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From the experimentally measured (p,n) cross-sections for92,94Zr,93Nb,95,96,98Mo,103Rh,107,109Ag,110Pd,115In,117,122Sn nuclides, for proton energies below 7 MeV, thermonuclear reaction rates in the temperature range 1≤T 9≤5(T9=109 K) have been extracted. These reaction rates have been fitted to a three parameter empirical expression proposed by Fowler.  相似文献   
Hydrological processes of lowland watersheds of the southern USA are not well understood compared to a hilly landscape due to their unique topography, soil compositions, and climate. This study describes the seasonal relationships between rainfall patterns and runoff (sum of storm flow and base flow) using 13 years (1964–1976) of rainfall and stream flow data for a low‐gradient, third‐order forested watershed. It was hypothesized that runoff–rainfall ratios (R/P) are smaller during the dry periods (summer and fall) and greater during the wet periods (winter and spring). We found a large seasonal variability in event R/P potentially due to differences in forest evapotranspiration that affected seasonal soil moisture conditions. Linear regression analysis results revealed a significant relationship between rainfall and runoff for wet (r2 = 0·68; p < 0·01) and dry (r2 = 0·19; p = 0·02) periods. Rainfall‐runoff relationships based on a 5‐day antecedent precipitation index (API) showed significant (r2 = 0·39; p < 0·01) correspondence for wet but not (r2 = 0·02; p = 0·56) for dry conditions. The same was true for rainfall‐runoff relationships based on 30‐day API (r2 = 0·39; p < 0·01 for wet and r2 = 0·00; p = 0·79 for dry). Stepwise regression analyses suggested that runoff was controlled mainly by rainfall amount and initial soil moisture conditions as represented by the initial flow rate of a storm event. Mean event R/P were higher for the wet period (R/P = 0·33), and the wet antecedent soil moisture condition based on 5‐day (R/P = 0·25) and 30‐day (R/P = 0·26) prior API than those for the dry period conditions. This study suggests that soil water status, i.e. antecedent soil moisture and groundwater table level, is important besides the rainfall to seasonal runoff generation in the coastal plain region with shallow soil argillic horizons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浮床无土栽培植物控制池塘富营养化水质   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用浮床无土栽培技术,在池塘水面种植景观植物--陆生植物美人蕉(Cana generalis  相似文献   
Increased erosion rates during the last 2 Myr of Earth history are commonly associated with widespread glaciation and global cooling. However, whether erosion rates actually increased during that period of time remains debated. This is in part because the respective role of fluvial and glacial erosion is difficult to assess, and because many existing techniques used to estimate erosion rates may be affected by averaging biases that may produce increased erosion rates towards the present. Here, we apply thermoluminescence thermochronometry to granitic bedrock samples of the southern-central Chilean Andes, a region which experienced a full transition from glacial-humid to fluvial-dry conditions during the Quaternary. Inverse modelling of the thermochronological data enables us to extract unbiased time series of erosion rates during the last ∼100 kyr. We find that erosion rates were systematically higher during around the last glacial maximum than at present, with differences exceeding an order of magnitude. Our findings indicate that glacial erosion is probably more efficient than fluvial erosion and imply that erosion has remained transient during the Quaternary.  相似文献   
中国省域离婚率的时空格局及趋同演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有离婚率研究时间、空间割裂,整体性探讨不足及实证研究缺乏的问题,该文运用空间自相关、空间马尔可夫链等空间统计方法对中国大陆各省域1979—2012年离婚率数据的时空分布及趋同演变进行了研究,结果发现:除东北、西北地区离婚率一直居高不下之外,中国大陆高离婚率地区逐步向中部延伸并聚集,离婚率存在着较强的空间自相关且空间聚集现象明显;省域离婚率的"两极分化"现象和"俱乐部趋同"现象均经历了由弱到强再减弱的波动变化趋势。  相似文献   

氧离子83.4 nm辐射是由氧离子辐射跃迁产生的,是电离层极紫外日辉辐射中辐射强度较高的信号之一.从空间对其进行成像为高层大气状态的监测提供了一种强有力的方法.为了准确的描述辐射强度的分布情况,本文在MSISE-00大气模型下,用AURIC计算氧离子83.4 nm辐射的初始体辐射率、电离层氮气分子、氧气分子以及氧原子的密度分布,接着,用Chapman函数生成氧离子密度分布,计算共振散射作用下的体辐射率.然后,给出在不同的初始辐射率情况下,沿天底方向观测的辐射强度对比.最后,与Anderson的计算结果作了两组对比,指出由电子碰撞产生的初始体辐射率占比提高16%,总的辐射强度会提高30%.本文的工作为低热层大气氧离子密度和光电子通量的探测提供支持,这对电离层电子密度反演具有理论意义.


古侵蚀速率的时空变化规律是研究构造-气候-地表侵蚀之间耦合关系的重要线索。已有的研究多侧重于百万年(106)或百年(102)尺度上的侵蚀速率限定, 但对千年至十万年(103~105)尺度上的侵蚀速率限定较少。河流阶地的发育能够延续千年至十万年, 其沉积记录保留了大量流域侵蚀信号, 为建立该时间尺度上的流域古侵蚀速率记录提供了理想的数据支撑。本研究介绍了一种千年至十万年尺度上的流域平均古侵蚀速率计算方法。基于河流阶地10Be深度剖面, 约束阶地表面沉积物的10Be继承浓度和阶地面废弃年龄, 进而计算出多期阶地发育期间的流域平均古侵蚀速率。随后, 以青藏高原东北缘北祁连西段为例, 基于山前6条河流(自西向东分别为石油河、白杨河、北大河、洪水坝河、丰乐河和马营河)已发表的16个阶地10Be深度剖面数据(共81个10Be样品)和7个现代河道沉积物的10Be浓度数据, 建立了北祁连西段约200 ka以来的流域平均侵蚀速率记录(共23个侵蚀速率值)。结果表明, 北祁连西段千年至十万年尺度上的流域平均古侵蚀速率变化趋势与气候波动曲线之间存在较强的对应性, 揭示了气候变化是引起流域地表侵蚀的关键因素。上述实例证明, 应用河流阶地10Be深度剖面可有效地计算千年至十万年尺度上的流域平均古侵蚀速率, 并有助于深入剖析构造、气候和地表侵蚀过程三者之间的潜在关系, 进而推动活动造山带地区定量地貌学研究的发展。

白利雅盆地位于青藏高原东部,鲜水河断裂带北西段炉霍活断层与达曲活断层的斜接部位。通过野外实际考查,结合Google Earth地图发现白利雅盆地发育一系列的构造地貌:断层三角面、坡中槽、断错阶地、废弃河道、裂陷湖和阶地面变形。盆地发育的4级阶地是构造成因。废弃河道是新的断裂活动形成的新冲沟、新河道——达曲,其快速下切,废弃老河道,形成狭长的‘U’型沟谷。鲜水河断裂的北西段炉霍活断层切过T3河流阶地,说明其(白利雅以北)是在大约14.92kaB.P.以后形成的,可能预示着构造应力场的变化和白利雅盆地形成。对盆地4级阶地(T1,T2,T3和T4)的河流沉积物光释光(OSL)测年结果分别是 1.06±0.06kaB.P.,1.83±0.06kaB.P.,14.92±0.76kaB.P.和 42.48±2.35kaB.P.,代表了相应阶地的沉积年龄。这些结果与阶地前缘陡坎断错的距离计算显示,从42.48kaB.P.和14.92kaB.P.以来,断层走向平均移动速率分别为3.73mm/a和0.85mm/a,显示从中更新世晚期以来,鲜水河断裂带炉霍活断层水平滑移有减慢的趋势。在42.48~14.92kaB.P.,14.92~1.83kaB.P.和1.83~1.06kaB.P.,相邻阶地垂向隆升或河流下切的速率分别为0.14mm/a(T4~T3),4.66mm/a(T3~T2)和5.19mm/a(T2~T1),显示从中更新世晚期以来,阶地垂直隆升或河流下切有加快的趋势。  相似文献   
基于局部条纹频率估计的二维高斯滤波方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于局部条纹频率估计的干涉相位图二维高斯滤波方法。该方法采用最大似然法估计局部条纹频率,并用相位噪声的局部标准差评价噪声强度,从而控制滤波器参数实现自适应滤波,并采用仿真数据和SIR-C/XSAR在意大利Etna火山的干涉数据进行试验,将本算法与均值滤波方法和中值滤波方法以及Goldstein滤波方法进行了比较。试验结果表明,该方法不仅能够有效抑制干涉相位噪声,还能够很好地保持干涉条纹的细节信息。  相似文献   
Zircon fission track dating and track length analysis in the high‐grade part of the Asemigawa region of the Sanbagawa belt demonstrates a simple cooling history passing through the partial annealing zone at 63.2 ± 5.8 (2 σ) Ma. Combining this age with previous results of phengite and amphibole K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating gives a cooling rate of between 6 and 13 °C Myr?1, which can be converted to a maximum exhumation rate of 0.7 mm year?1 using the known shape of the P–T path. This is an order of magnitude lower than the early part of the exhumation history. In contrast, zircon fission track analyses in the low‐grade Oboke region show that this area has undergone a complex thermal history probably related to post‐orogenic secondary reheating younger than c. 30 Ma. This event may correlate with the widespread igneous activity in south‐west Japan around 15 Ma. The age of subduction‐related metamorphism in the Oboke area is probably considerably older than the generally accepted range of 77–70 Ma.  相似文献   
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