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x将混合变量的最小势能原理推广到求解弹性矩形薄板的稳定问题中,求解了有一个悬空角点弹性矩形薄板的稳定问题,并给出了相应问题确定临界载荷的特征方程及计算结果,为工程中薄板的设计计算提供了有效的参考,尤其是对现代建筑和桥梁中的受压构件的稳定设计和计算提供了一个简捷有效的计算方法。通过文中计算表明,混合变量的最小势能原理适用于有一个悬空角点矩形板稳定问题的求解,从而验证了它用于薄板稳定问题的一般性和通用性。  相似文献   
The mechanisms behind the seasonal deepening of the mixed layer(ML) in the subtropical Southeast Pacific were investigated using the monthly Argo data from 2004 to 2012. The region with a deep ML(more than 175 m) was found in the region of(22?–30?S, 105?–90?W), reaching its maximum depth(~200 m) near(27?–28?S, 100?W) in September. The relative importance of horizontal density advection in determining the maximum ML location is discussed qualitatively. Downward Ekman pumping is key to determining the eastern boundary of the deep ML region. In addition, zonal density advection by the subtropical countercurrent(STCC) in the subtropical Southwest Pacific determines its western boundary, by carrying lighter water to strengthen the stratification and form a "shallow tongue" of ML depth to block the westward extension of the deep ML in the STCC region. The temperature advection by the STCC is the main source for large heat loss from the subtropical Southwest Pacific. Finally, the combined effect of net surface heat flux and meridional density advection by the subtropical gyre determines the northern and southern boundaries of the deep ML region: the ocean heat loss at the surface gradually increases from 22?S to 35?S, while the meridional density advection by the subtropical gyre strengthens the stratification south of the maximum ML depth and weakens the stratification to the north. The freshwater flux contribution to deepening the ML during austral winter is limited. The results are useful for understanding the role of ocean dynamics in the ML formation in the subtropical Southeast Pacific.  相似文献   
结合像元分解和STARFM模型的遥感数据融合   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
高空间、时间分辨率遥感数据在监测地表快速变化方面具有重要的作用。然而,对于特定传感器获取的遥感影像在空间分辨率和时间分辨率上存在不可调和的矛盾,遥感数据时空融合技术是解决这一矛盾的有效方法。本文利用像元分解降尺方法(Downscaling mixed pixel)和STARFM模型(Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model)相结合的CDSTARFM算法(Combination of Downscaling Mixed Pixel Algorithm and Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model)进行遥感数据融合。首先,利用像元分解降尺度方法对参与融合的MODIS数据进行分解降尺度处理;其次,利用分解降尺度的MODIS数据替代STARFM模型中直接重采样的MODIS数据进行数据融合;最后以Landsat 8和MODIS遥感影像数据对该方法进行了实验。结果表明:(1)CDSTARFM算法比STARFM和像元分解降尺度算法具有更高的融合精度;(2)CDSTARFM能够在较小的窗口下获得更高的融合精度,在相同的窗口下其融合精度也高于STARFM;(3)CDSTARFM融合的影像更接近真实影像,消除了像元分解降尺度影像中的"图斑"和STARFM模型融合影像中的"MODIS像元边界"。  相似文献   

California's excellent road system has provided unmatched mobility for most of the state's residents. Recently, however, constraints on construction of high-capacity roads have threatened the future of unrestricted auto use. California's transportation planners have therefore shifted emphasis from expanding the transportation system to increasing its efficiency. No concomitant change has occurred, however, in state legislation or resource allocation. As a result, rather than being an integrated process, transportation planning and implementation are fragmented. This paper examines the origins and implications of this situation and possible remedies for it.  相似文献   
民勤大气边界层特征与沙尘天气的气候学关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 为了更好地理解西北干旱区大气混合层(ML)厚度的变化特征及其对当地沙尘气候形成的影响, 利用民勤2006—2008年3—6月逐日08时和20时探空资料、降水和日最高气温,计算和分析了最大混合层厚度、逆温层特征和垂直风场及其对沙尘气候形成的影响。结果表明,民勤沙尘天气的大气边界层有显著的昼夜变化,白天厚、逆温强而多;沙尘天气的最大混合层厚度在2 600 m左右,介于无降水与有降水天气之间;扬沙主要由锋面中的冷空气引起,而沙尘暴主要由低层风场的剧烈扰动和500 m以上高层冷锋入侵引起。沙尘暴发生前近地面风场有明显的扰动,沙尘暴发生时在500 hPa以下有显著的冷空气活动,白天较强。能见度小于100 m的强沙尘暴夜间风速大,冷空气较强。  相似文献   
藏北羌塘火车头山新生代火山岩可区分为钙碱性及碱性两个不同的系列.钙碱性火山岩主要岩石组合为玄武岩-安山岩-英安岩,其SiO2介于49%~70%之间,Al2O3>10%,Na2O/K2O>1;其中玄武岩具平坦型稀土配分型式,LREE/HREE为1.3~1.8,(La/Yb)N为2.87~4.45,无明显铕异常,δEu为0.96~1.09;该套岩石的Mg#与SiO2相关关系以及La/Sm-La等亲岩浆元素与超亲岩浆元素协变关系表明,它们应为幔源岩浆经分离结晶演化的产物,其岩石组合类型以及低的Sm/Yb值(Sm/Yb=1.53~5.35)表明它们的原始岩浆应来源于岩石圈地幔尖晶石二辉橄榄岩的局部熔融.本区碱性火山岩为一套典型的钾质岩石系列,主要岩石组合类型为碱玄岩-碱玄质响岩-响岩,其SiO2介于44%~59%之间,Al2O3>14%,Na2O/K2O介于0.47~1.51之间;岩石轻稀土强烈富集,LREE/HREE为13.20~15.76,(La/Yb)N=50.44~91.99;其岩石组合类型以及Mg^#与SiO2相关关系以及La/Sm-La协变关系同样表明它们为共源岩浆分离结晶演化的产物;然而,其较高的Sm/Yb值(Sm/Yb=2.63~13.98)表明它们并非地幔橄榄岩直接局部熔融的产物,岩石弱的负Eu异常(δEu=0.77~0.85)以及Th、U的强烈富集和Nb、Ta的相对亏损,又反映了原始岩浆中有显著的地壳物质的贡献;该套钾质碱性系列岩石在La/Co-Th/Co同分母协变图上呈直线型分布,而在La/Co-Sc/Th异分母协变图上呈显著的双曲线分布,从而表明其源区为二源混合型,是青藏高原特殊的壳幔混合层局部熔融的产物,这些特征是新生代青藏高原壳幔层圈物质交换的重要岩石学证据.  相似文献   
A two component mixed log-normal distribution effectively models annual precipitation totals at two stations in Peru characterized by widely differing interannual patterns of precipitation. Physical evidence supports the division of station records into two subsamples. Years with ENSO events and years without ENSO events identify the components of a mixed probability model. The mixed model produces a superior fit to the two parameter log-normal distribution. Model application provides a reliable means of precipitation prediction and also quantitatively describes the highly variable temporal and spatial pattern of annual precipitation in western Peru.  相似文献   
真鲷的营养需要及配合饲料的研究初报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文综述了真鲷的营养需要,研究了不同植物蛋白源对真鲷生长的影响,并在此基础上设计了三种饲料配方,试验结果表明I号饲料配方的增长率最高。  相似文献   
Palaeogene passive margin sediments on the US mid‐Atlantic coastal plain provide valuable insight into facies interaction and distribution on mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelves. This study utilizes well cuttings, outcrop, core, and seismic data to document temporal and spatial variations in admixed bryozoan‐rich skeletal carbonates and sandy siliciclastic units that were deposited on a humid passive margin located in the vicinity of a major marine transition zone. This zone was situated between north‐flowing, warm waters of the ancestral Gulf Stream (carbonate dominated settings) and south‐flowing, cold waters of the ancestral Labrador Current (siliciclastic dominated settings). Some degree of mixing of carbonates and siliciclastics occurs in all facies; however, siliciclastic‐prone sediments predominate in nearshore settings, while carbonate‐prone sediments are more common in more open marine settings of the inner shelf break and deep shelf. A distinctive dual‐break shelf depositional profile originated following a major Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene transgression that drowned the earlier shallow platform. This profile was characterized by prominent mid‐shelf break dividing the shallow shelf from the deep shelf and a major continental shelf/slope break. Incomplete filling of available accommodation space during successive buildup of the shallow shelf preserved the topographic break on this passive margin. Storm wave base also contributed to the preservation of the dual‐break shelf geometry by beveling shallow shelf sediments and transporting them onto and seaward of the mid‐shelf break. Sediment fines in deep shelf facies were produced in place, transported downdip from the shallow shelf by storm ebb currents and boundary currents, and reworked from adjacent areas of the deep shelf by strike‐parallel boundary currents. Regional climate and boundary currents controlled whether carbonate or siliciclastic material was deposited on the shelf, with warmer waters and more humid climates favouring carbonate deposition and cooler, more arid conditions favouring glaucony and siliciclastic dominated deposition. Continuous wave and current sweeping of the shallow shelf favoured deposition of mud‐lean facies across much of the shallow shelf. Skeletal components in much of the carbonate‐rich strata formed in warm, nutrient‐rich subtropical waters, as indicated by widespread occurrences of larger benthic foraminifera and molluscan assemblages. These indicators of warm water deposition within the bryozoan‐mollusk‐rich carbonate assemblage on this shelf provide an example of a warm water bryomol assemblage; such facies generally are associated with cooler water depositional settings.  相似文献   
The Tafresh granitoids are located at the central part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc(UDMA) in Iran. These rocks, mainly consisting of diorite and granodiorite, were emplaced during the Early Miocene. They are composed of varying proportions of plagioclase + K-feldspar + hornblende ± quartz ± biotite. Discrimination diagrams and chemical indices of amphibole phases reveal a calc-alkaline affinity and fall clearly in the crust-mantle mixed source field. The estimated pressure, derived from Al in amphibole barometry, is approximately 3 Kb. The granitoids are I-type, metaluminous and belong to the calc-alkaline series. They are all enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high field strength elements and display geochemical features typical of subduction-related calc-alkaline arc magmas. Most crystal size distribution(CSD) line patterns from the granitoids show a non-straight trend which points to the effect of physical processes during petrogenesis.The presence of numerous mafic enclaves, sieve texture and oscillatory zoning along with the CSD results show that magma mixing in the magma chamber had an important role in the petrogenesis of Tafresh granitoids. Moreover, the CSD analysis suggests that the plagioclase crystals were crystallized in a time span of less than 1000 years, which is indicative of shallow depth magma crystallization.  相似文献   
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