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The inland capture fisheries of the Mekong represent critical sources of nutrition in rural diets in a region that faces endemic food and nutritional deficits. However within regional development debates that prioritize utilising the waters of the Mekong to generate electricity, capture fisheries are often presented as ultimately doomed, and therefore as an unfortunate, but necessary trade-off for hydropower. At the heart of these debates, lie contested definitions of development. The notion that fisheries could or should be traded-off for some other form of development exemplifies this tension.This paper draws on anthropological approaches to policy analysis based on discourse and narratives. We begin by placing the conventional wisdom regarding the place of fisheries in regional development under closer scrutiny. We then explore the potential for a counter narrative based around food and food sovereignty, in which fisheries and fishers are drivers, rather than costs of development. We argue that fisheries provide a range of livelihood and developmental values that cannot be replaced and that their management continues to hold potential for strengthening independence and self-reliance. In doing so, we build on empirical evidence from the Lao PDR, a country with a rich capture fishery but also endemic food crises, and also a national policy commitment to both poverty reduction and extensive large-scale hydropower development. As such, this paper attempts to reframe the debate on development in the Mekong. The paper has wider significance for considering how a broader focus on food and food producers can generate alternative development pathways.  相似文献   
The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is considered to be the environmental pillar of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, establishing a framework within which member states must take the necessary measures to achieve, or maintain, good environmental status in their marine waters. This study presents Portugal's contributions to the Directive development, describes the Portuguese institutional framework within the MSFD and, finally, highlights the opportunities and threats to the success of the MSFD implementation in Portugal. The latter entails an analysis of the Directive's long term adequacy in its link to (1) marine spatial planning, (2) climate change and (3) the economic/financial crisis. With one of Europe's largest exclusive economic zones. Portugal's interest in the MSFD is paramount. Efforts towards the approval of the final document were assured during the Portuguese presidency of the European Council of Ministers, in 2007, while chairing a thorough discussion between the Council and the European Parliament. In the Portuguese context, the Directive implementation will rely on the Water Institute as the authoritative entity, which will be responsible for coordinating all necessary efforts at the national level. The success of such process depends on a close cooperation among the institutions involved as well as on how approved measures account for long term issues. In addition, the MSFD implementation must be built on lessons learned within the Water Framework Directive, in order to be successful. Although it poses a methodological challenge to Portugal, the MSFD implementation is expected to contribute significantly to the improvement of coastal/marine conservation and management at the national level.  相似文献   
Stable carbon isotopic composition of ethane and propane over the western North Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean between 31°N and 26°S was investigated from February through March 2004. The isotopic composition of ethane ranged from −28 to −18‰ and showed a gradual increase from north to south. Conversely, that of propane was between −31 and −24‰; it showed no systematic latitudinal variation. Investigation of the ethane/propane ratio indicates that ethane and propane that originated from northern mid-latitude countries in the eastern part of Eurasia were both transported into the western North Pacific region. However, the results of the isotopic analyses indicate the contribution of oceanic emission to the atmospheric propane during transport, although that contribution can not be discerned for ethane. A ship based stationary observation conducted in the western equatorial North Pacific showed that the isotopic composition of ethane varied from −25 to −19‰ and showed clear systematic diurnal variation: propane ranged between −32 to −26‰ and no such isotopic diurnal signal was observed. The diurnal variation for ethane is explained by entrainment of free tropospheric air, whereas the variation for propane was influenced by oceanic emissions as well as the entrainment. The contribution of oceanic emissions to the atmospheric propane inventory was considered from our isotopic observation. Isotopic composition of dissolved propane is estimated to be less than −38‰, and the contribution up to 79% was calculated when the isotopic composition of dissolved propane is assumed to be −40‰. Our study demonstrates that isotopic analysis can be more useful than ratio-based analysis to improve our present understanding of transport processes, especially for impact of the oceanic emissions on the atmospheric distribution of low level C2–C5 non-methane hydrocarbons such as propane in the remote marine atmosphere.  相似文献   
赵银  张勇  刘时银  王欣 《冰川冻土》2022,44(3):930-945
青藏东南部海洋型冰川具有独特的气候敏感性,普遍呈现加速退缩趋势,这不仅影响区域水资源安全,而且伴生了相应的冰川灾害,是当前青藏高原冰冻圈变化研究的热点区域之一。本文对海洋型冰川物质平衡时空变化特征进行了综述,2000年以来冰川总体处于物质亏损状态,其平均物质平衡介于-0.66~-0.61m w.e.·a^(-1)之间;同时总结了海洋型冰川物质加速变化的驱动因素以及新特征。当前海洋型冰川物质平衡变化研究受观测数据缺乏和模型模拟不确定性等问题限制,尤其现有模型对冰面裂隙增多与扩张、冰崖-冰面湖-表碛相互作用、冰内冰下过程、冰崩、末端冰湖水-冰相互作用等过程的描述过于简化或基本缺失,其机理及影响仍存在较大的不确定性。未来需加强海洋型冰川物质平衡的综合监测,基于多数据和多方法的集成研究提高模型对冰川物质平衡多物理过程的耦合与模拟能力,为开展海洋型冰川物质变化的区域水资源效应和致灾效应研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
Sediment cores from three lakes (Moss, Sombre and Heywood) in the maritime Antarctic (Signy Island, South Orkney Islands) have been successfully dated radiometrically by210Pb and137Cs. The core inventories of both fallout radionuclides are an order of magnitude higher than that which can be supported by the direct atmospheric flux at this latitude. The elevated values may be explained by fallout onto the catchment during the winter being delivered directly to the lakes during the annual thaw. Two of the lakes (Sombre and Heywood) show marked increases in sediment accumulation afterc. 1950. This appears to be associated with a documented rise in temperature in the South Orkney Islands, which has caused extensive deglaciation at Signy Island.This is the tenth of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20 th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P.G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   
无人船是海洋技术发展的产物,作为一种新型技术手段目前已在海洋调测和防务领域广泛应用.本文从无人船系统的组成、应用领域和发展现状出发,归纳总结无人船的关键技术,并研究其发展趋势.作为一种水面机动载体,无人船关键技术包括特型平台设计技术、运动控制技术和通信技术3个方面,其核心是围绕任务内容、载荷原理、使用环境特点,以应用设计、功能开发为主体的系统集成和应用.现阶段无人船主要作为传统海上工作方法的补充,在遵守、参照现有各种法规、技术标准要求的前提下,搭载已成型的船用任务载荷,按照载人船舶的作业模式、施工惯例投入各种应用.未来随着材料技术、人工智能、通信技术的发展,以及相关政策、法规的建立、健全,无人船将逐步成为一种独立的技术手段,形成一系列新的作业模式和技术方法.  相似文献   
矿产资源领域的全球治理主体主要包括联合国、世界银行、美国、欧洲国家等发达国家经济体主导的国际机制、非政府机构等。涉及领域包括主权管辖区外的资源产权、国家自然资源主权、人权、环境、反恐、反腐败、公司社会责任等。治理的相对人主要是资源丰富的发展中国家及跨国矿业公司。矿产资源领域的全球治理远不具广泛性和代表性。  相似文献   
The physical characteristics of surface sediments from a suite of pristine lakes on Signy Island, maritime Antarctic, were used to develop a quantitative link between catchment ice-extent and lake-sediment response. Percentage dry weight, median particle size, percentage loss-on-ignition and wet density of the lakes' surface sediments were the most significant variables explaining contemporary catchment ice-extent. Two independent reconstruction models – Partial Least Squares (PLS) and a Modern Analog Technique (MAT) – were applied to dated sediment cores at two sites on Signy Island. The validity of the reconstructions was tested against historical information on catchment ice-extent. With sufficiently high sedimentation rates and sampling resolution, the models can predict sub-decadal changes in ice-extent. The model results are best regarded as indicators of erosion resulting from meltwater activity in the catchment. Comparison of results with Twentieth Century climate records affirms the hypothesis that climatic warming is the most likely cause for the ice retreat observed on Signy Island during the last 40 yrs. Similar reconstruction models using these simple sedimentary measures could be developed for analogous locations in the Antarctic and in Arctic and Alpine regions.  相似文献   
左潇懿  程亮  楚森森  吴洁  张雪东 《热带地理》2022,42(7):1138-1147
为保障船舶海上航行安全,结合GIS与模糊层次分析法,从海上搜救的自然环境和人文搜救力量2个方面选取9个因子建立海上搜救困难性评价模型,对南海海上搜救困难性进行评价。结果表明:1)自然环境影响下,南海海域搜救困难性具有“V”字形分布的特点,由东北向西南难度等级逐渐降低。2)在人文搜救力量影响下,南海海域的搜救困难性整体呈“东北-西南条带式”,难度最大的区域主要位于南海东北―西南的连线上,呈不规则环状向连线两侧递减。3)综合两方面因素,南海部分岛屿周围搜救难度偏高,主要受台风等恶劣天气及远离搜救基地的影响,而远海海域搜救难度在整体上为“东北-西南递减式”空间分布格局,最高和较高的区域由研究区东北延伸至西南,然后向西北、东南两侧递减。总体而言,南海研究区中近21.1%的海域搜救难度≥7级,仍需加强对搜救力量的部署与建设。  相似文献   
孙承晟 《地质论评》2021,67(5):67060015-67060015
晚清随着中国国门洞开,西方学者、传教士、商人、探险家以“科学无国界”的旗号,将中国视为一个巨大的“露天博物馆”,纷纷来华进行各种科学考察。其中比较著名的如庞佩利、李希霍芬、塞切尼、奥勃鲁切夫、维理士、安得思以及斯文·赫定等,在中国先后组织了多次系统的考察,在地质学等领域取得了许多影响深远的成果。这些考察不仅丰富了西方地质学家对中国地质的认识,对之后的中国学者也颇多裨益。民国以后,西人的考察活动激起了中国学者的民族主义反弹,不断遭遇中国学者的主权诉求,尤其是斯文·赫定组织的西北考察成为其中的一个标志性事件。在民间团体的努力下,政府对外国人在中国的考察活动逐渐作出了明确的法律限制,中国学者亦自发开展独立的地质学考察和研究。  相似文献   
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