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Forest commons in Slovenia are a poorly known indigenous institution for common resource management. They are a functional entity linked to a specific community that establishes interpersonal and intergenerational ties, as well as a link to the resource. We refer to shared ownership of resource, once made of pastures; today forests prevail. Collective property management remained despite community changes and legislation development. Today registered forest commons represent approximately one-third of those that existed before 1945. We highlight seven developmental turns to explain their revival. Six indicators are used in the analysis of current conditions. Forest commons are a potentially effective response to forest management challenges in Slovenia but also a potential model of social cohesion, rational resource use, and a balance between forest use and conservation. However, they are plagued by state ignorance, which hinders statistically sound analyses.  相似文献   
The seasonal variations in phytoplankton community structure were investigated for the Sanggou Bay (SGB) and the adjacent Ailian Bay (ALB) and Lidao Bay (LDB) in Shandong Peninsula,eastern China.The species composition and cell abundance of phytoplankton in the bay waters in spring (April 2011),summer (August 2011),autumn (October 2011),and winter (January 2012) were examined using the Uterm6hl method.A total of 80 taxa of phytoplankton that belong to 39 genera of 3 phyla were identified.These included 64 species of 30 genera in the Phylum Bacillariophyta,13 species of 8 genera in the Phylum Dinophyta,and 3 species of 1 genus in the Phylum Chrysophyta.During the four seasons,the number of phytoplankton species (43) was the highest in spring,followed by summer and autumn (40),and the lowest number ofphytoplankton species (35) was found in winter.Diatoms,especially Paralia sulcata (Ehrenberg) Cleve and Coscinodiscus oculus-iridis Ehrenberg,were predominant in the phytoplankton community throughout the study period,whereas the dominance of dinoflagellate appeared in summer only.The maximum cell abundance of phytoplankton was detected in summer (average 8.08 × 103 cells L-1) whereas their minimum abundance was found in autumn (average 2.60 x 103 cellsL-1).The phytoplankton abundance was generally higher in the outer bay than in the inner bay in spring and autumn.In summer,the phytoplankton cells were mainly concentrated in the south of inner SGB,with peak abundance observed along the western coast.In winter,the distribution of phytoplankton cells showed 3 patches,with peak abundance along the western coast as well.On seasonal average,the Shannon-Wiener diversity indices of phytoplankton community ranged from 1.17 to 1.78 (autumn 〉 summer 〉 spring 〉 winter),and the Pielou's evenness indices of phytoplankton ranged from 0.45 to 0.65 (autumn 〉 spring 〉 summer〉 winter).According to the results of canonical correspondence analysis,phosphate level w  相似文献   
The tropical riparian zone has a high diversity of plant species that produce a wide variety of chemical compounds, which may be released into streams. However, in recent decades there has been an extensive replacement of tropical native vegetation by Eucalyptus monocultures. Our objective was to compare fungal colonization of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves with fungal colonization of native plant species from riparian zones in Brazilian Cerrado (savannah) streams. The fungal colonization and enzymatic activity significantly influenced leaf litter decomposition. Fungal sporulation rates from leaf litter varied significantly with leaf species, with E. camaldulensis showing the highest sporulation rate (1226 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1) and leaf mass loss (23.2 ± 0.9%). This species has the lowest lignin content and highest N concentration among the studied species. Among the studied native species, we observed the highest sporulation rate for Protium spruceanum (271 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1), Maprounea guianensis (268 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1) and Copaifera langsdorffii (196 conidia mg−1AFDM day−1). Overall, native plant species of the Brazilian Cerrado exhibited recalcitrant characteristics and a higher lignin:N ratio. Therefore, variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of the leaf litter could explain the higher decay rate and reproductive activity observed for E. camaldulensis. However, the detritus of this species were colonized almost exclusively by Anguillospora filiformis (99.6 ± 0.4%) and exhibited a reduction in aquatic hyphomycetes species diversity. Our results suggest that the disturbance in the composition of riparian vegetation and consequently, in the diversity of leaf litter input into streams, could change the patterns and rates of leaf litter utilization by microbial decomposers. These changes may have important consequences in the processing of organic matter and, consequently, in the functioning of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   
The summer of 2003 was the warmest summer in Europe since the 16th century. Its consequences on the fauna of a transitional ecosystem were studied through biodiversity, functional and ecological indicators, from summer 2002 to winter 2005. The heatwave caused considerable changes in the benthic community structure and relative composition, persisting in 2005. Animal assemblages switched from mollusc- to annelida-dominated. Biodiversity and functional indicators captured changes in community structure and composition, proving to be powerful tools to detect responses related to global warming. Ecological indicators rendered a monotonic response oscillating between bad and poor ecological status across the study period. The resilience of mollusc biocoenosis resulted limited with respect to other taxa, posing concerns about their conservation if, as predicted, the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 will progressively increase to become the norm at the end of this century.  相似文献   
孙伟  陈雯  段学军  陈江龙 《湖泊科学》2007,19(2):190-196
契爷石水库是广东省东莞市的一座中型供水水库,为富营养化水体.为改善该水库水质,2002年10月开始从东江调水,以满足供水的水量和水质要求.在调水后的两年期间,对水文、水质和浮游植物种类和数量进行了调查.本文将调查结果与以往(2000年)调查数据进行了对比,分析了调水后该水库水质和浮游植物的特点和调水对水质的影响.调水直接导致TP浓度显著下降,丰水期的TN浓度有一定下降,但调水并没显著降低枯水期TN的浓度.调水后,丰水期水体的叶绿素a浓度有明显的增加,枯水期叶绿素a浓度大大低于调水前.与调水前相比,调水后浮游植物种类数有明显增加,特别是绿藻种类,蓝藻中的假鱼腥藻和针状蓝纤维藻仍为浮游植物优势种,但硅藻中的短小曲壳藻和针杆藻等成为新的优势种,裸藻的数量大为减少.  相似文献   
在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征进行数量分布方面的研究后的续篇,重点对本海区浮游挠足类的群落结构和群落性质以及与栖区环境条件间的关系作了分析探讨.结果表明,本区桡足类群落结构种类组成复杂,出现种类共237种,但周年共有种比例仅占32%.桡足类群落的多样度和均匀度年均值各为3.714和0.690,在平面分布上呈外部海区高于近岸海区的大体趋势.本区群落可划分为5个生态类群,其中暖水性外海高温偏低盐类群和热带大洋高温高盐类群可分别指示台湾海峡水和黑潮表层水的季节消长过程.从不同侧面的计算分析均表明,冬季在环境条件上均有异于其他3季.在春、夏、秋季,以普通波水蚤最具优势,盐度是影响群落特征值的主导因子,群落的性质是以暖水性外海种类为主、热带大洋种也占相当比例的亚热带-热带群落结构的特点;在冬季,主要优势种是海洋真刺水蚤,温度是群落特征值的主要制约因子,群落呈现以热带大洋种占支配地位的热带大洋群落结构属性.  相似文献   
Combined optical and laser altimeter data offer the potential to map and monitor plant communities based on their spectral and structural characteristics. A problem unresolved is, however, that narrowly defined plant communities, i.e. plant communities at a low hierarchical level of classification in the Braun-Blanquet system, often cannot be linked directly to remote sensing data for vegetation mapping. We studied whether and how a floristic dataset can be aggregated into a few major discrete, mappable classes without substantial loss of ecological meaning. Multi-source airborne data (CASI and LiDAR) and floristic field data were collected for a floodplain along the river Waal in the Netherlands. Mapping results based on floristic similarity alone did not achieve highest levels of accuracy. Ordination of floristic data showed that terrain elevation and soil moisture were the main underlying environmental drivers shaping the floodplain vegetation, but grouping of plant communities based on their position in the ordination space is not always obvious. Combined ordination-based grouping with floristic similarity clustering led to syntaxonomically relevant aggregated plant assemblages and yielded highest mapping accuracies.  相似文献   
辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型及基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于48个样地的群落调查数据,运用TWINSPAN分类方法,对辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型进行了划分,并对群落结构、种类组成和生活型谱进行了系统研究.结果表明:老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被可划分为16个森林群系、6个灌丛群系,归并为落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮曲林、灌丛、灌草丛6个植被型.其中,石海地貌主要发育灌丛和灌草丛,也有针阔混交林和矮曲林分布;石河地貌主要发育针阔混交林和落叶阔叶林,也有暗针叶林分布;石流坡地貌主要发育针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和灌丛,也有矮曲林分布.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被由68科138属193种维管束植物组成;石海与石河间植物群落物种组成属中等不相似,而石河与石流坡间属中等相似.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落中高位芽植物占38.0%,隐芽植物占36.3%,地面芽植物占21.8%,地上芽植物和一年生植物均很少,反映出辽东山地冰缘地貌区具有夏季温暖多雨、冬季寒冷漫长的气候特点.相对而言,石海、石流坡地貌中隐芽植物较多,石河地貌中高位芽植物较多,表明石海、石流坡地貌具有更为冷湿的小气候环境.  相似文献   
抚仙湖浮游植物群落时空变化特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抚仙湖作为我国第二深水湖泊,是国家战略淡水资源的重要储库之一.随着气候变化及流域开发的增强,抚仙湖生物群落组成近年来发生了明显变化,水体水质和生态系统功能呈现降低的趋势.为了摸清浮游植物的时空分布特征及关键环境因子,本研究于2015年对抚仙湖南、中、北3个位点进行浮游植物群落和环境因子的逐月调查.结果显示,浮游植物群落由绿藻门、甲藻门、金藻门、硅藻门、蓝藻门和隐藻门组成.方差分析和相似性分析表明,环境因子、浮游植物生物量和群落结构存在显著的季节演替模式,而空间差异不明显.浮游植物的优势属种(按生物量) 1月为隐球藻、丝藻、转板藻,2月为克罗脆杆藻、飞燕角甲藻、转板藻,3月为小环藻、转板藻,4—7月为锥囊藻、飞燕角甲藻、转板藻,8月为飞燕角甲藻、转板藻,9月为飞燕角甲藻、锥囊藻、转板藻,10月为飞燕角甲藻,11月为飞燕角甲藻、多甲藻、转板藻,12月为转板藻.Pearson相关分析显示,温度和总磷浓度与浮游植物生物量及群落结构呈显著相关,方差分解分析进一步表明水温和总磷浓度分别单独解释了浮游植物群落结构变化的26.0%和2.6%,共同解释了3.0%.与2002—2003年转板藻全年占优相比...  相似文献   
沈光  倪红伟  徐香玲 《湿地科学》2006,4(4):286-291
以三江平原狭叶甜茅(Glyceriaspiculosa)为研究对象,选取3个不同群落类型:狭叶甜茅优势种群落、狭叶甜茅和毛苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)为共建种的群落以及狭叶甜茅为主要伴生种的群落,共45个材料进行了ISSR分子标记分析。结果从41个引物中筛选出7个有效引物,扩增出80条清晰条带,平均每个引物扩增了11.4条带,其中70个位点是多态的,总的多态位点比率为87.5%,表明被测材料间ISSR标记多态性较高。利用Popgen(version1.32)软件分析了扩增结果,并得到了狭叶甜茅不同群落类型的遗传距离、遗传一致度、Nei和Shannon信息指数等遗传特征。结果表明,对于一个物种来说,当地理距离太近不能成为影响其遗传多样性水平的因素时,其构成的种群在群落中的地位将是影响遗传多样性水平的主要因素之一。  相似文献   
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