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草根加筋土的室内三轴试验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈昌富  刘怀星  李亚平 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2041-2045
用室内三轴试验方法研究了草根加筋土的应力-应变及强度特性,探讨了在不同加筋情况下草根加筋土抗剪强度指标的变化规律,分析了素土和草根加筋土的变形破坏模式以及筋材在土体剪切过程中的阻抗机理。试验结果表明:(1)草根加筋土的强度和抵抗变形的能力较素土有显著的增强;(2)对于抗剪强度指标,与素土相比草根加筋土的内摩擦角变化较小(相对变化率绝对值在11 %以内),但黏聚力增长较大(最大可达9倍);(3)在草根加筋层数一定的情况下,随着加筋量的增加,草根加筋土的主应力差值、抗剪强度值以及黏聚力值呈现先增加后降低的趋势,亦即加筋层数相同时存在最佳含根量。本研究结果对于深入认识植被护坡机理和合理选择植被密度具有指导意义。  相似文献   
就业与居住空间关系是城市规划与管理研究的热点问题。已有研究主要基于传统宏观模型对就业—居住空间结构进行现状分析或对城市理论进行实证研究,在微观尺度的机制探讨与过程模拟方面较为缺乏。本文基于多智能体自下而上的建模思想,提出基于就业市场的人口居住区位选择模型(Labor Market Based Model of Residential Location-LMBMRL)。以典型的快速工业化地区—东莞市主城区为实验区,通过多情景模拟对就业与居住空间的互动关系进行机制探讨与过程分析。模拟结果充分反映了就业选择对人口居住区位决策的影响,定量评估了住房与交通对职住空间均衡性与职住分离的影响规律。当住房成本提高时,城市职住均衡性降低;当交通可达性提高时,城市空间结构可能出现较为显著的职住分离现象。最后通过多情景模拟揭示不同行业劳动人口群体的就业—居住空间特征与组织模式。研究结果有助于深刻理解城市就业—居住空间互动关系及其内部因果,能够为城市规划与管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   
An important aspect in mineral resource evaluation is the reduction of variance when post-processing the grade distributions defined on the support (volume) of the available data into distributions defined on the support of the proposed selective mining units. Although the volume-variance relationship is well understood for the estimation of global grade distributions, it is still an unsolved issue for local estimation studies based on non-parametric geostatistical methods, such as indicator kriging, for which the support correction is not inherent to the method. To clarify this relationship, the local change of support problem is examined in the scope of two parametric models (multi-Gaussian and discrete Gaussian models). It is shown that the variance reduction factor between point and block-support local distributions depends on the block being considered and is less than the global variance reduction factor. As a consequence, post-processing the local point-support grade distributions on the basis of the latter systematically understates the importance of the change of support at the local scale and makes selective mining appear more economically attractive than it really is. In the light of these results, a methodology is proposed to post-process the local point-support distributions obtained via non-parametric (indicator) methods into block-support distributions. An application to simulated data indicates that this methodology provides an accurate estimation at the block support when dealing with diffusion-type random fields.  相似文献   
正负地形可通过源汇过程对水、土资源进行再分配,影响山区的人口分布。获取正负地形数据,运用6个指标和多元逐步回归法,分析贵州高原山区正负地形特征及其对人口分布的影响。研究表明:①贵州高原山区的正负地形结构异质性明显。蚕食度、深切度、平均粗糙度比、形状指标、匀度指数、破碎度的平均值分别为1.07、371m、1.01、3.40、325和3.34,表明正地形被负地形蚕食明显、切入深度大,正、负地形的粗糙度基本相当,正负地形景观斑块呈现形状不规则、面积不均匀的破碎状态。6个正负地形指标中,匀度指数的变异性最大,变异系数为90.43%;平均粗糙度比的变异性最小,变异系数为1.06%;②贵州高原山区的人口分布不均匀性突出。人口累积达到40%时,累积面积百分比为14%;人口累积达到80%时,累积面积百分比约为50%;③6个正负地形指标中,蚕食度和深切度是影响人口分布的主要因素。蚕食度与人口密度呈正相关关系,深切度与人口密度呈负相关关系。研究成果为研究地形条件的人口影响提供补充,并为贵州高原山区人-地关系协调和土地可持续管理提供参考。  相似文献   
通过分析鲁西隆起和济阳拗陷的地壳结构特征,结合二者的空间分布、时间演化及构造上的相关性,发现同处于伸展构造环境且相邻的鲁西隆起和济阳拗陷在地壳结构特征存在明显不同.济阳拗陷表现为地壳均衡的镜像结构特征,不同于地壳呈向上隆起状的鲁西隆起,说明鲁西隆起和济阳拗陷在成因上存在明显差异.济阳拗陷的伸展过程并非由地幔物质主动上涌造成,应是鲁西隆起在隆升过程对济阳拗陷地壳的拖拽作用,鲁西隆起和济阳拗陷的地壳结构特征反映出它们在成因上具有明显的耦合性.  相似文献   
空间线群目标相似度计算模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以空间线群目标的空间统计特征为基础,对线群目标的空间关系和几何特征进行了描述。利用拓扑关系概念邻域图定义线群之间的拓扑关系相似度,利用方向均值定义线群之间的方向关系相似度以及利用"环形方差"定义线群目标之间的距离相似度。结合线群的长度和平均长度、线群密度及线群曲折度,建立了线群目标相似度计算模型,对线群目标相似度进行了整体度量。实验结果表明,相似度计算结果与地物特征比较一致,符合人们的直观认知。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法和比较分析法,建立了由"地籍空间分辨率圆锥"和"地籍时间参照系统"构成的区域地籍信息模型,阐述了现代地籍信息与社会公共信息整合关系在地籍空间定位系统、时间参照系统、边界系统及环境系统中的体现。  相似文献   
3mm多普勒云雷达测量反演云内空气垂直速度的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
彭亮  陈洪滨  李柏 《大气科学》2012,36(1):1-10
垂直指向的W-波段大气云雷达(WACR)不仅测量云粒子的反射率因子Z, 而且测量多普勒速度谱。本文利用寿县气象站WACR在2008年11月1日一个时段的测量, 进行云内空气垂直速度反演试验。首先讨论个例中反射率、 Doppler平均速度及谱宽的分布特征及原因, 然后利用小粒子示踪法和改进的以小粒子示踪法为基础的粒子下降速度w0—反射率因子 (w0-Z) 关系法反演了云内空气垂直速度, 进而结合Doppler谱数据分析反演结果。结果显示: 小粒子示踪法在湍流较弱时能比较精确地反演空气垂直速度, 而湍流较强时, 湍流造成的误差不可忽略; 改进算法在湍流较强时能够减少湍流对反演结果的影响。  相似文献   
This paper is focused on the study of rainfall yield characteristics of electrical storms observed over the Northern Iberian Peninsula during 1992–1996. To this aim Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) method have been used. The SOM method is a group of artificial neural networks based on the topological properties of the human brain. Results clearly suggest that there exist three different meteorological patterns that are linked to the characteristics of electrical events found in the study area. In winter, most of the electrical events are formed under oceanic advection (NW air fluxes). On these cases, mean rainfall yield estimates reach values of 700 104 m3 per cloud to ground lightning flash (CG flash). During summer most frequent electrical storms are associated to local instability shooting by surface heating with advection of humidity coming from the Iberian Peninsula. Under these meteorological situations, rain is scarcer if compared with oceanic events but lightning CG counts reach the maximum values found in the area (about 10 CG counts per 20 × 20 km2 and day) giving this way the smallest rainfall yield with a mean value of 15 104 m3 per CG flash. Iberian air fluxes associated with cold air in upper parts of the atmosphere represent the third meteorological pattern found. This pattern is most common in spring and autumn but is not unusual in the rest of the seasons. In those cases mean rainfall yield in the area is about 150 104 m3 per CG flash. In all electrical episodes K instability index is greater than 15 °C but in the most lightning producing events, this index reaches in the area values greater than 24 °C. PCA results pointed out that there exists a relationship between rain and CG counts expressed by the first principal component computed from standardized data. However, we must notice that no event is solely linked to this axis, since a seasonal influence which decreases lightning production when rain increases is always present. Results found are of great interest for short term forecasting of flashfloods in mountainous areas like the Spanish Basque Country region.  相似文献   
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