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王聪  张健平  吕厚远 《第四纪研究》2022,42(6):1775-1791

大麻在中国被称为“五谷”之一,可纤用、油用、药用以及用于宗教活动等,在社会生活中发挥着重要的作用。由于早期大麻果实易腐烂灰化、不易保存,因此建立大麻的植硅体鉴定标准,对揭示其起源、驯化和传播过程具有重要意义。本研究对大麻(Cannabis sativa L.)、红麻(大麻槿)(Hibiscus cannabinus L.)、黄麻(Corchorus capsularis L.)、青麻(苘麻)(Abutilon theophrasti Medicus)、亚麻(Linum usitatissimum L.)、苎麻(Boehmeria nivea (L.)Gaudich.)等6种麻类作物的果实或种子进行了系统的植硅体形态研究,探寻具有鉴定意义的特征植硅体类型,为研究其起源、驯化和传播提供新的方法。将每份样品解剖出不同的部位,采用湿式灰化法对每个部位分别进行植硅体提取,并在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下分别进行观察分析。结果表明,发育植硅体的部位有:大麻的苞片和果皮、苎麻的果被和果皮、黄麻种皮以及青麻种皮,未见植硅体的部位有:红麻和亚麻的种子。仅有大麻果皮中存在典型形态特征的植硅体,如不规则多边疣粒板型(单体或聚合形态)、不规则多边平滑板型(单体或聚合形态)、双层嵌套板型。分析表明,大麻的不规则多边板型(包括不规则多边疣粒板型及不规则多边平滑板型)植硅体形态大小稳定,种内差异较小,且与木本植物、草本植物中形态类似的植硅体区别明显。综上,不规则多边板型植硅体为大麻特有的植硅体类型,可用于鉴定大麻的种属。其中,不规则多边疣粒板型植硅体形态特征更明显且产量更丰富,平均1g大麻果实的不规则多边疣粒板型植硅体产量可达10.2±0.4×106粒,可作为鉴定大麻种属的主要特征植硅体,其主要特征为:1)单体为边缘棱角分明、正面具若干小型疣状突起、背面具0~3个大小相近的乳突的多裂片式不规则多边形板状结构,长度为15.4±2.3μm,宽度为10.8±1.7μm,厚度为6.2±1.0μm;2)由若干形态相同、大小相近的单体通过边缘裂片间隙拼合为片状平面拼图结构;3)与不规则多边平滑板型植硅体(长度为27.9±4.5μm,宽度为18.6±3.1μm,厚度为10.0±1.4μm)形成双层嵌套结构。进一步分析表明,大麻不同品种间不规则多边疣粒板型植硅体在形态大小上细微的差异与品种间果实形态大小差异以及气候条件无直接关系,推测其形态的种内差异可能是受局地土壤环境影响所致。

The morphological and spectral-optical properties of diamond crystals from placers in North Timan rivers have been studied with IR-spectroscopy and cathode luminescence methods. As a result, correlation between external characteristics of diamonds (size and degree of mechanical damage) and number of optically active centers has been revealed. The habit and the type of distribution of structural defects in diamond crystals studied are comparable with those in diamonds from the Archangelsk Region and North Timan’s placers. Based on the obtained data, origin issues and possible primary sources of diamonds from North Timan’s placers are discussed.  相似文献   
颗粒形态是影响砂土力学特性的重要因素,特别是影响砂土在低应力状态下的抗剪强度、剪胀效应和临界状态行为,以及高应力状态下的颗粒破碎行为。因此,准确地重构砂粒的三维形态,并量化计算其形态表征参数是研究砂粒形态效应的前提工作。借助于高精度的CT扫描技术和图像处理技术,获得近海石英砂和风化花岗岩残积砂这两类砂土颗粒的三维形态信息。采用球谐函数序列实现两种砂颗粒三维形态的准确重构,并通过球谐函数分析计算砂土颗粒的体积来验证该方法的有效性。基于球谐重构的三维砂粒表面,提出了实用性的方法来计算砂粒的表面积、表面曲率和三维尺寸等,进而计算砂粒的三维球度、圆度和伸长率等形态表征参数。结果表明,当球谐函数阶达到15时,其重构的砂粒基本形状和表面纹理均与真实砂粒非常接近;近海石英砂在水流搬运和磨蚀的作用下颗粒形态较为规则和圆滑,球度和圆度较大,而风化花岗岩残积砂则在物理风化和剥蚀作用下颗粒形态较为复杂和粗糙,球度和圆度较小;而这两种地质作用对砂土颗粒的伸长率则没有明显的影响。  相似文献   
相同形貌结构面重复性剪切试验和各向异性剪切试验一直是岩体结构面剪切力学特性试验研究中的难点,而该问题对于工程岩体的开挖力学响应和稳定性分析、评价与控制至关重要,问题的关键在于同一种岩石的结构面形貌的再现。为此,基于3D扫描和3D雕刻技术,重复制备了3种不同粗糙度的大理岩结构面试样,开展了不同法向应力下相同形貌结构面的各向异性剪切试验。试验结果发现:(1)同一法向应力、不同剪切方向下,相同形貌结构面的剪切强度、剪胀和剪切破坏特征均呈现明显各向异性;(2)结构面粗糙度各向异性很大程度上决定了剪切强度的各向异性,两者具有较好的正相关性;(3)随着法向应力的升高,结构面剪切特征的各向异性有逐渐弱化的趋势。同时,研究还充分表明,3D雕刻技术是系统开展结构面剪切力学特征各向异性研究的可靠手段,可在将来研究中发挥更为重要的作用。  相似文献   
通过对取自海南昌江核电厂一期工程主厂区的黑云母花岗岩,在RMT-150B多功能全自动刚性岩石伺服试验机进行单轴不同频率的循环加卸载试验,研究花岗岩动应变-应力滞回曲线、动弹性模量和阻尼比同循环频率之间的规律,然后对破坏断裂断口进行细观电镜扫描试验,分析了不同频率下花岗岩断口细观形貌与结构特征。结果表明,花岗岩在循环荷载作用下的加卸应力-应变曲线并不重合,而是形成一个封闭的滞回环;当循环频率在0.01~1.0 Hz范围内变化时,随着频率增大,花岗岩滞回环面积、动弹模和阻尼比都增大;通过细观数字图像试验分析发现,循环荷载作用下,随着频率的增大,岩石断口细观裂纹总的数目、面积、分形维数均变大。文中给出不同频率循环荷载作用下岩石破裂的细观损伤力学机制,研究成果对海南昌江核电厂的地震反应分析和场地安全性评价有着重要参考价值。  相似文献   

随着断层面形貌测量、宇宙成因核素测年、物理和化学指标测定等一系列先进技术的发展, 已有大量的研究案例成功地从基岩断层面上提取了古地震信息, 基岩断层面在古地震研究方面的优势被不断发掘。然而, 沟谷等地表过程的侵蚀作用, 也会使得基岩断层面出露。这种非构造成因的断层面, 很容易与构造成因的断层面混淆, 却不记录古地震信息。已有的研究工作, 缺乏对这两种断层面出露方式的系统研究, 更缺少对适合于古地震研究的基岩断层面特征的归纳总结, 这将不利于在基岩区开展古地震研究工作。为了解决这一问题, 选取了山西地堑系的马家窑和南马庄两处基岩断层面, 采用小型无人机航测(s-UAV)结合陆基三维激光扫描(t-lidar)技术, 获取了基岩断层面高精度形貌及周围的三维地形数据, 将断层面形貌特征的定量分析结果与断层坎精细的地貌解译结合, 研究基岩断层面的不同暴露方式下的形貌特征。结果显示, 马家窑基岩断层面受沟谷侵蚀而逐渐暴露, 表面形貌呈现出连续平滑的特征, 不具有地震活动信息。南马庄基岩断层面的形貌显示出明显的阶跃式分带特征, 具有分段出露的特点。结合精细地貌解译的结果, 这种出露特征可能与周期性的地震活动有关, 并识别了两次同震倾滑位移量为3.1 m和3.3 m的古地震事件。最后, 本研究强调了在开展基岩断层面古地震研究时, 选择合适的研究地点的重要性, 对比了构造活动和地表侵蚀两种成因断层坎的特点, 提出了适合提取古地震信息的基岩断层面的特征和识别原则。

Blockage in water-dominated flow pipelines due to hydrate reformation has been suggested as a potential safety issue during the hydrate production. In this work, flow velocity-dependent hydrate formation features are investigated in a fluid circulation system with a total length of 39 m. A 9-m section pipe is transparent consisted of two complete rectangular loops. By means of pressurization with gas-saturated water, the system can gradually reach the equilibrium conditions. The result shows tha...  相似文献   
地质图是一个区域地质研究的重要成果,也是前人留下的宝贵资料,更融合了地质专家的丰富知识。本研究的目的是通过新的思路将彩色地质图信息提取出来,使其结果能直接进行数据分析,并用于决策和分析。以机器学习为指导,在分析半结构化(栅格)地质图特征的基础上,根据图例信息,提出一种彩色地质图信息提取新思路,对彩色地质图进行分层信息提取,并结合数学形态学和多层前向反馈式神经网络,探索半结构化数据转换为结构数据的有效技术方法。利用图像信息提取技术将半结构化地质图转化为结构化数据,可用于成矿预测等研究。这一变化将改变传统地质数据的结构,地质研究的信息基础和来源将会增加,对于获取更多的数据源和信息源,进一步开展地质分析研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Sediments contained in the river bed do not necessarily contribute to morphological change. The finest part of the sediment mixture often fills the pores between the larger grains and can be removed without causing a drop in bed level. The discrimination between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load, therefore, is of practical importance for morphological predictions. In this study, a new method is proposed to estimate the cut‐off grain size that forms the boundary between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load. The method evaluates the pore structure of the river bed geometrically. Only detailed grain‐size distributions of the river bed are required as input to the method. A preliminary validation shows that the calculated porosity and cut‐off size values agree well with experimental data. Application of the new cut‐off size method to the river Rhine demonstrates that the estimated cut‐off size decreases in a downstream direction from about 2 to 0·05 mm, covariant with the downstream fining of bed sediments. Grain size fractions that are pore‐filling load in the upstream part of the river thus gradually become bed‐structure load in the downstream part. The estimated (mass) percentage of pore‐filling load in the river bed ranges from 0% in areas with a unimodal river bed, to about 22% in reaches with a bimodal sand‐gravel bed. The estimated bed porosity varies between 0·15 and 0·35, which is considerably less than the often‐used standard value of 0·40. The predicted cut‐off size between pore‐filling load and bed‐structure load (Dc,p) is fundamentally different from the cut‐off size between wash‐load and bed‐material load (Dc,w), irrespective of the method used to determine Dc,p or Dc,w. Dc,w values are in the order of 10?1 mm and mainly dependent on the flow characteristics, whereas Dc,p values are generally much larger (about 100 mm in gravel‐bed rivers) and dependent on the bed composition. Knowledge of Dc,w is important for the prediction of the total sediment transport in a river (including suspended fines that do not interact with the bed), whereas knowledge of Dc,p helps to improve morphological predictions, especially if spatial variations in Dc,p are taken into account. An alternative to using a spatially variable value of Dc,p in morphological models is to use a spatially variable bed porosity, which can also be predicted with the new method. In addition to the morphological benefits, the new method also has sedimentological applications. The possibility to determine quickly whether a sediment mixture is clast‐supported or matrix‐supported may help to better understand downstream fining trends, sediment entrainment thresholds and variations in hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   
Lake Tyrrell is a large ephemeral salt lake, the level of which is controlled by climate and groundwater. Up to a metre of water fills the basin during the wetter and cooler winter season, but evaporates during the summer, precipitating up to 10 cm of halite. Each year essentially the same pool of ions is redissolved by this annual freshening. The small percentage of gypsum precipated (< 2%) in the surface salt crust reflects the low calcium content of the brine which, in turn, is a function of the negligible net discharge of calcium from the groundwater system. The small influx of fine‐grained clastic sediment to the lake floor comes from surface runoff, wind, and reworking of older sediment from the shoreline.

The Lake Tyrrell basin lies in a setting in which three different groundwater types, identified by distinct salinities, interact with surface waters. A refluxing cycle that goes from discharging groundwater at the basin margin, to surface evaporation on the lake floor, to recharge through the floor of the lake, controls the major chemical characteristics of the basin. In this process, salts are leached downward from the lake floor to join a brine pool below the lake. This provides an outlet from the lake, especially under conditions that have been both drier and wetter than those of today. Enhanced discharge occurs under drier conditions, when the enclosing regional groundwater divide is lowered, whereas a rise in lake level increases the hydraulic head over that of the sub‐surface brine and promotes an increase in brine loss from the lake.

Sulphate‐reducing bacteria in a zone of black sulphide‐rich mud beneath the salt crust help prevent gypsum from being incorporated into the recent sedimentary record. However, below the upper 5 to 10 cm zone of bacterial activity, discoidal gypsum is being precipitated within the mud from the groundwater. These crystals have grown by displacing the mud and typically “float” in a clay matrix; in some zones, they form concentrations exceeding 50% of the sediment. The occasional laminae of more prismatic gypsum that occur within the upper metre of mud have crystallised from surface brines. The scarcity of these comparatively pure prismatic‐crystal concentrations probably is a function of unfavourable chemical conditions in the lake brine and of the role that sulphate‐reducing bacteria have played.  相似文献   
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