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叶面积指数LAI(LeafAreaIndex)是表征植被生长状态的一个重要的冠层结构参数。MODISLAI产品是全球常用的遥感LAI产品之一。然而,由于地表异质性、数据质量、模型精度等多方面的差异,MODISLAI产品质量各有不同。基于无线传感器网络的LAINet仪器可以自动获取时间频率更密集的LAI实测数据,为验证卫星遥感LAI产品质量提供了有力支持。本文基于2018年和2019年黑河中游时间序列地面实测LAI数据与高空间分辨率卫星遥感植被指数数据,建立经验回归模型。将该模型反演高空间分辨率卫星遥感LAI作为参考LAI真值,对MODISLAI产品进行了精度验证与稳定性评价,分析了MODISLAI与LAINet地面测量的差异原因。结果表明:与Landsat8参考真值相比,MODISLAI生长季的质量(RMSE2018=1.17,RMSE2019=1.14)优于衰落季(RMSE2018=1.39,RMSE2019=1.84),MODISLAI总体低估,尤其是生长季后期。时间序列上,MODISLAI产品能够刻画植被生长和凋落的季节特征,但生长前期波动性要强于后期。与LAINet观测方式的差异是MODISLAI低估的主要原因,即遥感传感器从太空平台向下观测,LAI值在生长季后期受到叶绿素降低的影响,而LAINet仪器从冠层下向上观测,主要受到冠层间隙率的影响,因此对叶片内色素变化不敏感。对MODISLAI产品的精度验证与稳定性评价结果表明,可以利用地面实测数据和卫星遥感数据反演时间序列LAI,但是,在使用类似玉米作物的生长季后期数据的时候,需要考虑到MODISLAI与LAINetLAI观测对象与算法原理的差异。本研究可为MODISLAI产品的使用者和算法研究者提供参考。 相似文献
塔里木盆地盐生和干旱生境柽柳(Tamarix)凋落物分解特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以塔里木盆地柽柳(Tamarix)凋落物为研究对象,应用凋落袋法,揭示其在盐生(H1)和干旱(H2)生境中分解差异性及主要制约因子。结果表明:(1)经720 d分解,H1、H2生境中柽柳凋落物残留率分别为83.50%、53.73%,两种生境下凋落物残留率差异极显著(P < 0.01)。(2)在H1、H2生境中,柽柳凋落物分解系数分别为0.082、0.320,分解50%所需时间分别为9.40、2.17 a,分解95%所需时间分别为40.62、9.36 a。(3) C元素在H1中富集-释放交替进行,在H2中为单一的富集-释放;N元素在H1中表现出累积-释放交替模式,在H2中表现出相反的变化趋势;P元素在0~360 d分解时间段均呈逐渐释放过程,而在第360~720 d,H1呈逐渐累积过程,H2呈累积-释放模式。木质素呈现逐渐释放模式,纤维素释放模式富集-释放交替进行。经720 d分解,C、N、P、木质素、纤维素残留率在两种生境中均存在极显著差异(P < 0.01)。(4)微生境变化对凋落物分解制约因素并不相同,盐生生境下土壤Na+含量是制约凋落物分解的主要因子,而干旱生境下残留量、土壤Mg2+、凋落物全磷含量起主导作用。 相似文献
Plant litter can either cover on soil surface or be incorporated into top-soil layer in natural ecosystems. Their effects on infiltration and soil erosion are likely quite different. This study was performed to compare the effects of litter covering on soil surface and being incorporated into top-soil layer on infiltration and soil erosion under simulated rainfall. Four litter types (needle-leaf, broad-leaf, brush, and herb) were collected from fields and applied to cover on soil surface or to be incorporated into top-soil layer (5 cm) at the same rate (0.2 kg/m2). The simulated rainfalls (40 and 80 mm/hr) were run at two slope angles (10° and 20°). The results showed that the mean infiltration rate of litter covering treatment was 1.4 times as great as that of litter incorporated. Litter covering enhanced infiltration via protecting surface from soil sealing. Whereas, litter incorporation affected infiltration by its water repellency. Soil erosion of litter incorporated treatment was 5.4 times as large as that of litter covered treatment, which was attributed to the changes in surface litter coverage and soil erosion resistance. Litter type affected soil erosion through the variations in litter coverage and litter morphology. For litter covering treatment, litter coverage can explain the major variance of soil loss on the slopes. Whereas, for litter incorporated treatment, both the influences of litter coverage and litter length on soil erosion resistance were considered necessary to well explain the variance of soil loss. The results also showed that the benefits of litter to control soil erosion declined with rainfall intensity and slope gradient for both covering and incorporated treatments. The results of this study are helpful to understand the mechanisms of litter influencing hydrological and erosion processes on hillslopes. 相似文献
为了研究湿地土壤动物对凋落物分解速率以及对土壤养分归还的影响,于2017年11月份在鄱阳湖湿地收集苔草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和芦苇(Phragmites australis) 3种植物的凋落物,利用凋落物袋法开展原位的模拟实验研究中使用了网孔大小分别为4.5 mm(大)和0.1 mm(小)的分解袋来对比分析土壤动物的影响结果表明:不同物种之间凋落物分解速率有差异,苔草的分解速率显著大于南荻和芦苇,南荻与芦苇的分解速率差异不明显;凋落物的分解速率与凋落物总有机碳和总氮的积累量(NAITOC/NAITN)呈负相关,与残余凋落物质量呈负相关,与凋落物总磷含量呈正相关;凋落物总氮含量在不同物种凋落物中差异明显,表现为苔草>芦苇>南荻,并且与分解速率的大小关系相对应,因此高氮植物凋落物的分解速率较快;土壤动物能够提高分解速率,促进凋落物营养元素的释放,进而调节凋落物中C、N、P元素向土壤养分库的归还过程本研究将为湿地生态系统的营养元素循环研究提供科学数据. 相似文献
Paolo Benettin Magali F. Nehemy Lucas A. Cernusak Ansgar Kahmen Jeffrey J. McDonnell 《水文研究》2021,35(3):e14073
Source water apportionment studies using the dual isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen have revolutionized our understanding of ecohydrology. But despite these developments—mostly over the past decade—many technical problems still exist in terms of linking xylem water to its soil water and groundwater sources. This is mainly due to sampling issues and possible fractionation of xylem water. Here we explore whether or not leaf water alone can be used to quantify the blend of rainfall event inputs from which the leaf water originates. Leaf water has historically been avoided in plant water uptake studies due to the extreme fractionation processes at the leaf surface. In our proof of concept work we embrace those processes and use the well-known Craig and Gordon model to map leaf water back to its individual precipitation event water sources. We also employ a Bayesian uncertainty estimation approach to quantify source apportionment uncertainties. We show this using a controlled, vegetated lysimeter experiment where we were able to use leaf water to correctly identify the mean seasonal rainfall that was taken up by the plant, with an uncertainty typically within ± 1‰ for δ18O. While not appropriate for all source water studies, this work shows that leaf water isotope composition may provide a new, relatively un-intrusive method for addressing questions about the plant water source. 相似文献
脂肪酸的组成分析对认识红树植物脂肪酸资源、红树林生态系统内部的营养关系、食物网的结构,以及红树植物对生境的适应等具有重要参考价值。本研究分析了海南岛铁炉港和清澜港两个港湾的红海榄(Rhizophora stylosa)、杯萼海桑(Sonneratia alba)、木果楝(Xylocarpus granatum)、角果木(Ceriops tagal)、榄李(Lumnitzera racemosa)、木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)和正红树(Rhizophora apiculata)等7种不同红树植物叶片中脂肪酸的组成及含量。在样品中共检测出25种脂肪酸,其中月桂酸、棕榈酸和肉豆蔻酸等8种存在于所有样品中。样品中含量最高的饱和脂肪酸均为棕榈酸(占比44.32%),其次为硬脂酸(占比7.74%),不饱和脂肪酸含量较高的有油酸(占比7.61%)、亚油酸(占比9.81%)和二十碳烯酸(占比12.16%)。植物样品的脂肪酸不饱和指数为0.24~1.13。除木果楝和清澜港采集的木榄样品外,其余样品种的不饱和脂肪酸含量均低于饱和脂肪酸。铁炉港的红海榄、杯萼海桑、角果木和榄李4种植物叶... 相似文献
叶面积指数LAI(LeafAreaIndex)是研究植被生态系统结构和功能的核心参数之一,遥感是获取大范围动态LAI的一个主要技术手段。目前国际上没有高分辨率的LAI标准化产品。本文基于三维随机辐射传输(3D-SRT)模型查找表算法研究了适用于国产高分辨率卫星高分一号宽幅相机(GF-1WFV)的叶面积指数反演算法。模型中单次散射反照率和不确定性等参数与波段设置和波段稳定性相关。算法在全国范围内选取不同植被类型的均质样点,统计地表反射率的差异特征,调整全国6种植被类型各波段的单次散射反照率、不确定性等算法参数,进而构造适用于GF-1WFV传感器的查找表以进行LAI的反演。研究中使用新疆维吾尔自治区石河子地区、内蒙古自治区四道桥包含农作物、森林等共359组实测地面数据开展LAI验证。验证结果表明,和调整参数前的反演结果相比,优化后的算法均方根误差RMSE可由算法优化前的1.209下降至0.804,决定系数R 2由0.659提高至0.883,反演成功率RI可由25.3%提高至73.8%,算法精度和稳定性较高,更适用于GF-1叶面积指数的反演。将其应用于GF-1卫星影像上,生产了2018年—2020年全国16m空间分辨率10天合成的叶面积指数产品,产品能够反映出不同植被类型的物候特征,有利于大面积农业林业等遥感监测应用。 相似文献
何爽;张森;田家;卢霞 《遥感学报》2023,27(6):1441-1453
叶面积指数(LAI)是表征植被对光合辐射的吸收和拦截以及植被生长状况的重要参数。为准确、快速地提高叶面积指数估算精度,选取黄河三角洲碱蓬滩湿地,以中国土著植物碱蓬为研究对象,获取无人机高光谱遥感影像和测定地面光谱,结合区域土壤因子、植被光谱特征、高光谱影像纹理特征和植被覆盖度构建多模态数据,发展随机森林RF(RandomForest)和粒子群PSO(ParticleSwarmOptimization)双优化策略的深度极限学习机DELM(DeepExtremeLearningMachine)算法构建滨海湿地碱蓬叶面积指数反演模型,决定系数(R 2 )和均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.9546,0.1341。与基于支持向量机SVM(SupportVectorMachine)、BP神经网络BP(BackPropagationNeuralNetwork)、极限学习机ELM(ExtremeLearningMachine)、深度极限学习机DELM(DeepExtremeLearningMachine)、粒子群优化的深度极限学习机(PSO-DELM)5种算法构建的碱蓬叶面积指数反演模型精度相比,决定系数R 2 最高提高了0.2654,均方根误差RMSE最大降低了0.0828。与传统的反演模型SVM相比,RF-PSO-DELM模型具有更好的泛化性,融合多模态数据则可以有效提高反演模型精度。该研究进一步丰富了基于无人机高光谱遥感技术实现盐沼植被精准监测的理论和技术。 相似文献
There is general concern that the rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration will lead to reduced stomatal conductance and subsequent increases in leaf temperature. Such an increase in leaf temperature is expected to adversely impact a plethora of processes connected to leaf metabolism and microbial/fungal communities on leaves. A model is proposed that combines the leaf energy balance with leaf gas exchange and photosynthesis to explore such issues. The model represents a hybrid ecological/physiological approach described by systems of equations based on steady-state leaf-gas exchange theories and leaf energy/radiation balance, equilibrium thermodynamics within the leaf, stomatal data, and atmospheric CO2 concentration. The model allows separating air from leaf temperatures thereby permitting exploration of the dependence of leaf cooling or heating for any combination of environmental conditions (e.g., wind velocity, atmospheric humidity, and atmospheric CO2 level), anatomic leaf properties (e.g., leaf size), and physiologic quantities (e.g., assimilation rate and transpiration rate). The model permits to distinguish whether leaf cooling or heating is to be expected if these parameters are varied. Based on model calculations, it is shown that leaf temperature is far more impacted by leaf size or wind speed than reduction in stomatal conductance caused by elevated atmospheric CO2. The model results are consistent with measurements of leaf cooling and heating. 相似文献