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王典  李鹏  单玄龙  鹿琪  刘洋  于涵 《地球物理学报》2019,62(3):1129-1138


根据对下关温泉1992年8个水化观测项目主成分进行的分析及影响因素的研究,发现氡和气压、水温和PH值、氩和氮、二氧化碳分别构成独立性较强的4个主成分.气压和流量是化学组分的主要影响因素  相似文献   
本文利用区域海气耦合模式FROALS(Flexible Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System)对西北太平洋地区1984-2007年连续积分结果,对比SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)同化资料讨论了西北太平洋海表温度和表层洋流的气候态及年际变率。结果表明,FROALS基本能够再现冬、夏季季节平均的海温型,但均存在一个明显的冷偏差;FROALS对气候平均态的表层洋流有较高的模拟技巧,对于冬、夏季的表层洋流型都能够再现。另外,表层洋流的模拟偏差与海表高度的模拟偏差直接相关。由于模式模拟的黑潮热输送较观测偏强,使得模式模拟的海洋热输送倾向于使黑潮路径上的海温呈现正偏差。从表层洋流的年际变率来看,模式模拟的与ENSO(El Nio-South Oscillation)相联系的年际变率信号与观测相似:在El Nio年,北赤道流和棉兰老流增强,低纬度西太平洋海表高度降低,而在La Nia年则呈现出相反的形态,但是在模式中这种信号稍强于观测。  相似文献   
Based on the monthly NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, OLR (outgoing longwave radiation) data, and tropical cyclone data from the Typhoon Annual and Tropical Cyclone Annual edited by China Meteorological Administration, the relationship between the number of tropical cyclones (with the strongest wind ≥17 m s-1, including tropical storm, strong tropical storm, and typhoon, simply called typhoon in this paper)engendered over the Northwest Pacific and South China Sea in summer and the associated climate conditions is studied. First, the characteristics and di?erences of the climatic conditions between the years with more typhoons and those with fewer typhoons are compared. The results show that the summer typhoon has a close relationship with SST (sea surface temperature) and ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone) anomalies in the preceding winter and spring. With a La Niena like SST anomaly (SSTA) pattern in the preceding winter and spring, the ITCZ will move northwestward and be enhanced around 160°E in the equatorial central Pacific from the preceding winter to spring.The activity of the Pacific ITCZ is in general stronger and its location is more northward than usual, especially in the typhoon genesis region in West Pacific. This background is propitious to have more typhoons in summer. On the other hand, an El Nieno like SSTA pattern in the preceding winter will be companied with weaker ITCZ activities, and its location is more southward over the equatorial western Pacific from the preceding winter to spring; this background is propitious to have fewer typhoons in summer. In the year with more typhoons, the warm SST over West Pacific in the preceding winter provides a favorable condition for typhoon fromation in the following summer. It enhances the convergence in the troposphere and increases the water vapor supply to the warm SST region. In the following spring, the perturbation of the tropical ITCZ plays a more important role.When the ITCZ moves northward in spring, anomalous convergence will appear over the warm SST region and inspire the positive feedback between the large-scale moisture flux at low levels and the latent heat release in the atmosphere, which benefits the typhoon genesis in summer. Otherwise, if cold SST maintains over the northwestern Pacific during the preceding winter and spring, the convergence in the troposphere is disfavored and the water vapor supply to the cold SST region is reduced, which will bring about weaker ITCZ activities and the perturbation is lacking in the following spring. It then results in fewer summer typhoons.  相似文献   
The role of the Indonesian Throughflow(ITF) in the influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) on ENSO is investigated using version 2 of the Parallel Ocean Program(POP2) ocean general circulation model. We demonstrate the results through sensitivity experiments on both positive and negative IOD events from observations and coupled general circulation model simulations. By shutting down the atmospheric bridge while maintaining the tropical oceanic channel, the IOD forcing is shown to influence the ENSO event in the following year, and the role of the ITF is emphasized. During positive IOD events,negative sea surface height anomalies(SSHAs) occur in the eastern Indian Ocean, indicating the existence of upwelling.These upwelling anomalies pass through the Indonesian seas and enter the western tropical Pacific, resulting in cold anomalies there. These cold temperature anomalies further propagate to the eastern equatorial Pacific, and ultimately induce a La Nia-like mode in the following year. In contrast, during negative IOD events, positive SSHAs are established in the eastern Indian Ocean, leading to downwelling anomalies that can also propagate into the subsurface of the western Pacific Ocean and travel further eastward. These downwelling anomalies induce negative ITF transport anomalies, and an El Nio-like mode in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that persists into the following year. The effects of negative and positive IOD events on ENSO via the ITF are symmetric. Finally, we also estimate the contribution of IOD forcing in explaining the Pacific variability associated with ENSO via ITF.  相似文献   
By using the observed monthly mean data over 160 stations of China and NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data, the generalized equilibrium feedback assessment(GEFA) method, combined with the methods of EOF analysis, correlation and composite analysis, is used to explore the influence of different SST modes on a wintertime air temperature pattern in which it is cold in the northeast and warm in the southwest in China. The results show that the 2009/2010 winter air temperature oscillation mode between the northern and southern part of China is closely related to the corresponding sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA) and its associated atmospheric circulation anomalies. Exhibiting warming in Northeast China and cooling in Southwest China, the mode is significantly forced by the El Nio mode and the North Atlantic SSTA mode, which have three poles. Under the influence of SSTA modes, the surface northerly flow transported cold air to North and Northeast China, resulting in low temperatures in the regions. Meanwhile, the mid-latitude westerlies intensify and the polar cold air stays in high latitudes and cannot affect the Southwest China, resulting in the warming there.  相似文献   
研究海洋的波候变化是了解海洋动力过程对气候变迁响应的关键。渤海所处特殊的地理位置,使其波候在长期风场变化影响下存在阶段性变化特征。文章采用1950~2011年NCEP再分析资料中的渤海海域10 m风场资料,利用SWAN模式模拟逐月渤海波浪的有效波高、波向、波周期,分析该海区波候的变化特征。分析结果显示:1950~2011年期间渤海海域的有效波高呈现下降的趋势;波向角度均呈现上升的趋势,波周期相对平稳,略有上升;有效波高平均下降0.3 cm/a,波向角度平均增加0.12°/a。有效波高在1968年前后显现突变点,波向角度约在1960年突变,波周期在1965年左右出现突变点。渤海波候变化与海气振荡密切相关,是大尺度的大气环流变异导致的结果,长期气候变化背景下,东亚环流天气系统的长期变化(包括东亚季风强度、夏季风北界的移动,西太平洋副热带高压面积与强度的变化、脊点位置西伸与北进,以及西风指数的强弱变化等),是影响和控制渤海海域波气长期变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对1948/1949-1999/2000共52个冬季的北太平洋上空中纬度阻塞异常的气修特征进行了统计分析,小波分析和功率谱分析结果表明该区域阻塞发生的频数具有很明显的3-7年的年际振荡和年代际变化特征。同时2-7年带通平均的小波方差谱分析结果表明阻塞的这种年际变化的振幅存在着缓慢下降的趋势,且气候突变在20世纪70年代,这进一步证明了北太平洋上空的阻塞活动具有年代际变化特征。对强阻塞异常的冬季和弱阻塞异常的冬季分别进行合成分析,结果表明,对于阻塞异常强的冬季,北太平洋西向东北方向加强并分裂成两个中心,而SST异常在中纬度太平洋则对应着典型的PDO型,在赤道地区则为类La Nina型的海温分布。而对于阻塞异常弱的冬季则对应截然不同甚至相反的分布特征,即500hPa高度异常场表现为符号相反的PNA型,风暴路径中心在日界线附近呈纬向型分布。同时SST异常在赤道地区则为典型的El Nino型的海温分布。以上结果揭示出北太平洋阻塞活动的年际变化可能主要与热带海温的遥响应相联系,而年代际变化则主要与中纬度局地的PDO型海温及其通过斜压瞬变波的海-气相互作用有关。  相似文献   
2007年,Ashok等揭示了赤道太平洋区域存在一种三极型分布海表温度异常并称之为厄尔尼诺-Modoki,同时定义了相应的海表温度异常指数EMI(记为IEM)。在此基础上,利用英国哈得来中心逐月海表温度资料、美国NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析数据集、美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)逐月降水资料(CMAP),通过在太平洋海表温度异常中扣除厄尔尼诺-Modoki信号后,在Nino1+2区域上定义了东太平洋型海表温度异常指数EPNI(IEPN)。据此,由IEPN和IEM可构成描述热带太平洋海表温度异常变化的一对指数。分析了两个指数相应的海气状态及对海洋性大陆区域气候异常的影响。结果表明,厄尔尼诺-Modoki和东太平洋型海表温度异常及其影响存在显著差异。在北半球夏季,当IEM处于正位相时,热带太平洋海表温度异常呈现“负-正-负”的结构,海洋性大陆大部分区域海表温度异常为负,此时对流层低层太平洋地区辐合,海洋性大陆地区辐散,对流层高层太平洋地区辐散,海洋性大陆地区辐合。对应于辐合辐散中心,存在着自赤道中太平洋分别向赤道东太平洋和海洋性大陆中东部地区的异常垂直环流圈,同时也存在自海洋性大陆西部向印度洋西部的垂直环流。大气在海洋性大陆区域北部加热,南部冷却;在太平洋地区西部加热而东部冷却;在海洋性大陆区域10°N以南降水偏少,而10°N以北降水偏多。当IEPN处于正位相时,热带太平洋海表温度异常呈现“西负东正”分布型,海洋性大陆区域海表温度异常呈现“西正东负”分布,对流层低层海洋性大陆地区辐散中心范围偏大、位置偏东、强度偏强,太平洋地区辐合中心范围偏小、位置偏东,热带环流异常在垂直方向上呈斜压结构,海洋性大陆区域北部大气加热而南部冷却,太平洋地区大气均呈加热正异常,海洋性大陆大部分区域降水均偏少,赤道太平洋降水偏多。以上这些结果有利于深刻理解热带太平洋海表温度异常的特征及其对海洋性大陆区域气候的影响。   相似文献   
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