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介绍了L5载波的特点,分析了L5载波对GPS测量的影响,用实测数据分析了三频载波的信噪比及各个民用码的噪声水平。  相似文献   
发展钻孔应变观测的战略构想   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
钻孔应变观测正在成为一种与测震和GPS相提并论的地壳形变观测。曾经处于领先地位的我国钻孔应力一应变观测的发展需要回顾历史,面对现实,借鉴国外,放眼长远。建立比测基地、实验场和完善国家前兆监测网,三位一体,应该成为发展我国钻孔应变观测的基本方针。  相似文献   

A one-dimensional steady-state model was constructed and used to study vertical profiles of longitudinalvelocities in open channel flows through, and above, submerged vegetation. The eddy viscosity was evaluated by using the analogue of the mixing length theory. The model of water velocity profiles takes into account the surface roughness of the channel bottom and the drag exerted by submerged flexible stems. The verification of the calculated velocity profiles was carried out based on data obtained in laboratory experiments. The proportionality coefficients for the analogue of the mixing length formulae in both layers—within homogenous flexible stems and above them—were determined.  相似文献   
Recent two-dimensional multielectrode measurements are restricted to only a few geoelectric arrays. Realizing that specific features of nearly 90 other arrays are totally ignored, all original intentions as published about the development of new geoelectric arrays were reviewed. Apart from arrays, either already applied in two-dimensional geoelectric arrays or impossible to be applied in such systems, 61 forgotten once-developed arrays were found. These provide altogether 102 various solutions, which would be able to increase the efficiency of two-dimensional multielectrode measurements in some respect. 46 array solutions are able to enhance the depth of investigation; 9/11 array solutions give better vertical/horizontal resolution; 17 array solutions provide better planview images; 8 array solutions are worth applying in areas with limited access; 11 array solutions may reduce the effect of near-surface inhomogeneities. By reviving these forgotten arrays, it will be possible to develop versatile multielectrode systems, which are more adaptive to the diverse field needs.  相似文献   
We propose a method to compensate for the phase lag and the amplitudeattenuation in the cup anemometer signal. These two effects, caused by theinstrument's inertia, are the major flaws of the cup anemometer in additionto over-speeding. Since the instrument's response is invariant in wavenumber (not frequency) representation, we transform the signals to becompensated from the time domain to the spatial domain by using Taylor'shypothesis. In the spatial domain we apply a linear time-invariant filterto eliminate the phase lag and the amplitude attenuation. The proposedprocedure improves instrument performance down to spatial scales equal toor smaller than the distance constant of the anemometer. The method for cupanemometer compensation is presented in detail and later adapted for vanes.  相似文献   
In this study we analyse coseismic GPS displacements and DInSAR data to constrain a dislocation model for the three largest earthquakes of the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence. The first two events, which occurred on September 26 at 00:33 GMT (Mw 5.7) and 09:40 GMT (Mw 6.0) respectively, are investigated using both GPS displacements and DInSAR interferograms. We discuss and compare the results of previous studies which separately modeled a smaller subset of geodetic data. We provide a dislocation model for these two earthquakes which fits well both GPS and DInSAR data and agrees with the results of seismological and geological investigations. The first event consists of a unilateral rupture towards the southeast with a uniform dislocation. The strike, rake and dip angles are those resulting from the CMT solution. The second event consists of an unilateral rupture towards the northwest and a variable slip distribution on the fault plane. The strike and the rake are consistent with the CMT solution, but the dip angle has been slightly modified to improve the simultaneous fit of GPS and DInSAR data. While the second rupture (09:40 GMT) arrived very close to the surface, the fit to geodetic data shows that the first rupture (00:33 GMT) is deeper (2 km), despite the more evident surface geological effects. The analysis of new SAR interferograms allows the identification of a 5–6 cm additional displacement caused by the October 3 (Mw 5.2) and 6 (Mw 5.4) seismic events.We use data from a new DInSAR interferogram to model the displacement field of the Sellano earthquake of October 14, 1997. For this event significant GPS measurements were not available. We tested two different fault plane geometries: a blind, planar fault (top depth = 2.4 km), and a curved (listric) fault reaching the surface. The two models provide a generally similar fit to the data, and show that most of the slip was released at depths greater than 2.4 km along a gently dipping (40°–45°) fault surface. They also show that a unilateral rupture does not allow fitting the interferometric fringes since there is evident surface deformation to the northwest of the hypocenter. Moreover, we suggest that the concentration of high residuals in the southern part of our uniform slip model may in fact indicate a certain slip variability in this area.We conclude that, despite the moderate magnitudes and the lack of significant surface faulting, the space geodetic data allowed to constrain dislocation models giving new insights in the rupture process of the three largest events of the sequence.  相似文献   
Aircraft and ground-based measurements made during the1995 Australian OASIS field campaign are compared. The aircraft data were recorded during low-level flightsat 6 m above ground level and grid flights at altitudes of between 15 and 65 m, allin unstable atmospheric conditions. The low-level flights revealed an inadequate temperaturesensor response time, a correction for which was determined from subsequent work ina wind tunnel. Aircraft and ground-based measurements of mean wind speed, wind directionand air temperature agree to within 0.2 m s-1, 4° and 0.9 °C respectively.Comparisons between aircraft and ground-based observations of the standarddeviations of vertical velocity, horizontal wind speed, air temperature and specifichumidity have slopes of 0.96, 0.97, 0.92 and 0.99 respectively but the observed scatter isroughly twice the random error expected due to the averaging length of the aircraft data andthe averaging period of the ground-based data. For the low-level flights, the ground-basedand aircraft measurements of sensible and latent heat flux show mean differences of 27 and-25 W m-2 respectively, which reduce to 11 and -4 W m-2 respectivelywhen analysis of aircraft data is limited to areas immediately adjacent to the fluxtowers. For the flights at 15 to 65 m above ground level, the mean differences between theground-based and aircraft measurements of sensible and latent heat flux are -22 and-1 W m-2 respectively and these change to -1 and -7 W m-2 respectively oncethe effect of surface heterogeneity is included. Aircraft and ground-based measurementsof net radiation agree to within 6% at one ground-based site but differ by 20% at a second.Aircraft measurements of friction velocity at 6 m above the ground agree well withground-based data, but those from flights between 15 and 65 m above ground level do not.This is because at these heights the aircraft measurements provide the local shear stress,not the surface shear stress. Overall, the level of agreement allows confidence in the aircraftdata provided due care is taken of instrument response times and differences in thesurfaces sampled by aircraft and ground-based systems.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionThroughoutthegeologicalhistory ,almostallthetectonicplateactivities,suchasearthquakes,volcaniceruption ,andmountainbuilding ,takeplaceatactiveplateboundaries.Forexample,approxi mately 90 percentoftheearthquakesoccuratactiveplateboundaries[1 - 4 ] ,andthehighestmountainsofTibetandAndesresultfromthecontinualcollisionbetweenIndiaandAsia ,NazcaandSouthAmericaplates,respectively .Aplateboundaryisafracturethatseparatesaplatefromanother;theneighboringplatesmoverelativetooneanotherin…  相似文献   
Tidal currents derived from current meter measurements are compared with the output from a barotropic tidal model of the New Zealand region. For the semi‐diurnal constituents there was very good agreement for the M2 tide and good agreement for the S2 tide. For the diurnal constituents (Kl, Ol) it was found that as the amplitude of the constituents decreased so did both the model/observation agreement and the accuracy of the observed tidal ellipse parameters. Consequently it was not possible to decide whether differences arose through shortcomings in the model or in the data. However, the overall performance of the model as a prognostic tool for ocean tidal current simulation appears to be good.  相似文献   
An instrument which measures the velocity and direction of benthic water currents at depths of up to 80 m is described. Characteristics of this meter include: (i) readings are not affected by water flow during sinking or retrieval; (ii) it is portable; (iii) it operates unattended; (iv) it is inexpensive; and (v) it requires only simple maintenance. A timing circuit which operates two time periods in succession is used to activate and de-activate a revolution counter and a fluidfilled compass which are mounted on a special frame and vane system. In the field, the instrument accurately measured average current velocities of up to 6 m s−1. Data are presented which illustrate the usefulness of this instrument in describing the velocity and direction of benthic currents along the east coast of Australia and demonstrate a positive correlation between benthic current velocity and catch rates of the commercially-exploited spanner crab Ranina ranina.  相似文献   
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