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开展近岸海域大型底栖动物多样性调查和生态质量评价对于指导海洋生态环境保护修复具有重要意义。本研究以广东省大亚湾为研究区域,于2022年8月进行大型底栖动物和环境因子调查,利用生物指数AMBI和M-AMBI对大亚湾底栖动物群落健康状况和生态质量状况进行评价。本研究共采集到大型底栖动物69种,环节动物为优势类群,主要优势种为多鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtys polybranchia)、细丝鳃虫(Cirratulus filiformis)和奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospio pinnata),与历史资料对比研究表明,近40年来,大亚湾大型底栖动物物种组成已经发生显著变化。典范对应分析表明,亚硝酸-氮(NO2-N)和硝酸-氮(NO3-N)是影响大型底栖动物群落丰度的主要环境因子,表明含氮营养盐已经对大亚湾大型底栖动物群落产生负面影响。生物指数评价结果表明,大亚湾底栖生境处于“未扰动”或“轻度扰动”状态,生态质量处于“好”或“一般”状态。  相似文献   
李新正  董栋  寇琦  杨梅  龚琳  隋吉星 《海洋学报》2019,41(10):169-181
综述了国内外深海大型底栖生物多样性、生态学领域的研究进展情况,重点论述了中国在深海热液、冷泉、海山、深渊及鲸尸等特殊环境的考察、研究进展情况,并对中国将来的研究趋势和发展方向做了梳理和展望。  相似文献   
黄河口海域调水调沙期间大型底栖生物群落特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河口海域大型底栖生物群落结构受到包括自然和人为在内的诸多因子的影响,本次研究以2011年调水调沙活动对该海域大型底栖生物群落结构的影响研究为主,分析其短期内群落结构的变化。调水调沙前、中、后期均采用同样的站位取样,分别为1~18号站位,按照距离黄河入海口的距离分为4个梯级,为5、10、20和40km。研究结果显示:调水调沙前、中、后期分别渔获大型底栖生物73,72和85种,重要种的数量分别为13,1和16种;所有种类可以统计为4个门类,为环节动物、软体动物、节肢动物和棘皮动物,其中,环节动物和软体动物占比重最大,而1982年其他学者对莱州湾大型底栖生物的研究显示,棘皮动物和环节动物占比重最大,这表明近30年该海域大型底栖生物的群落结构产生较大变化;BOPA指数显示,前期各站位水质较高,中期和后期分别有2,3个站位受到中等程度污染;ABC曲线分析说明,调水调沙中、后期,大型底栖生物群落受扰动较大;群落聚类分析和冗余分析(RDA)表明,大型底栖生物群落结构与环境因子关系密切,其中,调水调沙中期有机物对群落结构的影响最大,而后期的较大影响因子为水深。环境因子并不是单一作用于生物群落,而是几个环境因子共同作用,包括有机物、硫化物、重金属Hg和As等;不同环境因子造成群落结构变动的原因较多,其一可能是海水透明度的下降造成大型底栖生物的生长和繁殖受阻。本次研究重点表明,人类多元活动从短期和长期看对大型底栖生物的群落结构变动影响均较大,调水调沙活动对黄河口海域大型底栖生物的栖息地作用明显,改变其水温、盐度、群落扰动等。因此,应当加强对该海域入海陆源污染物的控制,加强对海洋生态平衡的保护。  相似文献   
射阳河口互花米草入侵对大型底栖动物群落的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年11月至2009年10月,在盐城自然保护区射阳河口滩涂分别于潮间带、潮上带和潮沟中设置互花米草区与非米草区2类对照样地(共6类生境),按月份取样来研究大型底栖动物群落特征的差异,探讨互花米草入侵对底栖动物的影响。共发现大型底栖动物22种,隶属3门4纲17科,其中软体动物13种,节肢动物6种,环节动物3种。米草区和非米草区的物种组成不同,各生境在不同月份大型底栖动物的物种数、密度、生物量和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均在不断波动,在潮间带上述指标均为In>Ig,潮上带除密度外均为Sn>Sg,潮沟边滩除个别月份外均为Cg>Cn;3类互花米草生境中大型底栖动物群落各项指标月间变动趋势基本一致(仅个别月份例外),均表现为Cg>Sg>Ig,互花米草生境存在共同的优势种,但数量有一定的差异。分别对潮间带、潮上带和潮沟中互花米草区与非米草区2类对照样地的物种数、密度、生物量以及Shannon-Weiner多样性指数H’进行生境-月份间无重复双因素方差分析,结果显示潮间带2类对照样地各项指标在生境间差异均极显著,月份间差异均不显著;潮上带2类对照样地各项指标生境间存在极其显著的差异(除密度外),月份间差异显著(除多样性外);潮沟2类对照样地生境间差异显著(除生物量外),月份间差异均显著。研究结果表明不同生境中的互花米草对底栖动物的影响不甚相同:潮间带互花米草的入侵降低了大型底栖动物的物种数、密度、生物量和多样性;潮沟米草的入侵提高了大型底栖动物的物种数、密度和多样性;而潮上带米草入侵对大型底栖动物的各指标影响不一。  相似文献   
The taxonomic sufficiency approach has been proposed as a surrogate for the typical analysis of speciesabundance data, especially in conditions involving prominent pollution gradients. Here, we evaluate the use of taxonomic sufficiency with infralittoral macrobenthic data derived from samples taken in a moderate polluted subtropical environment in southeastern Brazil, analysing five taxonomic levels and including two functional levels throughout polychaete feeding guilds and trophic groups. The data were collected seasonally at nine stations and studied for two abundance data series (0.5 and 1.0 mm sieve mesh-size). The results showed a similar ordination pattern between the two sieve mesh-size, but with the 0.5 mm sieve data a different pattern was observed during austral summer. A slight loss of information was detected using genus, family, polychaete species and their feeding guilds as taxonomic/ functional units. These results together with those of the cost/ benefit ratio, suggested that the family level seemed to be sufficient to detect the impact caused by moderate pollution in this shallow-water, subtropical environment. In additional, through the use of feeding guilds, similar patterns are obtained. Correlation analysis showed that chlorophyll a, total organic matter, zinc, and chromium sediment content were the variables that best explained the biological pattern observed and not always the best correlation coefficient occurring at the species level. The feeding guild approach seems to be useful and generates interpretable results similar to those obtained with the species level of the whole macroinfauna. The results showed an important cost reduction in the sample processing, suggesting that it is possible to adopt a coarser taxonomic level monitoring program even in species-rich communities.  相似文献   
The south Brittany coast of France offers considerable opportunities to study the transition between estuaries and the sea. The sea coast is semi-enclosed, due to the local geomorphology, with sheltered conditions. The infaunal macrobenthic communities have been identified and characterized by species richness (S), abundance (A) and biomass (B), related to environmental factors. The spatial succession of infauna along the estuarine gradient shows the presence of an area with a much reduced fauna, and an oligobiotic area with low values of S, A and B. In these strongly stratified estuaries, concentration of organic matter and sediment can result in oxygen depletion, which is not favourable for survival of the infauna. The oligobiotic area seems to be related to the presence of the turbidity maximum, the location and importance of which are functions of river discharge and hydrodynamic mixing. The turbidity maximum which causes these conditions is shown to be at a higher salinity than has previously been described for this phenomenon, and is shown to break the spatial gradient of marine to brackish communities which has been described in larger estuaries.  相似文献   
2012年9月对辽东湾西部倾倒区海域的大型底栖动物进行了调查。调查海域共发现底栖动物54种,包括多毛类35种,甲壳类10种,软体动物6种,棘皮动物1种,其他2种。底栖动物丰度平均为1 140.8个/m2,生物量为11.02 g/m2,多样性指数平均为3.39。丰度、生物量比较结果显示,调查海域大型底栖动物群落受到中度干扰,调查海域底栖动物群落可分为以对照组为主的群落和倾倒区群落。海洋倾倒导致倾倒区内大型底栖动物的种类数量、丰度、生物量和多样性水平下降,群落特征种受倾倒的影响较明显。底栖动物与重金属含量之间无显著相关关系,掩埋是辽东湾西部倾倒活动主要的影响方式。  相似文献   
于2008年5月(枯水期)和8月(丰水期),分别对黄河入海口潮间带大型底栖动物进行了野外调查与研究。结果表明,底栖动物生物量平均为177.23±55.56 g.m-2,软体动物占据绝对优势;各潮带丰水期底栖动物生物量较枯水期增加,且低潮带>中潮带>高潮带。底栖动物栖息密度平均为573.07±125.60 m-2,软体动物栖占据绝对优势,丰水期底栖动物栖息密度较枯水期升高。四角蛤蜊(Mactra veneriformis)、泥螺(Bullacta exarata)、双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis)、彩虹明樱蛤(Moerella iridescens)、天津厚蟹(Helice tientsinensis)、青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)、豆形拳蟹(Philyra pisum)、光滑河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula laevis)、托氏昌螺(Umbonium thomasi)和短文蛤(Meretrix pethechialis)等种类的相对重要性指数值较高。  相似文献   
The relationship between spatial patterns of macrobenthos community characteristics and environmental conditions(salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, organic matter content, sand, silt and clay) was investigated throughout the Gorgan Bay in June 2010. Principal components analysis(PCA) based on environmental data separated eastern and western stations. The maximum(4500 ind./m2) and minimum(411 ind./m2) densities were observed at Stas 1 and 6, respectively. Polychaeta was the major group and Streblospio gynobranchiata was dominant species in the bay. According to Distance Based Linear Models results, macrofaunal total density was correlated with silt percentage and salinity and these two factors explaining 64% of the variability while macrofaunal community structure just correlated with salinity(22% total variation). In general, western part of the bay showed the highest number of species and biodiversity while, the highest density was found at Sta. 1 and in the middle part of the bay. Furthermore, relationship between diversity indices and macrobenthic species with measured factors is also discussed. Our results confirm the effect of salinity as an important factor on distribution of macrobenthic fauna in south Caspian brackish waters.  相似文献   
Studies on secondary production lead to a better understanding of the functions of the macrobenthic ecosystem.Based on the macrobenthic data obtained at 6 sampling stations from April 2006 to January 2007,Brey's(1990)empirical formula was applied to calculate the secondary production of macrobenthos in the mangrove area of Tong'an Bay.The results showed that the mean annual secondary production of macrobenthos was 13.24gAFDW.m-2·a-1 The mean secondary production in the mangrove habitat was 12.22gAFDW.m-2·a-1,lower than that in the non-mangrove habitat,which was 15.29gAFDW.m-2·a-1.Two possible reasons existed for this difference.First,mollusk and crustacean,which contribute more to the secondary production,probably benefit from longer inundation period in the non-mangrove habitat.Second,the higher organic matter in the mangrove habitat results in hypoxia in the bottom sediment,which may decrease the secondary production.The annual mean production-to-biomass(P/B)ratio in Tong'an Bay was 1.17,with a ratio of 1.27 in the mangrove habitat and 0.96 in the non-mangrove habitat,which was coincident with the much higher density of Limnodriloides sp.and Corophium sp.in the mangrove habitat than in the non-mangrove habitat.The maximum secondary production and P/B ratio of macrobenthos both appeared at sampling station FL2 in April,2006(namely April-FL2)with values of 31.38gAFDW.m-2·a-1 and 2.20,respectively.The macrobenthic secondary production in Tong'an Bay is lower than those in other intertidal studies except that in Haitan Strait,the reason being the different sediment properties.The P/B ratio in Tong'an Bay was the lowest due to the high proportion of crustaceans in the macrobenthic community.  相似文献   
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