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利用NCEP资料,根据降水实况分布及各物理量分层平面分布,每隔6 h对特大暴雨中心区所在经、纬向带各物理量场作经、纬向垂直剖面图,结合高空观测图对郑州市两次特大暴雨发生的大环流形势场、触发特大暴雨发生的各物理量场进行诊断分析。结果表明:1)连续性特大暴雨区出现在低空急流轴的前方,一方面是由于低空急流前方水平辐合较强,另一方面低空急流对暖湿空气的输送,使大气不稳定度加强;局地短时性特大暴雨过程主要是冷空气侵入使冷暖湿空气团在郑州上空交汇,其对流不稳定能量释放所致。2)辐合线对暖湿空气的抬升运动起到动力加强作用,是触发中尺度雨团的根源,也是特大暴雨产生的根源。3)连续性暴雨发生、发展时,高空的反气旋起主导作用;局地短时性暴雨发生时,中低空的气旋辐合起主导作用。4)短时性特大暴雨天气,前期有较强的不稳定层结;连续性暴雨天气刚发生时,其前期存在较强的不稳定层结,在暴雨连续发生过程中不一定有强不稳定层结。5)连续性暴雨需要较强的水汽输送带,局地短时性暴雨不要求有明显的水汽输送。  相似文献   
本文分析了影响我国近海的温带气旋气候特征及其影响因素。分析得出:3-7月是温带气旋的盛季,4月份是全年中温带气旋最多的月份。赤道东太平洋海温异常增暖的年份,温带气旋增多。  相似文献   
2006年6~8月共有6个热带气旋影响广西,热带气旋灾害所造成的直接经济损失达44亿元(占所有气象灾害造成的直接经济损失的71%)。该文对热带气旋灾害性天气及其影响进行了评估,并对主要的灾害现象及所造成的损失进行了分析。  相似文献   
利用1985年1月~2009年7月月平均海表面温度(SST)和代表局地对流的对外长波辐射(OLR)资料,讨论中国南海海表面温度与局地对流之间的关系。结果显示,在气候平均意义下,南海对流增强所需的SST阈值为27℃,即当SST低于27℃时,南海OLR值高于240 W/m2,并且随SST的升高变化不大;SST超过27℃后,随着SST的升高,OLR迅速减小,对流强度不断增强。与一般热带海洋不同之处在于SST超过29.5℃后对流仍加强。冬季风阶段(10月~次年4月)SST值较低,对流受到抑制,即使在3、4月SST高于27℃时对流强度仍较弱;5月为南海夏季风爆发月,SST较4月仅升高1℃,但对流强度显著增强;夏季风阶段(6~9月)南海的高温暖水使对流在平均意义上维持高值,但对流的变化与局地SST变化之间的关系不明显。  相似文献   
Using the technique of smooth filtering and cylindrical filtering, the initial vortex circulation and large-scale environmental field were separated from the background field. Then the separated initial vortex circulation was translated and reinserted in the location where it was observed. This led to the determination of a method of initial vortex relocation. For seven tropical cyclones at 23 points of measurement time in the years of 2006 and 2007, two schemes, either directly adding a tropical cyclone bogus model in the background or adding it after the relocation of the initial vortex in the background field, were employed. Simulation experiments were compared. The results showed that the mean errors of the simulated tropical cyclone tracks at 24 and 48 hours were both smaller with the scheme of adding tropical cyclone bogus model after the relocation of the initial vortex in the background field. The relocation method of the initial vortex decreases the error caused by the deviation of the initial tropical cyclone location in tropical cyclone models. The relocation method is conducive to improving the track forecast of tropical cyclone models and has a good perspective for operational application.  相似文献   
气候系统内极区热汇与热带海洋热源之间的相互作用(英)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The anomalous change of two polar sea ice and tropical ocean SST is a very important index for global climate monitoring and prediction. In this paper, the wave resonance principle is used to calculate month by month running cross couple correlation coefficient time series between sea ice in different sea area of two Polars, as well as between them and five elements of E1 Nino events, to analyze their variation features, and to find out their resonance periods. The resonance period of two waves is just the strongest interaction period.Some results are concluded as follows. 1) The Arctic sea ice to the Pacific-side (NPI1) and Atlantic-side (NP12) show a strong positive-negative feedback impact each other to the Antarctic Ross Sea ice (SPI2) with equal intensity. 2) Both NPI1 and NPI2 give a strong positive and negative feedback to the Antarctic Wedded Sea ice (SPI3) while it is rather weak in convercse status. It means that, the Arctic sea ice plays a leading and controlling role on the Wedded Sea ice. 3) SST of Nino 4 area in thecentral equatorial Pacific has a best resonance period with SPI2 with cycle period of 132 months. It closely relates to quasi-11 years oscillation period of both SST of Nino 4 area and SPI2. SST of Nino 4 has also a resonance period to SPI3 with cycle of 61 months. There also exist strong interaction periods between the Antarctic sea ice and other elements of ENSO event but weaker than SST of Nino 4 area.  相似文献   
香港经常受到西北太平洋热带气旋的影响,对该地区热带气旋持续时间的研究有助于经济社会的稳定发展。按照气象和天文台警告信号,热带气旋分为不同的强度等级。建立热带气旋持续时间的Poisson-Weibull复合分布模型,相应获得持续时间重现值的求解公式,分别用于不同热带气旋分类下持续时间多年一遇重现值的计算中。基于1987-2016年袭港热带气旋数据的分析结果表明,Poisson-Weibull分布适用于不同的持续时间分类样本;强的热带气旋经常会伴随较长的持续时间,这将会对该地区造成更为严重的破坏,这可为防灾减灾提供参考。  相似文献   
利用北京延庆站和海淀站风廓线产品、微波辐射计产品、北京市雷达产品(南郊和车道沟)、北京市58个称重雨量站观测资料、FY-2E卫星云图、常规气象资料综合分析2012年11月3到4日北京暴雪天气过程。分析表明:降水相态(雨、雪)由华北气旋的锋面性质和锋面位置决定;过程雨雪量由气旋的强度、持续时间和水汽通道维持时间决定;风廓线和微波辐射计产品资料在雨雪开始时间、雨雪相态转换方面有明显的指示性作用。  相似文献   
利用美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋最佳路径数据集、美国国家海洋和大气管理局的扩展重构海表温度数据、全球海洋数据同化系统的温度、盐度数据及美国国家环境预报中心/国家大气研究中心的再分析资料, 分析了1981—2019年南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件的气候特征和年际变率。结果表明, 南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件产生频率呈现单峰分布, 主要产生在每年的12月至次年4月。南印度洋热带气旋增强事件的产生位置呈带状分布, 其中3个高值中心分别位于马达加斯加岛东北海域、南印度洋中部海域和澳大利亚西北海域, 这主要是由于热带气旋热潜和垂直风切变两个大尺度环境变量决定的。年际变率方面, 厄尔尼诺-南方涛动对南印度洋热带气旋增强事件产生频率的调制作用是不对称的, 厄尔尼诺年与拉尼娜年南印度洋热带气旋快速增强事件均减少, 但使其减少的物理机制不同。厄尔尼诺年, 热带气旋快速增强事件减少主要是较高的垂直风切变造成的; 拉尼娜年, 热带气旋快速增强事件减少主要是由于热带气旋热潜的降低, 而海表温度、垂直风切变和相对湿度也存在一定贡献。  相似文献   
The effects of multiple stressors on the benthic macroinvertebrate community were monitored in Tecuitlapa Norte, a shallow, perennially-astatic, warm, mesosaline, sodaalkaline lake in Mexico. Physico-chemical and biological variables were determined monthly for one year. Tecuitlapa Norte displayed a clear seasonal environmental pattern (dry and rainy seasons). The benthic macroinvertebrate community consisted of five species:Culicoides occidentalis sonorensis Jorgensen,Ephydra hians Say,Stratiomys sp.,Eristalis sp., andLimnophora sp. of which the first two were dominant and the rest scarce.C. occidentalis was the most important species numerically (76 percent of the total), whileE. hians dominated the biomass (73 percent of the total). Primarily salinity and secondarily pH appear to be the most important environmental factors controlling dominance of benthic organisms in Tecuitlapa Norte. Seasonal abundance dynamics of the dominant organisms was associated with phases in their reproductive cycles: environmentally-triggered (i.e., temperature rise, water-level descent) pupation and emergence periods. We concluded that whereas physical and chemical factors (i.e., salinity, pH) exerted the primary control on benthic macroinvertebrate community composition in Tecuitlapa Norte, another assembly of variables (e.g., water-level, temperature) influenced species distribution and abundance.  相似文献   
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