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Kerogen has been artificially matured under “hydrous pyrolysis” conditions in the presence of various minerals in order to investigate the influence of the latter on the organic products. In addition to three clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite), calcium carbonate and limonite were also employed as inorganic substrates. Kerogen (Type II) isolated from the Kimmeridge Blackstone band was heated in the presence of water and a 20-fold excess of mineral phase at two different temperatures (280 and 330°C) for 72 hr. Control experiments were also carried out using kerogen and water only and kerogen under anhydrous conditions. This preliminary study describes the bulk composition of the pyrolysates with detailed analyses of the aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions being provided by gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.In the 280°C experiments, considerably more organic-soluble pyrolysate (15% by weight of original kerogen) was produced when calcium carbonate was the inorganic phase. At 330°C, all samples generated much greater amounts of organic-soluble products with calcium carbonate again producing a large yield (40% wt/wt). Biomarker epimerisation reactions have also proceeded further in the 330°C pyrolysate formed in the presence of calcium carbonate than with other inorganic phases. Implications of these and other observations are discussed.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine the eff ects of temperature and light intensity on growth of female gametophytes of Eisenia bicyclis and Ecklonia cava and responses of these female gametophytes to Fe addition and daylength. Female gametophytes of each species were cultured at four temperatures (10, 15, 20, and 25°C) and under a combination of four light intensities (10, 20, 40, and 80 μmol photons/(m^2 ·s)) with two temperatures (15 and 20°C for E i . bicyclis;20 and 25°C for E c . cava ) to clarify their optimal growth conditions. Growth and maturation of female gametophytes of these two species under a combination of five Fe-EDTA concentrations (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 μmol/L) and three daylengths (10, 12, and 14 h) were also examined. The growth of E i . bicyclis gametophyte was maximal at approximately 15–20°C, 20 μmol photons/(m^2 ·s), Fe-EDTA concentration of 8 μmol/L and daylengths of 12–14 h. While E c . c ava gametophytes showed optimal growth at approximately 20–25°C, 20 μmol photons/(m^2 ·s), Fe- EDTA concentration of 8 μmol/L and daylength of 14 h. Maturation of gametophytes was enhanced at Fe-EDTA concentration of 4 μmol/L for E i . bicyclis and at 2 μmol/L for E c . c ava . In conclusion, optimal growth temperatures and Fe-EDTA concentrations for maturation of E i . bicyclis and E c . c ava gametophytes were diff erent. Higher optimal growth temperature for E c . c ava gametophytes may contribute to its wider geographical distribution compared to E i . bicyclis which has restricted habitats in Korea. This suggests that addition of Fe ion could be used to recover beds of these two species in barren grounds of Korea.  相似文献   
塔形马蹄螺人工促熟及催产的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了塔形马蹄螺(Trochus pyramis Born)的人工促熟及催产实验。结果表明,塔形马蹄螺的生物学最小型为:雄性个体壳高1.33cm,雌性个体壳高1.42cm。塔形马蹄螺人工促熟的适宜温度为26~28℃,用叉珊藻(Jania arborescens Yendo)为饵料促熟塔形马蹄螺的效果较好。经促熟的实验贝采用降温阴干的方法进行催产效果较好,实验贝的催产率最高可达95%左右。  相似文献   
The formation or generation of hopanes are important processes during both the natural heating of organic-rich sediments and laboratory pyrolysis experiments. Molecular maturity parameters as well as the amounts (ng/g rock) of the C31 hopanes and C30–C32 hopanoic acids were quantified in a Jurassic silty shale horizon (Isle of Skye, Scotland) as a function of distance from an igneous intrusion. The maturity profiles of the homohopanes and the hopanoic acids are comparable. There is also a correlation between the decreasing amounts of C30–C32 hopanoic acids and concomitant increases in C29–C31 hopanes suggesting that free hopanoic acids could be one potential source of hopanes in this particular horizon. Other possible sources could include hopanoic acids that are bound into the macromolecular fraction.  相似文献   
Palaeogene dolostones from the sub‐surface of Florida are ideal for the study of dolomite maturation because they record the early stages of a secondary dolomite overprint without destruction by later diagenetic overprints. Two distinct dolomite textures occur in the dolostones of the Upper Eocene Ocala and Lower Oligocene Suwannee limestones in west‐central Florida: a porous and permeable sucrosic dolomite and a less porous and relatively impermeable indurated non‐sucrosic dolomite. In both textures, the initial matrix dolomite is dully luminescent, whereas the secondary overprint is dominantly luminescent cement in the Suwannee and only neomorphic luminescent dolomite in the Ocala. The abundance of luminescent dolomite ranges from 2% to 38%, which translates to 1·6 km3 of material in the Suwannee and 13·5 km3 in the Ocala. Extrapolated trace‐element contents (Sr and Na) and δ18O values for the matrix and luminescent end‐members indicate a marine origin for the matrix dolomite in both units, and a freshwater–seawater mixing‐zone origin for the secondary luminescent dolomites. The δ18O values indicate that a saline, middle mixing‐zone environment overprinted the Suwannee but a more dilute mixing zone affected the Ocala. Fluid–fluid mixing models constrained by modern Floridan aquifer hydrochemistry and extrapolated 87Sr/86Sr values of the luminescent phases indicate that the mixing zones operated during the Late Miocene to Pliocene in the Ocala and affected the Suwannee in the Pliocene. The luminescent Suwannee mixing‐zone cement reduced porosity up to threefold and permeability up to 100‐fold, which converted many sucrosic dolomites to indurated dolomites. By contrast, the neomorphic luminescent Ocala dolomite did not have an appreciable impact on the maturations. Although freshwater–seawater mixing zones were not the sites of the initial dolomitization, the mixing‐zone environment did dramatically overprint and mature the regionally widespread dolomites of the Ocala and Suwannee limestones. This maturation occurred shortly after formation of the proto‐Floridan aquifer; the timing suggests the matrix dolomites were ‘ripe’ for alteration and that the only prerequisite for mixing‐zone dolomite is pre‐existing dolomite substrates to reduce kinetic barriers. In contrast to recent claims, the results of this study demonstrate that mixing zones can be effective in forming regionally significant amounts of secondary dolomite and influencing the petrophysical maturation of dolomite bodies.  相似文献   
Schismus arabicusis a common annual with an ‘escape’ strategy of caryopsis dispersal and ‘opportunistic’ strategy of germination. It inhabits the Negev and Saharo-Arabian and Irano-Turanian phytogeographical regions. It displays a quantitative long-day response for flowering and a day length response in caryopses germinability. Germination in the dark was much higher than in light. The longer the period of light, from 0·5 h to continuous light, the lower the percentage of germination. The low percentage of germination, which is also regulated by temperature during dry storage, is important for the survival ofS. arabicusunder the unpredictable distribution and small amounts of rain in its extreme desert habitats.  相似文献   
Since the mid-1980s, Texaco has used the transmittance color index (TCI) of amorphous kerogen as an indicator of kerogen thermal maturation. The technique simply involves the direct measurement of a white-light spectrum as it is transmitted through a particle of amorphous organic matter (AOM). In brief, TCI values are obtained by the analysis of white light originating from a 100-W 6-V tungsten lamp attached to a photometric microscope. The assignment of particular TCI values is based on the increasing curvature of spectra with increasing maturity. TCI curves shift from an average wavelength around 580 nm for samples of immature, amorphous kerogen (i.e., material with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 0.20%) to about 660 nm for samples containing very dark brown to some black particulate material (i.e., kerogen with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 2.15%). The range of TCI values covers all zones of petroleum generation and preservation. In our opinion, TCI can provide as accurate a basis for maturation interpretations as is available from vitrinite reflectance (or from the mean random reflectance of some zooclasts, such as graptolites and chitinozoans), or the widely used visual estimate the thermal alteration index (TAI) or the similarly determined conodont color index (CAI). TCI is probably most useful, however, in those situations where the rocks to be examined have not yet reached the semianthricite coalification stage (≈2.0% vitrinite reflectance).  相似文献   
Significant oil and gas accumulations occur in and around Lougheed Island, Arctic Canada, where hydrocarbon prospectivity is controlled by potential source rock distribution and composition. The Middle to Upper Triassic rocks of the Schei Point Group (e.g. Murray Harbour and Hoyle Bay formations) contain a mixture of Types I and II organic matter (Tasmanales marine algae, amorphous fluorescing bituminite). These source rocks are within the oil generation zone and have HI values up to 600 mg HC/g Corg. The younger source rocks of the Lower Jurassic Jameson Bay and the Upper Jurassic Ringnes formations contain mainly gas-prone Type II/III organic matter and are marginally mature. Vitrinite reflectance profiles suggest an effective geothermal gradient essentially similar to the present-day gradient (20 to 30°C/km). Maturation gradients are low, ranging from 0.125 to 0.185 log%Ro/km. Increases in subsidence rate in the Early Cretaceous suggest that the actual heat flow history was variable and has probably diminished from that time. The high deposition rates of the Christopher Formation shales coincide with the main phase of rifting in Aptian-Albian times. Uplift and increased sediment supply in the Maastrichtian resulted in a new sedimentary and tectonic regime, which culminated in the final phase of the Eurekan Orogeny. Burial history models indicate that hydrocarbon generation in the Schei Point Group took place during rifting in Early Cretaceous, long before any Eurekan deformation.  相似文献   
Kuqa foreland depression of the Tarim Basin is one of the largest gas production provinces in China. Thermal history reconstruction using vitrinite reflectance data indicates that the palaeo-heat flow in Kuqa depression was relatively high (50–55 mW/m2) during the Mesozoic, but gradually decreased during the Cenozoic to reach the present value of 40–50 mW/m2. The cooling of the Kuqa depression is probably attributed to the crust thickening and the rapid sedimentary rate. The Jurassic source rocks entered conventional oil window at 100 Ma, and began to generate gas at approximately 75 Ma in the Kelasu area. Thermal maturation of the Jurassic source rocks accelerated significantly since 23.3 Ma, especially in the recent 5.2 Ma. In this foreland depression, source rock maturation, which is likely controlled mainly by burial history, also influenced by the presence of fault thrusting and salt-bearing formations.  相似文献   
In a comprehensive geochemical study, the genetic relationships among 14 samples of gas condensates from the Persian Gulf were investigated for the purpose of evaluating the respective source rocks in terms of both age and sedimentary paleoenvironment. Chemometric analysis was used for categorization and determination of a certitude range to determine the genetic type of the condensate families in the studied basin. The samples were collected from Late Permian – Triassic reservoirs (Dalan and Kangan formations) located in 6 gasfields (gas condensate) hosting some of Iran’s most important gas/gas condensate reserves. Obtained by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), a total of 16 biomarker parameters (10 maturity-related parameters and 6 sedimentary environment-related parameters) were used to evaluate the samples in terms of thermal maturity (and hence their positions in the maturity chart), the sedimentary environment of the source rock and the lithology. Application of Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the collected data led to the categorization of the samples into three main genetic groups, I–III. Groups I and III were found to be located in the east and the west of the Persian Gulf, respectively, while Group II was developed between the two other groups.  相似文献   
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