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深海采矿作为新领域资源重点开发项目,国外已开展部分试验研究,国内现阶段仅停留在重点设备部件级功能验证,还未开展过系统整体联动,距离海洋油气等正在进行的规模化商业开采还有很大距离.本文以深海采矿系统整体联动模型为基础,与海洋油气工程作业平台技术模型进行对比,对整体联动风险点进行深度分析,并根据重点风险部件开展其悬挂模式、...  相似文献   
基于总臭氧测绘光谱计TOMS和太阳向后紫外线散射仪SBUV结合得到的30年(1979-2008年)全球月平均臭氧总量资料,首先分析了近30年青藏高原(下称高原)上空臭氧总量的下降趋势,然后讨论了高原动力抬升作用对臭氧总量的影响,最后探讨了高原臭氧总量亏损与高原对流层顶高度的联系。结果表明,高原臭氧总量及其下降趋势均存在着明显的季节差异,与同纬度非高原区相比,高原地区各月的臭氧总量均偏低,特别是在3-9月臭氧亏损严重;近30年高原地区臭氧总量在各季节均呈现出下降趋势,除了秋季外,其下降幅度均超过同纬度其他地区;春、夏季高原动力抬升有利于对流层低浓度的臭氧含量向平流层输送,从而导致高原臭氧总量的减少。近30年春、夏季高原臭氧总量亏损与夏季高原第二对流层顶高度的抬升存在着密切关系。  相似文献   
地形影响下海河流域北系强降水成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用区域自动站观测和NCAR/NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,对比2012-2014年海河流域北系4次强降水过程成因,重点分析地形对强降水过程的影响。分析结果表明,4次强降水过程均属于低槽类暴雨,高空槽是影响流域北系强降水的主要影响系统,副热带高压、低层辐合系统对暴雨强度、位置及持续时间存在明显影响。此外,除能量及水汽的积聚外,地形对海河流域北系降水强度有明显增幅作用。风场与地形相配合的地形抬升是降雨增幅的动力因子。在水平方向上,呈"V"形分布的上升运动区,对应燕山山脉迎风坡坡度较大地区;在垂直方向上,地形强迫引起的低层上升运动中心与天气系统抬升引起的中高层上升运动中心逐渐合并加强。地形阻挡导致的水汽通量辐合也是迎风坡降雨增幅的重要因子,低层地形引起的水汽辐合明显强于中层天气系统引起的水汽辐合。  相似文献   
目前海洋平台日趋集成化、模块化,重量和体积都逐渐增大,使得适合安装大型组块的浮托安装法得到飞速发展。介绍荔湾3-1大型导管架平台浮托安装中使用的实测技术,对驳船的运动监测和海洋环境监测等测量数据进行分析,分析结果被应用于指导整个浮托安装过程,保证浮托安装符合安全施工标准。对浮托安装载荷转移阶段采用数值计算方法进行作业过程模拟,将计算结果与实测结果进行对比分析,两者具有较好的相似性。  相似文献   
锰结核泵是深海采矿扬矿系统中的关键设备,为了研究泵结核矿浆工作性能,在实验室构建了一套高30 m、内径204 mm,可提供最大管网阻力2.5 MPa的泵矿浆性能试验系统,采用不同模拟结核粒径进行了泵矿浆工作特性试验。试验结果表明,锰结核泵基本上达到了预期设计指标,分析了模拟结核粒径d≤50 mm矿浆回流试验泵流道堵塞的原因,初步讨论了锰结核泵的环形格栅通道和泵流道问题,可作为我国中试多级锰结核泵的设计依据。  相似文献   
On 21 July 2012, an extreme rainfall event that recorded a maximum rainfall amount over 24 hours of 460 mm, occurred in Beijing, China. Most operational models failed to predict such an extreme amount. In this study, a convective-permitting ensemble forecast system (CEFS), at 4-km grid spacing, covering the entire mainland of China, is applied to this extreme rainfall case. CEFS consists of 22 members and uses multiple physics parameterizations. For the event, the predicted maximum is 415 mm d-1 in the probability-matched ensemble mean. The predicted high-probability heavy rain region is located in southwest Beijing, as was observed. Ensemble-based verification scores are then investigated. For a small verification domain covering Beijing and its surrounding areas, the precipitation rank histogram of CEFS is much flatter than that of a reference global ensemble. CEFS has a lower (higher) Brier score and a higher resolution than the global ensemble for precipitation, indicating more reliable probabilistic forecasting by CEFS. Additionally, forecasts of different ensemble members are compared and discussed. Most of the extreme rainfall comes from convection in the warm sector east of an approaching cold front. A few members of CEFS successfully reproduce such precipitation, and orographic lift of highly moist low-level flows with a significantly southeasterly component is suggested to have played important roles in producing the initial convection. Comparisons between good and bad forecast members indicate a strong sensitivity of the extreme rainfall to the mesoscale environmental conditions, and, to less of an extent, the model physics.  相似文献   
The microstructure of a stably stratified boundary layer, with a significant low-level nocturnal jet, is investigated based on observations from the CASES-99 campaign in Kansas, U.S.A. The reported, high-resolution vertical profiles of the temperature, wind speed, wind direction, pressure, and the turbulent dissipation rate, were collected under nocturnal conditions on October 14, 1999, using the CIRES Tethered Lifting System. Two methods for evaluating instantaneous (1-sec) background profiles are applied to the raw data. The background potential temperature is calculated using the “bubble sort” algorithm to produce a monotonically increasing potential temperature with increasing height. Other scalar quantities are smoothed using a running vertical average. The behaviour of background flow, buoyant overturns, turbulent fluctuations, and their respective histograms are presented. Ratios of the considered length scales and the Ozmidov scale are nearly constant with height, a fact that can be applied in practice for estimating instantaneous profiles of the dissipation rate.  相似文献   
设计了基底均匀的水平砂层单测挤压砂箱模型,包括水平砂层上无砂丘以及砂丘分别位于距左侧活动挡板5 cm、10 cm、15 cm、20 cm、25 cm、30 cm时的7组实验,通过实验着重对水平砂层在受单侧挤压时不同位置砂丘对冲断带的影响问题进行研究。实验结果表明,砂丘在不同位置时,冲断带的形成规模、几何形状都发生相应变化:砂丘距左侧活动挡板10~25 cm时,冲起构造发育,且冲断带的构造特征明显;而砂丘距左铡活动档板5 cm、30 cm时不发育冲起构造,主要发育逆冲断层。  相似文献   
Long-term data sets are discussed for three locations – a southern North Sea location, where sea states are typically dominated by wind-sea conditions, a Northwest Shelf of Australia location, where sea states are often a mix of wind-sea and swell conditions, and a Guinea Gulf location offshore Nigeria, where sea states are dominated by swell. Various types of sea state statistics that have application to availability studies are presented; but databases of these type that also include wind and current data can also be used to estimate response parameters, which can give a more direct assessment of availability, and some example statistics of these are also given. Finally, the availability of offloading an FLNG barge to carrier is evaluated for each of the data sets, for specific operability criteria. Two types of operability criteria are used in the availability evaluations, and the results compared.  相似文献   
钻孔水力采矿技术作为一种新型非传统采矿方法,在开采易分散、疏松、多孔、弱胶结性等固体矿产时显示出独特的优点。基于钻孔水力采矿原理,主要对碎岩高压水枪工作原理和结构进行了研究,对矿浆举升系统等方面进行了优化设计,通过数值模拟分析和地表、孔内实物模型试验进行了设计验证,并研究了相应的钻孔水力采矿工艺,这些研究为未来深部固体矿产领域开发提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
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