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松辽盆地北部双城—太平川地区扶杨油层原油地球化学特征相近,正构烷烃分布完整,呈单峰型,主峰碳主要为C23,部分原油具有轻碳优势,奇偶优势不明显。三环萜烷含量较丰富,部分原油伽马蜡烷、孕甾烷和升孕甾烷含量较高,规则甾烷呈V型分布,碳同位素值偏轻,生源构成以低等水生生物和菌藻类为主,兼有高等植物生源输入,母源形成环境为微咸水还原—淡水氧化环境。本区原油的总体特征比较接近,具有相似的生源母质和有机相,但其成熟度存在着一定差异。根据生物标志物参数,原油分为三个组群,即低成熟油、低成熟—中等成熟油和中等成熟油,主要为低成熟—中等成熟原油。认为研究区具有形成低成熟油的有利烃源条件,应该加强对低成熟油的勘探开发。同时加强长春岭背斜带及其周缘构造高部位有利圈闭的勘探与评价。  相似文献   
定量求取原油的成熟度是目前尚未有效解决的问题。Mango发现4个C7的异构化合物相对组成有显著的不变性,提出了稳态催化轻烃成因模式。据该模式的2,4-/2,3-二甲基戊烷比值是一项纯温度参数,Bement和Mango等建立了该轻烃温度参数与埋深温度的函数关系式用于原油生成温度计算,为定量研究原油成熟度提供了新思路。本文以塔中地区为例,计算了原油的Mango参数,得到原油K1平均为1.06,在Mango给出的相对稳定范围。应用原油生成温度公式计算的原油生成温度为120~129℃,折算镜质组反射率R。=0.88%~0.90%,与新藿烷成熟度参数反映的成熟度特征相一致,说明该方法是可靠的。  相似文献   
Bongor盆地位于乍得境内的中非剪切带西北部,是中新生代重要的含油气盆地之一。笔者从Bongor盆地天然气组分组成及组分碳、氢同位素分析入手,综合运用常规有机地球化学分析方法,探讨了Bongor盆地不同构造单元天然气的成因及成熟度差异。分析认为,Bongor盆地天然气化学组成主要由烃类气体、非烃类气体和微量稀有气体组成,其中烃类气体属于生物热催化过渡带气、原油伴生气和凝析油伴生气等有机成因气,非烃气体主要包括无机成因的氮气、二氧化碳和氢气等。在天然气成因研究的基础上,笔者还开展了Bongor盆地烃类气体的组成及来源分析,包括气气对比和气源对比,研究认为,不同构造单元的烃类气体虽然组成相同,但相对含量略有差异,表明不同构造单元的天然气具有相似的母质来源:M组和P组的暗色泥页岩;但也不排除K组暗色泥页岩的生烃贡献。不同构造单元天然气烃类气体的成熟度差异较大,这是由于天然气源自不同层位烃源岩或同一层位烃源岩在不同演化阶段的生烃产物。  相似文献   
徐家围子断陷深层天然气的形成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对松辽盆地徐家围子断陷深层天然气的地质和地球化学分析 ,揭示了天然气的成因特征和形成过程。该区天然气的分子组成和同位素组成均显示出较大的变化 ,甲烷是天然气中的主要组分 ,质量分数在 57.4 % - 98.2 %之间 ,平均为 90 .1%。主要非烃气体是CO2 和N2 ,平均质量分数分别为 4 .9%和 3.2 % ,且CO2 质量分数变化范围较大。气体同位素分析结果表明 ,甲烷同位素显示煤型气特征 ,而乙烷和丙烷的同位素显示油型气的特征 ,表明徐家围子深部除煤和Ⅲ型干酪根作为主要气源外 ,仍有一定含量趋于生油的Ⅱ型干酪根作为次要气源 ,实测和计算结果证实天然气主要是有机质在高成熟阶段形成的产物。运移过程中和成藏后的次生变化使天然气的组成和同位素面目变得非常复杂 ,尤其是由盖层微渗漏造成的蒸发分馏作用使同位素出现倒转。徐家围子断陷深层煤型气的发现为该区油气勘探展示出了更广阔的前景。  相似文献   
NSO杂原子化合物在烃源岩和原油中通常只占很小的一部分,但其包含重要的地质地球化学信息。由于组成复杂且难以分离,对该类化合物的组成研究相对薄弱。电喷雾电离源(ESI)结合傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱(FT-ICR MS)是一种新型检测石油组分的手段,具有选择性电离、超高质谱分辨率和质量精度等特征,非常适合检测石油复杂基质中微量NSO极性杂原子化合物分子组成,近年来开始应用于油气勘探领域。结合对塔里木盆地海相油与陆相油、辽河稠油等样品的FT-ICR MS分析,发现原油中NSO化合物受母源岩与油气成因类型、成熟度、油气运移示踪及硫酸盐热化学还原反应(TSR)控制,可提供相关的识别与评价信息,显示FT-ICR MS在油气地球化学理论研究和油气勘探中具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   
Among all problems confronting the study of ancient permineralized (petrified) microscopic fossils, two stand out, the need for (1) accurate documentation of their three-dimensional morphology, and (2) direct analysis of their chemical composition and that of their surrounding mineral matrices. To address these problems we demonstrate the use of two techniques that we have recently introduced to Precambrian paleobiology: confocal laser scanning microscopy and Raman imagery. These techniques, both of which are non-intrusive and non-destructive, can provide data by which to characterize, in situ and at micron-scale resolution, the cellular and organismal morphology of thin section-embedded organic-walled fossils. In addition, Raman imagery provides direct analyses of the molecular–structural composition of the kerogenous components of such fossils and of their surrounding matrices, and a means to assess quantitatively the geochemical maturity of the preserved organics. Use of these techniques for studies of ancient microscopic fossils can provide information in three dimensions at high spatial resolution about their morphology and cellular anatomy, taphonomy and fidelity of preservation, composition and mode of preservation, and their biogenicity and syngenetic origin with the rocks in which they occur.  相似文献   
为揭示鄂尔多斯盆地东南部页岩及页岩气富集特征,选取延安探区页岩样品进行岩石热解、镜质体反射率、页岩解析气、等温吸附等实验分析,对研究区山西组页岩气的富集主控因素进行详细的探讨。结果表明:①有机碳总量变化范围较大,以Ⅲ型干酪根为主。镜质体反射率Ro平均值为2.39%~2.51%,处于高成熟—过成熟阶段。②有机碳含量、热解参数游离烃(S1)及热解烃(S2)均与解析气含量、等温吸附气含量呈现正相关性,镜质体反射率Ro与解析气、残余气及总含气量具正相关关系。③储层孔隙度较低,物性与页岩气含量成正比;粘土矿物含量较高,比表面积高,有利于提高页岩对气体的吸附能力,但是粘土矿物含量与页岩气产量成反比。④山1段早白垩世末期地层过剩压力较高,延川—张家滩—云岩—宜川一带的地层过剩压力基本在10 MPa以上,地层过剩压力对页岩气的保存具有决定作用。研究结果认为,页岩气的富集主控因素为高有机质丰度、高热演化程度,其次物性显示测试样品渗透率较高、早白垩世末期的地层过剩压力较大,为页岩气提供了重要的保存条件。  相似文献   
Four typical distribution patterns of pentacyclic triterpenoid hydrocarbons (types A-D) are distinguished in the low-mature source rocks from eastern China. Type A has a relatively high content of pentacyclic triterpenes. It exists in immature sediments and the distribution and abundance of triterpenes vary with the maturity of the sediments. An unknown C30 triterpene (UCT2) has also been detected in very shallow sediments. This compound is very unstable and disappears rapidly with the increase of depth. Type B is characterized by a relatively high amount of 17α(H), 21β(H)-30-homohopane. This kind of distribution pattern is common in coals and terrestrial sediments of low maturity. Type C has a relatively high content of diahopane and neohopane series. The analysis shows that this distribution pattern may have an indirect relationship with the input of higher plants despite its microbial source. There are C30-unconfirmed triterpane (UCT2) and a relatively high content of C35 hopane in type D. The dist  相似文献   
Quantitative pyrolysis-gas chromatography has been performed on 96 kerogen samples isolated from 17 wells on the Norwegian Continental shelf. Petrographic and bulk geochemical measurements were also performed on the samples, and a combined data set of 117 variables for each sample was analysed using principal components analysis (PCA). This approach provides an objective and reproducible means of kerogen characterisation, which can be easily automated. In addition to objective kerogen characterisation and facile visualisation of facies and maturity related chemical trends, the method has the potential to allow objective prediction of key geochemical parameters such as maturity level from pyrogram data.  相似文献   
Thermal maturity was determined for about 120 core, cuttings, and outcrop samples to investigate the potential for coalbed gas resources in Pennsylvanian strata of north-central Texas. Shallow (< 600 m; 2000 ft) coal and carbonaceous shale cuttings samples from the Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian Strawn, Canyon, and Cisco Groups in Archer and Young Counties on the Eastern Shelf of the Midland basin (northwest and downdip from the outcrop) yielded mean random vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values between about 0.4 and 0.8%. This range of Ro values indicates rank from subbituminous C to high volatile A bituminous in the shallow subsurface, which may be sufficient for early thermogenic gas generation. Near-surface (< 100 m; 300 ft) core and outcrop samples of coal from areas of historical underground coal mining in the region yielded similar Ro values of 0.5 to 0.8%. Carbonaceous shale core samples of Lower Pennsylvanian strata (lower Atoka Group) from two deeper wells (samples from ~ 1650 m; 5400 ft) in Jack and western Wise Counties in the western part of the Fort Worth basin yielded higher Ro values of about 1.0%. Pyrolysis and petrographic data for the lower Atoka samples indicate mixed Type II/Type III organic matter, suggesting generated hydrocarbons may be both gas- and oil-prone. In all other samples, organic material is dominated by Type III organic matter (vitrinite), indicating that generated hydrocarbons should be gas-prone. Individual coal beds are thin at outcrop (< 1 m; 3.3 ft), laterally discontinuous, and moderately high in ash yield and sulfur content. A possible analog for coalbed gas potential in the Pennsylvanian section of north-central Texas occurs on the northeast Oklahoma shelf and in the Cherokee basin of southeastern Kansas, where contemporaneous gas-producing coal beds are similar in thickness, quality, and rank.  相似文献   
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