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研究中国降雨格局变化对理解东亚夏季风演化意义重大。本文分析了珠江三角洲柱状样ZJK03-Z中浅水底栖有孔虫常见种Rotalidium annectens的平均初房大小、微球型/显球型比值和壳体δ18O值,以及底栖有孔虫组合中瓷质壳的百分含量,探讨它们对由夏季风降雨引起的河口水体盐度变化的响应,得到了珠江三角洲3114—1260a BP季风降雨的强度变化,识别出了这期间14次季风降雨减少的偏干期。与南美洲Cariaco海盆的钛含量记录对比,二者一致的结果表明,珠江三角洲晚全新世的东亚夏季风降雨与热带辐合带(ITCZ)的南北移动密切相关:夏季风降雨减少,对应于ITCZ纬度位置的南移。  相似文献   
基于稀疏AR模型的潮流信号建模与预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潮流信号处理与预报在很多方面具有非常重要的意义和价值。本文引入信号稀疏表示理论,构建一种稀疏AR模型,寻找各潮流数据间的历史关联性,并进行预报分析。首先由实测潮流信号进行常规AR建模,获得一组过完备稀疏基;其次随机从该过完备稀疏基抽取部分建立欠定方程组,利用稀疏优化算法获得最稀疏的AR系数;多次重复上一步,获得稀疏AR系数的平均以增强稀疏AR模型的稳定性;最后利用这些稀疏AR系数来重构或预测潮流信号。文章针对实测潮流信号,特别是存在多峰值有回流现象的潮流信号,进行了稀疏AR建模与预测的多次实验。实验结果与传统的潮流信号调和预报方法相对比,发现基于稀疏AR模型的潮流预报对于潮流存在多变的现象时,具有明显优越性,从回报结果来看,稀疏AR模型的潮流预报均方差明显小于传统潮流调和分析预报方法。  相似文献   
The worldwide increase in commercial fisheries and its impact on ecosystems as well as inefficient fishery management have led to overfishing and frequent breakdown of traditional fish stocks.In this context,an analysis of Khuzestan inshore fisheries data covering the years 2002–2011,was conducted in reliance on testing for occurrence of the fishing down marine food webs(FDMFW) phenomenon in the North of Persian Gulf Large Marine Ecosystem(LME).In this study,the mean trophic level(m TL) and the fishing-in-balance(FIB)-index of Khuzestan landings during this period of time were estimated using the trophic level of 47 fishery resources.Increase in total landings(Y) was observed,which explained the high fishing yield in major fishery resources(especially demersal).Moreover,the moderates decreasing trend in m TL per decade,and the increasing trend in FIB-index were observed.The status of fishery resources in Khuzestan inshore waters(under exploited but not overexploited),the rise in Y,FIB and slightly drop in m TL can be considered as indirect indicators of the fishing impacts on the trophic structure of marine communities.Based on this result,probability occurrence of FDMFW process in Khuzestan inshore waters is low to some extent.However,we suggest that the goal of management programs in Khuzestan inshore waters should prevent the continuance of this trend in the long-term using an ecosystem-based approach.  相似文献   
基于OASIS耦合器,发展了一套具有较高分辨率并行化的海-陆-气耦合模式,并进行了30年以上的耦合积分。为了评估模式中海洋分量的基本性能,首先考察了耦合模式对"气候漂移"的控制,然后对比分析了耦合与未耦合海洋环流模式模拟温度和盐度的气候态特征和季节变化,结果显示耦合模式的模拟结果中没有出现明显的"气候漂移现象",同时能较好的模拟全球大洋温盐分布的基本特征和季节变化。  相似文献   
对港口码头的定点进行潮流精细化预报,是对区域潮流场预报工作的有利补充。结合当前定点潮流预报工作的开展,从基本的4个测站的站点布设,选择合适的时间获取预报所需的原始观测资料,再到实测数据处理,至预报计算方法,以及预报产品开发应用等多方面,深入探讨如何科学有效地开展港口码头潮流精细化预报工作,更好地满足当前市场的需求。关于资料的采集主要侧重目前运用较为成熟的四测站布置方案,并结合实际工作中遇到的一些问题进行具体阐述。  相似文献   
Multiple stages of large-scale shelf sand ridges, including the shoreface-attached and the offshore types, have developed in the Miocene successions on the mid-shelf region of the Pear River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Utilizing a high-quality 3D seismic data set, accompanying 2D seismic profiles and well logs, the morphology, architecture and genesis of these shelf sand ridges have been systematically investigated in this study. The ridges are of very large scale, with the largest one having a maximum height of 64 m, a width of more than 20 km and a length of 37 km within the 3D survey area. Being mound-shaped, they also display obvious asymmetry character, with the ridge crest preferentially located on the SE side. Three main internal components, including the ridge front, central ridge and the ridge tail, have been recognized through careful anatomy analysis of the two most well-imaged ridges, each displaying distinct expressions on seismic amplitudes and geometries. In the plan view, most of the shelf sand ridges are generally NE–SW oriented and widening to the SW direction. Scouring features can also be clearly observed along the SW direction, including scour depressions and linear sandy remnants. On well logs, the shelf sand ridges are represented by an overall coarsening-upward pattern. Intervals with blocky sandstones are preferentially present on higher locations due to a differential winnowing process controlled by shelf topography.Plenty of evidence indicates that these ridges were primarily formed by the reworking of forced regressive or lowstand deltaic deposits under a persistent southwesterly flowing current during the subsequent transgression. This very current is a composite one, which is speculated to consist of winter oceanic current, SCSBK (South China Sea Branch of Kuroshio) intrusion onto the shelf and internal waves propagating from the Luzon Strait. Tidal currents might have contributed to the SE growth of the ridge. In response to the reglaciation of Antarctic ice-sheet and the closure of Pacific-Indian ocean seaway in the middle Miocene, the intensification of the North Pacific western boundary current was considered to have potential links to the initiation of the shelf sand ridges at ∼12 Ma. The development of shelf ridges was terminated and replaced by rapid deltaic progradation at ∼5.5 Ma.  相似文献   
利用Jason-1卫星确定全球平均海面高   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了卫星测高数据处理的基本方法,分析研究了卫星测高的主要误差,提出了Jason-1的数据编辑准则,并用其测高数据确定了全球平均海面高,与CLS01模型进行了比较分析.  相似文献   
西沙群岛潮、余流特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1962、1974、1976、1991、2002年西沙群岛海域实测海流资料分析得出:西沙群岛潮汐特征系数为3.40,是不正规日潮;潮流特征比较复杂,少数为不规则半日潮流型,多数为不规则日潮流型;半日周期的内潮在永兴岛西部特别显著,最大流速可达1.5m/s,对珊瑚生态系统有重要影响;西沙群岛余流,春季4~5月总体方向是东北,最大余流速度66cm/s,出现在中建岛西部;夏初余流方向偏北,速度明显降低,中建岛表、底层流速都不超过50cm/s。结合18a卫星高度计资料统计分析得出,春季和夏季西沙群岛海域处于反气旋式环流的北部,中建岛处于反气旋式环流的西缘,水平压强梯度大,加之地形影响,因此流速最大。  相似文献   
利用1979-02—2012-03共33a的水帆位于15m层的Argos漂流浮标资料,绘制黑潮流系15m层的多年年平均和月平均流场,运用特征线方法计算得到黑潮流轴,定义黑潮流动路径的边界为流速大小20~30cm/s的过渡性区域。结果显示:黑潮多年年平均流路大致是一个以(13°30′N,142°00′E)为圆心、2 235km为半径的直角弧段,其在吕宋海峡、台湾东北、九州西南及伊豆海岭附近海区发生气旋式弯曲前先进行反气旋式弯曲调整,弯曲处出现的路径开口主要是支流的并入或分支的流出;黑潮流轴整体性偏向黑潮左边界,其中在吕宋岛东北至台湾以东海域最为显著,在本州岛以南海域次之,而在东海段基本居中;黑潮流路上的流速在总体上由南向北呈增大趋势,但并非沿流路持续性逐渐增加,而是呈现出较平直流段的大流速区和弯曲调整流段的低流速区相互交错的状况,其中四国岛以南至伊豆诸岛以西流段的流速为最大。多年月平均流场显示,2月,5月,8月和11月这4个月份是黑潮流路和流轴发生变化的重要转折期,而1月,4月,7月和10月这4个月份则是各季节的代表月份。其中,冬季月份的黑潮流路和流轴最为曲折,向边缘海发生显著入侵;夏季月份的黑潮流路和流轴最为平直,左侧伴随有北向流动;春、秋两季的过渡性特征则比较明显。  相似文献   
针对目前小油田早期生产中存在的不足,提出一种适用于浅水海域的新型张力腿式储油处理平台,该平台主要由储油箱、浮箱、吸力桩、系泊链和甲板结构构成,具备原油处理和储存功能。应用非线性时域耦合分析法,研究了有义波高、平均波周期、水深对该平台的运动响应和系泊链张力的影响。计算结果表明,波高对平台动力响应有较大影响,有义波高每增加0.4 m,平台水平位移相应增加0.408 m,而系泊链力随有义波高的增加呈准线性增大;波周期对平台水平运动影响显著,平均波周期从6.5 s逐级变化至8.5 s时,最大水平位移自3.760 m渐增至5.467 m,而波周期对系泊链力影响较小,变化率一般小于10%;该新型平台对水深大于20 m的浅水海域有良好的动力特性,而对水深小于20 m的海域却表现异常。因此,该新型张力腿式平台能满足水深不小于20 m浅海区的油田早期生产需要。  相似文献   
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