in the solid Earth–atmosphere axial angular momentum budget is re-examined. To assess better the estimates of the annual and semiannual oscillations in LOD and AAM and of the residual oscillations derived as difference series between LOD and AAM, the series of LOD data from three analysis centers [International Earth Rotation Service (IERS), GeoForschungZentrum Potsdam (GFZ) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena (JPL)] and of AAM data in terms of χ3(W), χ3(P) and χ3(P+IB) from four meteorological centers [NCEP, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the UK Meteorological Office (UKMO)] are used in this study. The main analysis steps were removing gaps, filtering out the seasonal oscillations, calculating optimal estimates of the parameters of the oscillations and calculating the difference series between the LOD and AAM systems as well as the residuals in the axial angular momentum budget in the LOD–AAM systems. The results derived as difference series between the different LOD, AAM and LOD–AAM systems show to what extent the variations reflect systematic differences and significant signals, respectively, which is important for future activities in this field. Received: 2 February 1999 / Accepted: 30 November 1999  相似文献   
宁夏不同强度沙尘天气动力机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈豫英  陈楠  谭志强 《中国沙漠》2015,35(2):438-447
利用常规气象观测资料和ECMWF逐6 h 0.25°×0.25°再分析资料,对宁夏2013年5月18日雷暴大风、2月28日大风沙尘和3月9日大风强沙尘天气过程的环流形势和高、低空急流的耦合作用进行了对比分析。结果表明:在“西高东低”环流形势下,受蒙新高压脊、西风槽、地面气旋和冷锋、高低空急流的共同影响,在中低层90°-110°E形成次级环流,对流层中上部高空急流和高位涡通过次级环流动量下传使中低层形成低空急流,同时在边界层发生强烈湍流混合,产生地面强风及沙尘,但由于冷空气强度及南下方式、高压脊线位置及强度、高低空急流活动的区域、低空急流南下位置、高空强风速下传的高度、次级环流的强弱不同,高层高位涡和低层850 hPa低空急流在宁夏上空活动与否,是导致宁夏出现不同强度风沙天气的重要动力因素。  相似文献   
 The inertial coupling approach for the momentum transfer at the ocean–atmosphere interface, which is based on the assumption of a similarity hypothesis in which the ratio between the water and air reference velocities is equal to the square root of the ratio between the air and water densities, is reviewed using a wave model. In this model, the air and water reference velocities are identified, respectively, with the spectrally weighted phase velocity of the gravity waves and the Stokes velocity at the water roughness length, which are evaluated in terms of the dimensionless frequency limits in Toba's equilibrium spectrum. It is shown that the similarity hypothesis is approximately satisfied by the wave model over the range of wave ages encountered in typical sea states, and that the predicted values of the dimensionless surface drift velocity, the dimensionless water reference velocity, and the Charnock constant are in reasonable agreement with observational evidence. The application of the bulk relationship for the surface shear stress, derived from the inertial coupling hypothesis in general circulation modeling, is also discussed. Received: 6 January 2001 / Accepted: 28 June 2001  相似文献   
Vertical structures of momentum exchange coefficient and sediment concentration are the keys in the research on estuarine and coastal suspended sediment transport. Based on the parabolic mixing length distribution pattern,the distribution pattern of vertical momentum exchange coefficient which is suitable for estuarine and coastal waters is constructed. A comparison with steady flow and measured momentum exchange coefficient during one tidal cycle in the Menai Strait of England shows that the result of this...  相似文献   
为了进一步揭示大气边界层低层动量通量逆梯度输运的观测事实,本文利用福建南部赤湖镇海边100m铁塔上观测得到的超声风温仪资料,采用诊断方法分析了2010年13号"鲇鱼"台风影响过程中近海面边界层大气中动量垂直通量逆梯度输送特征。结果表明:在逐小时时间尺度上台风近海面边界层大气中湍流动量垂直通量输送以沿梯度方向为主,但也存在一定比例的逆梯度方向输送现象,且越往高层该现象越明显,本文中其百分比最高不超过16%。并且这一现象出现的频率在台风环流的不同区域存在差别:在台风环流的内核区域最多,其次是登陆以后残余环流区,而在早期的台风外围环流中较少。湍流低频扰动的相干结构也是影响因素,当水平扰动与垂直扰动出现同位相变化时容易出现动量垂直通量逆梯度输送。大气动量通量逆梯度的水平和垂直平均空间尺度分别为258m和35m,平均时间尺度分别为123s和13s,均小于通常的顺梯度湍流低频扰动的时空尺度的1—3倍。  相似文献   
胡东  康勇  唐川林  王晓川 《海洋工程》2015,29(1):121-132
Based on the momentum theorem, the fluid governing equation in a lifting pipe is proposed by use of the method combining theoretical analysis with empirical correlations related to the previous research, and the performance of an airlift pump can be clearly characterized by the triangular relationship among the volumetric flux of air, water and solid particles, which are obtained respectively by using numerical calculation. The meso-scale river sand is used as tested particles to examine the theoretical model. Results of the model are compared with the data in three-phase flow obtained prior to the development of the present model, by an independent experimental team that used the physical conditions of the present approach. The analytical error can be controlled within 12% for predicting the volumetric flux of water and is smaller than that (±16%) of transporting solid particles in three-phase flow. The experimental results and computations are in good agreement for air?water two-phase flow within a margin of ±8%. Reasonable agreement justifies the use of the present model for engineering design purposes.  相似文献   
Atmospheric turbulence plays a vital role in the formation and dissipation of fog. However,studies of such turbulence are typically limited to observations with ultrasonic anemometers less than 100 m above ground. Thus,the turbulence characteristics of upper fog layers are poorly known. In this paper,we present 4-layers of data,measured by ultrasonic anemometers on a wind tower about 400 m above the sea surface; we use these data to characterize atmospheric turbulence atop a heavy sea fog. Large differences in turbulence during the sea fog episode were recorded. Results showed that the kinetic energy,momentum flux,and sensible heat flux of turbulence increased rapidly during the onset of fog. After onset,high turbulence was observed within the uppermost fog layer. As long as this turbulence did not exceed a critical threshold,it was crucial to enhancing the cooling rate,and maintaining the fog. Vertical momentum flux and sensible heat flux generated by this turbulence weakened wind speed and decreased air temperature during the fog. Towards the end of the fog episode,the vertical distribution of sensible heat flux reversed,contributing to a downward momentum flux in all upper layers. Spatial and temporal scales of the turbulence eddy were greater before and after the fog,than during the fog episode. Turbulence energy was greatest in upper levels,around 430 m and 450 m above mean sea level(AMSL),than in lower levels of the fog(390 m and 410 m AMSL); turbulence energy peaked along the mean wind direction. Our results show that the status of turbulence was complicated within the fog; turbulence caused fluxes of momentum and sensible heat atop the fog layer,affecting the underlying fog by decreasing or increasing average wind speed,as well as promoting or demoting air temperature stratification.  相似文献   
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the spectral atmospheric general circulation Model (AGCM) of IAP/LASG (SAMIL) are employed to investigate the transport and balance of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM). It is demonstrated that SAMIL depicts the general features of the AAM transport and balance reasonably well. The AAM sources are in the tropics and sinks are in the mid-latitudes. The strongest meridional transport occurs in the upper troposphere. The atmosphere gains westerly momentum and transports it upward in the areas of surface easterlies, and downward into the areas of surface westerlies. Consequently, AAM balance is maintained. Systematic biases of the model compared to the reanalysis and observations are revealed. Possible mechanisms for these biases are investigated. In SAMIL, the friction torque in the tropics is stronger compared to the observations, which is probably due to the excessive precipitation along the Inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in the model, since the simulated Hadley circulation is much stronger than observed. In the winter half of the year, the transport center is in the lower troposphere in the SAMIL model, but it is in the upper troposphere in the reanalysis and observations. These discrepancies also suggest that simulations of convection and tropical precipitation need to be improved and that higher resolution is necessary for a quantitative simulation of AAM transport and balance. Results also demonstrate that the analysis of the transport and balance of atmospheric angular momentum is a powerful tool in diagnosing climate models for potential improvement.  相似文献   
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