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The landscape evolution in Neogene intramontane basins is a result of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, and tectonic factors. When sedimentation ceases and a basin enters an erosional stage, estimating erosion rates across the entire basin can offer a good view of landscape evolution. In this work, the erosion rates in the Guadix–Baza basin have been calculated based on a volumetric estimate of sediment loss by river erosion since the Late Pleistocene. To do so, the distribution of a glacis surface at ca. 43 kyr, characterised by a calcrete layer that caps the basin infilling, has been reconstructed. To support this age, new radiometric data of the glacis are presented. The volume of sediment loss by water erosion has been calculated for the entire basin by comparing the reconstructed geomorphic surface and the present-day topography. The resulting erosion rates vary between 4.28 and 6.57 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1, and are the consequence of the interaction of climatic, lithologic, topographic, and tectonic factors. Individual erosion rates for the Guadix and Baza sub-basins (11.80 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 and 1.77 m3 ha− 1 yr− 1 respectively) suggest different stages of drainage pattern evolution in the two sub-basins. We attribute the lower values obtained in the Baza sub-basin to the down-throw of this sub-basin caused by very recent activity along the Baza fault.  相似文献   
古尔班通古特沙漠季节性冻土入渗特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以古尔班通古特沙漠南缘融雪期冻结土壤入渗试验为依据,分析了沙漠地区季节性冻土水分入渗特性及主要影响因素.结果表明:沙漠地区季节性冻土具有较高的入渗能力,沙漠冻结风沙土的稳渗率为0.26~0.30 mm/min,是田间冻结壤土的10~20倍,可以保证融雪水及时入渗进入土壤,为融雪水的高效储存创造了有利条件.入渗能力随着土壤含水率的升高而减小.沙地土壤初始的低含水率、土壤大孔隙结构特征是沙地冻结土壤具有较高入渗能力的主要原因.研究结果为进一步研究春季融雪水在沙地的再分配过程奠定了基础.  相似文献   
Due to their slow growth rates, seamount Co-rich crusts are very difficult to date with high resolution and precision. This paper is to test the use of orbital pacing on the growth profile of crusts to determine high-resolution age and growth rate. Crust CB14 from the central Pacific Ocean was selected for this study. We first examined the growth pattern in detail under a reflected-light microscope and ascertained that the growth environment was stable for the sub-layer 1 (0–3 mm). We then used electron microprobe line-scanning to obtain elemental profiles. The pattern of the power spectrum analysis of the Al-profile revealed that there are significant cycles of 113.9, 87.8, 51.5, 42.2 and 25.8 μm. These cycles correspond to the Milankovitch cycles of 53.1, 41, 24, 19.7 and 12 ka, respectively, and yield the growth rate of about 2.14 mm/Ma and an age of about 1.40 Ma for the boundary between the sub-layer 1 and sub-layer 2. We also used a drilling machine with a numerically controlled drive to obtain high-resolution samples at 0.1mm intervals, and used the 230Thex/232Th method to date the samples. For the uppermost 1.3 mm, the growth rate was about 2.15 mm/Ma, and the age for the layer at the depth of 3 mm was about 1.40 Ma, which coincides perfectly with the results obtained from orbital pacing. Thus, it is considered that orbital pacing is a new and effective method to determine the growth rate of the seamount Co-rich crust. This method is applicable for establishing a high-resolution age frame for the crusts of the world’s oceans. Supported by China Ocean Mineral Resources R & P Association (Grant No. DY105-01-01-08) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40106005, 40476050)  相似文献   
Due to their slow growth rates, seamount Co-rich crusts are very difficult to date with high resolution and precision. This paper is to test the use of orbital pacing on the growth profile of crusts to determine high-resolution age and growth rate. Crust CB14 from the central Pacific Ocean was selected for this study. We first examined the growth pattern in detail under a reflected-light microscope and ascertained that the growth environment was stable for the sub-layer 1 (0-3 mm). We then used electron mic...  相似文献   
We present the results of a new genera tion of probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Switzerland. This study replaces the previous intensity-based generation of national hazard maps of 1978. Based on a revised moment-magnitude earthquake catalog for Switzerland and the surrounding regions, covering the period 1300–2003, sets of recurrence parameters (a and b values, M max ) are estimated. Information on active faulting in Switzerland is too sparse to be used as source model. We develop instead two models of areal sources. The first oriented towards capturing historical and instrumental seismicity, the second guided largely by tectonic principles and express ing the alterative view that seismicity is less stationary and thus future activity may occur in previously quiet regions. To estimate three alterna tive a and b value sets and their relative weighting, we introduce a novel approach based on the modified Akaike information criterion, which allows us to decide when the data in a zone deserves to be fitted with a zone-specific b value. From these input parameters, we simulate synthetic earthquake catalogs of one-million-year duration down to magnitude 4.0, which also reflect the difference in depth distribution between the Alpine Foreland and the Alps. Using a specific predictive spectral ground motion model for Switzerland, we estimate expected ground motions in units of the 5% damped acceleration response spectrum at frequencies of 0.5–10 Hz for all of Switzerland, referenced to rock sites with an estimated shear wave velocity of 1,500 m/s2 in the upper 30 m. The highest hazard is found in the Wallis, in the Basel region, in Graubünden and along the Alpine front, with maximum spectral accelerations at 5 Hz frequency reaching 150 cm/s2 for a return period of 475 years and 720 cm/s2 for 10,000 years. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
不同冻结速率对军曹鱼片品质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究冻结速率对冷冻军曹鱼片品质的影响,以2.08、1.22、0.35cm·h~(-1)三种冻结速率冻结并冻藏于-20±1℃下,观测军曹鱼片理化、质构、感官品质的变化。结果表明:军曹鱼片的冻结点为-1.9±0.2℃;随着冻结速率的增大,贮藏期间军曹鱼片的解冻汁液流失率显著下降(P<0.05),盐溶蛋白的损失率及Ca~(2+)-ATPase活性的损失率显著降低(P<0.05),但干耗变化不显著;军曹鱼片的硬度和耐嚼性随着冻藏时间的延长呈增加趋势,而回复性则下降;不同冻结速率对生、熟鱼片的色泽影响较小,但风味、质地等有显著影响(P<0.05);速冻比慢冻的鱼片更接近于新鲜鱼片,提高冻结速率有利于冻藏军曹鱼片品质的保持。  相似文献   
温度对虎斑乌贼受精卵孵化及幼体存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究海水温度对虎斑乌贼(Sepia pharaonis)受精卵孵化及幼体存活的影响。结果表明:虎斑乌贼胚胎发育的最低和最高临界水温为20℃和32℃,孵化的最适温度范围为24~30℃。水温[t(℃)]与孵化率[H(%)]间的函数关系可表示为:H=-5.333+2.583 t(R2=0.247,F=7.213,P<0.01);虎斑乌贼幼体对温度的耐受力最低和最高临界温度分别为12和32℃,存活最适温度范围为22~28℃。温度[T(℃)]和处理时间[t(h)]及其交互作用均对虎斑乌贼的存活率[S(%)]有显著的影响(P<0.01),其函数关系可表示:S=60.526+1664 T-0.588 t(R2=0.572,F=39.407,P<0.01)。  相似文献   
In the last few decades, seafloor imagery systems have drastically changed our vision of a mostly regular and depositional marine landscape, evidencing how erosive and mass-wasting processes are widespread in the marine environments, with particular reference to geologically-active areas. Most of the previous studies have focused on the characterization of these features, whereas a very few ones have tried to estimate what is the extent and order of magnitude of erosion rates in these areas. In this paper, we show several examples from some of the most geologically-active margins off Southern Italy aimed to a) quantify the spatial extent of such processes, b) better understand the role of submarine erosion in the morphogenesis of the coastal sector, and c) try to roughly estimate the order of magnitude of erosion rates in these areas. The results are impressive, with mass-wasting features widespread from coast down to −2600, affecting from the 52% up to 97% of the whole continental slope. Because of the narrow or totally lacking shelves in these areas, mass-wasting processes often occur close to the coast and match embayment of the coast, so indicating a key role in the morphogenesis of coastal sector, with significant implication on the related geohazard. Finally, based on a morphological approach integrated by available stratigraphic constraints we have roughly estimated average erosion rates in these areas, ranging from (at least) some mm/year to a few cm/year, i.e., some hundreds of meters up to kilometers eroded in each eustatic cycle. Despite the large uncertainties of these estimates as well as their spatial and temporal variability in response to regional and local factors, the obtained values are very high and they should be considered for future model of margin evolution, source-to-sink computation and marine/coastal geohazard assessment.  相似文献   
Soil redistribution studies are important, especially in water supply catchments, because the rate at which denudation is occurring has implications for offsite water quality. However, the extent to which soil is redistributed within the landscape can be difficult to determine. This challenge can be overcome using fallout caesium-137 (137Cs). This paper describes the rates of soil loss and remobilisation in two sub-catchments within the Sydney Basin region, namely Kembla and Kentish Creeks, which drain to the Cordeaux reservoir. The total inventories of 137Cs in catchment soils were determined, a 137Cs-regression equation and a theoretical diffusion and migration model were used to established relationships between 137Cs inventories and the rates of soil loss. These relationships revealed relatively low occurrence of soil loss in Kentish Creek, but two slopes in the Kembla Creek sub-catchment had losses that appear to be moderate. However, there was no clear evidence to suggest whether slopes in upper and lower reaches of catchments had specific patterns of soil remobilisation. Qualitative categorisation of the slope elements using a 137Cs-sediment hillslope model can be a useful sentinel for land users and decision makers even if absolute rates of soil loss or gain are not certain. The findings suggest that sediments mobilised in the study sub-catchments are not likely to impact significantly on the water quality in the Cordeaux reservoir.  相似文献   
Over the last 20 years there has been a surge of interest in paleolimnology and as a result a large accumulation of lake sedimentation records. This emerging archive has allowed us to develop empirical models to describe which variables explain significant variation in sedimentation rates over the past ∼150 years across large spatial scales. We hypothesized that latitude would be a significant explanatory variable of profundal zone lake sedimentation rates across a temperate to polar gradient. We further hypothesized that along a more longitudinally-constrained dataset (i.e. east coast of North America), latitude would explain a greater proportion of the variance. To test these hypotheses, we collated data from 125 natural, average-sized lakes (with surface area <500 km2) by recording authors’ estimates of sedimentation rates (measured as mm/year) or by digitizing recent sediment profiles and calculating sedimentation rates over the past ∼150 years. We found that, at both scales, latitude was the strongest predictor of lake sedimentation rates (full dataset: r 2 = 0.28, P = 0.001, n = 125; east coast dataset: r 2 = 0.58, P < 0.001, n = 43). By conducting a multiple linear regression analysis, we found that 70% of the variance in sedimentation rates from the east coast transect was explained by latitude and elevation alone. This latter model is of sufficient strength that it is a robust predictive tool. Given that climate and land-use strongly co-vary with latitude and that both of these factors have previously been shown to influence lake sedimentation rates, it appears that latitude is a surrogate measure for climate and land-use changes. We also show support for land-use as an important variable influencing sedimentation rates by demonstrating large increases in recent versus Holocene accumulation rates. These results indicate that it is possible to make generalizations about sedimentation rates across broad spatial scales with even limited geographic data.  相似文献   
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