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The viable heterotrophic bacteria of Lake Grasmere in inland Canterbury (43° 05 S, 171° 45 E) were studied. Numbers of bacteria in water above a spring were positively correlated with rainfall in the 7 days before sampling, but bacteria in open water and from over the macrophyte Elodea canadensis were not. There was some increase in the bacterial population in the water over E. canadensis in the autumn to winter months. Numbers of bacteria in the open water ranged from 55 to 1020 cells per millilitre, and were outnumbered by algae by a factor of between 4 and 34. The bacterial population tended to increase after blooms of zooplankton, but there was little or no response to changes in phytoplankton populations. Benthic bacteria rarely increased in numbers after the deposition of organic matter.  相似文献   
The mud whelk Cominella glandiformis (Reeve, 1874) was observed on a tidal flat “floating” upside down beneath the water surface. Study in the laboratory showed that, when C. glandiformis is “floating”, the foot is distended with blood to approximately twice its normal surface area. In the laboratory C. glandiformis “floated” only during daylight hours, and the incidence of “floating” increased markedly as specimens became more overcrowded. Possibly “floating” is a rapid dispersal mechanism in response to overcrowding; it may also assist respiration in the event of overcrowding producing anaerobic conditions. Its occurrence only during daylight hours suggests that a reaction to light may also be involved.  相似文献   
We study the impact of possible spiral-arm distributions of Galactic cosmic-ray sources on the flux of various cosmic-ray nuclei throughout our Galaxy. We investigate model cosmic-ray spectra at the nominal position of the sun and at different positions within the Galaxy. The modelling is performed using the recently introduced numerical cosmic ray propagation code Picard. Assuming non-axisymmetric cosmic-ray source distributions yields new insights on the behaviour of primary versus secondary nuclei.We find that primary cosmic rays are more strongly confined to the vicinity of the sources, while the distribution of secondary cosmic rays is much more homogeneous compared to the primaries. This leads to stronger spatial variation in secondary to primary ratios when compared to axisymmetric source distribution models. A good fit to the cosmic-ray data at Earth can be accomplished in different spiral-arm models, although leading to decisively different spatial distributions of the cosmic-ray flux. These lead to different cosmic ray anisotropies, where even reproducing the data becomes possible. Consequently, we advocate directions to seek best fit propagation parameters that take into account the higher complexity introduced by the spiral-arm structure on the cosmic-ray distribution. We specifically investigate whether the flux at Earth is representative for a large fraction of the Galaxy. The variance among possible spiral-arm models allows us to quantify the spatial variation of the cosmic-ray flux within the Galaxy in presence of non-axisymmetric source distributions.  相似文献   
Assuming an intrinsic ‘Band’ shape spectrum and an intrinsic energy‐independent emission profile we have investigated the connection between the evolution of the rest‐frame spectral parameters and the spectral lags measured in gamma‐ray burst (GRB) pulses by using a pulse model. We first focus our attention on the evolution of the peak energy, E0,p, and neglect the effect of the curvature effect. It is found that the evolution of E0,p alone can produce the observed lags. When E0,p varies from hard to soft only the positive lags can be observed. The negative lags would occur in the case of E0,p varying from soft to hard. When the evolution of E0,p and the low‐energy spectral index α0 varying from soft to hard then to soft we can find the aforesaid two sorts of lags. We then examine the combined case of the spectral evolution and the curvature effect of fireball and find the observed spectral lags would increase. A sample including 15 single pulses whose spectral evolution follows hard to soft has been investigated. All the lags of these pulses are positive, which is in good agreement with our theoretical predictions. Our analysis shows that only the intrinsic spectral evolution can produce the spectral lags and the observed lags should be contributed by the intrinsic spectral evolution and the curvature effect. But it is still unclear what cause the spectral evolution (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The spectra of the host galaxies of gamma‐ray bursts at low redshift generally show strong hydrogen lines of the Balmer, Paschen and Brackett series, in addition to strong nebular metal lines. In special cases the hosts can be resolved in separate star forming regions, and spatially resolved spectroscopy can be obtained. Generally, the three strongest Balmer lines are used to derive the reddening experienced by the emission lines of the host gas, assuming a Milky Way extinction curve, case B recombination and a fixed electron temperature. We demonstrate how the wide wavelength range of X‐shooter, in combination with a rigorous calibration strategy, can be used to fit explicitly for RV, Te, and AV simultaneously using a large number of H and He I recombination lines, explicitly corrected for stellar atmosphere absorption. This increases our understanding of extinction and absorption in starforming regions in GRB hosts. We use two GRB hosts as examples of the methods, outlining the advantages of using X‐shooter over other instruments (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Classical novae (CNe) have recently been reported to represent the major class of supersoft X‐ray sources (SSSs) in the central area of our neighbouring galaxy M 31. This paper presents a review of results from recent X‐ray observations of M 31 with XMM‐Newton and Chandra. We carried out a dedicated optical and X‐ray monitoring program of CNe and SSSs in the central area ofM 31. We discovered the first SSSs in M 31 globular clusters (GCs) and their connection to the very first discovered CN in a M 31 GC. This result may have an impact on the CN rate in GCs. Furthermore, in our optical and X‐ray monitoring data we discovered the CN M3 1N 2007‐11a, which shows a very short SSS phase of 29–52 days. Short SSS states (durations ≤ 100 days) of CNe indicate massive white dwarfs (WDs) that are candidate progenitors of supernovae type Ia. In the case of M31N 2007‐11a, the optical and X‐ray light curves suggest a binary containing a WD with MWD > 1.0 M. Finally, we present the discovery of the SSS counterpart of the CN M31N 2006‐04a. The X‐ray light curve of M31N 2006‐04a shows short‐time variability, which might indicate an orbital period of about 2 hours (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We review results of Suzaku observations of the intracluster medium of clusters of galaxies whose O, Mg, Si, S and Fe abundances have been measured with good accuracy due to the good energy resolution and low background. Metal massto‐light ratios were derived and we will discuss the origin of the metals. We also review the results of the search for bulk motion and hard X‐ray emission. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Known classes of radio wavelength transients range from the nearby stellar flares and radio pulsars to the distant Universe γ‐ray burst afterglows. Hypothesized classes of radio transients include analogs of known objects, e.g., extrasolar planets emitting Jovian‐like radio bursts and giant‐pulse emitting pulsars in other galaxies, to the exotic, prompt emission from γ‐ray bursts, evaporating black holes, and transmitters from other civilizations. A number of instruments and facilities are either under construction or in early observational stages and are slated to become available in the next few years. With a combination of wide fields of view and wavelength agility, the detection and study of radio transients will improve immensely. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
We collect the data of twin kilohertz quasi‐periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) published before 2012 from 26 neutron star (NS) low‐mass X‐ray binary (LMXB) sources, then we analyze the centroid frequency (ν) distribution of twin kHz QPOs (lower frequency ν1 and upper frequency ν2) both for Atoll and Z sources. For the data without shift‐and‐add, we find that Atoll and Z sources show different distributions of ν1, ν2 and ν2/ν1, but the same distribution of Δν (difference of twin kHz QPOs), which indicates that twin kHz QPOs may share the common properties of LXMBs and have the same physical origins. The distribution of Δν is quite different from a constant value, so is ν 2/ν1 from a constant ratio. The weighted mean values and maxima of ν1 and ν2 in Atoll sources are slightly higher than those in Z sources. We also find that shift‐and‐add technique can reconstruct the distributions of ν1 and Δν. The K‐S test results of ν1 and Δν between Atoll and Z sources from data with shift‐and‐add are quite different from those without it, and we think that this may be caused by the selection biases of the sample. We also study the properties of the quality factor (Q) and the root‐meansquared (rms) amplitude of 4U 0614+09 with data from the two observational methods, but the errors are too big to make a robust conclusion. The NS spin frequency (νs) distribution of 28 NS‐LMXBs show a bigger mean value (∼408 Hz) than that (∼281 Hz) of the radio binary millisecond pulsars (MSPs), which may be due to the lack of the spin detections from Z sources (systematically lower than 281 Hz). Furthermore, on the relations between the kHz QPOs and NS spin frequency νs, we find the approximate correlations of the mean values of Δν with NS spin and its half, respectively. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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