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重金属铜污染植被的反射光谱特性会发生明显改变。在本研究中,采用不同程度的铜污染土壤作为培养基质,选择春小麦、上海青两种农作物进行铜胁迫实验,获取了4个不同生育期、10个不同铜污染强度下的植被叶片的反射光谱,并采用铜污染叶片7个特征波段和光谱角的方法研究了铜污染叶片的光谱特征。结果表明,铜污染叶片光谱差异与作物时期和作物类型有关,可以采用叶片光谱角描述铜污染叶片与健康叶片的光谱差异。该方法只需与阈值做简单的比较,方法简便易行,而且对轻度及重度铜污染十分敏感。叶片光谱辐射传输模型反演结果表明铜污染叶片内部结构参数N明显变大,这也证明了铜污染使叶片内部结构更加散乱无序。在此基础上进一步建立了N与红肩处反射率值的线性关系,相关系数为0.978。本文为铜污染叶片光谱反射模型的建立提供了初步的数据基础与理论支持。 相似文献
基于MODIS资料的贵州植被叶面积指数的时空变化及其对气候的响应 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
利用2000~2006年MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)卫星遥感观测的植被叶面积指数月平均资料以及相应时段的月平均气温、降水的观测资料对贵州植被的时空变化进行了分析.结果表明贵州2000~2006年植被分布受水热条件控制表现出对气候因子不同的响应关系,其中对降水的响应关系比气温明显,特别是冬季和春季,而植被在夏季和秋季的分布主要受气温的制约,与降水的关系并不明显.从季节和年际尺度的时间变化角度而言,植被对气温的响应比对降水明显,季节变化和年际变化的相关系数分别为0.89和0.73(分别通过99.9%和95%信度检验). 相似文献
真实性检验是评价遥感反演产品质量和验证遥感应用产品是否准确、真实地反映实际情况的重要途径。叶面积指数(LAI)是表征陆地植被结构和长势的关键参数,全面准确评价和验证LAI产品是产品用于陆面过程模型的前提。本文以MODIS LAI与GLASS LAI产品为研究对象,在尺度效应和尺度转换的基础上,建立了针对非均匀像元的低分辨率LAI产品真实性检验方法。在考虑空间异质性和植被长势差异的情况下,借助中分辨率的遥感影像,分别利用1 km像元平均叶面积指数和反演表观叶面积指数实现了对LAI算法和产品的真实性检验。为了比较作物长势差异和地表非均匀度对产品的影响,本文选择有代表性的河南鹤壁和甘肃张掖两个地区进行两种LAI产品真实性检验研究。研究结果表明,GLASS LAI和MODIS LAI产品均存在明显的低估现象。这并不是产品算法的问题,而是由于地表异质性和非均匀度的影响。在异质性更显著的张掖盈科灌区,低估现象更明显。GLASS LAI产品是多种LAI产品的融合,它的平均LAI比MODIS更接近真实情况,但是LAI的动态范围比MODIS窄。 相似文献
自工业革命以来,大气中CO2浓度的增加引起地表气温增加。然而,大气CO2浓度空间分布对地表气温偏差的影响仍不清晰。本研究通过在北京师范大学地球系统模式中纳入卫星反演的CO2浓度的空间分布,分析了自工业革命以来,在19762005年的历史条件下,北半球地表气温的增加情况。在历史条件下(190130年)基准期内,与使用均匀分布的CO2进行模拟的北半球地表温度增加相比,使用非均匀分布的CO2进行模拟的结果与CRU数据更为一致。使用均匀分布的CO2进行的模拟试验中,北半球夏季地表气温增加了1.28°C ± 0.29°C;使用非均匀分布的CO2进行的模拟试验中,地表气温增加了1.00°C ± 0.24°C;而CRU数据则显示地表气温增加了0.24°C。在非均匀CO2模拟中,向下短波辐射的减少是缓解欧亚大陆温升被高估主要原因之一。此外,叶面积指数和潜热通量的增加也起到了重要作用。这些因素共同作用,使得非均匀CO2模拟相比均匀CO2模拟,更好地缓解了地球系统模式中北半球温升的高估。 相似文献
Freshwater communities on remote oceanic islands can be depauperate due to the influence of biogeographic processes that operate over a range of spatial scales, influencing the colonization of organisms, and events that shape local freshwater assemblages. The consequences of this paucity in organism diversity for the functioning of these ecosystems are, however, not well understood.Here, we examine the relative decomposition rate of leaf litter of native vs. exotic origin by aquatic macroinvertebrates and microbial communities in an isolated and depauperate oceanic environment.Bags containing a standard amount of leaf litter of each of 10 tree species (5 native and 5 non-native species) were deployed on two streams. Two types of bags differing in mesh size were used to allow or prevent the access of leaf litter to macroinvertebrates, respectively. Over a period of 28 days, mass loss of leaf litter was similar in the two bag types suggesting that macroinvertebrates had little influence on the break down of leaf litter in this system. In addition, there was no difference in mass loss of leaf litter of native and exotic origin. Decomposition rates were highly species-specific suggesting that decomposition rates were related to inhibitory substance specific of each leaf species. Our results add to the wider literature by showing that in depauperate and isolated ecosystems, and in contrast to temperate continental ecosystems, decomposition of plant litter by aquatic macroinvertebrates is negligible. 相似文献
额济纳绿洲河岸胡杨(Populus euphratica)叶水势变化特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用WP4露点水势仪对额济纳绿洲胡杨(Populus euphratica)叶水势进行测定,研究了胡杨叶水势的日和月变化规律及其影响因子。结果表明:(1)胡杨叶水势日进程呈"V"形,最小值大都出现在13:00,日均值为-2.53±0.30MPa;月变化呈先上升后下降趋势,月均值为-2.43±0.30MPa。(2)树龄越小对应的叶水势越高;叶片着生部位越高,对应的水势越低;卵圆形叶水势整体稍高于披针形叶水势。(3)叶水势与气温、饱和水汽压差和蒸腾速率呈极显著线性负相关,相关系数依次为-0.87、-0.69和-0.88;与相对湿度和光合速率呈极显著二次多项式相关,相关系数分别为0.85和0.92。胡杨叶水势各方面的综合研究对于明晰胡杨的水分亏缺和抗旱机理有一定的理论指导意义。 相似文献
Simulated rainfall experiments were performed on bare, undecomposed litter layer and semi-decomposed litter layer slopes with litter biomasses of 0, 50, 100 and 150 g m−2, respectively, to evaluate the effect of the undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of Quercus variabilis litter on the soil erosion process and the particle size distribution of eroded sediment. The undecomposed layer and semi-decomposed layer of litter reduced the runoff rate by 10.91–27.04% and 12.91–36.05%, respectively, and the erosion rate by 13.35–40.98% and 17.16–59.46%, respectively. The percentage of smaller particles (clay and fine silt particles) decreased and the percentage of larger particles (coarse silt and sand particles) increased with an increased rainfall duration on all treated slopes, while the extent of the eroded sediment particle content varied among the treated slopes with the rainfall duration, with bare slopes exhibiting the largest variability, followed by undecomposed litter layer slopes and finally semi-decomposed litter layer slopes. The clay and sand particles were transported as aggregates, and fine silt and coarse silt particles were transported as primary particles. Compared with the original soil, sediment eroded from all treated slopes was mainly enriched in smaller particles. Furthermore, the loss of the smaller particles from the undecomposed litter layer slopes was lower than that from the semi-decomposed litter layer slopes, indicating that the undecomposed litter layer alleviated soil coarsening to some extent. The findings from this study improve our understanding of how litter regulates slope erosion and provide a reference for effectively controlling soil erosion. 相似文献
秋茄红树林不同季节落叶分解失重速率研究表明:落叶的干重损失速率是夏>秋>春>冬。就失重过程而言,最高的失重速率和季节间最明显的分解速率差异都出现于分解初期,淋溶作用很可能是引起这一分解特征的重要原因。落叶在林地滩面外滩(中潮带).中滩和内滩(高潮蒂)分解28d时的失重率分别为53.4%、44.8%和48.9%,即外滩>内滩>中滩。中潮带比高潮带具有较高的潮浸频度和滩面潮湿度,使得落叶在中潮带的分解快于高潮带。 相似文献
滇石林地质公园喀斯特山地天然林和人工林凋落物与死地被物的动态特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对云南石林地质公园景区及其保护区内喀斯特山地典型森林类型凋落物组成与数量及其动态,地表死地被物现存量与持水特性等进行了研究。结果表明,本区域保护较好的滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides)林的年凋落量达7.26 t/hm2;而以团花木新姜子(Neolitsea homiantha)为主的次生林只有1.98 t/hm2;云南松(Pinus yun-nanensis)人工林和干香柏(Cupressus duclouxiana)人工林年凋落量分别是2.49 t/hm2和4.07 t/hm2。这些森林的凋落节律相似,都呈明显的“双峰型”。在地表死地被物现存量方面,干香柏林因其叶片难以分解而具有较高的地表现存量,为13.59 t/hm2,随后依次为滇青冈林(7.57 t/hm2),团花新木姜子次生林(5.02 t/hm2)和云南松人工林(4.83 t/hm2),死地被物的持水量与其现存量的大小顺序一致。根据森林年凋落量与死地被物现存量的数量关系,表明保护较好的滇青冈林内枯枝落叶的分解率明显大于次生林和人工林,周转期也短,涵养水分能力也较强。因此,应加强对喀斯特山地自然森林的保护,同时也注意对现有人工林的改造,引进一些阔叶树种,提高群落结构的整体效应。 相似文献