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利用中国105站的探空资料以及NCEP/NCAR、ERA和JRA三种再分析资料,采用均方根误差、趋势分析等多种统计分析方法,对再分析资料的高空温度在中国东北和西北区域的可信度进行了分析。结果表明:在气候平均方面,JRA资料相比于探空资料的均方根误差较小,冬季的均方根误差较小,西北区的均方根误差普遍大于东北区;在年际变化方面,东北区三种再分析资料在低层的反映程度明显好于高层,西北区各层三种再分析资料与探空资料的差值普遍比东北区大;在长期变化方面,三种再分析资料在对流层低层都较好,东北区NCEP资料能更好地反映探空资料高层的降温趋势,而在西北区,则是JRA资料能更好地反映探空资料高层的降温趋势。  相似文献   
近百年全球平均气温年际变化型态的低频变率特征   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
利用时间上扩展的经验正交函数(TEEOF)分析方法,对近百年全球及南北半球平均气温一年、三年、六年和十年的变化形态及其频率进行诊断,结果表明,TEEOF第一模态占总方差贡献的50%以上,各种年际振动的第一模态基本上代表了与气候变化有关的年变化型,并能反映出气温的长期趋势变化,特别是十年际的第一模态,冬季气温湿示出较强的上升趋势,相应的第一时间主分量趋势与实际温度序列的走势非常一致。全球及南北半球各时域TEEOF除第一模态及一年TEEOF的第模态外,其它特同量所表示的年际变化型态各有差异,相应主分量都与一定的年际准周期振动结构的长期变率有关。年变化型态的T^2检验表明,南半球及全球的突变时间与年平均气温单要素t检验结果差异不大,而北半球的差异明显,表明T^2检验,对具有多变量的型态突变的检测比单要素的t检验理为合理。  相似文献   
我国夏季雨型的前期异常特征及预报方法的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用1951~1995年资料研究了我国东部夏季降水各雨型的前期大气环流及我国地面气象要素场的异常特征.结果表明,在冬季1月份北太平洋地区、秋季中国南海地区的海平面气压场有预报我国夏季雨型的信号.夏季不同雨型的前期冬季特征不同,我国的降水、气温场也有差异,4月份我国大范围的温度异常也是值得注意的预测信号.这些特征可以作为我国夏季雨型的预报信号及预报工具.  相似文献   
运用常规气象观测资料,从天气环流形势的演变过程及有关物理量变化状况,对2010年3月19—20日发生在乌兰察布地区沙尘天气过程做了客观分析。分析结果表明:造成这次沙尘天气过程的主要影响天气系统是蒙古气旋和地面冷锋。蒙古气旋后部西北强冷空气侵入为起源于蒙古国西南部以及内蒙古西中部周边沙尘的输送提供了动力条件;地面冷锋过境使该地区温度梯度增大,空气对流上升加剧,为上游输送而来的尘土、沙石卷入空中浮悬提供了抬升条件。两者共同作用促使沙尘天气过程持续时间长、范围广,并伴有扬沙和沙尘暴出现。  相似文献   
2010年11月20日20时到21日08时锡林郭勒盟东北部出现了暴雪天气过程,这次暴雪是在两脊一槽的环流形势中西来斜压槽配合地面蒙古气旋产生的,属强冷空气类。极涡的维持使斜压槽加强,移动缓慢;在印缅槽维持的西南环流场中,700hPa西南槽为华北建立了水汽通道,暖湿的低空西南急流提供了较好的水汽和能量不稳定条件;高低空急流耦合产生了动力抬升作用,大、暴雪就发生在高空急流入口区右侧,低空急流左侧的耦合区。逆温层和高能舌的存在为暴雪的发生储备了潜在能量。  相似文献   
In this paper, statistics were analyzed concerning correlation between the storm rainfall far from typhoon and non-zonal upper-level jet stream. The results show that the jet stream at 200 hPa is constantly SW (90.2 %) during the period in which storm rainfall occurs. Rainfall area lies in the right rear regions of the jet axes. While the storm intensifies, the jet tends to be stronger and turn non-zonal. With the MM4 model, numerical simulation and diagnosis were carried out for Typhoon No.9711 (Winnie) on August 19 to 20, 1997. The distant storm rainfall is tightly correlative to the jet and low-level typhoon trough. The divergence field of jet is related to the v component. The upper level can cause the allobaric wind convergence at low level. This is the result of the form of low-level typhoon trough and the strength of the storm. By scale analysis, it is found that there is a branch of middle scale transverse inverse circulation in the right entrance regions behind the jet below the 300-hPa level, which is very important to the maintenance and strengthening of storm rainfall. This branch of inverse circulation is relative to the reinforcement of jet's non-zonal characteristics. From the field of mesoscale divergence field and non-zonal wind field, we know that the stronger symmetry caused by transverse circulation in the two sides of the jet, rainfall’s feedback and reinforcement of jet’s non-zonal characteristics had lead to positive feedback mechanism that was favorable of storm rainfall’s strengthening.  相似文献   
利用北京近郊地区南苑机场1990-2000年6-8月观测资料,分析了北京夏季对流云出现日数、出现时间、云底高、生命史等基本特征;利用北京站1995-2000年6-8月常规探空资料,分析了北京夏季对流温度和对流凝结高度的特征,尝试用对流温度预报对流云的出现,用对流凝结高度预报对流云的云高。结果表明:对流温度在局地热力对流云的预报中具有一定的指示意义,对流凝结高度能在一定程度上反映出对流云的云高。有对流云时,对流温度与实测温度之差在4℃以内的,占对流云总数的80%。在对流温度与实测温度之差≤4℃的有对流云日内,对流凝结高度与实测对流云云高之差90%以上都是在1200m以内,500m以内的也达到了53%。  相似文献   
考虑应力水平的软土固结系数计算与试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余闯  刘松玉 《岩土力学》2004,25(Z2):103-107
在固结度计算中通常将固结系数视为常数,实际上并非如此.通过研究软土固结系数在压缩过程中随应力水平变化的规律,推导出正常固结和超固结状态下固结系数与有效应力之间的表达式.在正常固结状态下,当应力水平小于在前期固结压力时,固结系数随应力水平的增加而增加;当超过前期固结压力后,固结系数随应力水平的增加而减小;在超固结状态下,固结系数随应力水平的增加而增加,在一定程度后趋于平稳.室内试验结果进一步说明了和验证固结系数这一特点.推导的固结系数与固结应力水平关系表达式是可行的,其计算值与试验结果的变化趋势一致,大小基本吻合,将其用于计算变形速率和固结度中,可提高准确性.  相似文献   
Traditional approaches to monitoring aquatic systems are often limited by the need for data collection which often is time-consuming, expensive and non-continuous. The aim of the study was to map the spatio-temporal chlorophyll-a concentration changes in Malilangwe Reservoir, Zimbabwe as an indicator of phytoplankton biomass and trophic state when the reservoir was full (year 2000) and at its lowest capacity (year 2011), using readily available Landsat multispectral images. Medium-spatial resolution (30 m) Landsat multispectral Thematic Mapper TM 5 and ETM+ images for May to December 1999–2000 and 2010–2011 were used to derive chlorophyll-a concentrations. In situ measured chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations for 2011 were employed to validate the Landsat chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates. The study results indicate that Landsat-derived chlorophyll-a and TSS estimates were comparable with field measurements. There was a considerable wet vs. dry season differences in total chlorophyll-a concentration, Secchi disc depth, TSS and turbidity within the reservoir. Using Permutational multivariate analyses of variance (PERMANOVA) analysis, there were significant differences (p < 0.0001) for chlorophyll-a concentration among sites, months and years whereas TSS was significant during the study months (p < 0.05). A strong positive significant correlation among both predicted TSS vs. chlorophyll-a and measured vs. predicted chlorophyll-a and TSS concentrations as well as an inverse relationship between reservoir chlorophyll-a concentrations and water level were found (p < 0.001 in all cases). In conclusion, total chlorophyll-a concentration in Malilangwe Reservoir was successfully derived from Landsat remote sensing data suggesting that the Landsat sensor is suitable for real-time monitoring over relatively short timescales and for small reservoirs. Satellite data can allow for surveying of chlorophyll-a concentration in aquatic ecosystems, thus, providing invaluable data in data scarce (limited on site ground measurements) environments.  相似文献   
抗差估计等价权函数一般由正态分布统计量构造,其临界值(或称准则)一般由实际经验确定。首先分析了正态分布统计量和学生化残差统计量的区别,然后分别讨论了基于这两种统计量构造的等价权函数的区别。研究表明,利用学生化残差统计量构造的等价权函数以及顾及误差显著性水平确定的临界值,不仅考虑了观测误差的大小,而且还可以顾及了实际观测的图形强度和多余观测数,可以克服人为确定临界值可能带来的参数估计的有效性和抗差性方面的风险。  相似文献   
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