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A total of 317 yeast isolates from seawater,sediments,mud of salterns,guts of marine fishes and marine algae wereobtained.The results of routine identification and molecular characterization showed that six isolates among these marine yeastsbelonged to Candida genus as Candida interrnedia for YA01a,Candida parapsilosis for 3eA2,Candida quercitrusa for JHSb,Can-die rugosa for wl8,Candida zeylanoides for TJY13a,and Candida membranifaciens for W14-3.Isolates YA01a (Candida interme-die),wl8 (Candida rugosa),3eA2 (Candida parapsilosis),and JHSb (Candida quercitrusa) were found producing cell-bound lipase,while isolate W14-3 (Candida membranifaciens) producing riboflavin.These marine yeast Candida spp.Seem to have wide potentialapplications in biotechnology.  相似文献   
海洋新型纤维增强热塑性立管因其可盘卷、耐腐蚀、耐疲劳和轻质化等优点,在深水油气开发中应用前景十分广阔。热塑性立管具有复合材料的各向异性、受力耦合效应及复杂的本构关系,且承受浮体运动和复杂海洋环境载荷,其失效模式尚未明确。针对轴对称载荷作用下纤维增强热塑性立管极限承载力问题,进行热塑性管稳态热传导和热应力的理论推导,求解了稳态温度和应力分布,首次给出了在任意温度载荷作用下管体径向位移的解析解,并直接求解其径向、轴向、环向和剪切应力。采用各向同性层Von Mises和各向异性层最大应力(Max Stress)准则或Tsai-Hill准则判定热塑性管的失效,基于应力分布、失效准则和二分法计算了热塑性管的极限载荷。温度载荷、纤维铺设角度和径厚比对管道的应力分布影响显著。不同温度载荷会改变失效指数沿径向的变化趋势,增大轴向拉力将增大热塑性管的失效指数,选用不同的失效准则在管体失效判定上存在一定的差异。热塑性管温度越低、纤维铺设角越小及径厚比越大,管道对轴向拉伸载荷的承载能力越强。  相似文献   
针对海洋测绘实践教学中,水深测量实习受场地、经费和安全因素影响大,难以开展的问题,设计并实现了模拟水深测量实习。该模拟实习能较为真实地模拟了水深测量的主要步骤,易于开展和推广。  相似文献   
针对在恶劣观测环境下每个GNSS系统只观测到较少的几颗卫星,采用标准双差模型很难实现整周模糊度固定的问题,该文对GPS/BDS系统间混合双差模型进行研究,利用该模型计算出GPS/BDS系统偏差。在此基础上,利用实验分别对模拟和真实恶劣观测环境下的模糊度固定性能进行分析,实验结果表明,恶劣环境下GPS/BDS系统间混合双差模型表现良好,相较于经典的双差模型可将模糊度固定平均所需时间分别缩短43%和33%,模糊度固定成功率分别提高107%和31%。  相似文献   
In a global context of promotion and expansion of blue growth initiatives, the development of activities such as aquaculture calls for the assessment of the potential impacts on biodiversity at different levels and associated services. This paper presents an assessment of the potential impact of the installation of seaweed farms on ecosystem services and the induced compensation costs. Biophysical and socioeconomic indicators have been developed for helping decision makers to select the most suitable locations. The approach considers a multi-criteria approach based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Habitat Equivalency Analysis (HEA). The former is used to obtain biophysical ecosystem services and socioeconomic indicators and the latter to evaluate the costs required to compensate the loss of cultural and provisioning ecosystem services. A case-study in the Normand-Breton (Saint Malo) Gulf, France, illustrates this method through the analysis of hypothetical locations of seaweed farms. Results highlight the differences between alternative locations regarding biophysical constraints (in terms of distance and depth), potential risks of conflicts with existing uses, impacts on habitats and the ecosystem services delivered, and compensation costs. This case-study illustrates the flexibility of this approach which can be further adapted to include other indicators in order to deliver integrated information to coastal planners.  相似文献   
楚雄盆地为中生代形成的典型前陆盆地。三叠纪是其形成的主体阶段和盆山转换的重要时期,也是由海相向陆相沉积环境的转折期,同时上三叠统是楚雄盆地最重要的油气资源层系。通过对楚雄盆地上三叠统进行系统的沉积学、层序地层学和波动地质学分析,在上三叠统识别出3个三级层序,建立了层序地层格架和高频波动曲线。对层序地层格架内的碳、氧同位素和微量元素的特征进行分析,发现楚雄盆地晚三叠世诺利晚期—瑞替期沉积具有海相沉积环境的地球化学特征,同时综合多学科的研究成果,指出楚雄盆地该时期为一与海域相接的近海湖盆,并受到间歇性海侵的影响。而海相烃源岩与陆相烃源岩在生烃能力、分布规律等方面均具有较大的差异。因此,这一认识对于重新评价楚雄盆地晚三叠世烃源岩具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Under seismic loading, the soil layer is subjected to multidirectional cyclic shear stress with different amplitudes and frequencies because of the coupling of multiple shear waves and the soil element within a slope or behind a retaining wall is subjected to initial static shear stress before subjected to cyclic loading. Due to the complexity of seismic loading propagation, a phase difference exists between the initial static shear stress and cyclic shear stress. To investigate the influence of the phase difference and initial static shear stress on cyclic shear strain, cyclic modulus, and cyclic strength, a series of laboratory tests are performed on Wenzhou marine soft clay by multi-directional simple shear system, which can simulate the actual state better by controlling the horizontal cyclic stress in the x and y directions simultaneously. As the phase difference varies from 0° to 90°, the dynamic shear modulus increases and cyclic strain accumulation decreases with an increasing number of cycles. The shear strain increases with the initial shear stress.  相似文献   
黄河入海口径流量和输沙量对黄河三角洲生态环境的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪后期黄河入海口的径流量减少和多次断流。这对流域下游地区的经济发展、尤其是农业产生明显影响。特别应注意的是,与径流量减少的同时,输沙量也明显减少,致使20世纪90年代以来入海口造陆面积锐减,在1996年和1997年甚至造陆停滞、出现海侵。黄河入海口的径流量、输沙量减少可能引发的一系列生态环境问题中,造陆面积的减少和海水的侵入可能关系到黄河三角洲的经济发展前途,近期则危及胜利油田的安全,应引起有关部门的关注。文中还探讨了用地球物理测井方法检测生态环境的变化。  相似文献   
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