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在测定科尔沁沙地小麦凋落物分解率的基础上,对分解残留物中的N、P、Ca和S等元素含量进行了测定与分析。结果表明,4种元素随着分解的进行呈现增加的趋势。如果把分解时间用土壤温度大于0℃的天数来表示,对应的N、P、Ca和S元素含量变化除P之外,其它3种元素含量与分解天数之间的相关系数r均大于0.9,表现较好的线性关系,为揭示作物和土壤间养分元素的交换提供了便利的方法。但在分解测定的头两次取样和最后两次取样之间,元素含量变化与分解天数的线性关系较差,这是由于各种元素在小麦凋落物中初始含量的差异,导致了元素在分解始末变化区间的不同。  相似文献   
We examined environmental factors which are most responsible for the 8-year temporal dynamics of the intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in southern Taiwan. A dynamic factor analysis (DFA), a dimension-reduction technique, was applied to identify common trends in a multivariate time series and the relationships between this series and interacting environmental variables. The results of dynamic factor models (DFMs) showed that the leaf growth rate of the seagrass was mainly influenced by salinity (Sal), tidal range (TR), turbidity (K), and a common trend representing an unexplained variability in the observed time series. Sal was the primary variable that explained the temporal dynamics of the leaf growth rate compared to TR and K. K and TR had larger influences on the leaf growth rate in low- than in high-elevation beds. In addition to K, TR, and Sal, UV-B radiation (UV-B), sediment depth (SD), and a common trend accounted for long-term temporal variations of the above-ground biomass. Thus, K, TR, Sal, UV-B, and SD are the predominant environmental variables that described temporal growth variations of the intertidal seagrass T. hemprichii in southern Taiwan. In addition to environmental variables, human activities may be contributing to negative impacts on the seagrass beds; this human interference may have been responsible for the unexplained common trend in the DFMs. Due to successfully applying the DFA to analyze complicated ecological and environmental data in this study, important environmental variables and impacts of human activities along the coast should be taken into account when managing a coastal environment for the conservation of intertidal seagrass beds.  相似文献   
王厚麟  缪绅裕 《台湾海峡》2000,19(3):372-378
光镜下观察研究了大亚湾地区部分红树林和海岸植物叶片的盐腺(腺毛)和非腺毛的结构及部分种类的发育过程,结果表明:在21种植物中,叶片具盐腺的有桐花树、老鼠勒、白骨壤、黄槿、假茉莉、海南刺、二叶红薯,具非腺毛的有黄槿、白骨壤、钝叶豆腐木、草海桐。不同植物盐腺和表皮非腺毛的基本结构一致,反映出对难生境的趋同适应。  相似文献   
The types, abundance, distribution and sources of benthic marine litter found in four Greek Gulfs (Patras, Corinth, Echinades and Lakonikos) were studied using bottom trawl nets. Mean distribution and weight densities range between 72–437 Item/km2 and 6.7–47.4 kg/km2. Litter items were sorted into material and usage categories. Plastic litter (56%) is the most dominant material category followed by metal (17%) and glass (11%). Beverage packaging (32%) is the dominant usage category followed by general packaging (28%) and food packaging (21%). Based on the typological results three dominant litter sources were identified; land-based, vessel-based and fishery-based. Application of factor analysis (R- and Q-mode) conducted on both material and usage litter datasets confirmed the existence of the three dominant litter sources. Q-mode analysis further resulted in the quantification of the litter sources; land-based ones provided the majority (69%) of the total litter items followed by vessel-based (26%) and fishery-based (5%) sources. Diverse environmental parameters influence significantly these amounts among the four Gulfs.  相似文献   
A litter bag experiment was performed on a wrack-loaded beach in Hornsund (southern Spitsbergen) to study the decay rate of stranded macroalgae and their colonization by meiofauna. The average monthly loss of macroalgal dry mass was 45 ± 5%. The composition of the wrack-associated fauna was similar to those reported from other world regions. Nematodes composed of bacterivorous rhabditids and monhysterids were the numerically dominant taxon (>99% of the community). High nematode densities averaging 35,000 ind. per litter bag (6,500 ind g−1 dwt) indicate their skills for rapid colonization and successful exploitation of the short-lived habitat established on an Arctic beach. We suggest that stranded macroalgae may play a role as a potential hotspot for nematodes and microbial processes in the Arctic coastal ecosystem. It is also suggested that wrack position on the beach profile which resulted in different wrack-age and moisture content may affect the composition and diversity of the wrack-associated meiofauna.  相似文献   
森林植被的降雨再分配过程是影响区域水资源利用效率以及生态系统生产力的重要因素.于2018年5—8月观测27 a生樟子松人工林降雨再分配特征,探究降雨再分配的比例变化对林地水分平衡的影响机制,分析、量化林内穿透雨、林冠截留、树干径流、枯落物层入渗部分产生的阈值.结果 表明:樟子松林内穿透雨量占同期降雨量的86.45%,穿...  相似文献   
海岛植被修复中的耐旱植物筛选及抗旱技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对海岛地理缺水、季节性干旱等造成海岛植被修复工作困难的问题,采用室外模拟实验的方法,研究3种典型的海岛植被修复常用植物——木麻黄、台湾相思和夹竹桃的耐旱能力及使用保水剂、覆盖凋落物对其耐旱能力的影响.结果表明:(1)3种苗木都具有一定的耐旱能力,在长时间干旱胁迫下,耐旱能力从强到弱依次为夹竹桃、台湾相思和木麻黄;(2)在植被修复期间,应根据植物的耐旱能力,适当调整浇水间隔期.为保持良好的生长状态,木麻黄、夹竹桃和台湾相思的浇水间隔期分别是20、15 d和10 d;而在极度缺水的野外,只为保证成活率的情况下,夹竹桃、台湾相思和木麻黄的浇水间隔可以分别延长至60、40 d和30 d;(3)施加土壤保水剂和土壤表面覆盖凋落物均可提高植物成活率,其中,覆盖凋落物效果优于施加保水剂;(4)施加土壤保水剂需控制合理比例,以保水剂与土壤质量比例为1∶500为宜.相关研究成果已在海岛植被修复中得到应用,取得良好效果,可为我国海岛植被修复提供参考.  相似文献   
地面LiDAR数据模拟及单木LAI反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地面激光雷达Li DAR可以快速获取高精度、高密度的点云数据,在植被结构参数获取方面的应用越来越广泛。为了定量分析地面激光雷达点云数据获取单木结构参数的能力和精度,本文提出利用光线跟踪结合植被真实结构模拟地面3维激光扫描仪的单木点云数据(以RIEGL VZ-1000为例),并结合间隙率模型反演单木叶面积指数LAI。在点云模拟过程中,充分考虑了脉冲特性,包括光斑大小、波束发射角以及回波探测强度。重点分析了光斑大小和最小探测强度对LAI反演的影响,并采用根河实测单木数据进行了验证。结果表明,光斑大小和最小探测强度的设定对于LAI反演结果存在很大影响,该结论对于提高地面激光雷达点云数据反演植被结构参数精度具有重要意义。  相似文献   
黄星旻  孙圆  刘慧倩  刘方舟 《遥感学报》2018,22(6):1042-1050
以行道树无患子为研究目标,采用地面激光扫描(TLS)技术提取单木分回波点云数据。获取全波形数据、单目标数据、首次回波数据、其余次回波数据,建立基于多回波点云的算法,利用消光系数法提取不同投影分辨率0.01 m、0.02 m和0.03 m的的单株树叶面积指数(LAI)。利用2维影像数据数字半球影像(DHP)和LAI2200提取对应单株树的叶面积指数,进行比较分析,以检验其精度。结果表明:点云投影的分辨率与激光回波都对LAI有极显著影响,其中分辨率为0.02 m和0.03 m的估算结果与LAI2200所得估算结果相近,且差异不显著;单目标回波数据用于LAI的解算,可以同LAI2200的2维影像数据结果进行相互验证。使用单目标回波数据,0.02 m投影分辨率可以最大程度的保证单株LAI的精度,其与LAI2200测定的数据进行截距为0的线性回归,斜率达到0.827。本研究所做多回波地面激光数据计算叶面积指数的算法拓展了地面激光扫描的应用领域,为立木生长量信息准确提取和树木精确建模提供了重要的技术参考。  相似文献   
叶面积密度可以表征冠层内部叶面积的垂直分布,是作物生长发育、营养诊断和育种研究的重要结构参数。激光雷达通过发射多脉冲和接收多回波信号可以探测到作物冠层内部信息。首先基于无人机激光雷达获取60个小区多航线的玉米点云数据,采用基于接触频率的体素法对叶面积密度进行估算,再对多个体素大小进行分析得到最优体素大小(0.2 m);其次对各航线以及航线叠加效果进行对比,得到无人机激光雷达获取点云数据的最优激光脉冲入射角(-30°~52°);然后结合玉米叶倾角和激光脉冲入射角对叶面积密度估算模型进行校正,从而提高叶面积密度估算精度;最后通过对不同种植密度和不同品种的玉米叶面积密度分布进行分析,得到不同品种玉米的发育快慢、株型特点以及最合理的种植密度。以上结果可为基于无人机激光雷达数据估算叶面积密度提供指导,并为玉米育种和科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   
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