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南黄海绿潮暴发与紫菜养殖的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用现场调查、社会调查和卫星遥感多种手段相结合,调查了南黄海绿潮早期零星漂浮到大面积暴发的时空变化过程,分析了紫菜养殖工艺对绿潮暴发的影响,估算了南黄海不同紫菜养殖区输入海洋的绿潮藻初始生物量,并探讨了主要海域紫菜养殖面积的增长与绿潮暴发的关系。结果表明,受紫菜养殖生产工艺的影响,数以千吨的绿潮藻在短期内被刮落集中输入至海洋,为绿潮的暴发提供了最为直接和充足的绿潮藻初始生物量,其主要来源为竹根沙、蒋家沙和东沙紫菜养殖区。2005年以来,上述3个养殖区的紫菜养殖面积持续扩大,是2007年以来南黄海绿潮持续暴发的主要原因。水温是影响绿潮形成的关键环境因素,4~6月份大量被刮落入海的绿潮藻在适宜环境条件下漂浮和快速生长,并最终形成绿潮。  相似文献   
光照对凡纳滨对虾幼体变态发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解光照对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)幼体发育和存活率的影响,作者在研究中设定了4种单色光(红、黄、蓝、绿光)及不同光照强度(0、1 500、5 500、12 000 lx)进行实验并就光照对幼体产生的影响进行分析。实验表明:4种单色光对幼体发育变态时间和成活率都有较大影响。幼体从ZⅠ变态发育至仔虾P1,蓝光的幼体发育时间最长,为262.83 h,比对照组多28 h;黄光存活率最低,只有14.49%,比对照组低25.00%,差异显著(P0.05)。同时,凡纳滨对虾幼体在不同的发育阶段对不同光色的敏感度不同,红光和黄光只对溞状幼体变态有较明显的抑制作用,但对糠虾幼体的发育却有促进作用;蓝光和绿光对整个发育阶段都有影响。光照强度对幼体的存活和变态影响差异显著(P0.05)。幼体从ZⅠ发育至P1,12 000 lx光照下幼体变态发育耗时最长(257.33 h),存活率最低(1.63%)。在溞状幼体期,光照大于1 500 lx时,幼体的变态时间增加,存活率下降。糠虾幼体期可适应光照在5 500 lx以下的环境,而仔虾期则可适应120 000 lx的光照。建议根据不同发育阶段调整光照强度,当幼体在ZⅠ时,光强应控制在1 500 lx以下,之后可逐渐增强。本实验结果可为凡纳滨对虾育苗期间的光照管理提供基础数据和理论依据。  相似文献   
基于全同胞组内相关法估计"中科2号"海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)幼虫期壳长的遗传力。通过平衡巢式交配实验设计构建了7个半同胞和21个全同胞"中科2号"海湾扇贝家系。在家系幼虫期的第1天和第6天分别测定每个全同胞家系的30个幼虫个体的壳长。利用SAS 9.0软件的一般线性模型(GLM)计算表型变量的原因方差组分,估算壳长遗传力。分析结果显示,"中科2号"海湾扇贝幼虫1日龄和6日龄壳长的遗传力分别为0.51和0.58。t检验显示两个日龄壳长遗传力的估计值均不显著(P0.05),且6日龄雌性遗传方差组分大于雄性遗传方差组分,说明雌性遗传方差组分随日龄增长可能存在较大母性效应。较大的加性遗传方差表明选择育种对于"中科2号"海湾扇贝的早期生长尚具有较大的改良潜力。  相似文献   
为开展黄鳍东方鲀(Fugu xanthopterus)批量全人工育苗、胚胎及仔稚幼鱼发育特征研究, 作者使用地欧酮(DOM)、促黄体释放激素类似物(LRH)及绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)对性成熟黄鳍东方鲀进行人工催产。结果表明黄鳍东方鲀亲鱼效应时间为39~60h, 获产率为55.0%~92.5%; 卵受精率为35.5%~84.7%, 3 年产卵7 400 g; 受精卵在海水水温17.0~23.2℃、盐度21~30、pH8.0~8.2 人工条件下孵化, 孵化率为33.6%~91.7%, 孵出仔鱼499 万尾; 2005 年、2006 年经前期培育, 共培育出黄鳍东方鲀后期仔鱼394.5 万尾, 成活率为68.2%~94.3%; 室内水泥池后期培育出平均全长2.6 cm±0.2 cm 幼鱼3100 尾, 成活率为15.5%; 池塘生态培育出平均全长3.7 cm±0.5 cm 幼鱼53.3 万尾, 成活率为11.2%~13.8%。黄鳍东方鲀受精卵为沉性黏性卵, 近椭球形, 乳白色, 卵膜厚且不透明, 卵径0.9~1.0mm,在海水水温18.2~22.2℃条件下, 3 h 分裂为2 细胞; 3 h 20 min 4 细胞; 3 h 45 min 8 细胞; 10 h 10 min 多细胞; 17 h 30 min 囊胚出现; 28 h 原肠期; 57 h 15 min 胚体形成期; 69 h 20 min 心跳出现; 130 h 50 min出膜期; 144 h 孵出仔鱼。初孵仔鱼全长2.2~2.4 mm, 体圆而粗短, 尾部细长、透明; 孵出后第20 天, 胸鳍、臀鳍、背鳍基本形成, 进入稚鱼期; 孵出后第45 天, 上下颌门齿发达, 各鳍发育完整, 小刺基本形成, 进入幼鱼期。  相似文献   
初步研究了在海参养殖池塘中,不同养殖方式下,大型海藻海黍子(Sargassum muticum)的生长特性及对水体中氨氮和活性磷的去除作用。2012年3~5月,在山东莱州试验养殖海黍子60d,结果发现其长度最大从43.8cm增长到81.3cm,增长85.6%,日增长率(SGR)在14℃时最大,达到5.0%;每绳的平均质量从0.74kg增到2.59kg,增长3.5倍,SGR在12℃时最大,达4.3%;水体氨氮平均下降了25.9%,活性磷下降了37.5%。实验证明海黍子能在适合的池塘中养殖,并且能有效的去除水体中的氨氮和活性磷,是有效的近海生境修复大型工具种海藻。  相似文献   
Surveys were conducted in four seasons in the eastern Beibu Gulf from July 2006 to November 2007,to determine the ichthyoplankton composition,abundance,as well as environmental factors impacted on their spatiotemporal distributions.The fish eggs and larvae were sorted from 303 zooplankton quantitative samples,in which at least 1 order,60 families,31 genera and 61 species of fish eggs and larvae were identified.The species number was highest in summer whereas lowest in winter.With the most abundant fish egg (the average density was 2.41 ind./m 3),spring was the main spawning season,while the greatest mean density of fish larva was 1.35 ind./m 3 in summer.In the whole year around,fish eggs had the trends to aggregate in the nearshore of Guangxi coast,fish larvae were more abundant in the northern water.Relationships between fish eggs and larvae abundance and environmental factors were analyzed by using the Yield-Density model.The spatiotemporal distribution of ichthyoplankton in eastern Beibu Gulf was closely related to the Chl a concentration,and the optimal temperature,salinity and Chl a were 19.4-21.7 C,31.8-33.1 and 1.5-4.8 mg/m 3,respectively.Additionally,the distribution of fish larvae could be effected by ocean currents in summer and autumn.  相似文献   
溞对中国对虾早期幼体的循环系统及血液流向进行了活体观察 ,描述了中国对虾早期幼体发育阶段中幼体循环系统血管的走向与分布、血液的流向及循环路径等 ,比较各期幼体循环系统的形态 ,并探讨对虾早期幼体循环系统的发育过程。  相似文献   
Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) is an ecologically and economically important groundfish in the eastern Bering Sea. Its population size fluctuates widely, driving and being driven by changes in other components of the ecosystem. It is becoming apparent that dramatic shifts in climate occur on a decadal scale, and these “regime shifts” strongly affect the biota. This paper examines quantitative collections of planktonic eggs and larvae of pollock from the southeastern Bering Sea during 1976–1979. Mortality, advection, and growth rates were estimated, and compared among the years encompassing the 1970s’ regime shift. These data indicate that pollock spawning starts in late February over the basin north of Bogoslof Island. Over the shelf, most spawning occurs north of Unimak Island near the 100 m isobath in early or mid April. Pollock eggs are advected to the northwest from the main spawning area at 5–10 cm/sec. Larvae are found over the basin north of Bogoslof Island in April, and over the shelf between Unimak Island and the Priblof Islands in May. Compared to 1977, the spawning period appeared to be later in 1976 (a cold year) and earlier in 1978 (a warm year) in the study area. At the lower temperatures in 1976, egg duration would be longer and thus egg mortality would operate over a longer period than in the other years. Mean larval growth appeared to be lower in 1976 than in 1977 and 1979. Estimated egg mortality rate in 1977 was 0.6 in April and 0.3 in early May.  相似文献   
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