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通过田间开顶式小区熏气试验,研究在SO2急性伤害条件下水稻冠层导数光谱与叶片含硫量、叶液pH值以及叶绿素含量的相 关性。分别选择分蘖期和抽穗期显著相关的波段(分蘖期: 689 nm、584 nm、570 nm; 抽穗期: 689 nm、584 nm、585 nm)建立 预测叶片含硫量、叶液pH值及叶绿素含量的回归模型,并分别用拔节期和灌浆期相应导数光谱反射率检验模型预测精度。结果表明 ,由分蘖期建立的回归模型估测拔节期叶液pH值以及叶绿素含量与实测值之间相关系数分别为0.884和0.630; 由抽穗期建立的回 归模型估测灌浆期的叶片含硫量、叶绿素含量与实测值之间相关系数分别为0.659和0.768,均通过显著检验。  相似文献   
我国气候对植被分布和净初级生产力影响的数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
基于0.5°×0.5°经纬网格分辨率的一个全球植被动态模式,利用全国676个雨量站点1961~2000年日资料在0.5°×0.5°网格上插值得到的降水和气温资料作为模式气候强迫,模拟研究了中国区域近40年来的植被动态变化,估算了当前中国区域陆地植被净初级生产力,并分析气候与植被净初级生产力的相关性。结果表明:模拟的植被分布时空格局与实际观测的对应关系良好,模拟与观测的叶面积指数总体上比较一致;植被初级生产力空间分布及总量(约为4.64×1015g.a-1(C))的模拟比较理想。对模拟结果分析显示降水是影响净初级生产力的主要气候因子,而在干旱、半干旱地区温度与植被净初级生产力存在显著负相关关系。研究表明该模式能够比较合理地模拟气候对植被年际动态和生产力变化的影响,对于进一步深入研究气候与植被相互作用是有意义的。  相似文献   
The North China Plain (NCP) was selected as the study area and the effects of water and heat were analysed to determine the dominant factor affecting winter wheat growth. The mean, minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation and soil moisture data were selected to analyse the correlations between the leaf area index (the growth indicator) and these factors using long time series half-monthly data (2–5 months) (from 1982 to 2010). The results showed that temperature was the main factor affecting the growth of winter wheat in the NCP. The growth of winter wheat had weak correlations with precipitation and soil moisture and the influence of water on winter wheat growth was smaller than the influence of heat. In the northern part of the NCP, mainly including the north-west region of Shandong Province and the southern region of Hebei Province, irrigation was necessary in late February and early March.  相似文献   
The authors examined the performance of version 3.4.1 of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF) with various land surface schemes in simulating a severe drought event in Southwest China. Five numerical experiments were completed using the Noah land surface scheme, the Pleim-Xiu land surface scheme, the Noah-MP land surface schemes, the Noah- MP scheme with dynamic vegetation, and the Noah-MP scheme with dynamic vegetation and groundwater processes. In general, all the simulations reasonably reproduced the spatial and temporal variations in precipitation, but significant bias was also found, especially for the spatial pattern of simulated precipitation. The WRF simulations with the Noah-MP series land surface schemes performed slightly better than the WRF simulation with the Noah and Pleim-Xiu land surface schemes in reproducing the severe drought events in Southwest China. The leaf area index(LAI) simulated by the different land surface schemes showed significant deviations in Southwest China. The Pleim-Xiu scheme overestimated the value of LAI by a factor of two. The Noah-MP scheme with dynamical vegetation overestimated the magnitude of the annual cycle of the LAI, although the annual mean LAI was close to observations. The simulated LAI showed a long-term lower value from autumn 2009 to spring 2010 relative to normal years. This indicates that the LAI is a potential indictor to monitor drought events.  相似文献   
人类与自然耦合系统是一个充满大量非线性互馈关系的复杂巨系统。当前对系统内单要素和静态特征的研究,虽有助于理解某个时刻的系统状态,却不能完整地表达其内部不同要素间错综复杂的关联。论文着眼于黄河流域区县尺度植被变化归因(以叶面积指数LAI作为表征植被的指标),综合利用人类—自然耦合系统多源数据和因果诊断方法,构建黄河流域LAI复杂因果网络。通过复杂网络统计方法对网络节点、结构特征进行分解,揭示影响流域LAI变化的关键要素及其空间分布特征。研究结果表明:(1) 1990—2018年流域LAI以1.3%/a的速率增长,增长速率在空间上由东南向西北逐渐递减。(2)在网络视角下,降水量、气温、饱和水汽压差、农业用地、城镇化率和粮食产量为影响流域LAI变化的关键要素。(3)自然要素(如降水量和气温等)主导了流域内259个区县的LAI变化;社会经济(如城镇化率和粮食产量等)和土地利用类型(如林地和草地等)要素主导了流域内76个区县的LAI变化,主要集中于黄土高原且影响强度远大于自然要素。研究在人类—自然耦合系统框架下构建了黄河流域植被变化多层互馈网络,综合认知流域植被演变的自然和社会驱动力,为理解自然...  相似文献   
Abstract. The role of larval settlement, post-settlement mortality and competition with a red algae in determining the patterns of abundance and distribution of the spirorbid tube worm Neodexiospira brasiliensis (Grube) (Polychaeta: Spirorbidae) on leaves of three seagrass species: Zostera marina Linnaeus, Zostera asiatica Miki and Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino were examined in Aininkap, Akkeshi Bay, Akkeshi, Hokkaido, Japan. Field collections of seagrass shoots were made at about 1-week intervals. The density of newly settled larvae (< 0.3 mm in tube diameter) increased significantly on Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , but not on Z. marina during the sampling period. It was highest on Z. asiatica among the three seagrass species, followed by P. iwatensis and Z. marina . Newly settled larvae occurred more on the basal part of younger leaves of each seagrass species. Mortality tended to be high on Z. marina , followed by Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , although the differences were not great. Size-specific mortality showed the existence of high mortality in early post-settlement stages on Z. asiatica and P. iwatenisis . Relatively high mortality was also suffered by individuals with a tube diameter over 1.5 mm. Growth in tube diameter of N. brasiliensis was slower on P. iwatensis than on the other two seagrasses. The effect of a calcareous red algae on larval settlement was investigated with removal experiments; however, no effect of red algae was detected. Patterns in the distribution and abundance of N. brasiliensis on leaves of three seagrass species resulted from the heterogeneity of larval settlement rather than from post-settlement mortality or competition with red algae. Different densities of larval settlement among the three seagrass species or on a leaf are likely to relate to larval behaviour, such as negative phototaxis.  相似文献   
The otoliths (sagittae) of 1076 tarakihi Cheilodactylus macropterus collected from around the whole of New Zealand during 1968–69 were examined for heavy metal content by atomic absorption spectrometry. Copper, cadmium, nickel, manganese, and zinc did not occur in significant quantities, but iron was present in amounts ranging from 0.5 μg to 7.0 μg per otolith. The iron appears to be largely contained in the nucleus of the otolith. Variations in iron content per otolith indicate three regions where iron content is similar: a northern region (mean 3.39 μg; σ2 = 1.35; n = 260); a central region (mean 1.92 μg; σ2 = 1.32; n = 741); and a southern region (mean 0.96 μg; σ2 = 0.45; n = 75). The significance of this regional variation, in otolith iron to the biology of the fish is not known, but may be linked by either heredity or environment to subpopulations of the fish.  相似文献   
植物叶片性状沿海拔梯度变化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于在海拔梯度上各种环境因子表现出连续的梯度性变化,以海拔梯度为平台研究植物叶片性状的适应特征有助于揭示植物对气候变化的响应,进而可以为研究全球变化与陆地生态系统的关系提供研究基础。本文重点分析了植物的叶寿命、比叶面积、叶氮含量、叶绿素含量等叶片结构性状和气孔导度、叶片羧化效率、水分利用效率和叶片δ^18C等叶片功能性状随海拔梯度的变化规律和特点,探讨了植物叶片性状的研究不足及未来发展方向,以便为国内相关研究的开展提供参考。  相似文献   
A litter bag experiment was performed on a wrack-loaded beach in Hornsund (southern Spitsbergen) to study the decay rate of stranded macroalgae and their colonization by meiofauna. The average monthly loss of macroalgal dry mass was 45 ± 5%. The composition of the wrack-associated fauna was similar to those reported from other world regions. Nematodes composed of bacterivorous rhabditids and monhysterids were the numerically dominant taxon (>99% of the community). High nematode densities averaging 35,000 ind. per litter bag (6,500 ind g−1 dwt) indicate their skills for rapid colonization and successful exploitation of the short-lived habitat established on an Arctic beach. We suggest that stranded macroalgae may play a role as a potential hotspot for nematodes and microbial processes in the Arctic coastal ecosystem. It is also suggested that wrack position on the beach profile which resulted in different wrack-age and moisture content may affect the composition and diversity of the wrack-associated meiofauna.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙地52种植物叶片性状变异特征研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究严重沙化生境中植物叶片性状的变异特征,不仅有助于了解植物对区域环境变化的适应特征,而且还可以为群落分类、群落结构特征的揭示等提供重要的依据。本研究以科尔沁沙地52种植物为对象,比较不同功能群植物叶片性状的变异特征,分析植物各叶片性状之间的关系。结果表明,科尔沁沙地52种植物比叶面积在6.9~34.4 m2·kg-1之间变动,与其他区域的研究结果相比,该区域植物比叶面积偏小,说明该区域植物能较好地适应贫瘠环境。52种植物中,大多数植物的氮磷比小于14,说明科尔沁沙地植物主要受氮制约。研究结果还表明,不同功能群植物的叶性状存在显著差异。固氮植物叶片氮含量最高,杂类草的叶干物质含量(平均值为0.22±0.06 g·g-1)显著小于其他功能群植物,但是植物叶片磷含量和比叶面积在不同功能群之间差异不显著。相对于多年生植物,一年生草本植物的比叶面积显著偏大,但是叶干物质含量显著偏小。科尔沁沙地52种植物叶干物质含量分别与比叶面积和叶片氮含量呈显著负相关,叶片磷含量和氮含量之间呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
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