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四川甲基卡矿田是中国乃至于世界上锂矿资源最集中的地区之一,目前运用遥感技术开展甲基卡型锂矿的研究工作尚较为薄弱,文章运用遥感技术在甲基卡特殊地貌区开展找矿填图应用研究,建立了研究区典型岩石及矿物的波谱数据库,总结了研究区黑云母片岩、十字石片岩、十字石堇青石片岩、角岩、二云母花岗岩、含锂辉石伟晶岩、无矿伟晶岩、石英脉、长石斑晶、锂辉石单晶、云母、绿柱石的波谱特征;之后分别基于中等分辨率遥感数据Landsat 8和高空间分辨率遥感数据Geoeye-1进行图像处理和信息提取,开展了地质填图应用初步研究。研究结果表明遥感技术作为一种新兴的技术手段,对甲基卡型锂矿的填图及找矿具有重要的指导意义,可以作为今后地质找矿工作的"先头兵"。  相似文献   
Abstract: Erlangshan Pluton from Urad Zhongqi, central Inner Mongolia, is located in the middle segment of the northern margin of the North China Plate. The rocks consist mainly of diorites with gneissic structure. Petrochemical characteristics reveal that the diorites belong to metaluminous, high-potassium calc-alkaline series, with chemical signatures of I-type granites. They are characterized by low SiO2 contents (56.63%–58.53%) and A/CNK (0.90–0.96), high Al2O3 contents (17.30%–17.96%) and Na2O/K2O ratios (1.20–1.70), enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE, e.g., Ba=556–915 ppm, Sr=463–595 ppm), and relative depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE, e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti) in primitive mantle-normalized spidergram, and right-declined rare earth element patterns with slightly negative Eu anomalies (d?Eu=0.72–0.90). They have Sr/Y ratios (20–25) evidently less than Kebu Pluton (49–75) to its east. Sensitive high resolution ion micro-probe U-Pb zircon dating of the diorites has yielded an intrusive age of 270±8?Ma. This leads us to conclude that Erlangshan diorites were formed by mixing between the middle or lower crustal-derived magma and minor mantle-derived mafic magma, followed by fractional crystallization, which was trigged by crustal extension and fault activity in post-collisional setting.  相似文献   
盐效应是个应用广泛的概念,在化学相关学科中存在不同释义。现在出现一些对盐效应概念的曲解外延,如在化学交叉学科中出现"正盐效应"的提法;也出现"盐效应有时又叫非共同离子效应"的提法。不是盐的酸、碱、有机物等也可作为盐析剂,许多超出盐效应概念界定范围的同质现象出现,反映盐效应有一定局限性。通过盐效应在国内发展途径与适用例的回顾与辨析,提议统一盐效应。  相似文献   
为了深入认识库米什盆地硝酸盐矿床成矿离子的空间分布特征、表层沉积物中硝酸盐含量较高的原因,以盆地硝酸盐矿床为研究对象,开展研究区内各类补给水样和沉积物样可溶性盐类物质化学组成的定量分析研究;结合野外地质踏勘工作,探讨研究区硝酸盐矿床成矿离子的迁移规律,初步建立盆地硝酸盐矿床沉积成矿作用模型.结果表明,K+、Na+、NO...  相似文献   
阐述了全站仪在日常工作中使用、保管以及全站仪电池充放电的注意事项。  相似文献   
复方化学消毒剂中苯扎氯铵的高效液相色谱测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了一种测定复方化学消毒剂中苯扎氯铵成分十二烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵、十四烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵和十六烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵的反相离子对高效液相色谱法。色谱柱为Platisil ODS(5μm,250 mm×4.6mm),流动相为甲醇-0.2 mol/L己烷磺酸钠(含1%三乙胺,V/V,用高氯酸调节至pH=6.0,体积比85∶15),紫外220 nm检测。用己烷磺酸钠作为离子对试剂,增强了苯扎氯铵成分的保留,三乙胺作为扫尾剂,通过抑制固定相表面残存的硅羟基对苯扎氯铵成分的吸附,减少了色谱峰拖尾。3种苯扎氯铵成分分离良好,标准曲线的线性范围分别为0.002~5 mg/mL、0.005~10 mg/mL和0.005~10 mg/mL,检测限分别为0.0005 mg/mL、0.001mg/mL和0.001 mg/mL。方法具有良好的准确度和精密度,在测定低浓度样品时优势明显。实际用于测定苯扎氯铵消毒液和医用消毒纸巾中3种苯扎氯铵成分的含量,回收率为99.3%~104.1%,日内和日间测定相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于2.0%。  相似文献   
In order to discuss the role and influence of water during the generation of natural gas, the participation mechanism of water during the evolution of organic matter and its influences were summarized. In addition, we carried out an anhydrous cracking experiment of oil extracted from the Feixianguan Formation source rock in a closed system, which led to the establishment of the kinetic models for describing carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during gas generation from organic matter. The models were calibrated and then applied to the northeastern Sichuan Basin. By combining a series of gas generation experiments from octadecane pyrolysis without water or with distilled water in varying mass proportions, several results were proved: (1) the hydrogen isotopic composition of natural gas becomes lighter with the participation of formation water; (2) we can quantitatively study the hydrogen isotopic fractionation with the kinetic model for describing carbon isotopic fractionation; (3) more abundant and reliable geological information can be obtained through the combined application of carbon and hydrogen isotopic indices.  相似文献   
摘 要:利用连续一年旌德县负氧离子监测数据,分别以兔儿山公园、路西村茶园代表城市公园、高山茶园这两种生态环境,对城市公园和高山茶园负氧离子浓度特征以及气象要素对负氧离子浓度影响进行比较分析。结果表明:①高山茶园负氧离子浓度显著高于城市公园;②负氧离子浓度夏季最高,冬季最低,春秋季次之,6月负氧离子浓度达全年最高;③负氧离子浓度日变化整体呈“一峰一谷”变化趋势,峰值出现在上午,谷值出现在正午前后,夜间至上午负氧离子浓度较高,城市公园负氧离子浓度日较差较高山茶园偏小;④负氧离子浓度日变化与气温、风速呈显著负相关;⑤负氧离子浓度雨天最高,晴天次之,阴天和多云相对较低,暴雨天气条件下大气负氧离子浓度显著提高。  相似文献   
A petrographic investigation revealed polyphase quartz cementation in the Finefrau Sandstone (Upper Carboniferous, Western Germany) and the Solling Sandstone (Lower Triassic, Central Germany). Three different cements could be distinguished in each sandstone based on their cathodoluminescence and trace element composition. The first quartz generation is suggested to have been formed during eogenesis due to dissolution and replacement of feldspar. The mesogenetic paragenesis comprises two generations of quartz and illite, which are accompanied by albite in the Solling Sandstone. Sharp luminescence zoning in quartz overgrowths points to distinct episodes of cementation in both sandstones. Significant amounts of Al, Li and H and traces of Ge and B have been detected in the quartz overgrowths. The Al‐content of the quartz cements in the Finefrau Sandstones exceeds that in the quartz cements in the Solling Sandstone by a factor of five. It is suggested that this compositional variation reflects the conditions in the pore‐water, such as temperature and pH. The Al‐concentration is generally correlated to the Li‐content with the exception of the latest quartz generation in the Finefrau Sandstones which is also most enriched in trace elements. The ratio of Li/Al varies between 0·11 and 0·25 in the two sandstones. The Li/H‐ratio, which ranges from 0·12 to 0·3, is controlled by the activity ratio of Li and H in the pore fluid. Clay minerals are the most important source for Li and high salinities favour the mobilization of Li during diagenesis. Thus, a relatively low salinity and low pH are responsible for the low Li/H‐ratio in the Finefrau Sandstone, while high salinity and neutral to alkaline pH results in a high Li/H‐ratio for the Solling Sandstone. The Ge‐contents are generally near the average of detrital quartz and indicate that pressure dissolution is a major source for quartz cementation. Different chemical compositions of distinct quartz generations indicate changes in the physico‐chemical conditions and point to mobilization of silica from different sources (for example, pressure solution and clay mineral transformations).  相似文献   
Electrokinetic flows include the migration of fluid, chemicals, fine particles, bacteria, and electrons through a soil–fluid–chemical system driven by an externally applied direct-current (d.c.) electric field. The promising potential of electrokinetic remediation of contaminated fine-grained soils has stimulated recent interest in the study of electrokinetic flow processes, in particular the impact of a prolonged application of a d.c. electric field on fine-grained soils. The results of a bench-scale laboratory experimental investigation on some of the fundamental aspects of prolonged electrokinetic flows in kaolinites, including gas generation rates at power electrodes, electrochemical behaviour of the soil–fluid–chemical system, time variation of electric current intensity flowing through the soil, pH gradient development in the soil, effects of reservoir chemistry on electro-osmotic fluid volume flow rate and flow direction through the soil, time variation of electro-osmotic volume flow rate, and energy requirements per unit volume of fluid transported, are presented in this paper. Effects of soil type and pore fluid chemistry on these aspects were also studied.  相似文献   
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