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We produce mock angular catalogues from simulations with different initial power spectra to test methods that recover measures of clustering in three dimensions, such as the power spectrum, variance and higher order cumulants. We find that the statistical properties derived from the angular mock catalogues are in good agreement with the intrinsic clustering in the simulations. In particular, we concentrate on the detailed predictions for the shape of the power spectrum, P ( k ). We find that there is good evidence for a break in the galaxy P ( k ) at scales in the range 0.02< k <0.06 h Mpc−1, using an inversion technique applied to the angular correlation function measured from the APM Galaxy Survey. For variants on the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model, a fit at the location of the break implies Ω h =0.45±0.10, where Ω is the ratio of the total matter density to the critical density, and Hubble's constant is parametrized as H 0=100 h km s−1 Mpc−1. On slightly smaller, though still quasi-linear scales, there is a feature in the APM power spectrum where the local slope changes appreciably, with the best match to CDM models obtained for Ω h ≃0.2. Hence the location and narrowness of the break in the APM power spectrum combined with the rapid change in its slope on quasi-linear scales cannot be matched by any variant of CDM, including models that have a non-zero cosmological constant or a tilt to the slope of the primordial P ( k ). These results are independent of the overall normalization of the CDM models or any simple bias that exists betwen the galaxy and mass distributions.  相似文献   
A parametrized model of the mass distribution within the Milky Way is fitted to the available observational constraints. The most important single parameter is the ratio of the scalelength R d* of the stellar disc to R 0. The disc and bulge dominate v c( R ) at R ≲ R 0 only for R d,*/ R 0≲0.3. Since the only knowledge we have of the halo derives from studies like the present one, we allow it to contribute to the density at all radii. When allowed this freedom, however, the halo causes changes in assumptions relating to R  ≪  R 0 to affect profoundly the structure of the best-fitting model at R  ≫  R 0. For example, changing the disc slightly from an exponential surface-density profile significantly changes the form of v c( R ) at R  ≫  R 0, where the disc makes a negligible contribution to v c. Moreover, minor changes in the constraints can cause the halo to develop a deep hole at its centre that is not physically plausible. These problems call into question the proposition that flat rotation curves arise because galaxies have physically distinct haloes rather than outwards-increasing mass-to-light ratios.   The mass distribution of the Galaxy and the relative importance of its various components will remain very uncertain until more observational data can be used to constrain mass models. Data that constrain the Galactic force field at z ≳ R and at R  >  R 0 are especially important.  相似文献   
The effects of gravitational softening on the global structure of self-gravitating discs in centrifugal equilibrium are examined in relation to hydrodynamical/gravitational simulations. The one-parameter spline softening proposed by Hernquist & Katz is used.
It is found that if the characteristic size of a disc, r , is comparable to or less than the gravitational softening length, ε, then the cross-section of the simulated disc is significantly larger than that of a no-softening (Newtonian) disc with the same mass and angular momentum.
We demonstrate, furthermore, that if r ≲ε/2 then the scaling relation r ∝ε3/4 holds for a given mass and specific angular momentum distribution with mass. Finally, we compare some of the theoretical results obtained in this paper and a previous one with the results of numerical Tree-SPH simulations and find qualitative agreement.  相似文献   
We investigate the sampling and dipole convergence properties of flux-limited samples of mock X-ray clusters in relation to their underlying 'parent' cluster distribution. To this purpose, we resort to numerical simulations of the cluster distribution and extract samples resembling the main observational features of X-ray selected cluster samples. The flux-limited samples, being quite sparse, underestimate the amplitude of the 'parent' cluster dipole by ≈ 15 per cent on average for Local Group-like observers. However, the general shapes of their dipole amplitude profiles are in relatively good agreement. We also calculate the expected contribution of clusters, selected according to the relevant criteria, to the soft (i.e. 0.1–2.4 keV) extragalactic X-ray background (XRB), using the ESO Key Project X-ray luminosity function, assuming a flat universe with vanishing cosmological constant. We obtain a value of about 10 per cent of the observed XRB flux.  相似文献   
We present the analysis of three-colour optical/near-infrared images, in IJK , taken for the DEep Near Infrared Southern Sky Survey (DENIS) project. The region considered covers 17.4 deg2 and lies within <5°, b <1.°5. The adopted methods for deriving photometry and astrometry in these crowded images, together with an analysis of the deficiencies nevertheless remaining, are presented. The numbers of objects extracted in I , J and K are 748 000, 851 000 and 659 000 respectively, to magnitude limits of 17, 15 and 13. Eighty per cent completeness levels typically fall at magnitudes 16, 13 and 10 respectively, fainter by about 2 mag than the usual DENIS limits as a result of the crowded nature of these fields. A simple model to describe the disc contribution to the number counts is constructed, and parameters for the dust layer are derived. We find that a formal fit of parameters for the dust plane, from these data in limited directions, gives a scalelength and scaleheight of 3.4±1.0 kpc and 40±5 pc respectively, and a solar position 14.0±2.5 pc below the plane. This latter value is likely to be affected by localized dust asymmetries. We convolve a detailed model of the systematic and random errors in the photometry with a simple model of the Galactic disc and dust distribution to simulate expected colourmagnitude diagrams. These are in good agreement with the observed diagrams, allowing us to isolate those stars from the inner disc and bulge. After correcting for local dust-induced asymmetries, we find evidence for longitude-dependent asymmetries in the distant J and K sources, consistent with the general predictions of some Galactic bar models. We consider complementary L -band observations in the companion paper.  相似文献   
Using the two-point Edgeworth series up to second order in the linear rms density fluctuation we construct the weakly non-linear conditional probability distribution function for the density field around an overdense region. This requires calculating the two-point analogues of the skewness parameter S 3. We test the dependence of the two-point skewness on distance from the peak for scale-free power spectra and Gaussian smoothing. The statistical features of such a conditional distribution are given as the values obtained within linear theory corrected by the terms that arise as a result of weakly non-linear evolution. The expected density around the peak is found to be always below the linear prediction while its dispersion is always larger than in the linear case. For large enough overdensities the weakly non-linear corrections can be more significant than the peak constraint introduced by Bardeen et al. We apply these results to the spherical model of collapse as developed by Hoffman & Shaham and find that in general the effect of weakly non-linear interactions is to decrease the scale from which a peak gathers mass and therefore also the mass itself. In the case of an open universe this results in steepening of the final profile of the virialized proto-object.  相似文献   
Cosmological perturbation theory (PT) is a useful tool to study the cumulants of the density and velocity fields in the large-scale structure of the Universe. In Papers I and II of this series we saw that the spherical collapse (SC) model provides the exact solution to PT at tree-level and gives a good approximation to the loop corrections (next-to-leading orders), indicating negligible tidal effects. Here, we derive predictions for the (smoothed) cumulants of the velocity divergence field θ ≡ ▽ ⊙  v for an irrotational fluid in the SC model. By comparing these with the exact analytic results of Scoccimarro &38; Frieman, it is shown that, at least for the unsmoothed case, the loop corrections to the cumulants of θ are dominated by tidal effects. However, most of the tidal contribution seems to cancel out when computing the hierarchical ratios, T J  = 〈θ J 〉 / 〈θ2〉  J −1. We also extend the work presented in Papers I and II to give predictions for the cumulants of the density and velocity divergence fields in non-flat spaces. In particular, we show the equivalence between the spherically symmetric solution to the equations of motion in the SC model (given in terms of the density) and that of the Lagrangian PT approach (given in terms of the displacement field). It is shown that the Ω dependence is very weak for both cosmic fields even at one loop (a 10 per cent effect at most), except for the overall factor f (Ω) that couples to the velocity divergence.  相似文献   
We study the properties of X-ray galaxy clusters in four cold dark matter models with different baryon fractions ΩBM, ranging from 5 to 20 per cent. By using an original three-dimensional hydrodynamic code based on the piecewise parabolic method, we run simulations on a box with a size of 64  h −1 Mpc and we identify the clusters by selecting the peaks in the X-ray luminosity field. We analyse these mock catalogues by computing the mass function, the luminosity function, the temperature distribution and the luminosity–temperature relation. By comparing the predictions of the different models to a series of recent observational results, we find that only the models with low baryonic content agree with the data, while models with larger baryon fraction are well outside the 1σ error bars. In particular, the analysis of the luminosity functions, both bolometric and in the energy band [0.5–2] keV, requires ΩBM ≲ 0.05 when we fix the values h  = 0.5 and n  = 0.8 for the Hubble parameter and the primordial spectral index, respectively. Moreover we find that, independently of the cosmological scenario, all the considered quantities have very little redshift evolution, particularly between z  = 0.5 and 0.  相似文献   
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