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地热田的形成往往与地质构造有着千丝万缕的联系,神堂沟即是如此。笔者从地温场及水化学场的演变出发,揭示了地质构造F1断层、Fa边山断裂带及冶峪向斜的控温作用,它们共同贡献形成的集水“凹槽”是热水田存在的主导因素,而上覆第四系黄土盖层的保温隔热性能为其提供了保证,使神堂沟地热田在众多的边山断裂热水点中脱颖而出。  相似文献   
Within a wave-exposed mangrove forest, novel field observations are presented, comparing millimeter-scale turbulent water velocity fluctuations with contemporaneous subtidal bed elevation changes. High-resolution velocity and bed level measurements were collected from the unvegetated mudflat, at the mangrove forest fringe, and within the forest interior over multiple tidal cycles (flood–ebb) during a 2-week period. Measurements demonstrated that the spatial variability in vegetation density is a control on sediment transport at sub-meter scales. Scour around single and dense clusters of pneumatophores was predicted by a standard hydraulic engineering equation for wave-induced scour around regular cylinders, when the cylinder diameter in the equations was replaced with the representative diameter of the dense pneumatophore clusters. Waves were dissipated as they propagated into the forest, but dissipation at infragravity periods (> 30 s) was observed to be less than dissipation at shorter periods (< 30 s), consistent with the predictions of a simple model. Cross-wavelet analysis revealed that infragravity-frequency fluctuations in the bed level were occasionally coherent with velocity, possibly indicating scour upstream of dense pneumatophore patches when infragravity waves reinforced tidal currents. Consequently, infragravity waves were a likely driver of sediment transport within the mangrove forest. Near-bed turbulent kinetic energy, estimated from the turbulent dissipation rate, was also correlated with bed level changes. Specifically, within the mangrove forest and over the unvegetated mudflat, high-energy events were associated with erosion or near-zero bed level change, whereas low-energy events were associated with accretion. In contrast, no single relationship between bed level changes and mean current velocity was applicable across both vegetated and unvegetated regions. These observations support the theory that sediment mobilization scales with turbulent energy, rather than mean velocity, a distinction that becomes important when vegetation controls the development of turbulence.  相似文献   
颗石藻与海洋、环境关系之探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
笔者在20年的研究中相继发现,自中元古代和古生代以来海相钙质超微浮游生物-颗石藻的新属种达180余种,通过对颗石藻在海洋中分布状态与固碳特征的研究,证明颗石藻乃是海洋中重要的基础生产者,它和海洋碳酸盐及相关生物存在着密切的关系,其能借助光合作用,吸收海水中的CO2,而释放出氧气.对减少全球温室效应与保护地球生态环境平衡,有相当重要的贡献。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地北部油气运移二维二相数值模拟分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
范土芝  刘鹏生 《地球科学》1995,20(3):322-327
油气运移和聚集过程实际上是油(气)水饱和度知疏导层的变化过程,盆地中油(气)二相流动问题的研究就是对这一过程的定量描述,本项研究是在前人工作基础上,考察压实作用造成骨架变形来推导新的二维二相流动方程,它容描述异常压力演化与二相流动于一式,在模拟方法上采用有限分析的数值方法,这应用于新疆塔里木盆地北部地区,展示了该区异常压力、含水饱和度弥散状扩散效应以及流速场在地质历史时期动态模拟演化特征;指出了该  相似文献   
The c. 700 m thick succession of continental–brackish‐marine deposits forming the Lourinhã Formation, cropping out along the coast of western Portugal between Baleal and Santa Cruz, has been correlated using laterally persistent shelly marker beds. Three shelly units record the episodic establishment of relatively short‐lived, brackish‐marine embayments, transgressing from the southwest, onto a low‐lying coastal plain. The succession displays systematic changes in facies types and stacking patterns reflecting differences in fluvial style, bedload character and palaeontological content. Based on these observations, four new members for the Lourinhã Formation are proposed: the Sáo Bernardino, Porto de Barças, Areia Branca and Ferrel members. New biostratigraphical data indicate that the Lourinhã Formation is Late Kimmeridgian to earliest Early Tithonian in age. This age has also been obtained from the underlying mixed carbonate and clastic deposits of the Abadia Formation at Consolação. As a result, these latter sediments are now re‐assigned to the Alcobaça Formation, a lithostratigraphical term currently in use in other areas of the Lusitanian Basin. Improved regional mapping of the Lourinhã Formation has established a new sub‐basin within the western parts of the Lusitanian Basin. This sub‐basin, now named the Consolação Sub‐basin, is bounded to the east by the Lourinhã–Caldas de Rainha (L–C) fault zone and to the west by the Berlengas Horst. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We present an alternative scheme for implementing the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate and preparing multiqubit entanglement by using a frequency-modulated laser field to simultaneously illuminate all ions. Selecting the index of modulation yields selective mechanisms for coupling and decoupling between the internal and the external states of the ions. By the selective mechanisms, we obtain the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate, multiparticle Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger states and highly entangled cluster states. Our scheme is insensitive to the thermal motion of the ions.  相似文献   
分析嘉山地震台自2007年运行以来的大地电场观测资料,并对数据的变化特征进行研究,总结分析部分干扰引起的电场变化的曲线特征,给出不同影响因素导致的曲线异常变化情况,为大地电场干扰排除提供依据.  相似文献   
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